There are 1 script errors: see at the bottom. Datenite: 20240807 ========================================== Observatory : bsm_s Start of Run : 08:34:22 07-Aug-2024 UT End of Run : 14:07:09 07-Aug-2024 UT Start of Run : 18:34:22 07-Aug-2024 Local End of Run : 00:07:09 08-Aug-2024 Local Run Length : 5:32:47 Total Targets : 34 Total Images : 222 / 348 net after stacking / raw images ========================================== Images : Target_Name Filters ========================================== Project: AAVSO_P111_CColvin_AUTO time spent: 2 min 3/ 4 : R_Aqr B V Project: AAVSO_P185186A_BPEC_AUTO time spent: 42 min 8 : ASASSN-V_J17061523-3229447 B I R V 8 : ASASSN-V_J18165406-2021176 B I R V Project: AAVSO_P219_KPRB_AUTO time spent: 31 min 24 : TY_Sct B I SR V Project: AAVSO_P224_RBCA_AUTO time spent: 13 min 18/ 24 : RS_Oph B I V Project: AAVSO_P266_BPEC_AUTO time spent: 19 min 12 : V0818_Sco B I R V Project: AAVSO_P307_SAMA_AUTO time spent: 38 min 4 : HD111077 B V 4 : HD112147 B V 4 : HD119162 B V 2/ 4 : HD164492D B V 4 : HD174512 B V 4 : HD303763 B V 4 : HD309784 B V 4 : HD312101 B V 4 : HD315377 B V Project: AAVSO_P355_DTLB_AUTO time spent: 38 min 12 : V725_Sgr B I R V Project: AAVSO_P461_MGW_AUTO time spent: 12 min 2 : R_Aqr SU Project: AAVSO_P72_ReaMartin_AUTO time spent: 4 min 4/ 6 : X_Oct B V Project: AAVSO_P88_SPPSulliv_AUTO time spent: 38 min 17 : ASAS-RCB-8 B I V 17 : GU_Sgr B I V Project: AAVSO_P95_MSD_AUTO time spent: 19 min 10/ 96 : R_Sct B I R V Project: AAVSO_P97_WEY_AUTO time spent: 6 min 6/ 13 : BL_Tel B I SR V Project: AAVSO_SNEWS_HQ_AUTO time spent: 22 min 3/ 4 : ASAS_J170913-4111_6 B I V 3/ 4 : ASAS_J173450-3416_6 B I V 3 : ASAS_J181343-1914_5 B I V 3/ 4 : ASAS_J181826-1518_2 B I V 3 : CD-44_11324 B I V 5/ 13 : V0362_Nor B I V 3/ 6 : VX_Sgr B I V Project: AAVSO_SouthSurvey_HQ_AUTO time spent: 8 min 2 : LN_Lup B V 2/ 5 : V0760_Sco B V 2 : V0856_Sco B V 2/ 7 : X_TrA B V Project: AAVSO_Transform_South_Std_Fields_AUTO time spent: 24 min 16 : M11 B I R V ========================================== 222/348 : Total images, net after stacking / raw images 317 : Total time spent (min) 3 : percent in background/survey projects 21 : Min DB Size(MB) 21 : Max DB Size(MB) ========================================== NOTE: Target R_Aqr appears in 2 projects Errors encountered: File: /raid/data/arne/bsm_south_logs/Scheduler/AAVSO/20240807/X_TrA-20240807@140418_TA.log Line: 14:07:07 **Script Error** Line: 14:07:08 Message: The script was aborted. ========================================== Plate solve report: pointing solutions: 26 / 26 image solutions: 348 / 348 all-sky solutions: 0 / 0