There are 1 script errors: see at the bottom. Datenite: 20240909 ========================================== Observatory : bsm_nm Start of Run : 01:55:52 10-Sep-2024 UT End of Run : 12:04:11 10-Sep-2024 UT Start of Run : 19:55:52 09-Sep-2024 Local End of Run : 06:04:11 10-Sep-2024 Local Run Length : 10:08:19 Total Targets : 39 Total Images : 292 / 730 net after stacking / raw images ========================================== Images : Target_Name Filters ========================================== Project: AAVSO_NorthSurvey_HQ_AUTO time spent: 7 min 2/ 17 : VV_Cep B V 2 : WW_Psc B V Project: AAVSO_P104_Dowhos_AUTO time spent: 7 min 4/ 20 : EU_Del B I R V Project: AAVSO_P105_Dowhos_AUTO time spent: 12 min 8/ 40 : RR_Lyr B I R V Project: AAVSO_P112_McNeely_AUTO time spent: 11 min 12 : TZ_Cyg B I R V Project: AAVSO_P125_RRIA_AUTO time spent: 13 min 5/ 20 : Y_PER B I R V Project: AAVSO_P130_CCHC_AUTO time spent: 3 min 2/ 8 : CH_Cyg B V Project: AAVSO_P140A_MSD_AUTO time spent: 45 min 8/ 13 : S_Cep B I V 11/ 16 : S_UMi B I R V Project: AAVSO_P145_BETB_AUTO time spent: 35 min 24 : AS_Cas B I R V Project: AAVSO_P153_SFY_AUTO time spent: 14 min 4 : IX_Dra V Project: AAVSO_P168_HGUA_AUTO time spent: 47 min 6 : BF_Ori B I V 6 : CQ_Tau B I V 6 : RR_Tau B I V 6 : UX_Ori B I V Project: AAVSO_P178_BPEC_AUTO time spent: 13 min 8 : RW_Aur B I R V Project: AAVSO_P204_MSD time spent: 25 min 10/ 16 : EP_Lyr B I V 0 : TT_Oph 10/ 16 : TX_Oph B I V 10/ 16 : XX_Oph B I V Project: AAVSO_P216_BPEC_AUTO time spent: 43 min 8 : V1117_Her B I R V Project: AAVSO_P219_KPRB_AUTO time spent: 22 min 16 : TY_Sct B I R V Project: AAVSO_P257_BENS_AUTO time spent: 12 min 2 : V1159_Ori V Project: AAVSO_P308_CANG_AUTO time spent: 12 min 8 : T_CrB B I R V Project: AAVSO_P323_MSD_AUTO time spent: 38 min 9 : CT_Ori B I V 9 : EQ_Cas B I V 9 : MZ_Cyg B I V 9 : V0347_Lac B I V Project: AAVSO_P328_BPEC_AUTO time spent: 14 min 8 : KIC_8462852 B I R V Project: AAVSO_P345_KTHA_AUTO time spent: 49 min 16 : WX_Her B I R V Project: AAVSO_P381_MMH_AUTO time spent: 15 min 8 : RZ_Psc B I R V Project: AAVSO_P434_HDHA_AUTO time spent: 24 min 8 : IGR_J00370+6122 B I R V 8 : V1008_Cep B I R V Project: AAVSO_P467_SAMA_AUTO time spent: 36 min 8 : sig_Ori_cluster B I R V Project: AAVSO_P491_GSAD_AUTO time spent: 10 min 4/ 22 : V711_Tau R V Project: AAVSO_P74_jcmat_AUTO time spent: 85 min 4/ 28 : 59_Cyg B V 4/ 30 : bet_Psc B V 4/ 30 : Pi_Aqr B V 4/236 : Zet_Tau B V Project: AAVSO_SNEWS_HQ_AUTO time spent: 3 min 2 : SW_Cep I V ========================================== 292/730 : Total images, net after stacking / raw images 594 : Total time spent (min) 1 : percent in background/survey projects 19 : Min DB Size(MB) 19 : Max DB Size(MB) ========================================== Errors encountered: File: /raid/data/arne/bsm_nm_logs/Scheduler/AAVSO/20240909/TT_Oph-20240910@025233_TA.log Line: 02:53:04 **Script Error** Line: 02:53:06 Message: The script was aborted. ========================================== Plate solve report: pointing solutions: 27 / 43 image solutions: 646 / 673 all-sky solutions: 0 / 0