[NbConvertApp] Converting notebook /home/aavsonet/scripts/reports/pipeline_report.ipynb to HTML [NbConvertApp] Executing notebook with kernel: python3 pipeline_report

Telescope bsm_tx date 220317 (yymmdd)

Run at 03/18/2022 16:42:48 EDT

Warnings and ErrorsΒΆ

INFO 174 total images for bsm_tx on 220317
WARNING 86 images not plate solved at observatory
WARNING 112 images without target object photometry

INFO total images: Number of images processed during the pipeline run

ERROR IMAGE FILE MISSING: This is a serious error. It could be the result of a disk failure or defect in the pipeline scripts.

WARNING images not plate solved at observatory: This indicates images that may of poor quality or under exposed. Good quality images should be plate solved.

WARNING images suspected over exposed: The target object maxadu is over the linearity limit for the camera.

WARNING images without target object photometry: The pipeline performs full frame photometry on every image. This error indicates no photometric result was found that lies with 15 arcsec of the target object. This may be expected for extended objects. For point objects it may indicate a poor-quality image, bad exposure, etc. It makes it more likely the requestor will be not be getting good photometry.

ERROR images with invalid binning: This is a serious error since the pipeline cannot handle multiple binning levels for a given telescope. These images do not get properly processed and will be unusable.

ERROR images with invalid read mode: This indicates the camera configuration at the observatory has changed from its standard and the images are likely out of sync with the calibration images.

ERROR images with invalid image type: This is likely a due to calibration images getting stored on the telescope computer in the wrong directory and getting transferred to the pipeline as science images.

WARNING images with target off center: This indicates that, for plate solved images, the target is 25% of the radius of the image from the center of the frame. This may be intentional as when it is off center to include comp stars. However, it may indicate problems with the telescope pointing.

ERROR images with duplicate times: The frame date and time are identical to another image. This is not possible and represents an error in the pipeline processing.

ERROR Dark and Bias must be at the same temperature: The set of bias and dark calibration masters selected were not at the same temperature. This needs to be investigate and corrected. See calibration file section of this report for more information.

ERROR Science images must be at the same temperature: The science images were taken at more than one temperature. The pipeline will pick the most majority temperature and apply calibration images for that temperature to all images. See the CCD set point section of this report for more information.

WARNING dark masters more than 180 days old: The dark and bias master files in use are getting old. Consider getting new ones. See Calibration File Age section for details.

WARNING flat masters more than 15 days old: The flat master file(s) in use are getting old. Consider getting new ones. See Calibration File Age section for details.

Calibration File Age in DaysΒΆ

Filters used this night B,GR,I,R,V
datenite imagetyp filename set_temp filter binning exptime storage_loc Age(d) Active
220221 bias bsm_tx/bsm_tx1/calibration/220221/bias_temp-10_bin1.fits -10.0 None 1 None fs 25 Y
220221 dark bsm_tx/bsm_tx1/calibration/220221/dark_1.0sec_temp-10_bin1.fits -10.0 None 1 1.00 fs 25 Y
220221 dark bsm_tx/bsm_tx1/calibration/220221/dark_3.0sec_temp-10_bin1.fits -10.0 None 1 3.00 fs 25 Y
220221 dark bsm_tx/bsm_tx1/calibration/220221/dark_10.0sec_temp-10_bin1.fits -10.0 None 1 10.00 fs 25 Y
220221 dark bsm_tx/bsm_tx1/calibration/220221/dark_30.0sec_temp-10_bin1.fits -10.0 None 1 30.00 fs 25 Y
220221 dark bsm_tx/bsm_tx1/calibration/220221/dark_100.0sec_temp-10_bin1.fits -10.0 None 1 100.00 fs 25 Y
220221 dark bsm_tx/bsm_tx1/calibration/220221/dark_300.0sec_temp-10_bin1.fits -10.0 None 1 300.00 fs 25 Y
220317 flat bsm_tx/bsm_tx1/calibration/220317/flatB_bin1.fits NaN B 1 None fs 1 Y
220317 flat bsm_tx/bsm_tx1/calibration/220317/flatI_bin1.fits NaN I 1 None fs 1 Y
220317 flat bsm_tx/bsm_tx1/calibration/220317/flatR_bin1.fits NaN R 1 None fs 1 Y
220317 flat bsm_tx/bsm_tx1/calibration/220317/flatV_bin1.fits NaN V 1 None fs 1 Y
220219 flat bsm_tx/bsm_tx1/calibration/220219/flatGR_bin1.fits -10.0 GR 1 1.03 fs 27 Y
220317 flat bsm_tx/bsm_tx1/calibration/220317/flatSU_bin1.fits NaN SU 1 None fs 1

CCD set point vs operating temperatureΒΆ

Maximum delta temperature SET - CCD 0.20 C
/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/matplotlib/cbook/__init__.py:1402: FutureWarning: Support for multi-dimensional indexing (e.g. `obj[:, None]`) is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.  Convert to a numpy array before indexing instead.
  ndim = x[:, None].ndim
/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/matplotlib/axes/_base.py:276: FutureWarning: Support for multi-dimensional indexing (e.g. `obj[:, None]`) is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.  Convert to a numpy array before indexing instead.
  x = x[:, np.newaxis]
/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/matplotlib/axes/_base.py:278: FutureWarning: Support for multi-dimensional indexing (e.g. `obj[:, None]`) is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.  Convert to a numpy array before indexing instead.
  y = y[:, np.newaxis]

Pointing PerformanceΒΆ

Suspected Over Exposed ImagesΒΆ

Suspected Under Exposed ImagesΒΆ

DateTime project_ objid filter exptime airmass fwhm instmag err maxadu new_exp
2022-03-18 04:57:08 AAVSO_ P252_ SGUA_ AUTO ABE-184 V 20.000 1.61 6.93 99.999 9.999 -1
2022-03-18 08:54:43 AAVSO_ P48and60_ SFRA_ AUTO T_UMi B 40.000 1.36 8.821 0.058 109

Images by Target ObjectΒΆ


AUID 000-BBM-768

DateTime project_ filter exp am ha filename wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk tnimage OE
2022-03-18 06:58:49.000 AAVSO_ NorthSurvey_ HQ_ AUTO B 28.000 1.68 4.5 a0196.fits
2022-03-18 07:00:36.000 AAVSO_ NorthSurvey_ HQ_ AUTO B 28.000 1.68 4.5 a0197.fits
2022-03-18 07:01:06.500 AAVSO_ NorthSurvey_ HQ_ AUTO V 5.620 1.68 4.6 a0198.fits Y 7.21 2



DateTime project_ filter exp am ha filename wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk tnimage OE
2022-03-18 05:02:43 AAVSO_ P252_ SGUA_ AUTO B 40.000 1.61 4.1 a0114.fits Y 7.13 5.585 0.007 1045
2022-03-18 05:03:38 AAVSO_ P252_ SGUA_ AUTO B 40.000 1.61 4.1 a0115.fits Y 6.61 5.400 0.006 1265
2022-03-18 05:04:34 AAVSO_ P252_ SGUA_ AUTO B 40.000 1.62 4.1 a0116.fits Y 7.42 5.653 0.007 945
2022-03-18 05:05:15 AAVSO_ P252_ SGUA_ AUTO V 20.000 1.63 4.1 a0117.fits Y 7.30 6.247 0.010 552
2022-03-18 05:05:51 AAVSO_ P252_ SGUA_ AUTO V 20.000 1.63 4.1 a0118.fits Y 6.46 5.997 0.008 729
2022-03-18 05:06:27 AAVSO_ P252_ SGUA_ AUTO V 20.000 1.64 4.1 a0119.fits Y 6.02 5.872 0.008 865
2022-03-18 05:07:05 AAVSO_ P252_ SGUA_ AUTO R 20.000 1.64 4.1 a0120.fits Y 5.39 5.957 0.008 909
2022-03-18 05:07:41 AAVSO_ P252_ SGUA_ AUTO R 20.000 1.65 4.1 a0121.fits Y 5.32 5.940 0.008 958
2022-03-18 05:08:16 AAVSO_ P252_ SGUA_ AUTO R 20.000 1.65 4.2 a0122.fits Y 4.95 5.842 0.008 1137
2022-03-18 05:08:56 AAVSO_ P252_ SGUA_ AUTO I 20.000 1.66 4.2 a0123.fits Y 5.78 7.528 0.018 118
2022-03-18 05:09:32 AAVSO_ P252_ SGUA_ AUTO I 20.000 1.66 4.2 a0124.fits Y 6.79 7.840 0.021 38
2022-03-18 05:10:08 AAVSO_ P252_ SGUA_ AUTO I 20.000 1.66 4.2 a0125.fits Y 6.43 7.688 0.020 70



DateTime project_ filter exp am ha filename wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk tnimage OE
2022-03-18 04:53:22 AAVSO_ P252_ SGUA_ AUTO B 40.000 1.58 4.1 a0102.fits Y 7.91 8.156 0.035 114
2022-03-18 04:54:17 AAVSO_ P252_ SGUA_ AUTO B 40.000 1.59 4.1 a0103.fits Y 7.51 8.499 0.046 103
2022-03-18 04:55:14 AAVSO_ P252_ SGUA_ AUTO B 40.000 1.59 4.1 a0104.fits Y 6.75 7.893 0.029 147
2022-03-18 04:55:56 AAVSO_ P252_ SGUA_ AUTO V 20.000 1.60 4.1 a0105.fits Y 7.03 7.526 0.021 204
2022-03-18 04:56:32 AAVSO_ P252_ SGUA_ AUTO V 20.000 1.60 4.1 a0106.fits Y 7.59 7.148 0.016 185
2022-03-18 04:57:08 AAVSO_ P252_ SGUA_ AUTO V 20.000 1.61 4.1 a0107.fits Y 6.93 99.999 9.999 -1
2022-03-18 04:57:46 AAVSO_ P252_ SGUA_ AUTO R 20.000 1.61 4.1 a0108.fits Y 5.60 6.057 0.009 640
2022-03-18 04:58:22 AAVSO_ P252_ SGUA_ AUTO R 20.000 1.62 4.1 a0109.fits Y 5.05 5.875 0.008 1077
2022-03-18 04:58:58 AAVSO_ P252_ SGUA_ AUTO R 20.000 1.62 4.2 a0110.fits Y 6.61 6.246 0.009 584
2022-03-18 04:59:37 AAVSO_ P252_ SGUA_ AUTO I 20.000 1.63 4.2 a0111.fits Y 6.81 7.662 0.019 49
2022-03-18 05:00:12 AAVSO_ P252_ SGUA_ AUTO I 20.000 1.63 4.2 a0112.fits Y 6.13 7.500 0.018 119
2022-03-18 05:00:48 AAVSO_ P252_ SGUA_ AUTO I 20.000 1.63 4.2 a0113.fits Y 6.26 7.524 0.018 97



DateTime project_ filter exp am ha filename wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk tnimage OE
2022-03-18 04:36:40 AAVSO_ P252_ SGUA_ AUTO B 10.220 1.56 4.1 a0101.fits 8.016 0.025 14


AUID 000-BCT-993

DateTime project_ filter exp am ha filename wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk tnimage OE
2022-03-18 08:09:04.500 AAVSO_ NorthSurvey_ HQ_ AUTO B 7.600 1.62 4.1 a0232.fits 2
2022-03-18 08:11:00.000 AAVSO_ NorthSurvey_ HQ_ AUTO V 2.100 1.64 4.1 a0233.fits 5


AUID 000-BCX-416

DateTime project_ filter exp am ha filename wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk tnimage OE
2022-03-18 09:23:58.500 AAVSO_ NorthSurvey_ HQ_ AUTO B 3.540 1.61 4.4 a0265.fits 3
2022-03-18 09:25:34.500 AAVSO_ NorthSurvey_ HQ_ AUTO V 0.750 1.62 4.4 a0266.fits 5.471 0.006 760 14


AUID 000-BDT-528

DateTime project_ filter exp am ha filename wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk tnimage OE
2022-03-18 08:13:15.000 AAVSO_ NorthSurvey_ HQ_ AUTO B 19.600 1.63 4.3 a0234.fits
2022-03-18 08:14:54.000 AAVSO_ NorthSurvey_ HQ_ AUTO B 19.600 1.64 4.3 a0235.fits
2022-03-18 08:15:59.500 AAVSO_ NorthSurvey_ HQ_ AUTO V 4.410 1.64 4.3 a0236.fits 3


AUID 000-BBQ-638

DateTime project_ filter exp am ha filename wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk tnimage OE
2022-03-18 09:05:13.500 AAVSO_ NorthSurvey_ HQ_ AUTO B 5.530 1.65 4.2 a0254.fits 2
2022-03-18 09:06:57.000 AAVSO_ NorthSurvey_ HQ_ AUTO V 1.200 1.66 4.2 a0255.fits 9


AUID 000-BCZ-621

DateTime project_ filter exp am ha filename wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk tnimage OE
2022-03-18 07:18:17.000 AAVSO_ NorthSurvey_ HQ_ AUTO B 3.210 1.64 4.3 a0205.fits 4
2022-03-18 07:20:27.500 AAVSO_ NorthSurvey_ HQ_ AUTO V 1.040 1.66 4.3 a0206.fits 10


AUID 000-BCW-218

DateTime project_ filter exp am ha filename wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk tnimage OE
2022-03-18 09:09:08 AAVSO_ NorthSurvey_ HQ_ AUTO B 22.110 1.62 4.2 a0256.fits
2022-03-18 09:10:49 AAVSO_ NorthSurvey_ HQ_ AUTO B 22.110 1.64 4.2 a0257.fits
2022-03-18 09:11:55 AAVSO_ NorthSurvey_ HQ_ AUTO V 4.310 1.64 4.2 a0258.fits 3


AUID 000-BCV-002

DateTime project_ filter exp am ha filename wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk tnimage OE
2022-03-18 07:31:56.000 AAVSO_ NorthSurvey_ HQ_ AUTO B 19.320 1.64 3.5 a0213.fits
2022-03-18 07:34:06.500 AAVSO_ NorthSurvey_ HQ_ AUTO V 4.100 1.65 3.5 a0214.fits 3


AUID 000-BCV-003

DateTime project_ filter exp am ha filename wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk tnimage OE
2022-03-18 07:36:07 AAVSO_ NorthSurvey_ HQ_ AUTO B 14.910 1.63 3.6 a0215.fits
2022-03-18 07:38:23 AAVSO_ NorthSurvey_ HQ_ AUTO V 2.530 1.64 3.6 a0216.fits 4


AUID 000-BFP-090

DateTime project_ filter exp am ha filename wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk tnimage OE
2022-03-18 09:32:38 AAVSO_ NorthSurvey_ HQ_ AUTO B 3.730 1.52 4.1 a0270.fits 3
2022-03-18 09:33:43 AAVSO_ NorthSurvey_ HQ_ AUTO V 1.980 1.52 4.1 a0271.fits 6


AUID 000-BCZ-777

DateTime project_ filter exp am ha filename wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk tnimage OE
2022-03-18 06:43:05.500 AAVSO_ P102_ Cynamon_ AUTO B 5.000 1.19 2.2 a0182.fits 3
2022-03-18 06:44:15.500 AAVSO_ P102_ Cynamon_ AUTO B 5.000 1.19 2.2 a0183.fits 2
2022-03-18 06:45:03.000 AAVSO_ P102_ Cynamon_ AUTO V 5.000 1.20 2.2 a0184.fits Y 6.97 5.970 0.008 592 3
2022-03-18 06:46:50.000 AAVSO_ P102_ Cynamon_ AUTO V 5.000 1.20 2.3 a0185.fits 5.765 0.007 749 2
2022-03-18 06:47:32.500 AAVSO_ P102_ Cynamon_ AUTO R 5.000 1.20 2.3 a0186.fits Y 5.76 5.889 0.008 788 3
2022-03-18 06:48:22.500 AAVSO_ P102_ Cynamon_ AUTO R 5.000 1.21 2.3 a0187.fits Y 5.67 5.834 0.007 846 2
2022-03-18 06:49:02.000 AAVSO_ P102_ Cynamon_ AUTO I 10.000 1.21 2.3 a0188.fits Y 6.51
2022-03-18 06:49:27.000 AAVSO_ P102_ Cynamon_ AUTO I 10.000 1.21 2.3 a0189.fits Y 7.08 6.922 0.013 187
2022-03-18 06:50:07.000 AAVSO_ P102_ Cynamon_ AUTO I 10.000 1.21 2.3 a0190.fits Y 6.58 7.146 0.015 183
2022-03-18 06:50:32.000 AAVSO_ P102_ Cynamon_ AUTO I 10.000 1.21 2.3 a0191.fits Y 6.36 6.802 0.012 260
2022-03-18 06:50:57.000 AAVSO_ P102_ Cynamon_ AUTO I 10.000 1.21 2.3 a0192.fits Y 6.53 6.808 0.012 253


AUID 000-BBQ-445

DateTime project_ filter exp am ha filename wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk tnimage OE
2022-03-18 07:40:26 AAVSO_ NorthSurvey_ HQ_ AUTO B 11.670 1.68 3.1 a0217.fits
2022-03-18 07:42:42 AAVSO_ NorthSurvey_ HQ_ AUTO V 2.530 1.69 3.1 a0218.fits 4


AUID 000-BCW-125

DateTime project_ filter exp am ha filename wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk tnimage OE
2022-03-18 07:03:40.000 AAVSO_ NorthSurvey_ HQ_ AUTO B 2.840 1.67 2.6 a0199.fits 4
2022-03-18 07:05:56.500 AAVSO_ NorthSurvey_ HQ_ AUTO V 1.420 1.68 2.7 a0200.fits 8


AUID 000-BBQ-266

DateTime project_ filter exp am ha filename wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk tnimage OE
2022-03-18 07:27:29.500 AAVSO_ NorthSurvey_ HQ_ AUTO B 8.170 1.65 3.1 a0211.fits 2
2022-03-18 07:29:32.500 AAVSO_ NorthSurvey_ HQ_ AUTO V 1.600 1.66 3.1 a0212.fits 7


AUID 000-BCW-135

DateTime project_ filter exp am ha filename wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk tnimage OE
2022-03-18 07:13:11.000 AAVSO_ NorthSurvey_ HQ_ AUTO B 15.550 1.65 2.5 a0203.fits
2022-03-18 07:15:25.500 AAVSO_ NorthSurvey_ HQ_ AUTO V 3.330 1.66 2.6 a0204.fits 4


AUID 000-BCW-137

DateTime project_ filter exp am ha filename wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk tnimage OE
2022-03-18 07:09:03.500 AAVSO_ NorthSurvey_ HQ_ AUTO B 2.790 1.64 2.3 a0201.fits 4
2022-03-18 07:10:56.000 AAVSO_ NorthSurvey_ HQ_ AUTO V 1.400 1.65 2.3 a0202.fits 8


AUID 000-BBQ-327

DateTime project_ filter exp am ha filename wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk tnimage OE
2022-03-18 06:11:49 AAVSO_ P125_ RRIA_ AUTO B 1.000 1.08 1.8 a0169.fits Y 3.01 10
2022-03-18 06:15:20 AAVSO_ P125_ RRIA_ AUTO V 0.500 1.09 1.8 a0170.fits Y 3.33 20
2022-03-18 06:20:15 AAVSO_ P125_ RRIA_ AUTO R 0.500 1.10 1.9 a0171.fits Y 4.71 20
2022-03-18 06:25:15 AAVSO_ P125_ RRIA_ AUTO I 0.380 1.11 2.0 a0172.fits Y 2.76 27


AUID 000-BBQ-327

DateTime project_ filter exp am ha filename wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk tnimage OE
2022-03-18 08:23:37.000 AAVSO_ NorthSurvey_ HQ_ AUTO B 6.400 1.58 4.0 a0241.fits
2022-03-18 08:25:49.500 AAVSO_ NorthSurvey_ HQ_ AUTO V 1.190 1.59 4.0 a0242.fits 9


AUID 000-BBQ-129

DateTime project_ filter exp am ha filename wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk tnimage OE
2022-03-18 07:45:02 AAVSO_ NorthSurvey_ HQ_ AUTO B 31.400 1.66 3.6 a0219.fits
2022-03-18 07:47:08 AAVSO_ NorthSurvey_ HQ_ AUTO V 6.350 1.67 3.6 a0220.fits 2


AUID 000-BBJ-127

DateTime project_ filter exp am ha filename wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk tnimage OE
2022-03-18 05:32:13.000 AAVSO_ P48and60_ SFRA_ AUTO B 20.180 1.84 5.0 a0147.fits Y 7.39
2022-03-18 05:32:49.000 AAVSO_ P48and60_ SFRA_ AUTO B 20.180 1.85 5.0 a0148.fits Y 7.45
2022-03-18 05:33:40.500 AAVSO_ P48and60_ SFRA_ AUTO V 3.130 1.85 5.0 a0149.fits Y 7.03 4
2022-03-18 05:36:02.000 AAVSO_ P48and60_ SFRA_ AUTO R 1.020 1.86 5.1 a0150.fits Y 5.45 10
2022-03-18 05:39:20.500 AAVSO_ P48and60_ SFRA_ AUTO I 0.690 1.88 5.1 a0151.fits Y 4.73 15


AUID 000-BBQ-798

DateTime project_ filter exp am ha filename wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk tnimage OE
2022-03-18 06:01:23.500 AAVSO_ P48and60_ SFRA_ AUTO B 4.000 1.09 1.0 a0164.fits 5
2022-03-18 06:03:15.500 AAVSO_ P48and60_ SFRA_ AUTO V 2.000 1.09 1.0 a0165.fits Y 5.72 5
2022-03-18 06:04:41.000 AAVSO_ P48and60_ SFRA_ AUTO V 2.000 1.10 1.1 a0166.fits Y 5.70 5
2022-03-18 06:06:40.500 AAVSO_ P48and60_ SFRA_ AUTO R 0.500 1.10 1.1 a0167.fits Y 3.88 10
2022-03-18 06:08:53.000 AAVSO_ P48and60_ SFRA_ AUTO I 0.250 1.10 1.1 a0168.fits 10


AUID 000-BBM-269

DateTime project_ filter exp am ha filename wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk tnimage OE
2022-03-18 05:51:25.000 AAVSO_ P48and60_ SFRA_ AUTO B 80.000 1.41 3.6 a0157.fits Y 7.85
2022-03-18 05:53:01.000 AAVSO_ P48and60_ SFRA_ AUTO B 80.000 1.42 3.6 a0158.fits Y 7.89
2022-03-18 05:53:44.000 AAVSO_ P48and60_ SFRA_ AUTO V 22.880 1.42 3.7 a0159.fits Y 6.76
2022-03-18 05:54:23.000 AAVSO_ P48and60_ SFRA_ AUTO V 22.880 1.42 3.7 a0160.fits Y 6.98
2022-03-18 05:55:24.500 AAVSO_ P48and60_ SFRA_ AUTO R 4.590 1.42 3.7 a0161.fits Y 6.02 5
2022-03-18 05:56:59.500 AAVSO_ P48and60_ SFRA_ AUTO I 2.000 1.43 3.7 a0162.fits Y 5.36 5
2022-03-18 05:58:25.500 AAVSO_ P48and60_ SFRA_ AUTO I 2.000 1.43 3.7 a0163.fits Y 5.58 5


AUID 000-BDT-456

DateTime project_ filter exp am ha filename wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk tnimage OE
2022-03-18 06:29:00 AAVSO_ P77_ Henden_ AUTO V 3.750 1.65 4.5 a0173.fits Y 7.66 6.510 0.010 283 3
2022-03-18 06:29:48 AAVSO_ P77_ Henden_ AUTO B 10.000 1.66 4.6 a0174.fits 7.579 0.019 93
2022-03-18 06:31:12 AAVSO_ P77_ Henden_ AUTO B 10.000 1.67 4.6 a0175.fits 7.202 0.016 105
2022-03-18 06:31:31 AAVSO_ P77_ Henden_ AUTO B 10.000 1.67 4.6 a0176.fits 8.029 0.027 102
2022-03-18 06:32:20 AAVSO_ P77_ Henden_ AUTO R 1.250 1.67 4.6 a0177.fits Y 5.62 6.285 0.009 452 5
2022-03-18 06:33:44 AAVSO_ P77_ Henden_ AUTO I 0.500 1.68 4.6 a0178.fits 6.886 0.012 171 7


AUID 000-BBQ-962

DateTime project_ filter exp am ha filename wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk tnimage OE
2022-03-18 09:19:08.000 AAVSO_ NorthSurvey_ HQ_ AUTO B 28.000 1.63 4.2 a0262.fits
2022-03-18 09:20:54.000 AAVSO_ NorthSurvey_ HQ_ AUTO B 28.000 1.64 4.2 a0263.fits
2022-03-18 09:21:56.500 AAVSO_ NorthSurvey_ HQ_ AUTO V 7.380 1.65 4.2 a0264.fits 2


AUID 000-BBQ-688

DateTime project_ filter exp am ha filename wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk tnimage OE
2022-03-18 09:14:11 AAVSO_ NorthSurvey_ HQ_ AUTO B 28.000 1.66 4.3 a0259.fits
2022-03-18 09:15:57 AAVSO_ NorthSurvey_ HQ_ AUTO B 28.000 1.68 4.3 a0260.fits
2022-03-18 09:16:59 AAVSO_ NorthSurvey_ HQ_ AUTO V 5.590 1.68 4.3 a0261.fits 2


AUID 000-BNH-722

DateTime project_ filter exp am ha filename wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk tnimage OE
2022-03-18 06:36:19.500 AAVSO_ P123_ WMX_ AUTO B 2.000 1.69 4.4 a0179.fits 5
2022-03-18 06:38:43.000 AAVSO_ P123_ WMX_ AUTO V 1.000 1.71 4.4 a0180.fits Y 5.19 5
2022-03-18 06:40:37.000 AAVSO_ P123_ WMX_ AUTO R 0.500 1.73 4.4 a0181.fits 5


AUID 000-BNH-723

DateTime project_ filter exp am ha filename wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk tnimage OE
2022-03-18 06:53:12.500 AAVSO_ P123_ WMX_ AUTO B 2.000 1.52 4.0 a0193.fits 5
2022-03-18 06:55:07.500 AAVSO_ P123_ WMX_ AUTO V 1.000 1.53 4.0 a0194.fits 5
2022-03-18 06:56:37.500 AAVSO_ P123_ WMX_ AUTO R 0.500 1.53 4.1 a0195.fits Y 4.99 5


AUID 000-BBQ-084

DateTime project_ filter exp am ha filename wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk tnimage OE
2022-03-18 08:03:34.000 AAVSO_ NorthSurvey_ HQ_ AUTO B 40.000 1.67 3.9 a0229.fits
2022-03-18 08:05:32.000 AAVSO_ NorthSurvey_ HQ_ AUTO B 40.000 1.68 3.9 a0230.fits
2022-03-18 08:06:34.500 AAVSO_ NorthSurvey_ HQ_ AUTO V 7.430 1.69 3.9 a0231.fits 2


AUID 000-BBT-772

DateTime project_ filter exp am ha filename wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk tnimage OE
2022-03-18 08:54:43.000 AAVSO_ P48and60_ SFRA_ AUTO B 40.000 1.36 0.1 a0247.fits 8.821 0.058 109
2022-03-18 08:56:41.000 AAVSO_ P48and60_ SFRA_ AUTO B 40.000 1.36 0.2 a0248.fits 8.057 0.031 99
2022-03-18 08:57:37.000 AAVSO_ P48and60_ SFRA_ AUTO V 40.000 1.36 0.2 a0249.fits Y 8.75 7.145 0.017 419
2022-03-18 08:58:32.000 AAVSO_ P48and60_ SFRA_ AUTO V 40.000 1.36 0.2 a0250.fits Y 8.97 6.919 0.015 385
2022-03-18 08:59:59.000 AAVSO_ P48and60_ SFRA_ AUTO R 4.000 1.36 0.2 a0251.fits Y 7.43 7.543 0.016 42 5
2022-03-18 09:02:02.500 AAVSO_ P48and60_ SFRA_ AUTO I 6.000 1.36 0.2 a0252.fits 7.208 0.014 245 2
2022-03-18 09:03:03.500 AAVSO_ P48and60_ SFRA_ AUTO I 6.000 1.36 0.3 a0253.fits 6.562 0.010 272 2


AUID 000-BFM-192

DateTime project_ filter exp am ha filename wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk tnimage OE
2022-03-18 08:00:40.000 AAVSO_ NorthSurvey_ HQ_ AUTO B 14.780 1.66 2.4 a0227.fits
2022-03-18 08:01:30.500 AAVSO_ NorthSurvey_ HQ_ AUTO V 3.880 1.66 2.4 a0228.fits 5.26 0.006 1147 3


AUID 000-BBN-884

DateTime project_ filter exp am ha filename wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk tnimage OE
2022-03-18 05:11:35 AAVSO_ P254_ BRIE_ AUTO V 10.000 1.14 2.1 a0126.fits Y 5.53
2022-03-18 05:12:00 AAVSO_ P254_ BRIE_ AUTO V 10.000 1.14 2.1 a0127.fits Y 5.30
2022-03-18 05:12:25 AAVSO_ P254_ BRIE_ AUTO V 10.000 1.14 2.1 a0128.fits Y 5.21
2022-03-18 05:13:44 AAVSO_ P254_ BRIE_ AUTO GR 60.000 1.14 2.1 a0129.fits
2022-03-18 05:15:38 AAVSO_ P254_ BRIE_ AUTO GR 60.000 1.15 2.1 a0130.fits


AUID 000-BBR-567

DateTime project_ filter exp am ha filename wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk tnimage OE
2022-03-18 07:54:47 AAVSO_ NorthSurvey_ HQ_ AUTO B 3.150 1.66 2.1 a0225.fits 3
2022-03-18 07:57:13 AAVSO_ NorthSurvey_ HQ_ AUTO V 0.680 1.67 2.1 a0226.fits 15


AUID 000-BDZ-356

DateTime project_ filter exp am ha filename wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk tnimage OE
2022-03-18 05:18:11 AAVSO_ P93_ JKALEN_ AUTO B 80.000 2.16 4.3 a0131.fits Y 7.30
2022-03-18 05:19:46 AAVSO_ P93_ JKALEN_ AUTO B 80.000 2.18 4.4 a0132.fits Y 7.30
2022-03-18 05:20:48 AAVSO_ P93_ JKALEN_ AUTO V 40.000 2.20 4.4 a0133.fits Y 6.47 6.831 0.015 415
2022-03-18 05:21:59 AAVSO_ P93_ JKALEN_ AUTO V 40.000 2.22 4.4 a0134.fits Y 6.06 6.693 0.013 478
2022-03-18 05:22:27 AAVSO_ P93_ JKALEN_ AUTO R 10.000 2.23 4.4 a0135.fits Y 5.22 7.534 0.019 216
2022-03-18 05:22:52 AAVSO_ P93_ JKALEN_ AUTO R 10.000 2.23 4.4 a0136.fits Y 5.74 7.107 0.015 204
2022-03-18 05:23:21 AAVSO_ P93_ JKALEN_ AUTO I 10.000 2.24 4.4 a0137.fits Y 6.50 7.317 0.016 100
2022-03-18 05:23:46 AAVSO_ P93_ JKALEN_ AUTO I 10.000 2.25 4.4 a0138.fits Y 6.36 7.154 0.015 145
2022-03-18 05:24:10 AAVSO_ P93_ JKALEN_ AUTO I 10.000 2.26 4.4 a0139.fits Y 5.71 7.061 0.014 183
2022-03-18 05:24:35 AAVSO_ P93_ JKALEN_ AUTO I 10.000 2.26 4.4 a0140.fits Y 6.03 7.748 0.021 62
2022-03-18 05:25:05 AAVSO_ P93_ JKALEN_ AUTO R 10.000 2.27 4.5 a0141.fits Y 6.00 7.185 0.015 182
2022-03-18 05:25:31 AAVSO_ P93_ JKALEN_ AUTO R 10.000 2.28 4.5 a0142.fits Y 6.61 7.309 0.016 147
2022-03-18 05:26:28 AAVSO_ P93_ JKALEN_ AUTO V 40.000 2.30 4.5 a0143.fits Y 7.06 7.076 0.017 330
2022-03-18 05:27:23 AAVSO_ P93_ JKALEN_ AUTO V 40.000 2.31 4.5 a0144.fits Y 6.30 6.783 0.014 457
2022-03-18 05:29:02 AAVSO_ P93_ JKALEN_ AUTO B 80.000 2.34 4.5 a0145.fits Y 7.17
2022-03-18 05:30:37 AAVSO_ P93_ JKALEN_ AUTO B 80.000 2.37 4.6 a0146.fits Y 8.32


AUID 000-BCV-566

DateTime project_ filter exp am ha filename wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk tnimage OE
2022-03-18 09:44:44.000 AAVSO_ NorthSurvey_ HQ_ AUTO B 14.750 1.59 1.7 a0272.fits
2022-03-18 09:45:16.000 AAVSO_ NorthSurvey_ HQ_ AUTO B 14.750 1.59 1.7 a0273.fits
2022-03-18 09:45:57.500 AAVSO_ NorthSurvey_ HQ_ AUTO V 3.260 1.59 1.7 a0274.fits 4


AUID 000-BBT-559

DateTime project_ filter exp am ha filename wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk tnimage OE
2022-03-18 08:40:15.000 AAVSO_ P138_ RRIA_ AUTO B 5.000 1.03 0.1 a0243.fits 3
2022-03-18 08:42:07.000 AAVSO_ P138_ RRIA_ AUTO V 1.750 1.03 0.2 a0244.fits 6
2022-03-18 08:46:47.000 AAVSO_ P138_ RRIA_ AUTO R 0.800 1.03 0.2 a0245.fits Y 5.70 5.397 0.006 1151 13
2022-03-18 08:51:48.500 AAVSO_ P138_ RRIA_ AUTO I 1.040 1.04 0.3 a0246.fits 5.007 0.005 1600 10


AUID 000-BBK-579

DateTime project_ filter exp am ha filename wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk tnimage OE
2022-03-18 05:42:34.000 AAVSO_ P48and60_ SFRA_ AUTO B 40.000 1.71 4.4 a0152.fits Y 7.07
2022-03-18 05:43:29.000 AAVSO_ P48and60_ SFRA_ AUTO B 40.000 1.71 4.5 a0153.fits Y 7.23
2022-03-18 05:44:12.000 AAVSO_ P48and60_ SFRA_ AUTO V 8.840 1.71 4.5 a0154.fits Y 6.05 2
2022-03-18 05:45:22.500 AAVSO_ P48and60_ SFRA_ AUTO R 3.140 1.72 4.5 a0155.fits Y 6.08 5
2022-03-18 05:47:36.500 AAVSO_ P48and60_ SFRA_ AUTO I 1.600 1.72 4.5 a0156.fits Y 4.97 10


AUID 000-BBP-539

DateTime project_ filter exp am ha filename wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk tnimage OE
2022-03-18 07:22:58 AAVSO_ NorthSurvey_ HQ_ AUTO B 28.000 1.66 3.8 a0207.fits
2022-03-18 07:24:40 AAVSO_ NorthSurvey_ HQ_ AUTO B 28.000 1.67 3.8 a0208.fits
2022-03-18 07:25:06 AAVSO_ NorthSurvey_ HQ_ AUTO V 10.660 1.68 3.8 a0209.fits Y 7.74
2022-03-18 07:25:33 AAVSO_ NorthSurvey_ HQ_ AUTO V 10.660 1.68 3.8 a0210.fits Y 8.48


AUID 000-BBQ-305

DateTime project_ filter exp am ha filename wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk tnimage OE
2022-03-18 08:18:26 AAVSO_ NorthSurvey_ HQ_ AUTO B 40.000 1.61 3.9 a0237.fits
2022-03-18 08:20:22 AAVSO_ NorthSurvey_ HQ_ AUTO B 40.000 1.62 4.0 a0238.fits
2022-03-18 08:20:56 AAVSO_ NorthSurvey_ HQ_ AUTO V 20.000 1.62 4.0 a0239.fits
2022-03-18 08:22:30 AAVSO_ NorthSurvey_ HQ_ AUTO V 20.000 1.64 4.0 a0240.fits


AUID 000-BBP-438

DateTime project_ filter exp am ha filename wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk tnimage OE
2022-03-18 07:49:28 AAVSO_ NorthSurvey_ HQ_ AUTO B 40.000 1.64 4.3 a0221.fits
2022-03-18 07:51:23 AAVSO_ NorthSurvey_ HQ_ AUTO B 40.000 1.65 4.4 a0222.fits
2022-03-18 07:51:57 AAVSO_ NorthSurvey_ HQ_ AUTO V 20.000 1.65 4.4 a0223.fits Y 9.16
2022-03-18 07:52:32 AAVSO_ NorthSurvey_ HQ_ AUTO V 20.000 1.66 4.4 a0224.fits Y 9.47


AUID 000-BBQ-676

DateTime project_ filter exp am ha filename wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk tnimage OE
2022-03-18 09:27:57.000 AAVSO_ NorthSurvey_ HQ_ AUTO B 16.730 1.65 4.5 a0267.fits
2022-03-18 09:29:33.000 AAVSO_ NorthSurvey_ HQ_ AUTO B 16.730 1.66 4.6 a0268.fits
2022-03-18 09:30:34.500 AAVSO_ NorthSurvey_ HQ_ AUTO V 6.380 1.66 4.6 a0269.fits 2

Remark-o-matic Image ViewΒΆ

images 101 to 150

DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 04:36:40 a0101.fits ABE-A24 B 10.220 1.56 4.1 8.016 0.025 14
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 04:53:22 a0102.fits ABE-184 B 40.000 1.58 4.1 Y 7.91 8.156 0.035 114 1.87
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 04:54:17 a0103.fits ABE-184 B 40.000 1.59 4.1 Y 7.51 8.499 0.046 103 1.89
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 04:55:14 a0104.fits ABE-184 B 40.000 1.59 4.1 Y 6.75 7.893 0.029 147 1.90
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 04:55:56 a0105.fits ABE-184 V 20.000 1.60 4.1 Y 7.03 7.526 0.021 204 1.95
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 04:56:32 a0106.fits ABE-184 V 20.000 1.60 4.1 Y 7.59 7.148 0.016 185 1.95
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 04:57:08 a0107.fits ABE-184 V 20.000 1.61 4.1 Y 6.93 99.999 9.999 -1 1.95
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 04:57:46 a0108.fits ABE-184 R 20.000 1.61 4.1 Y 5.60 6.057 0.009 640 1.97
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 04:58:22 a0109.fits ABE-184 R 20.000 1.62 4.1 Y 5.05 5.875 0.008 1077 1.97
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 04:58:58 a0110.fits ABE-184 R 20.000 1.62 4.2 Y 6.61 6.246 0.009 584 1.98
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 04:59:37 a0111.fits ABE-184 I 20.000 1.63 4.2 Y 6.81 7.662 0.019 49 2.00
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 05:00:12 a0112.fits ABE-184 I 20.000 1.63 4.2 Y 6.13 7.5 0.018 119 2.00
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 05:00:48 a0113.fits ABE-184 I 20.000 1.63 4.2 Y 6.26 7.524 0.018 97 2.00
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 05:02:43 a0114.fits ABE-027 B 40.000 1.61 4.1 Y 7.13 5.585 0.007 1045 2.26
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 05:03:38 a0115.fits ABE-027 B 40.000 1.61 4.1 Y 6.61 5.4 0.006 1265 2.27
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 05:04:34 a0116.fits ABE-027 B 40.000 1.62 4.1 Y 7.42 5.653 0.007 945 2.26
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 05:05:15 a0117.fits ABE-027 V 20.000 1.63 4.1 Y 7.30 6.247 0.01 552 2.29
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 05:05:51 a0118.fits ABE-027 V 20.000 1.63 4.1 Y 6.46 5.997 0.008 729 2.30
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 05:06:27 a0119.fits ABE-027 V 20.000 1.64 4.1 Y 6.02 5.872 0.008 865 2.30
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 05:07:05 a0120.fits ABE-027 R 20.000 1.64 4.1 Y 5.39 5.957 0.008 909 2.30
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 05:07:41 a0121.fits ABE-027 R 20.000 1.65 4.1 Y 5.32 5.94 0.008 958 2.31
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 05:08:16 a0122.fits ABE-027 R 20.000 1.65 4.2 Y 4.95 5.842 0.008 1137 2.32
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 05:08:56 a0123.fits ABE-027 I 20.000 1.66 4.2 Y 5.78 7.528 0.018 118 2.34
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 05:09:32 a0124.fits ABE-027 I 20.000 1.66 4.2 Y 6.79 7.84 0.021 38 2.33
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 05:10:08 a0125.fits ABE-027 I 20.000 1.66 4.2 Y 6.43 7.688 0.02 70 2.33
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 05:11:35 a0126.fits U_Gem V 10.000 1.14 2.1 Y 5.53 1.90
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 05:12:00 a0127.fits U_Gem V 10.000 1.14 2.1 Y 5.30 1.90
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 05:12:25 a0128.fits U_Gem V 10.000 1.14 2.1 Y 5.21 1.89
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 05:13:44 a0129.fits U_Gem GR 60.000 1.14 2.1
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 05:15:38 a0130.fits U_Gem GR 60.000 1.15 2.1
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 05:18:11 a0131.fits V521_Ori B 80.000 2.16 4.3 Y 7.30 2.93
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 05:19:46 a0132.fits V521_Ori B 80.000 2.18 4.4 Y 7.30 2.95
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 05:20:48 a0133.fits V521_Ori V 40.000 2.20 4.4 Y 6.47 6.831 0.015 415 2.99
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 05:21:59 a0134.fits V521_Ori V 40.000 2.22 4.4 Y 6.06 6.693 0.013 478 0.05
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 05:22:27 a0135.fits V521_Ori R 10.000 2.23 4.4 Y 5.22 7.534 0.019 216 0.03
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 05:22:52 a0136.fits V521_Ori R 10.000 2.23 4.4 Y 5.74 7.107 0.015 204 0.03
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 05:23:21 a0137.fits V521_Ori I 10.000 2.24 4.4 Y 6.50 7.317 0.016 100 0.04
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 05:23:46 a0138.fits V521_Ori I 10.000 2.25 4.4 Y 6.36 7.154 0.015 145 0.05
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 05:24:10 a0139.fits V521_Ori I 10.000 2.26 4.4 Y 5.71 7.061 0.014 183 0.06
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 05:24:35 a0140.fits V521_Ori I 10.000 2.26 4.4 Y 6.03 7.748 0.021 62 0.08
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 05:25:05 a0141.fits V521_Ori R 10.000 2.27 4.5 Y 6.00 7.185 0.015 182 0.05
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 05:25:31 a0142.fits V521_Ori R 10.000 2.28 4.5 Y 6.61 7.309 0.016 147 0.06
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 05:26:28 a0143.fits V521_Ori V 40.000 2.30 4.5 Y 7.06 7.076 0.017 330 0.04
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 05:27:23 a0144.fits V521_Ori V 40.000 2.31 4.5 Y 6.30 6.783 0.014 457 0.08
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 05:29:02 a0145.fits V521_Ori B 80.000 2.34 4.5 Y 7.17 0.08
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 05:30:37 a0146.fits V521_Ori B 80.000 2.37 4.6 Y 8.32 0.08
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 05:32:13 a0147.fits R_Aur B 20.180 1.84 5.0 Y 7.39 1.22
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 05:32:49 a0148.fits R_Aur B 20.180 1.85 5.0 Y 7.45 1.21
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 05:33:40.500 a0149.fits R_Aur V 3.130 1.85 5.0 Y 7.03 4 1.21
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 05:36:02 a0150.fits R_Aur R 1.020 1.86 5.1 Y 5.45 10 1.20

images 151 to 200

DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 05:39:20.500 a0151.fits R_Aur I 0.690 1.88 5.1 Y 4.73 15 1.27
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 05:42:34 a0152.fits V_Cam B 40.000 1.71 4.4 Y 7.07 1.10
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 05:43:29 a0153.fits V_Cam B 40.000 1.71 4.5 Y 7.23 1.10
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 05:44:12 a0154.fits V_Cam V 8.840 1.71 4.5 Y 6.05 2 1.12
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 05:45:22.500 a0155.fits V_Cam R 3.140 1.72 4.5 Y 6.08 5 1.09
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 05:47:36.500 a0156.fits V_Cam I 1.600 1.72 4.5 Y 4.97 10 1.13
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 05:51:25 a0157.fits R_Lyn B 80.000 1.41 3.6 Y 7.85 0.52
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 05:53:01 a0158.fits R_Lyn B 80.000 1.42 3.6 Y 7.89 0.56
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 05:53:44 a0159.fits R_Lyn V 22.880 1.42 3.7 Y 6.76 0.57
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 05:54:23 a0160.fits R_Lyn V 22.880 1.42 3.7 Y 6.98 0.57
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 05:55:24.500 a0161.fits R_Lyn R 4.590 1.42 3.7 Y 6.02 5 0.55
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 05:56:59.500 a0162.fits R_Lyn I 2.000 1.43 3.7 Y 5.36 5 0.60
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 05:58:25.500 a0163.fits R_Lyn I 2.000 1.43 3.7 Y 5.58 5 0.60
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 06:01:23.500 a0164.fits R_Leo B 4.000 1.09 1.0 5
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 06:03:15.500 a0165.fits R_Leo V 2.000 1.09 1.0 Y 5.72 5 2.24
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 06:04:41 a0166.fits R_Leo V 2.000 1.10 1.1 Y 5.70 5 2.20
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 06:06:40.500 a0167.fits R_Leo R 0.500 1.10 1.1 Y 3.88 10 2.23
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 06:08:53 a0168.fits R_Leo I 0.250 1.10 1.1 10
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 06:11:49 a0169.fits RS_CNC B 1.000 1.08 1.8 Y 3.01 10 1.54
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 06:15:20 a0170.fits RS_CNC V 0.500 1.09 1.8 Y 3.33 20 1.51
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 06:20:15 a0171.fits RS_CNC R 0.500 1.10 1.9 Y 4.71 20 1.46
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 06:25:15 a0172.fits RS_CNC I 0.380 1.11 2.0 Y 2.76 27 1.45
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 06:29:00 a0173.fits SU_LYN V 3.750 1.65 4.5 Y 7.66 6.51 0.01 283 3 0.87
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 06:29:48 a0174.fits SU_LYN B 10.000 1.66 4.6 7.579 0.019 93
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 06:31:12 a0175.fits SU_LYN B 10.000 1.67 4.6 7.202 0.016 105
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 06:31:31 a0176.fits SU_LYN B 10.000 1.67 4.6 8.029 0.027 102
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 06:32:20 a0177.fits SU_LYN R 1.250 1.67 4.6 Y 5.62 6.285 0.009 452 5 0.90
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 06:33:44 a0178.fits SU_LYN I 0.500 1.68 4.6 6.886 0.012 171 7
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 06:36:19.500 a0179.fits TYC_2449-2206-1 B 2.000 1.69 4.4 5
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 06:38:43 a0180.fits TYC_2449-2206-1 V 1.000 1.71 4.4 Y 5.19 5 2.09
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 06:40:37 a0181.fits TYC_2449-2206-1 R 0.500 1.73 4.4 5
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 06:43:05.500 a0182.fits GO_Cnc B 5.000 1.19 2.2 3
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 06:44:15.500 a0183.fits GO_Cnc B 5.000 1.19 2.2 2
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 06:45:03 a0184.fits GO_Cnc V 5.000 1.20 2.2 Y 6.97 5.97 0.008 592 3 1.87
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 06:46:50 a0185.fits GO_Cnc V 5.000 1.20 2.3 5.765 0.007 749 2
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 06:47:32.500 a0186.fits GO_Cnc R 5.000 1.20 2.3 Y 5.76 5.889 0.008 788 3 1.86
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 06:48:22.500 a0187.fits GO_Cnc R 5.000 1.21 2.3 Y 5.67 5.834 0.007 846 2 1.84
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 06:49:02 a0188.fits GO_Cnc I 10.000 1.21 2.3 Y 6.51 1.88
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 06:49:27 a0189.fits GO_Cnc I 10.000 1.21 2.3 Y 7.08 6.922 0.013 187 1.89
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 06:50:07 a0190.fits GO_Cnc I 10.000 1.21 2.3 Y 6.58 7.146 0.015 183 1.87
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 06:50:32 a0191.fits GO_Cnc I 10.000 1.21 2.3 Y 6.36 6.802 0.012 260 1.85
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 06:50:57 a0192.fits GO_Cnc I 10.000 1.21 2.3 Y 6.53 6.808 0.012 253 1.85
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 06:53:12.500 a0193.fits TYC_4112-446-1 B 2.000 1.52 4.0 5
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 06:55:07.500 a0194.fits TYC_4112-446-1 V 1.000 1.53 4.0 5
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 06:56:37.500 a0195.fits TYC_4112-446-1 R 0.500 1.53 4.1 Y 4.99 5 0.73
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 06:58:49 a0196.fits AA_Cam B 28.000 1.68 4.5
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 07:00:36 a0197.fits AA_Cam B 28.000 1.68 4.5
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 07:01:06.500 a0198.fits AA_Cam V 5.620 1.68 4.6 Y 7.21 2 0.84
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 07:03:40 a0199.fits KW_Hya B 2.840 1.67 2.6 4
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 07:05:56.500 a0200.fits KW_Hya V 1.420 1.68 2.7 8

images 201 to 250

DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 07:09:03.500 a0201.fits OW_Hya B 2.790 1.64 2.3 4
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 07:10:56 a0202.fits OW_Hya V 1.400 1.65 2.3 8
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 07:13:11 a0203.fits OP_Hya B 15.550 1.65 2.5
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 07:15:25.500 a0204.fits OP_Hya V 3.330 1.66 2.6 4
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 07:18:17 a0205.fits DU_Lyn B 3.210 1.64 4.3 4
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 07:20:27.500 a0206.fits DU_Lyn V 1.040 1.66 4.3 10
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 07:22:58 a0207.fits V_Cnc B 28.000 1.66 3.8
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 07:24:40 a0208.fits V_Cnc B 28.000 1.67 3.8
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 07:25:06 a0209.fits V_Cnc V 10.660 1.68 3.8 Y 7.74 2.53
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 07:25:33 a0210.fits V_Cnc V 10.660 1.68 3.8 Y 8.48 2.53
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 07:27:29.500 a0211.fits NS_Hya B 8.170 1.65 3.1 2
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 07:29:32.500 a0212.fits NS_Hya V 1.600 1.66 3.1 7
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 07:31:56 a0213.fits FW_Cnc B 19.320 1.64 3.5
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 07:34:06.500 a0214.fits FW_Cnc V 4.100 1.65 3.5 3
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 07:36:07 a0215.fits FX_Cnc B 14.910 1.63 3.6
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 07:38:23 a0216.fits FX_Cnc V 2.530 1.64 3.6 4
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 07:40:26 a0217.fits IN_Hya B 11.670 1.68 3.1
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 07:42:42 a0218.fits IN_Hya V 2.530 1.69 3.1 4
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 07:45:02 a0219.fits RT_Cnc B 31.400 1.66 3.6
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 07:47:08 a0220.fits RT_Cnc V 6.350 1.67 3.6 2
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 07:49:28 a0221.fits W_Lyn B 40.000 1.64 4.3
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 07:51:23 a0222.fits W_Lyn B 40.000 1.65 4.4
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 07:51:57 a0223.fits W_Lyn V 20.000 1.65 4.4 Y 9.16 1.90
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 07:52:32 a0224.fits W_Lyn V 20.000 1.66 4.4 Y 9.47 1.87
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 07:54:47 a0225.fits U_Hya B 3.150 1.66 2.1 3
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 07:57:13 a0226.fits U_Hya V 0.680 1.67 2.1 15
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 08:00:40 a0227.fits UV_Sex B 14.780 1.66 2.4
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 08:01:30.500 a0228.fits UV_Sex V 3.880 1.66 2.4 5.26 0.006 1147 3
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 08:03:34 a0229.fits T_Cnc B 40.000 1.67 3.9
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 08:05:32 a0230.fits T_Cnc B 40.000 1.68 3.9
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 08:06:34.500 a0231.fits T_Cnc V 7.430 1.69 3.9 2
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 08:09:04.500 a0232.fits BO_Cnc B 7.600 1.62 4.1 2
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 08:11:00 a0233.fits BO_Cnc V 2.100 1.64 4.1 5
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 08:13:15 a0234.fits CX_Lyn B 19.600 1.63 4.3
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 08:14:54 a0235.fits CX_Lyn B 19.600 1.64 4.3
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 08:15:59.500 a0236.fits CX_Lyn V 4.410 1.64 4.3 3
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 08:18:26 a0237.fits W_Cnc B 40.000 1.61 3.9
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 08:20:22 a0238.fits W_Cnc B 40.000 1.62 4.0
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 08:20:56 a0239.fits W_Cnc V 20.000 1.62 4.0
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 08:22:30 a0240.fits W_Cnc V 20.000 1.64 4.0
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 08:23:37 a0241.fits RS_Cnc B 6.400 1.58 4.0
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 08:25:49.500 a0242.fits RS_Cnc V 1.190 1.59 4.0 9
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 08:40:15 a0243.fits V_CVn B 5.000 1.03 0.1 3
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 08:42:07 a0244.fits V_CVn V 1.750 1.03 0.2 6
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 08:46:47 a0245.fits V_CVn R 0.800 1.03 0.2 Y 5.70 5.397 0.006 1151 13 11.26
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 08:51:48.500 a0246.fits V_CVn I 1.040 1.04 0.3 5.007 0.005 1600 10
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 08:54:43 a0247.fits T_UMi B 40.000 1.36 0.1 8.821 0.058 109
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 08:56:41 a0248.fits T_UMi B 40.000 1.36 0.2 8.057 0.031 99
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 08:57:37 a0249.fits T_UMi V 40.000 1.36 0.2 Y 8.75 7.145 0.017 419 0.09
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 08:58:32 a0250.fits T_UMi V 40.000 1.36 0.2 Y 8.97 6.919 0.015 385 0.10

images 251 to 274

DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 08:59:59 a0251.fits T_UMi R 4.000 1.36 0.2 Y 7.43 7.543 0.016 42 5 0.10
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 09:02:02.500 a0252.fits T_UMi I 6.000 1.36 0.2 7.208 0.014 245 2
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 09:03:03.500 a0253.fits T_UMi I 6.000 1.36 0.3 6.562 0.01 272 2
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 09:05:13.500 a0254.fits DR_Leo B 5.530 1.65 4.2 2
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 09:06:57 a0255.fits DR_Leo V 1.200 1.66 4.2 9
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 09:09:08 a0256.fits EL_Leo B 22.110 1.62 4.2
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 09:10:49 a0257.fits EL_Leo B 22.110 1.64 4.2
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 09:11:55 a0258.fits EL_Leo V 4.310 1.64 4.2 3
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 09:14:11 a0259.fits TU_LMi B 28.000 1.66 4.3
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 09:15:57 a0260.fits TU_LMi B 28.000 1.68 4.3
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 09:16:59 a0261.fits TU_LMi V 5.590 1.68 4.3 2
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 09:19:08 a0262.fits S_LMi B 28.000 1.63 4.2
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 09:20:54 a0263.fits S_LMi B 28.000 1.64 4.2
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 09:21:56.500 a0264.fits S_LMi V 7.380 1.65 4.2 2
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 09:23:58.500 a0265.fits CS_UMa B 3.540 1.61 4.4 3
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 09:25:34.500 a0266.fits CS_UMa V 0.750 1.62 4.4 5.471 0.006 760 14
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 09:27:57 a0267.fits W_UMa B 16.730 1.65 4.5
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 09:29:33 a0268.fits W_UMa B 16.730 1.66 4.6
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 09:30:34.500 a0269.fits W_UMa V 6.380 1.66 4.6 2
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 09:32:38 a0270.fits GM_UMa B 3.730 1.52 4.1 3
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 09:33:43 a0271.fits GM_UMa V 1.980 1.52 4.1 6
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 09:44:44 a0272.fits VW_Crv B 14.750 1.59 1.7
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 09:45:16 a0273.fits VW_Crv B 14.750 1.59 1.7
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2022-03-18 09:45:57.500 a0274.fits VW_Crv V 3.260 1.59 1.7 4

Image TableΒΆ

images 101 to 150

DateTime filename tnimage objid filter exptime airmass hr_ang has_wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu auid center2obj JD ccd_temp set_temp img_type read_mode binning fov_radius_amin image_available
2022-03-18 04:36:40 a0101.fits ABE-A24 B 10.22 1.56 4.1 8.016 0.025 14 None 9656.69213 -10.0 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2022-03-18 04:53:22 a0102.fits ABE-184 B 40.00 1.58 4.1 Y 7.91 8.156 0.035 114 None 1.874348 9656.70373 -10.0 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 50.052862 Y
2022-03-18 04:54:17 a0103.fits ABE-184 B 40.00 1.59 4.1 Y 7.51 8.499 0.046 103 None 1.887859 9656.70436 -10.0 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 50.059498 Y
2022-03-18 04:55:14 a0104.fits ABE-184 B 40.00 1.59 4.1 Y 6.75 7.893 0.029 147 None 1.900774 9656.70502 -10.0 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 50.057251 Y
2022-03-18 04:55:56 a0105.fits ABE-184 V 20.00 1.60 4.1 Y 7.03 7.526 0.021 204 None 1.945967 9656.70551 -10.0 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 50.053007 Y
DateTime filename tnimage objid filter exptime airmass hr_ang has_wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu auid center2obj JD ccd_temp set_temp img_type read_mode binning fov_radius_amin image_available
2022-03-18 04:56:32 a0106.fits ABE-184 V 20.0 1.60 4.1 Y 7.59 7.148 0.016 185 None 1.953635 9656.70593 -10.0 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 50.049166 Y
2022-03-18 04:57:08 a0107.fits ABE-184 V 20.0 1.61 4.1 Y 6.93 99.999 9.999 -1 None 1.953426 9656.70634 -10.0 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 50.056042 Y
2022-03-18 04:57:46 a0108.fits ABE-184 R 20.0 1.61 4.1 Y 5.60 6.057 0.009 640 None 1.965892 9656.70678 -10.0 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 50.051018 Y
2022-03-18 04:58:22 a0109.fits ABE-184 R 20.0 1.62 4.1 Y 5.05 5.875 0.008 1077 None 1.966460 9656.70720 -10.0 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 50.044641 Y
2022-03-18 04:58:58 a0110.fits ABE-184 R 20.0 1.62 4.2 Y 6.61 6.246 0.009 584 None 1.976649 9656.70762 -10.0 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 50.049518 Y
DateTime filename tnimage objid filter exptime airmass hr_ang has_wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu auid center2obj JD ccd_temp set_temp img_type read_mode binning fov_radius_amin image_available
2022-03-18 04:59:37 a0111.fits ABE-184 I 20.0 1.63 4.2 Y 6.81 7.662 0.019 49 None 1.995043 9656.70807 -10.0 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 50.057046 Y
2022-03-18 05:00:12 a0112.fits ABE-184 I 20.0 1.63 4.2 Y 6.13 7.500 0.018 119 None 1.997818 9656.70847 -10.0 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 50.052942 Y
2022-03-18 05:00:48 a0113.fits ABE-184 I 20.0 1.63 4.2 Y 6.26 7.524 0.018 97 None 2.002081 9656.70889 -10.0 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 50.045237 Y
2022-03-18 05:02:43 a0114.fits ABE-027 B 40.0 1.61 4.1 Y 7.13 5.585 0.007 1045 None 2.264727 9656.71022 -10.0 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 50.059682 Y
2022-03-18 05:03:38 a0115.fits ABE-027 B 40.0 1.61 4.1 Y 6.61 5.400 0.006 1265 None 2.274200 9656.71086 -10.0 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 50.064721 Y
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2022-03-18 05:04:34 a0116.fits ABE-027 B 40.0 1.62 4.1 Y 7.42 5.653 0.007 945 None 2.263500 9656.71150 -10.0 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 50.067952 Y
2022-03-18 05:05:15 a0117.fits ABE-027 V 20.0 1.63 4.1 Y 7.30 6.247 0.010 552 None 2.290691 9656.71198 -10.0 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 50.052021 Y
2022-03-18 05:05:51 a0118.fits ABE-027 V 20.0 1.63 4.1 Y 6.46 5.997 0.008 729 None 2.302982 9656.71240 -10.0 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 50.059651 Y
2022-03-18 05:06:27 a0119.fits ABE-027 V 20.0 1.64 4.1 Y 6.02 5.872 0.008 865 None 2.304994 9656.71281 -10.0 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 50.055956 Y
2022-03-18 05:07:05 a0120.fits ABE-027 R 20.0 1.64 4.1 Y 5.39 5.957 0.008 909 None 2.303309 9656.71325 -10.0 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 50.049530 Y
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2022-03-18 05:07:41 a0121.fits ABE-027 R 20.0 1.65 4.1 Y 5.32 5.940 0.008 958 None 2.306928 9656.71367 -10.0 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 50.051168 Y
2022-03-18 05:08:16 a0122.fits ABE-027 R 20.0 1.65 4.2 Y 4.95 5.842 0.008 1137 None 2.317382 9656.71407 -10.0 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 50.049983 Y
2022-03-18 05:08:56 a0123.fits ABE-027 I 20.0 1.66 4.2 Y 5.78 7.528 0.018 118 None 2.335372 9656.71454 -10.0 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 50.052888 Y
2022-03-18 05:09:32 a0124.fits ABE-027 I 20.0 1.66 4.2 Y 6.79 7.840 0.021 38 None 2.327408 9656.71495 -10.0 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 50.049671 Y
2022-03-18 05:10:08 a0125.fits ABE-027 I 20.0 1.66 4.2 Y 6.43 7.688 0.020 70 None 2.329388 9656.71537 -10.0 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 50.051634 Y
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2022-03-18 05:11:35 a0126.fits U_Gem V 10.0 1.14 2.1 Y 5.53 000-BBN-884 1.897070 9656.71638 -10.0 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 50.025144 Y
2022-03-18 05:12:00 a0127.fits U_Gem V 10.0 1.14 2.1 Y 5.30 000-BBN-884 1.903718 9656.71667 -10.0 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 50.031776 Y
2022-03-18 05:12:25 a0128.fits U_Gem V 10.0 1.14 2.1 Y 5.21 000-BBN-884 1.885208 9656.71696 -9.9 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 50.034151 Y
2022-03-18 05:13:44 a0129.fits U_Gem GR 60.0 1.14 2.1 000-BBN-884 9656.71787 -10.0 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2022-03-18 05:15:38 a0130.fits U_Gem GR 60.0 1.15 2.1 000-BBN-884 9656.71919 -10.0 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
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2022-03-18 05:18:11 a0131.fits V521_Ori B 80.0 2.16 4.3 Y 7.30 000-BDZ-356 2.928490 9656.72096 -10.0 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 50.085640 Y
2022-03-18 05:19:46 a0132.fits V521_Ori B 80.0 2.18 4.4 Y 7.30 000-BDZ-356 2.945134 9656.72206 -10.0 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 50.081557 Y
2022-03-18 05:20:48 a0133.fits V521_Ori V 40.0 2.20 4.4 Y 6.47 6.831 0.015 415 000-BDZ-356 2.987591 9656.72278 -10.0 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 50.071621 Y
2022-03-18 05:21:59 a0134.fits V521_Ori V 40.0 2.22 4.4 Y 6.06 6.693 0.013 478 000-BDZ-356 0.047139 9656.72360 -10.0 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 50.073769 Y
2022-03-18 05:22:27 a0135.fits V521_Ori R 10.0 2.23 4.4 Y 5.22 7.534 0.019 216 000-BDZ-356 0.029466 9656.72392 -10.0 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 50.088753 Y
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2022-03-18 05:22:52 a0136.fits V521_Ori R 10.0 2.23 4.4 Y 5.74 7.107 0.015 204 000-BDZ-356 0.027117 9656.72421 -10.0 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 50.068215 Y
2022-03-18 05:23:21 a0137.fits V521_Ori I 10.0 2.24 4.4 Y 6.50 7.317 0.016 100 000-BDZ-356 0.044933 9656.72455 -9.9 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 50.058955 Y
2022-03-18 05:23:46 a0138.fits V521_Ori I 10.0 2.25 4.4 Y 6.36 7.154 0.015 145 000-BDZ-356 0.053400 9656.72484 -10.0 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 50.067864 Y
2022-03-18 05:24:10 a0139.fits V521_Ori I 10.0 2.26 4.4 Y 5.71 7.061 0.014 183 000-BDZ-356 0.063237 9656.72512 -10.0 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 50.071102 Y
2022-03-18 05:24:35 a0140.fits V521_Ori I 10.0 2.26 4.4 Y 6.03 7.748 0.021 62 000-BDZ-356 0.077829 9656.72541 -10.0 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 50.078838 Y
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2022-03-18 05:25:05 a0141.fits V521_Ori R 10.0 2.27 4.5 Y 6.00 7.185 0.015 182 000-BDZ-356 0.054943 9656.72575 -10.0 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 50.078442 Y
2022-03-18 05:25:31 a0142.fits V521_Ori R 10.0 2.28 4.5 Y 6.61 7.309 0.016 147 000-BDZ-356 0.062250 9656.72605 -10.0 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 50.063048 Y
2022-03-18 05:26:28 a0143.fits V521_Ori V 40.0 2.30 4.5 Y 7.06 7.076 0.017 330 000-BDZ-356 0.040413 9656.72671 -10.0 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 50.078319 Y
2022-03-18 05:27:23 a0144.fits V521_Ori V 40.0 2.31 4.5 Y 6.30 6.783 0.014 457 000-BDZ-356 0.079007 9656.72735 -10.0 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 50.078376 Y
2022-03-18 05:29:02 a0145.fits V521_Ori B 80.0 2.34 4.5 Y 7.17 000-BDZ-356 0.083725 9656.72850 -10.0 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 50.089478 Y
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2022-03-18 05:30:37.000 a0146.fits V521_Ori B 80.00 2.37 4.6 Y 8.32 000-BDZ-356 0.077945 9656.72959 -10.0 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 50.070708 Y
2022-03-18 05:32:13.000 a0147.fits R_Aur B 20.18 1.84 5.0 Y 7.39 000-BBJ-127 1.218154 9656.73071 -10.0 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 50.075279 Y
2022-03-18 05:32:49.000 a0148.fits R_Aur B 20.18 1.85 5.0 Y 7.45 000-BBJ-127 1.206880 9656.73112 -9.9 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 50.065411 Y
2022-03-18 05:33:40.500 a0149.fits R_Aur V 3.13 1.85 5.0 Y 7.03 000-BBJ-127 1.205007 9656.73172 -10.0 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 50.074612 Y
2022-03-18 05:36:02.000 a0150.fits R_Aur R 1.02 1.86 5.1 Y 5.45 000-BBJ-127 1.202598 9656.73336 -9.9 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 50.101729 Y

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2022-03-18 05:39:20.500 a0151.fits R_Aur I 0.69 1.88 5.1 Y 4.73 000-BBJ-127 1.270289 9656.73565 -9.9 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 50.050362 Y
2022-03-18 05:42:34.000 a0152.fits V_Cam B 40.00 1.71 4.4 Y 7.07 000-BBK-579 1.098233 9656.73789 -10.0 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 50.071567 Y
2022-03-18 05:43:29.000 a0153.fits V_Cam B 40.00 1.71 4.5 Y 7.23 000-BBK-579 1.103454 9656.73853 -10.0 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 50.076303 Y
2022-03-18 05:44:12.000 a0154.fits V_Cam V 8.84 1.71 4.5 Y 6.05 000-BBK-579 1.115669 9656.73903 -10.0 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 50.049889 Y
2022-03-18 05:45:22.500 a0155.fits V_Cam R 3.14 1.72 4.5 Y 6.08 000-BBK-579 1.088207 9656.73984 -10.0 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 50.056560 Y
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2022-03-18 05:47:36.500 a0156.fits V_Cam I 1.60 1.72 4.5 Y 4.97 000-BBK-579 1.129915 9656.74139 -10.0 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 50.040175 Y
2022-03-18 05:51:25.000 a0157.fits R_Lyn B 80.00 1.41 3.6 Y 7.85 000-BBM-269 0.515711 9656.74404 -10.0 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 50.056151 Y
2022-03-18 05:53:01.000 a0158.fits R_Lyn B 80.00 1.42 3.6 Y 7.89 000-BBM-269 0.556153 9656.74515 -10.0 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 50.055210 Y
2022-03-18 05:53:44.000 a0159.fits R_Lyn V 22.88 1.42 3.7 Y 6.76 000-BBM-269 0.574650 9656.74565 -10.0 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 50.043654 Y
2022-03-18 05:54:23.000 a0160.fits R_Lyn V 22.88 1.42 3.7 Y 6.98 000-BBM-269 0.569260 9656.74610 -10.0 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 50.050548 Y
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2022-03-18 05:55:24.500 a0161.fits R_Lyn R 4.59 1.42 3.7 Y 6.02 000-BBM-269 0.548570 9656.74681 -10.0 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 50.042278 Y
2022-03-18 05:56:59.500 a0162.fits R_Lyn I 2.00 1.43 3.7 Y 5.36 000-BBM-269 0.598326 9656.74791 -10.0 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 50.020219 Y
2022-03-18 05:58:25.500 a0163.fits R_Lyn I 2.00 1.43 3.7 Y 5.58 000-BBM-269 0.602263 9656.74891 -10.0 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 50.040015 Y
2022-03-18 06:01:23.500 a0164.fits R_Leo B 4.00 1.09 1.0 000-BBQ-798 9656.75097 -9.9 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2022-03-18 06:03:15.500 a0165.fits R_Leo V 2.00 1.09 1.0 Y 5.72 000-BBQ-798 2.240133 9656.75226 -10.0 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 50.026928 Y
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2022-03-18 06:04:41.000 a0166.fits R_Leo V 2.00 1.10 1.1 Y 5.70 000-BBQ-798 2.201995 9656.75325 -10.0 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 50.056221 Y
2022-03-18 06:06:40.500 a0167.fits R_Leo R 0.50 1.10 1.1 Y 3.88 000-BBQ-798 2.228549 9656.75464 -10.0 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 50.034018 Y
2022-03-18 06:08:53.000 a0168.fits R_Leo I 0.25 1.10 1.1 000-BBQ-798 9656.75617 -10.0 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2022-03-18 06:11:49.000 a0169.fits RS_CNC B 1.00 1.08 1.8 Y 3.01 000-BBQ-327 1.537574 9656.75821 -10.0 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 50.043880 Y
2022-03-18 06:15:20.000 a0170.fits RS_CNC V 0.50 1.09 1.8 Y 3.33 000-BBQ-327 1.509809 9656.76065 -9.9 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 50.052989 Y
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2022-03-18 06:20:15 a0171.fits RS_CNC R 0.50 1.10 1.9 Y 4.71 000-BBQ-327 1.456520 9656.76406 -10.0 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 50.006206 Y
2022-03-18 06:25:15 a0172.fits RS_CNC I 0.38 1.11 2.0 Y 2.76 000-BBQ-327 1.449559 9656.76753 -10.0 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 50.030842 Y
2022-03-18 06:29:00 a0173.fits SU_LYN V 3.75 1.65 4.5 Y 7.66 6.510 0.010 283 000-BDT-456 0.868395 9656.77014 -10.0 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 50.037270 Y
2022-03-18 06:29:48 a0174.fits SU_LYN B 10.00 1.66 4.6 7.579 0.019 93 000-BDT-456 9656.77069 -10.0 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2022-03-18 06:31:12 a0175.fits SU_LYN B 10.00 1.67 4.6 7.202 0.016 105 000-BDT-456 9656.77167 -10.0 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
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2022-03-18 06:31:31.000 a0176.fits SU_LYN B 10.00 1.67 4.6 8.029 0.027 102 000-BDT-456 9656.77189 -9.9 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2022-03-18 06:32:20.000 a0177.fits SU_LYN R 1.25 1.67 4.6 Y 5.62 6.285 0.009 452 000-BDT-456 0.898565 9656.77245 -10.0 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 50.066390 Y
2022-03-18 06:33:44.000 a0178.fits SU_LYN I 0.50 1.68 4.6 6.886 0.012 171 000-BDT-456 9656.77343 -10.0 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2022-03-18 06:36:19.500 a0179.fits TYC_2449-2206-1 B 2.00 1.69 4.4 000-BNH-722 9656.77523 -10.0 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2022-03-18 06:38:43.000 a0180.fits TYC_2449-2206-1 V 1.00 1.71 4.4 Y 5.19 000-BNH-722 2.086765 9656.77689 -10.0 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 50.049135 Y
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2022-03-18 06:40:37.000 a0181.fits TYC_2449-2206-1 R 0.5 1.73 4.4 000-BNH-722 9656.77821 -10.0 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2022-03-18 06:43:05.500 a0182.fits GO_Cnc B 5.0 1.19 2.2 000-BCZ-777 9656.77992 -10.0 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2022-03-18 06:44:15.500 a0183.fits GO_Cnc B 5.0 1.19 2.2 000-BCZ-777 9656.78073 -10.0 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2022-03-18 06:45:03.000 a0184.fits GO_Cnc V 5.0 1.20 2.2 Y 6.97 5.970 0.008 592 000-BCZ-777 1.87226 9656.78128 -10.0 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 50.021149 Y
2022-03-18 06:46:50.000 a0185.fits GO_Cnc V 5.0 1.20 2.3 5.765 0.007 749 000-BCZ-777 9656.78252 -10.0 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
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2022-03-18 06:47:32.500 a0186.fits GO_Cnc R 5.0 1.20 2.3 Y 5.76 5.889 0.008 788 000-BCZ-777 1.857585 9656.78302 -9.9 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 50.048322 Y
2022-03-18 06:48:22.500 a0187.fits GO_Cnc R 5.0 1.21 2.3 Y 5.67 5.834 0.007 846 000-BCZ-777 1.840445 9656.78359 -10.0 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 50.034172 Y
2022-03-18 06:49:02.000 a0188.fits GO_Cnc I 10.0 1.21 2.3 Y 6.51 000-BCZ-777 1.882312 9656.78405 -10.0 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 50.061513 Y
2022-03-18 06:49:27.000 a0189.fits GO_Cnc I 10.0 1.21 2.3 Y 7.08 6.922 0.013 187 000-BCZ-777 1.887766 9656.78434 -10.0 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 50.042227 Y
2022-03-18 06:50:07.000 a0190.fits GO_Cnc I 10.0 1.21 2.3 Y 6.58 7.146 0.015 183 000-BCZ-777 1.874076 9656.78480 -10.0 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 50.018003 Y
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2022-03-18 06:50:32.000 a0191.fits GO_Cnc I 10.0 1.21 2.3 Y 6.36 6.802 0.012 260 000-BCZ-777 1.847456 9656.78509 -10.0 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 50.016774 Y
2022-03-18 06:50:57.000 a0192.fits GO_Cnc I 10.0 1.21 2.3 Y 6.53 6.808 0.012 253 000-BCZ-777 1.851930 9656.78538 -10.0 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 50.061932 Y
2022-03-18 06:53:12.500 a0193.fits TYC_4112-446-1 B 2.0 1.52 4.0 000-BNH-723 9656.78695 -10.0 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2022-03-18 06:55:07.500 a0194.fits TYC_4112-446-1 V 1.0 1.53 4.0 000-BNH-723 9656.78828 -10.0 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2022-03-18 06:56:37.500 a0195.fits TYC_4112-446-1 R 0.5 1.53 4.1 Y 4.99 000-BNH-723 0.734166 9656.78932 -10.0 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 50.077053 Y
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2022-03-18 06:58:49.000 a0196.fits AA_Cam B 28.00 1.68 4.5 000-BBM-768 9656.79084 -10.0 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2022-03-18 07:00:36.000 a0197.fits AA_Cam B 28.00 1.68 4.5 000-BBM-768 9656.79208 -10.0 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2022-03-18 07:01:06.500 a0198.fits AA_Cam V 5.62 1.68 4.6 Y 7.21 000-BBM-768 0.835377 9656.79244 -10.0 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 50.0311 Y
2022-03-18 07:03:40.000 a0199.fits KW_Hya B 2.84 1.67 2.6 000-BCW-125 9656.79421 -10.0 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2022-03-18 07:05:56.500 a0200.fits KW_Hya V 1.42 1.68 2.7 000-BCW-125 9656.79579 -10.0 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 Y

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2022-03-18 07:09:03.500 a0201.fits OW_Hya B 2.79 1.64 2.3 000-BCW-137 9656.79796 -10.0 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2022-03-18 07:10:56.000 a0202.fits OW_Hya V 1.40 1.65 2.3 000-BCW-137 9656.79926 -10.0 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2022-03-18 07:13:11.000 a0203.fits OP_Hya B 15.55 1.65 2.5 000-BCW-135 9656.80082 -10.0 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2022-03-18 07:15:25.500 a0204.fits OP_Hya V 3.33 1.66 2.6 000-BCW-135 9656.80238 -10.0 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2022-03-18 07:18:17.000 a0205.fits DU_Lyn B 3.21 1.64 4.3 000-BCZ-621 9656.80436 -10.0 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
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2022-03-18 07:20:27.500 a0206.fits DU_Lyn V 1.04 1.66 4.3 000-BCZ-621 9656.80587 -10.0 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2022-03-18 07:22:58.000 a0207.fits V_Cnc B 28.00 1.66 3.8 000-BBP-539 9656.80762 -10.1 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2022-03-18 07:24:40.000 a0208.fits V_Cnc B 28.00 1.67 3.8 000-BBP-539 9656.80880 -10.0 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2022-03-18 07:25:06.000 a0209.fits V_Cnc V 10.66 1.68 3.8 Y 7.74 000-BBP-539 2.526762 9656.80910 -10.0 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 50.053715 Y
2022-03-18 07:25:33.000 a0210.fits V_Cnc V 10.66 1.68 3.8 Y 8.48 000-BBP-539 2.526765 9656.80941 -10.0 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 50.052298 Y
DateTime filename tnimage objid filter exptime airmass hr_ang has_wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu auid center2obj JD ccd_temp set_temp img_type read_mode binning fov_radius_amin image_available
2022-03-18 07:27:29.500 a0211.fits NS_Hya B 8.17 1.65 3.1 000-BBQ-266 9656.81076 -10.0 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2022-03-18 07:29:32.500 a0212.fits NS_Hya V 1.60 1.66 3.1 000-BBQ-266 9656.81218 -10.0 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2022-03-18 07:31:56.000 a0213.fits FW_Cnc B 19.32 1.64 3.5 000-BCV-002 9656.81384 -10.0 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2022-03-18 07:34:06.500 a0214.fits FW_Cnc V 4.10 1.65 3.5 000-BCV-002 9656.81535 -10.0 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2022-03-18 07:36:07.000 a0215.fits FX_Cnc B 14.91 1.63 3.6 000-BCV-003 9656.81675 -10.0 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
DateTime filename tnimage objid filter exptime airmass hr_ang has_wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu auid center2obj JD ccd_temp set_temp img_type read_mode binning fov_radius_amin image_available
2022-03-18 07:38:23 a0216.fits FX_Cnc V 2.53 1.64 3.6 000-BCV-003 9656.81832 -10.0 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2022-03-18 07:40:26 a0217.fits IN_Hya B 11.67 1.68 3.1 000-BBQ-445 9656.81975 -10.0 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2022-03-18 07:42:42 a0218.fits IN_Hya V 2.53 1.69 3.1 000-BBQ-445 9656.82132 -10.0 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2022-03-18 07:45:02 a0219.fits RT_Cnc B 31.40 1.66 3.6 000-BBQ-129 9656.82294 -10.0 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2022-03-18 07:47:08 a0220.fits RT_Cnc V 6.35 1.67 3.6 000-BBQ-129 9656.82440 -10.0 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
DateTime filename tnimage objid filter exptime airmass hr_ang has_wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu auid center2obj JD ccd_temp set_temp img_type read_mode binning fov_radius_amin image_available
2022-03-18 07:49:28 a0221.fits W_Lyn B 40.00 1.64 4.3 000-BBP-438 9656.82602 -10.0 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2022-03-18 07:51:23 a0222.fits W_Lyn B 40.00 1.65 4.4 000-BBP-438 9656.82735 -10.0 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2022-03-18 07:51:57 a0223.fits W_Lyn V 20.00 1.65 4.4 Y 9.16 000-BBP-438 1.899972 9656.82774 -10.0 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 50.056912 Y
2022-03-18 07:52:32 a0224.fits W_Lyn V 20.00 1.66 4.4 Y 9.47 000-BBP-438 1.874337 9656.82815 -10.0 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 50.051612 Y
2022-03-18 07:54:47 a0225.fits U_Hya B 3.15 1.66 2.1 000-BBR-567 9656.82971 -10.0 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
DateTime filename tnimage objid filter exptime airmass hr_ang has_wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu auid center2obj JD ccd_temp set_temp img_type read_mode binning fov_radius_amin image_available
2022-03-18 07:57:13.000 a0226.fits U_Hya V 0.68 1.67 2.1 000-BBR-567 9656.83140 -9.9 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2022-03-18 08:00:40.000 a0227.fits UV_Sex B 14.78 1.66 2.4 000-BFM-192 9656.83380 -10.0 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2022-03-18 08:01:30.500 a0228.fits UV_Sex V 3.88 1.66 2.4 5.26 0.006 1147 000-BFM-192 9656.83438 -10.0 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2022-03-18 08:03:34.000 a0229.fits T_Cnc B 40.00 1.67 3.9 000-BBQ-084 9656.83581 -9.9 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2022-03-18 08:05:32.000 a0230.fits T_Cnc B 40.00 1.68 3.9 000-BBQ-084 9656.83718 -9.9 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
DateTime filename tnimage objid filter exptime airmass hr_ang has_wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu auid center2obj JD ccd_temp set_temp img_type read_mode binning fov_radius_amin image_available
2022-03-18 08:06:34.500 a0231.fits T_Cnc V 7.43 1.69 3.9 000-BBQ-084 9656.83790 -10.0 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2022-03-18 08:09:04.500 a0232.fits BO_Cnc B 7.60 1.62 4.1 000-BCT-993 9656.83964 -10.0 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2022-03-18 08:11:00.000 a0233.fits BO_Cnc V 2.10 1.64 4.1 000-BCT-993 9656.84097 -10.0 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2022-03-18 08:13:15.000 a0234.fits CX_Lyn B 19.60 1.63 4.3 000-BDT-528 9656.84253 -10.0 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2022-03-18 08:14:54.000 a0235.fits CX_Lyn B 19.60 1.64 4.3 000-BDT-528 9656.84368 -10.0 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
DateTime filename tnimage objid filter exptime airmass hr_ang has_wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu auid center2obj JD ccd_temp set_temp img_type read_mode binning fov_radius_amin image_available
2022-03-18 08:15:59.500 a0236.fits CX_Lyn V 4.41 1.64 4.3 000-BDT-528 9656.84444 -10.0 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2022-03-18 08:18:26.000 a0237.fits W_Cnc B 40.00 1.61 3.9 000-BBQ-305 9656.84613 -10.0 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2022-03-18 08:20:22.000 a0238.fits W_Cnc B 40.00 1.62 4.0 000-BBQ-305 9656.84748 -10.0 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2022-03-18 08:20:56.000 a0239.fits W_Cnc V 20.00 1.62 4.0 000-BBQ-305 9656.84787 -9.9 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2022-03-18 08:22:30.000 a0240.fits W_Cnc V 20.00 1.64 4.0 000-BBQ-305 9656.84896 -10.0 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
DateTime filename tnimage objid filter exptime airmass hr_ang has_wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu auid center2obj JD ccd_temp set_temp img_type read_mode binning fov_radius_amin image_available
2022-03-18 08:23:37.000 a0241.fits RS_Cnc B 6.40 1.58 4.0 000-BBQ-327 9656.84973 -10.0 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2022-03-18 08:25:49.500 a0242.fits RS_Cnc V 1.19 1.59 4.0 000-BBQ-327 9656.85127 -10.0 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2022-03-18 08:40:15.000 a0243.fits V_CVn B 5.00 1.03 0.1 000-BBT-559 9656.86128 -10.1 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2022-03-18 08:42:07.000 a0244.fits V_CVn V 1.75 1.03 0.2 000-BBT-559 9656.86258 -10.0 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2022-03-18 08:46:47.000 a0245.fits V_CVn R 0.80 1.03 0.2 Y 5.70 5.397 0.006 1151 000-BBT-559 11.262864 9656.86582 -9.9 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 51.176718 Y
DateTime filename tnimage objid filter exptime airmass hr_ang has_wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu auid center2obj JD ccd_temp set_temp img_type read_mode binning fov_radius_amin image_available
2022-03-18 08:51:48.500 a0246.fits V_CVn I 1.04 1.04 0.3 5.007 0.005 1600 000-BBT-559 9656.86931 -10.0 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2022-03-18 08:54:43.000 a0247.fits T_UMi B 40.00 1.36 0.1 8.821 0.058 109 000-BBT-772 9656.87133 -10.2 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2022-03-18 08:56:41.000 a0248.fits T_UMi B 40.00 1.36 0.2 8.057 0.031 99 000-BBT-772 9656.87270 -9.9 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2022-03-18 08:57:37.000 a0249.fits T_UMi V 40.00 1.36 0.2 Y 8.75 7.145 0.017 419 000-BBT-772 0.092385 9656.87334 -9.9 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 50.02935 Y
2022-03-18 08:58:32.000 a0250.fits T_UMi V 40.00 1.36 0.2 Y 8.97 6.919 0.015 385 000-BBT-772 0.098901 9656.87398 -10.0 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 50.02238 Y

images 251 to 274

DateTime filename tnimage objid filter exptime airmass hr_ang has_wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu auid center2obj JD ccd_temp set_temp img_type read_mode binning fov_radius_amin image_available
2022-03-18 08:59:59.000 a0251.fits T_UMi R 4.00 1.36 0.2 Y 7.43 7.543 0.016 42 000-BBT-772 0.099545 9656.87499 -10.0 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 50.026575 Y
2022-03-18 09:02:02.500 a0252.fits T_UMi I 6.00 1.36 0.2 7.208 0.014 245 000-BBT-772 9656.87642 -10.0 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2022-03-18 09:03:03.500 a0253.fits T_UMi I 6.00 1.36 0.3 6.562 0.010 272 000-BBT-772 9656.87712 -10.0 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2022-03-18 09:05:13.500 a0254.fits DR_Leo B 5.53 1.65 4.2 000-BBQ-638 9656.87863 -10.0 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2022-03-18 09:06:57.000 a0255.fits DR_Leo V 1.20 1.66 4.2 000-BBQ-638 9656.87983 -10.0 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
DateTime filename tnimage objid filter exptime airmass hr_ang has_wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu auid center2obj JD ccd_temp set_temp img_type read_mode binning fov_radius_amin image_available
2022-03-18 09:09:08 a0256.fits EL_Leo B 22.11 1.62 4.2 000-BCW-218 9656.88134 -10.1 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2022-03-18 09:10:49 a0257.fits EL_Leo B 22.11 1.64 4.2 000-BCW-218 9656.88251 -9.9 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2022-03-18 09:11:55 a0258.fits EL_Leo V 4.31 1.64 4.2 000-BCW-218 9656.88328 -10.0 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2022-03-18 09:14:11 a0259.fits TU_LMi B 28.00 1.66 4.3 000-BBQ-688 9656.88485 -10.0 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2022-03-18 09:15:57 a0260.fits TU_LMi B 28.00 1.68 4.3 000-BBQ-688 9656.88608 -10.0 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
DateTime filename tnimage objid filter exptime airmass hr_ang has_wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu auid center2obj JD ccd_temp set_temp img_type read_mode binning fov_radius_amin image_available
2022-03-18 09:16:59.000 a0261.fits TU_LMi V 5.59 1.68 4.3 000-BBQ-688 9656.88679 -10.0 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2022-03-18 09:19:08.000 a0262.fits S_LMi B 28.00 1.63 4.2 000-BBQ-962 9656.88829 -9.9 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2022-03-18 09:20:54.000 a0263.fits S_LMi B 28.00 1.64 4.2 000-BBQ-962 9656.88951 -10.0 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2022-03-18 09:21:56.500 a0264.fits S_LMi V 7.38 1.65 4.2 000-BBQ-962 9656.89024 -10.0 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2022-03-18 09:23:58.500 a0265.fits CS_UMa B 3.54 1.61 4.4 000-BCX-416 9656.89165 -10.0 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
DateTime filename tnimage objid filter exptime airmass hr_ang has_wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu auid center2obj JD ccd_temp set_temp img_type read_mode binning fov_radius_amin image_available
2022-03-18 09:25:34.500 a0266.fits CS_UMa V 0.75 1.62 4.4 5.471 0.006 760 000-BCX-416 9656.89276 -10.0 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2022-03-18 09:27:57.000 a0267.fits W_UMa B 16.73 1.65 4.5 000-BBQ-676 9656.89441 -10.0 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2022-03-18 09:29:33.000 a0268.fits W_UMa B 16.73 1.66 4.6 000-BBQ-676 9656.89552 -10.0 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2022-03-18 09:30:34.500 a0269.fits W_UMa V 6.38 1.66 4.6 000-BBQ-676 9656.89623 -9.9 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2022-03-18 09:32:38.000 a0270.fits GM_UMa B 3.73 1.52 4.1 000-BFP-090 9656.89766 -9.9 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
DateTime filename tnimage objid filter exptime airmass hr_ang has_wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu auid center2obj JD ccd_temp set_temp img_type read_mode binning fov_radius_amin image_available
2022-03-18 09:33:43.000 a0271.fits GM_UMa V 1.98 1.52 4.1 000-BFP-090 9656.89841 -10.0 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2022-03-18 09:44:44.000 a0272.fits VW_Crv B 14.75 1.59 1.7 000-BCV-566 9656.90606 -10.0 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2022-03-18 09:45:16.000 a0273.fits VW_Crv B 14.75 1.59 1.7 000-BCV-566 9656.90644 -10.0 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2022-03-18 09:45:57.500 a0274.fits VW_Crv V 3.26 1.59 1.7 000-BCV-566 9656.90692 -10.0 -10.0 light Normal 1x1 Y

Column DefinitionsΒΆ

DateTime: UTC timestamp

filename: Image filename in IRAF processing and as JPEG thumbnail

link: Hyperlink to JPEG thumbnail

objid: Target object ID as defined in ACP plan and in FITS header

filter: Photometric filter used

exptime or exp: Exposure time in sec

airmass or am: Airmass during exposure

hr_ang or ha: The hour angle for the images in hours.

has_wcs or wcs: Image was plate solved at observatory and World Coordinate Systems attributes (WCS) attributes were placed in FITS header.

fwhm: Full Width Half Max star images as measured at observatory

instmag: Target object instrumental magnitude as measured by pipeline IRAF photomery subsystem

err: Target object magnitude error as measured by pipeline IRAF photomery subsystem

maxadu: Target object maximum ADU as measured by pipeline IRAF photomery subsystem

auid: AAVSO Unique Identifier for the target object

center2obj: Separation of target object from center of the image in arcmin

JD: Julian date - 2540000

ccd_temp: Camera sensor temperature (C)

set_temp: Camera cooler set point temperatur (C)

img_type: Image type; "Light" is expected; "Flat", "Dark" or "Bias" indicate a mixup in the telescope computer settings

read_mode: Various values, but this should be the same for all images at a given telescope

binning: X and Y binning of sensor pixels; this should be the same for all images at a given telescope

fov_radius_amin: Radius of field of view for the camera sensor across the shorter dimension in arcmin

image_available: This should also be yes(Y) unless a failure in the HQ computer sysem

OE: !OE! indicates over exposed target. The max ADU for the target is more than the linearity liit of the camera.

new_exp: Suggested new exposure for over exposed targets.

nstk: If this is a stacked image, number of images combined.

ChgCSV: The exposure was automatically changed in the Scheduler CSV file.

tnimage: Small image thumbnail that will open the full JPEG thumbnail image in a new tab