There are 3 script errors: see at the bottom. Datenite: 20240821 ========================================== Observatory : bsm_s Start of Run : 11:12:22 21-Aug-2024 UT End of Run : 11:53:39 21-Aug-2024 UT Start of Run : 21:12:22 21-Aug-2024 Local End of Run : 21:53:39 21-Aug-2024 Local Run Length : 0:41:17 Total Targets : 1 Total Images : 4 ========================================== Images : Target_Name Filters ========================================== Project: AAVSO_P224_RBCA_AUTO time spent: 11 min 4 : RS_Oph B Project: AAVSO_P72_ReaMartin_AUTO time spent: 3 min 0 : X_Oct ========================================== 4 : Total Images 14 : Total time spent (min) 0 : percent in background/survey projects 100000 : Min DB Size(MB) 0 : Max DB Size(MB) ========================================== Errors encountered: File: /raid/data/arne/bsm_south_logs/Scheduler/AAVSO/20240821/RS_Oph-20240821@111222_TA.log Line: 11:19:00 **Script Error** Line: 11:19:01 Message: The script was aborted. File: /raid/data/arne/bsm_south_logs/Scheduler/AAVSO/20240821/RS_Oph-20240821@114607_TA.log Line: 11:50:24 **Script Error** Line: 11:50:25 Message: The script was aborted. File: /raid/data/arne/bsm_south_logs/Scheduler/AAVSO/20240821/X_Oct-20240821@115035_TA.log Line: 11:53:35 **Script Error** Line: 11:53:37 Message: The script was aborted. ========================================== Plate solve report: pointing solutions: 1 / 3 image solutions: 3 / 4 all-sky solutions: 0 / 0