[NbConvertApp] Converting notebook /home/aavsonet/scripts/reports/pipeline_report.ipynb to HTML [NbConvertApp] Executing notebook with kernel: python3 pipeline_report

Telescope bsm_tx date 240909 (yymmdd)

Run at 09/11/2024 07:15:08 EDT

Warnings and Errors

INFO 405 total images for bsm_tx on 240909
WARNING 37 images not plate solved at observatory
WARNING 2 images suspected over exposed
WARNING 132 images without target object photometry
WARNING 7 dark masters more than 180 days old

INFO total images: Number of images processed during the pipeline run

ERROR IMAGE FILE MISSING: This is a serious error. It could be the result of a disk failure or defect in the pipeline scripts.

WARNING images not plate solved at observatory: This indicates images that may of poor quality or under exposed. Good quality images should be plate solved.

WARNING images suspected over exposed: The target object maxadu is over the linearity limit for the camera.

WARNING images without target object photometry: The pipeline performs full frame photometry on every image. This error indicates no photometric result was found that lies with 15 arcsec of the target object. This may be expected for extended objects. For point objects it may indicate a poor-quality image, bad exposure, etc. It makes it more likely the requestor will be not be getting good photometry.

ERROR images with invalid binning: This is a serious error since the pipeline cannot handle multiple binning levels for a given telescope. These images do not get properly processed and will be unusable.

ERROR images with invalid read mode: This indicates the camera configuration at the observatory has changed from its standard and the images are likely out of sync with the calibration images.

ERROR images with invalid image type: This is likely a due to calibration images getting stored on the telescope computer in the wrong directory and getting transferred to the pipeline as science images.

WARNING images with target off center: This indicates that, for plate solved images, the target is 25% of the radius of the image from the center of the frame. This may be intentional as when it is off center to include comp stars. However, it may indicate problems with the telescope pointing.

ERROR images with duplicate times: The frame date and time are identical to another image. This is not possible and represents an error in the pipeline processing.

ERROR Dark and Bias must be at the same temperature: The set of bias and dark calibration masters selected were not at the same temperature. This needs to be investigate and corrected. See calibration file section of this report for more information.

ERROR Science images must be at the same temperature: The science images were taken at more than one temperature. The pipeline will pick the most majority temperature and apply calibration images for that temperature to all images. See the CCD set point section of this report for more information.

WARNING dark masters more than 180 days old: The dark and bias master files in use are getting old. Consider getting new ones. See Calibration File Age section for details.

WARNING flat masters more than 15 days old: The flat master file(s) in use are getting old. Consider getting new ones. See Calibration File Age section for details.

Calibration File Age in Days

Filters used this night B,GR,I,R,SU,V
datenite imagetyp filename set_temp filter binning exptime storage_loc Age(d) Active
231012 bias bsm_tx/bsm_tx1/calibration/231012/bias_temp-5_bin1.fits -5.0 None 1 None s3 334 Y
231012 dark bsm_tx/bsm_tx1/calibration/231012/dark_1.0sec_temp-5_bin1.fits -5.0 None 1 1.00 s3 334 Y
231012 dark bsm_tx/bsm_tx1/calibration/231012/dark_3.0sec_temp-5_bin1.fits -5.0 None 1 3.00 s3 334 Y
231012 dark bsm_tx/bsm_tx1/calibration/231012/dark_10.0sec_temp-5_bin1.fits -5.0 None 1 10.00 s3 334 Y
231012 dark bsm_tx/bsm_tx1/calibration/231012/dark_30.0sec_temp-5_bin1.fits -5.0 None 1 30.00 s3 334 Y
231012 dark bsm_tx/bsm_tx1/calibration/231012/dark_100.0sec_temp-5_bin1.fits -5.0 None 1 100.00 s3 334 Y
231012 dark bsm_tx/bsm_tx1/calibration/231012/dark_300.0sec_temp-5_bin1.fits -5.0 None 1 300.00 s3 334 Y
240909 flat bsm_tx/bsm_tx1/calibration/240909/flatB_bin1.fits NaN B 1 None fs 1 Y
240909 flat bsm_tx/bsm_tx1/calibration/240909/flatI_bin1.fits NaN I 1 None fs 1 Y
240909 flat bsm_tx/bsm_tx1/calibration/240909/flatR_bin1.fits NaN R 1 None fs 1 Y
240909 flat bsm_tx/bsm_tx1/calibration/240909/flatSU_bin1.fits NaN SU 1 None fs 1 Y
240909 flat bsm_tx/bsm_tx1/calibration/240909/flatV_bin1.fits NaN V 1 None fs 1 Y
220219 flat bsm_tx/bsm_tx1/calibration/220219/flatGR_bin1.fits -10.0 GR 1 1.03 s3 934 Y
231029 bias bsm_tx/bsm_tx1/calibration/231029/bias_temp-10_bin1.fits -10.0 None 1 None s3 317
230704 bias bsm_tx/bsm_tx1/calibration/230704/bias_temp0_bin1.fits 0.0 None 1 None s3 434
221229 bias bsm_tx/bsm_tx1/calibration/221229/bias_temp-15_bin1.fits -15.0 None 1 None s3 621
221225 bias bsm_tx/bsm_tx1/calibration/221225/bias_temp-20_bin1.fits -20.0 None 1 None s3 625
231029 dark bsm_tx/bsm_tx1/calibration/231029/dark_1.0sec_temp-10_bin1.fits -10.0 None 1 1.00 s3 317
231029 dark bsm_tx/bsm_tx1/calibration/231029/dark_3.0sec_temp-10_bin1.fits -10.0 None 1 3.00 s3 317
231029 dark bsm_tx/bsm_tx1/calibration/231029/dark_10.0sec_temp-10_bin1.fits -10.0 None 1 10.00 s3 317
231029 dark bsm_tx/bsm_tx1/calibration/231029/dark_30.0sec_temp-10_bin1.fits -10.0 None 1 30.00 s3 317
231029 dark bsm_tx/bsm_tx1/calibration/231029/dark_100.0sec_temp-10_bin1.fits -10.0 None 1 100.00 s3 317
231029 dark bsm_tx/bsm_tx1/calibration/231029/dark_300.0sec_temp-10_bin1.fits -10.0 None 1 300.00 s3 317
230704 dark bsm_tx/bsm_tx1/calibration/230704/dark_1.0sec_temp0_bin1.fits 0.0 None 1 1.00 s3 434
230704 dark bsm_tx/bsm_tx1/calibration/230704/dark_3.0sec_temp0_bin1.fits 0.0 None 1 3.00 s3 434
230704 dark bsm_tx/bsm_tx1/calibration/230704/dark_10.0sec_temp0_bin1.fits 0.0 None 1 10.00 s3 434
230704 dark bsm_tx/bsm_tx1/calibration/230704/dark_19.54sec_temp0_bin1.fits 0.0 None 1 19.54 s3 434
230704 dark bsm_tx/bsm_tx1/calibration/230704/dark_30.0sec_temp0_bin1.fits 0.0 None 1 30.00 s3 434
230704 dark bsm_tx/bsm_tx1/calibration/230704/dark_100.0sec_temp0_bin1.fits 0.0 None 1 100.00 s3 434
230704 dark bsm_tx/bsm_tx1/calibration/230704/dark_300.0sec_temp0_bin1.fits 0.0 None 1 300.00 s3 434
221229 dark bsm_tx/bsm_tx1/calibration/221229/dark_1.0sec_temp-15_bin1.fits -15.0 None 1 1.00 s3 621
221229 dark bsm_tx/bsm_tx1/calibration/221229/dark_3.0sec_temp-15_bin1.fits -15.0 None 1 3.00 s3 621
221229 dark bsm_tx/bsm_tx1/calibration/221229/dark_10.0sec_temp-15_bin1.fits -15.0 None 1 10.00 s3 621
221229 dark bsm_tx/bsm_tx1/calibration/221229/dark_30.0sec_temp-15_bin1.fits -15.0 None 1 30.00 s3 621
221229 dark bsm_tx/bsm_tx1/calibration/221229/dark_100.0sec_temp-15_bin1.fits -15.0 None 1 100.00 s3 621
221229 dark bsm_tx/bsm_tx1/calibration/221229/dark_300.0sec_temp-15_bin1.fits -15.0 None 1 300.00 s3 621
221225 dark bsm_tx/bsm_tx1/calibration/221225/dark_1.0sec_temp-20_bin1.fits -20.0 None 1 1.00 s3 625
221225 dark bsm_tx/bsm_tx1/calibration/221225/dark_3.0sec_temp-20_bin1.fits -20.0 None 1 3.00 s3 625
221225 dark bsm_tx/bsm_tx1/calibration/221225/dark_10.0sec_temp-20_bin1.fits -20.0 None 1 10.00 s3 625
221225 dark bsm_tx/bsm_tx1/calibration/221225/dark_30.0sec_temp-20_bin1.fits -20.0 None 1 30.00 s3 625
221225 dark bsm_tx/bsm_tx1/calibration/221225/dark_100.0sec_temp-20_bin1.fits -20.0 None 1 100.00 s3 625
221225 dark bsm_tx/bsm_tx1/calibration/221225/dark_300.0sec_temp-20_bin1.fits -20.0 None 1 300.00 s3 625

Weather and Moon information

no SOD jpg

CCD set point vs operating temperature

Maximum delta temperature SET - CCD 0.20 C

Pointing Performance

Suspected Over Exposed Images

Updating '/home/aavsonet/plans':
At revision 4669.
DateTime project_ objid filter exptime airmass fwhm instmag err maxadu new_exp ChgCSV
2024-09-10 11:49:46.625 AAVSO_ NorthSurvey_ HQ_ AUTO AY_Cet V 2.240 1.66 1.68 3.053 0.002 60507 1.55 done
2024-09-10 11:41:34.894 AAVSO_ P491_ GSAD_ AUTO V711_Tau R 2.000 1.16 1.51 3.090 0.002 60406 1.39 done
Sending        plans/BSM_TX/AAVSO_NorthSurvey_HQ_AUTO.csv
Sending        plans/BSM_TX/AAVSO_P491_GSAD_AUTO.csv
Transmitting file data ..done
Committing transaction...
Committed revision 4670.

Suspected Under Exposed Images

DateTime project_ objid filter exptime airmass fwhm instmag err maxadu new_exp
2024-09-10 07:44:48.325 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO BW_VUL B 1.650 1.33 12.848 0.339 12
2024-09-10 07:11:37.780 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.21 11.907 0.286 19
2024-09-10 08:18:35.215 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO BW_VUL V 1.500 1.50 12.632 0.292 7
2024-09-10 10:07:06.410 AAVSO_ P141_ SPP_ AUTO NGC_7790 B 40.000 1.30 1.65 12.339 0.600 308
2024-09-10 10:14:33.320 AAVSO_ P141_ SPP_ AUTO NGC_7790 I 40.000 1.31 1.83 9.283 0.059 1116

Images by Target Object


AUID 000-BCV-440

DateTime project_ filter exp am ha filename wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk tnimage OE
2024-09-10 11:48:16.960 AAVSO_ NorthSurvey_ HQ_ AUTO B 4.540 1.65 2.9 a0498.fits Y 1.90 3.176 0.002 46692 3
2024-09-10 11:49:46.625 AAVSO_ NorthSurvey_ HQ_ AUTO V 2.240 1.66 2.9 a0499.fits Y 1.68 3.053 0.002 60507 5 !OE!


AUID 000-BCX-560

DateTime project_ filter exp am ha filename wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk tnimage OE
2024-09-10 01:53:17.925 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO V 1.500 1.22 -2.7 a0101.fits Y 1.32 4.160 0.003 25252 7
2024-09-10 01:55:33.120 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO B 1.650 1.21 -2.6 a0102.fits Y 1.58 4.000 0.003 28557 7
2024-09-10 01:56:54.289 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.20 -2.6 a0103.fits
2024-09-10 01:58:20.178 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.20 -2.6 a0104.fits
2024-09-10 01:58:38.618 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.20 -2.6 a0105.fits
2024-09-10 02:00:08.035 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO V 1.500 1.20 -2.6 a0106.fits Y 1.44 4.166 0.003 29864 7
2024-09-10 02:02:22.199 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO B 1.650 1.19 -2.5 a0107.fits Y 1.72 4.007 0.003 30785 7
2024-09-10 02:03:43.960 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.18 -2.5 a0108.fits
2024-09-10 02:05:10.140 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.18 -2.5 a0109.fits
2024-09-10 02:05:28.420 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.18 -2.4 a0110.fits
2024-09-10 02:06:58.330 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO V 1.500 1.18 -2.4 a0111.fits Y 1.54 4.170 0.003 28490 7
2024-09-10 02:09:13.395 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO B 1.650 1.17 -2.4 a0112.fits Y 2.01 4.010 0.003 22247 7
2024-09-10 02:10:35.350 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.17 -2.4 a0113.fits
2024-09-10 02:12:00.850 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.16 -2.3 a0114.fits
2024-09-10 02:12:19.390 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.16 -2.3 a0115.fits
2024-09-10 02:13:49.375 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO V 1.500 1.16 -2.3 a0116.fits Y 1.72 4.202 0.003 21652 7
2024-09-10 02:16:05.880 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO B 1.650 1.15 -2.3 a0117.fits Y 2.41 4.019 0.003 16914 7
2024-09-10 02:17:28.100 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.15 -2.2 a0118.fits
2024-09-10 02:18:54.149 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.15 -2.2 a0119.fits
2024-09-10 02:19:12.679 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.14 -2.2 a0120.fits
2024-09-10 02:20:43.065 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO V 1.500 1.14 -2.2 a0121.fits Y 2.15 4.195 0.003 23315 7
2024-09-10 02:22:57.859 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO B 1.650 1.14 -2.2 a0122.fits Y 2.84 4.025 0.003 13144 7
2024-09-10 02:24:19.449 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.13 -2.1 a0123.fits
2024-09-10 02:25:45.118 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.13 -2.1 a0124.fits
2024-09-10 02:26:03.620 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.13 -2.1 a0125.fits
2024-09-10 02:27:34.535 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO V 1.500 1.13 -2.1 a0126.fits Y 2.37 4.210 0.003 14288 7
2024-09-10 02:29:49.969 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO B 1.650 1.12 -2.1 a0127.fits Y 3.19 4.022 0.003 10287 7
2024-09-10 02:31:12.618 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.12 -2.0 a0128.fits
2024-09-10 02:32:39.829 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.11 -2.0 a0129.fits 5.029 0.005 4474
2024-09-10 02:32:58.079 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.11 -2.0 a0130.fits
2024-09-10 02:34:28.465 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO V 1.500 1.11 -2.0 a0131.fits Y 2.76 4.204 0.003 13359 7
2024-09-10 02:36:44.269 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO B 1.650 1.11 -1.9 a0132.fits Y 3.58 4.205 0.003 8366 7
2024-09-10 02:38:06.769 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.10 -1.9 a0133.fits
2024-09-10 02:39:32.950 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.10 -1.9 a0134.fits
2024-09-10 02:39:51.149 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.10 -1.9 a0135.fits
2024-09-10 02:41:21.180 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO V 1.500 1.10 -1.9 a0136.fits Y 2.99 4.213 0.003 11693 7
2024-09-10 02:43:38.770 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO B 1.650 1.10 -1.8 a0137.fits Y 3.59 8.696 0.030 7633 7
2024-09-10 02:45:02.720 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.09 -1.8 a0138.fits
2024-09-10 02:46:31.030 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.09 -1.8 a0139.fits
2024-09-10 02:46:49.618 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.09 -1.8 a0140.fits
2024-09-10 02:48:19.510 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO V 1.500 1.09 -1.7 a0141.fits Y 3.35 4.235 0.003 8571 7
2024-09-10 02:50:44.110 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO B 1.650 1.08 -1.7 a0142.fits Y 4.074 0.003 6676 7
2024-09-10 02:52:07.030 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.08 -1.7 a0143.fits
2024-09-10 02:53:35.280 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.08 -1.6 a0144.fits
2024-09-10 02:53:53.969 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.08 -1.6 a0145.fits
2024-09-10 02:55:24.289 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO V 1.500 1.08 -1.6 a0146.fits Y 3.56 4.243 0.003 7528 7
2024-09-10 02:58:08.640 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO B 1.650 1.07 -1.6 a0147.fits Y 4.53 4.202 0.003 6050 7
2024-09-10 02:59:50.920 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.07 -1.5 a0148.fits
2024-09-10 03:01:20.079 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.06 -1.5 a0149.fits
2024-09-10 03:01:38.579 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.06 -1.5 a0150.fits
2024-09-10 03:03:08.144 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO V 1.500 1.06 -1.5 a0151.fits Y 3.80 4.267 0.004 6291 7
2024-09-10 03:05:38.100 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO B 1.650 1.06 -1.5 a0152.fits Y 4.46 4.652 0.004 6010 7
2024-09-10 03:07:07.080 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.06 -1.4 a0153.fits
2024-09-10 03:08:33.929 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.05 -1.4 a0154.fits 5.300 0.006 2265
2024-09-10 03:08:52.460 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.05 -1.4 a0155.fits 5.140 0.005 2125
2024-09-10 03:10:23.069 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO V 1.500 1.05 -1.4 a0156.fits Y 4.17 4.258 0.004 5910 7
2024-09-10 03:12:48.510 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO B 1.650 1.05 -1.3 a0157.fits Y 5.567 0.006 4738 7
2024-09-10 03:14:12.050 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.05 -1.3 a0158.fits 5.572 0.007 2160
2024-09-10 03:15:37.840 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.05 -1.3 a0159.fits 5.451 0.006 2014
2024-09-10 03:15:55.899 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.05 -1.3 a0160.fits Y 5.400 0.006 1979
2024-09-10 03:17:25.245 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO V 1.500 1.04 -1.3 a0161.fits Y 4.35 4.304 0.004 5326 7
2024-09-10 03:19:52.470 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO B 1.650 1.04 -1.2 a0162.fits Y 4.87 4.755 0.004 4429 7
2024-09-10 03:21:19.428 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.04 -1.2 a0163.fits Y 5.235 0.006 2172
2024-09-10 03:22:44.670 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.04 -1.2 a0164.fits Y 5.325 0.006 1975
2024-09-10 03:23:03.379 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.04 -1.2 a0165.fits Y 5.335 0.006 2103
2024-09-10 03:24:32.844 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO V 1.500 1.04 -1.1 a0166.fits Y 4.48 4.321 0.004 4677 7
2024-09-10 03:27:08.219 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO B 1.650 1.03 -1.1 a0167.fits Y 4.49 4.271 0.004 4395 7
2024-09-10 03:28:42.939 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.03 -1.1 a0168.fits Y 5.072 0.005 1910
2024-09-10 03:30:09.028 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.03 -1.0 a0169.fits Y 5.563 0.006 1839
2024-09-10 03:30:27.649 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.03 -1.0 a0170.fits Y 5.077 0.005 1844
2024-09-10 03:31:56.155 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO V 1.500 1.03 -1.0 a0171.fits Y 4.93 4.296 0.004 4800 7
2024-09-10 03:34:18.934 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO B 1.650 1.03 -1.0 a0172.fits Y 4.178 0.003 4416 7
2024-09-10 03:35:41.740 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.02 -0.9 a0173.fits Y
2024-09-10 03:37:08.070 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.02 -0.9 a0174.fits Y
2024-09-10 03:37:26.768 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.02 -0.9 a0175.fits Y
2024-09-10 03:38:55.095 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO V 1.500 1.02 -0.9 a0176.fits Y 5.37 4.535 0.004 3666 7
2024-09-10 03:41:18.440 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO B 1.650 1.02 -0.9 a0177.fits Y 4.365 0.004 4084 7
2024-09-10 03:42:42.618 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.02 -0.8 a0178.fits Y 5.114 0.005 1855
2024-09-10 03:44:09.759 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.02 -0.8 a0179.fits Y 5.309 0.006 1853
2024-09-10 03:44:28.320 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.02 -0.8 a0180.fits Y 5.478 0.006 2022
2024-09-10 03:45:56.984 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO V 1.500 1.02 -0.8 a0181.fits Y 5.71 4.373 0.004 3875 7
2024-09-10 03:48:20.375 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO B 1.650 1.02 -0.7 a0182.fits Y 4.273 0.004 4059 7
2024-09-10 03:49:44.539 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.01 -0.7 a0183.fits Y 5.253 0.006 1797
2024-09-10 03:51:11.980 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.01 -0.7 a0184.fits Y 5.575 0.006 1599
2024-09-10 03:51:30.338 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.01 -0.7 a0185.fits Y 5.126 0.005 1680
2024-09-10 03:52:59.894 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO V 1.500 1.01 -0.7 a0186.fits Y 5.30 4.342 0.004 4039 7
2024-09-10 03:55:24.065 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO B 1.650 1.01 -0.6 a0187.fits Y 4.205 0.003 4169 7
2024-09-10 03:56:47.960 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.01 -0.6 a0188.fits Y 5.153 0.005 1873
2024-09-10 03:58:14.390 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.01 -0.6 a0189.fits Y 5.479 0.006 1783
2024-09-10 03:58:32.740 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.01 -0.6 a0190.fits Y 5.103 0.005 1638
2024-09-10 04:00:02.144 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO V 1.500 1.01 -0.5 a0191.fits Y 5.98 4.339 0.004 4355 7
2024-09-10 04:02:26.004 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO B 1.650 1.01 -0.5 a0192.fits Y 4.331 0.004 3899 7
2024-09-10 04:03:49.850 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.01 -0.5 a0193.fits Y 5.175 0.005 1940
2024-09-10 04:05:15.960 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.01 -0.4 a0194.fits Y 5.246 0.006 1736
2024-09-10 04:05:34.380 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.01 -0.4 a0195.fits Y 5.277 0.006 1712
2024-09-10 04:07:03.549 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO V 1.500 1.01 -0.4 a0196.fits Y 6.32 4.379 0.004 3563 7
2024-09-10 04:09:27.680 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO B 1.650 1.01 -0.4 a0197.fits Y 4.200 0.003 4229 7
2024-09-10 04:10:51.600 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.00 -0.4 a0198.fits Y 5.467 0.006 1760
2024-09-10 04:12:18.690 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.00 -0.3 a0199.fits Y 5.558 0.006 1625
2024-09-10 04:12:36.810 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.00 -0.3 a0200.fits Y 5.227 0.005 1842
2024-09-10 04:14:05.455 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO V 1.500 1.00 -0.3 a0201.fits Y 5.81 4.331 0.004 4067 7
2024-09-10 04:16:27.845 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO B 1.650 1.00 -0.3 a0202.fits Y 4.209 0.003 4369 7
2024-09-10 04:17:50.840 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.00 -0.2 a0203.fits Y 5.183 0.005 1735
2024-09-10 04:19:17.268 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.00 -0.2 a0204.fits Y 5.161 0.005 1823
2024-09-10 04:19:35.719 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.00 -0.2 a0205.fits Y 5.280 0.006 1753
2024-09-10 04:21:04.384 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO V 1.500 1.00 -0.2 a0206.fits Y 6.37 4.351 0.004 3900 7
2024-09-10 04:23:27.920 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO B 1.650 1.00 -0.2 a0207.fits Y 4.218 0.003 4364 7
2024-09-10 04:24:51.820 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.00 -0.1 a0208.fits Y 5.403 0.006 1895
2024-09-10 04:26:18.838 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.00 -0.1 a0209.fits Y 5.138 0.005 1714
2024-09-10 04:26:37.420 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.00 -0.1 a0210.fits Y 5.095 0.005 1770
2024-09-10 04:40:05.800 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO V 1.500 1.00 0.1 a0211.fits Y 5.83 4.479 0.004 3150 7
2024-09-10 04:42:29.954 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO B 1.650 1.00 0.2 a0212.fits Y 4.334 0.004 3635 7
2024-09-10 04:43:53.460 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.00 0.2 a0213.fits Y 5.134 0.005 1669
2024-09-10 04:45:19.800 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.00 0.2 a0214.fits Y 5.164 0.005 1540
2024-09-10 04:45:38.350 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.00 0.2 a0215.fits Y 5.385 0.006 1599
2024-09-10 04:47:06.650 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO V 1.500 1.00 0.2 a0216.fits Y 6.54 4.443 0.004 3076 7
2024-09-10 04:49:31.045 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO B 1.650 1.00 0.3 a0217.fits Y 4.397 0.004 2881 7
2024-09-10 04:50:54.920 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.00 0.3 a0218.fits Y 5.160 0.005 1638
2024-09-10 04:52:21.879 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.00 0.3 a0219.fits Y 5.183 0.005 1505
2024-09-10 04:52:40.298 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.00 0.3 a0220.fits Y 5.162 0.005 1595
2024-09-10 04:54:08.649 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO V 1.500 1.00 0.4 a0221.fits Y 6.12 4.499 0.004 2838 7
2024-09-10 04:56:33.008 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO B 1.650 1.00 0.4 a0222.fits Y 4.453 0.004 3465 7
2024-09-10 04:57:57.118 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.01 0.4 a0223.fits Y 5.234 0.006 1498
2024-09-10 04:59:23.510 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.01 0.5 a0224.fits Y 5.189 0.005 1470
2024-09-10 04:59:42.009 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.01 0.5 a0225.fits Y 5.212 0.005 1432
2024-09-10 05:01:12.785 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO V 1.500 1.01 0.5 a0226.fits Y 6.52 4.468 0.004 3100 7
2024-09-10 05:03:38.919 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO B 1.650 1.01 0.5 a0227.fits Y 4.412 0.004 3245 7
2024-09-10 05:05:03.620 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.01 0.6 a0228.fits Y 5.193 0.005 1545
2024-09-10 05:06:30.000 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.01 0.6 a0229.fits Y 5.217 0.005 1359
2024-09-10 05:06:48.219 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.01 0.6 a0230.fits Y 5.212 0.005 1518
2024-09-10 05:08:47.605 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO V 1.500 1.01 0.6 a0231.fits Y 6.27 4.522 0.004 2791 7
2024-09-10 05:11:35.855 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO B 1.650 1.01 0.6 a0232.fits Y 4.474 0.004 3021 7
2024-09-10 05:13:00.530 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.01 0.7 a0233.fits Y 5.263 0.006 1497
2024-09-10 05:14:25.850 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.01 0.7 a0234.fits Y 5.219 0.005 1493
2024-09-10 05:14:44.179 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.01 0.7 a0235.fits Y 5.229 0.006 1494
2024-09-10 05:16:42.559 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO V 1.500 1.01 0.7 a0236.fits Y 6.53 4.611 0.004 2545 7
2024-09-10 05:19:28.849 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO B 1.650 1.02 0.8 a0237.fits Y 4.485 0.004 3378 7
2024-09-10 05:20:53.200 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.02 0.8 a0238.fits Y 5.263 0.006 1440
2024-09-10 05:22:18.838 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.02 0.8 a0239.fits Y 5.322 0.006 1445
2024-09-10 05:22:37.469 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.02 0.8 a0240.fits Y 5.291 0.006 1366
2024-09-10 05:24:17.383 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO V 1.500 1.02 0.9 a0241.fits Y 4.565 0.004 2554 7
2024-09-10 05:26:45.379 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO B 1.650 1.02 0.9 a0242.fits Y 4.586 0.004 2967 7
2024-09-10 05:28:09.980 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.02 0.9 a0243.fits Y 5.371 0.006 1278
2024-09-10 05:29:35.270 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.02 1.0 a0244.fits Y 5.432 0.006 1202
2024-09-10 05:29:53.740 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.02 1.0 a0245.fits Y 5.599 0.007 1154
2024-09-10 05:31:32.819 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO V 1.500 1.02 1.0 a0246.fits Y 4.660 0.004 2483 7
2024-09-10 05:33:59.224 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO B 1.650 1.03 1.0 a0247.fits Y 4.683 0.004 2714 7
2024-09-10 05:35:23.109 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.03 1.1 a0248.fits Y 5.476 0.006 1304
2024-09-10 05:36:50.280 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.03 1.1 a0249.fits Y 5.537 0.006 1306
2024-09-10 05:37:08.609 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.03 1.1 a0250.fits Y
2024-09-10 05:38:49.364 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO V 1.500 1.03 1.1 a0251.fits Y 4.768 0.004 2016 7
2024-09-10 05:41:15.959 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO B 1.650 1.03 1.1 a0252.fits Y 4.719 0.004 2579 7
2024-09-10 05:42:39.689 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.04 1.2 a0253.fits Y 5.474 0.006 1179
2024-09-10 05:44:05.019 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.04 1.2 a0254.fits Y 5.544 0.006 1111
2024-09-10 05:44:23.170 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.04 1.2 a0255.fits Y 5.524 0.006 1198
2024-09-10 05:46:03.150 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO V 1.500 1.04 1.2 a0256.fits Y 4.700 0.004 2234 7
2024-09-10 05:48:30.205 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO B 1.650 1.04 1.3 a0257.fits Y 4.677 0.004 2658 7
2024-09-10 05:49:54.240 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.04 1.3 a0258.fits Y 5.466 0.006 1183
2024-09-10 05:51:21.140 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.05 1.3 a0259.fits Y 5.614 0.007 1174
2024-09-10 05:51:39.700 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.05 1.3 a0260.fits Y 5.525 0.006 1090
2024-09-10 05:53:18.494 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO V 1.500 1.05 1.3 a0261.fits Y 4.782 0.004 2112 7
2024-09-10 05:55:46.269 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO B 1.650 1.05 1.4 a0262.fits Y 4.743 0.004 2555 7
2024-09-10 05:57:10.679 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.05 1.4 a0263.fits Y 5.544 0.006 1105
2024-09-10 05:58:36.820 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.06 1.4 a0264.fits Y 5.541 0.006 1123
2024-09-10 05:58:55.189 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.06 1.5 a0265.fits Y 5.558 0.006 1118
2024-09-10 06:00:34.704 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO V 1.500 1.06 1.5 a0266.fits Y 4.770 0.004 2152 7
2024-09-10 06:03:01.929 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO B 1.650 1.06 1.5 a0267.fits Y 4.752 0.004 2565 7
2024-09-10 06:04:26.079 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.06 1.5 a0268.fits Y 5.559 0.006 1083
2024-09-10 06:05:52.590 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.07 1.6 a0269.fits Y
2024-09-10 06:06:10.538 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.07 1.6 a0270.fits Y
2024-09-10 06:07:49.699 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO V 1.500 1.07 1.6 a0271.fits Y 7
2024-09-10 06:10:17.739 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO B 1.650 1.07 1.6 a0272.fits Y 7
2024-09-10 06:11:43.140 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.08 1.7 a0273.fits Y 5.577 0.006 1048
2024-09-10 06:13:09.730 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.08 1.7 a0274.fits Y 5.585 0.006 1085
2024-09-10 06:13:28.440 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.08 1.7 a0275.fits Y 5.575 0.006 1053
2024-09-10 06:15:08.139 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO V 1.500 1.08 1.7 a0276.fits Y 4.816 0.005 1992 7
2024-09-10 06:17:35.763 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO B 1.650 1.08 1.7 a0277.fits Y 4.766 0.004 2395 7
2024-09-10 06:18:59.899 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.09 1.8 a0278.fits Y 5.624 0.007 1066
2024-09-10 06:20:26.480 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.09 1.8 a0279.fits Y 5.673 0.007 1002
2024-09-10 06:20:45.228 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.09 1.8 a0280.fits Y 5.635 0.007 1057
2024-09-10 06:22:24.319 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO V 1.500 1.09 1.8 a0281.fits Y 4.800 0.004 2021 7
2024-09-10 06:24:51.940 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO B 1.650 1.10 1.9 a0282.fits Y 4.825 0.005 2323 7
2024-09-10 06:26:16.859 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.10 1.9 a0283.fits Y 5.817 0.007 1030
2024-09-10 06:27:42.679 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.10 1.9 a0284.fits Y 5.688 0.007 970
2024-09-10 06:28:01.020 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.10 1.9 a0285.fits Y 5.724 0.007 994
2024-09-10 06:29:40.854 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO V 1.500 1.10 2.0 a0286.fits Y 4.891 0.005 1826 7
2024-09-10 06:32:07.605 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO B 1.650 1.11 2.0 a0287.fits Y 7
2024-09-10 06:33:31.140 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.11 2.0 a0288.fits Y
2024-09-10 06:34:57.679 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.12 2.1 a0289.fits Y
2024-09-10 06:35:16.140 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.12 2.1 a0290.fits Y
2024-09-10 06:36:56.500 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO V 1.500 1.12 2.1 a0291.fits Y 7
2024-09-10 06:39:23.559 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO B 1.650 1.12 2.1 a0292.fits Y 7
2024-09-10 06:40:47.380 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.13 2.2 a0293.fits Y
2024-09-10 06:42:13.140 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.13 2.2 a0294.fits Y
2024-09-10 06:42:31.649 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.13 2.2 a0295.fits Y
2024-09-10 06:44:11.299 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO V 1.500 1.14 2.2 a0296.fits Y 7
2024-09-10 06:46:38.720 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO B 1.650 1.14 2.2 a0297.fits Y 7
2024-09-10 06:48:03.359 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.15 2.3 a0298.fits Y
2024-09-10 06:49:30.620 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.15 2.3 a0299.fits Y
2024-09-10 06:49:48.939 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.15 2.3 a0300.fits Y
2024-09-10 06:51:30.434 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO V 1.500 1.15 2.3 a0301.fits Y 7
2024-09-10 06:53:58.219 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO B 1.650 1.16 2.4 a0302.fits Y 13.757 0.611 -3 7
2024-09-10 06:55:22.359 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.17 2.4 a0303.fits Y
2024-09-10 06:56:48.520 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.17 2.4 a0304.fits Y
2024-09-10 06:57:06.790 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.17 2.4 a0305.fits Y
2024-09-10 06:58:46.784 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO V 1.500 1.17 2.4 a0306.fits Y 5.065 0.005 1575 7
2024-09-10 07:01:14.714 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO B 1.650 1.18 2.5 a0307.fits Y 5.074 0.005 1764 7
2024-09-10 07:02:38.530 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.19 2.5 a0308.fits Y 6.003 0.008 739
2024-09-10 07:04:04.570 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.19 2.5 a0309.fits Y 6.006 0.008 754
2024-09-10 07:04:23.070 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.19 2.5 a0310.fits Y 6.040 0.008 781
2024-09-10 07:06:02.105 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO V 1.500 1.19 2.6 a0311.fits 5.245 0.006 1629 7
2024-09-10 07:08:29.734 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO B 1.650 1.20 2.6 a0312.fits Y 7
2024-09-10 07:09:53.850 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.21 2.6 a0313.fits Y
2024-09-10 07:11:19.690 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.21 2.7 a0314.fits Y
2024-09-10 07:11:37.780 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.21 2.7 a0315.fits Y 11.907 0.286 19
2024-09-10 07:13:18.010 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO V 1.500 1.21 2.7 a0316.fits Y 7
2024-09-10 07:15:45.359 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO B 1.650 1.22 2.7 a0317.fits Y 7
2024-09-10 07:17:08.849 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.23 2.8 a0318.fits Y
2024-09-10 07:18:35.600 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.23 2.8 a0319.fits Y
2024-09-10 07:18:53.850 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.24 2.8 a0320.fits Y
2024-09-10 07:20:33.924 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO V 1.500 1.24 2.8 a0321.fits Y 7
2024-09-10 07:23:01.009 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO B 1.650 1.25 2.8 a0322.fits Y 7
2024-09-10 07:24:25.190 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.25 2.9 a0323.fits Y 13.720 1.333 17
2024-09-10 07:25:51.259 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.26 2.9 a0324.fits Y
2024-09-10 07:26:09.820 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.26 2.9 a0325.fits Y
2024-09-10 07:27:49.854 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO V 1.500 1.26 2.9 a0326.fits Y 7
2024-09-10 07:30:16.714 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO B 1.650 1.27 3.0 a0327.fits Y 7
2024-09-10 07:31:40.429 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.28 3.0 a0328.fits Y 6.151 0.008 696
2024-09-10 07:33:05.070 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.29 3.0 a0329.fits Y 6.288 0.009 696
2024-09-10 07:33:23.420 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.29 3.0 a0330.fits Y 6.214 0.009 652
2024-09-10 07:35:03.294 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO V 1.500 1.29 3.0 a0331.fits Y 5.176 0.005 1410 7
2024-09-10 07:37:31.758 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO B 1.650 1.30 3.1 a0332.fits Y 5.244 0.006 1567 7
2024-09-10 07:38:56.149 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.31 3.1 a0333.fits Y 6.218 0.009 637
2024-09-10 07:40:22.518 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.32 3.2 a0334.fits Y 6.170 0.009 650
2024-09-10 07:40:40.820 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.32 3.2 a0335.fits Y 6.224 0.009 691
2024-09-10 07:42:20.988 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO V 1.500 1.32 3.2 a0336.fits Y 7
2024-09-10 07:44:48.325 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO B 1.650 1.33 3.2 a0337.fits Y 12.848 0.339 12 7
2024-09-10 07:46:11.919 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.34 3.2 a0338.fits Y 12.408 0.425 11
2024-09-10 07:47:36.770 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.35 3.3 a0339.fits Y
2024-09-10 07:47:55.320 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.35 3.3 a0340.fits Y
2024-09-10 07:49:34.925 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO V 1.500 1.35 3.3 a0341.fits Y 7
2024-09-10 07:52:01.619 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO B 1.650 1.36 3.3 a0342.fits Y 12.900 0.385 14 7
2024-09-10 07:53:24.800 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.37 3.4 a0343.fits Y
2024-09-10 07:54:50.320 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.38 3.4 a0344.fits Y
2024-09-10 07:55:08.538 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.38 3.4 a0345.fits Y 6.172 0.009 655
2024-09-10 07:56:48.324 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO V 1.500 1.38 3.4 a0346.fits Y 5.123 0.005 1429 7
2024-09-10 07:59:15.749 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO B 1.650 1.40 3.4 a0347.fits Y 5.191 0.005 1557 7
2024-09-10 08:00:39.929 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.41 3.5 a0348.fits Y 6.187 0.009 641
2024-09-10 08:02:06.400 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.42 3.5 a0349.fits Y 6.260 0.009 703
2024-09-10 08:02:24.940 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.42 3.5 a0350.fits Y 6.181 0.009 656
2024-09-10 08:04:04.394 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO V 1.500 1.42 3.5 a0351.fits Y 12.662 0.304 809 7
2024-09-10 08:06:31.215 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO B 1.650 1.43 3.6 a0352.fits Y 5.195 0.005 1857 7
2024-09-10 08:07:55.090 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.45 3.6 a0353.fits Y 6.356 0.009 736
2024-09-10 08:09:22.199 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.46 3.6 a0354.fits Y
2024-09-10 08:09:40.590 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.46 3.6 a0355.fits Y
2024-09-10 08:11:19.985 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO V 1.500 1.46 3.6 a0356.fits Y 13.298 0.488 4 7
2024-09-10 08:13:47.184 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO B 1.650 1.48 3.7 a0357.fits Y 7
2024-09-10 08:15:10.859 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.49 3.7 a0358.fits Y
2024-09-10 08:16:37.539 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.50 3.8 a0359.fits Y
2024-09-10 08:16:55.908 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.50 3.8 a0360.fits Y
2024-09-10 08:18:35.215 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO V 1.500 1.50 3.8 a0361.fits Y 12.632 0.292 7 7
2024-09-10 08:21:02.275 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO B 1.650 1.52 3.8 a0362.fits Y 7
2024-09-10 08:22:26.550 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.54 3.9 a0363.fits Y 13.398 1.046 14
2024-09-10 08:23:52.670 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.55 3.9 a0364.fits Y
2024-09-10 08:24:10.880 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.55 3.9 a0365.fits Y
2024-09-10 08:25:51.114 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO V 1.500 1.55 3.9 a0366.fits Y 16.942 9.999 1 7
2024-09-10 08:28:18.340 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO B 1.650 1.57 3.9 a0367.fits Y 7
2024-09-10 08:29:41.840 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.59 4.0 a0368.fits Y
2024-09-10 08:31:08.460 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.60 4.0 a0369.fits Y
2024-09-10 08:31:26.768 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.60 4.0 a0370.fits Y
2024-09-10 08:33:06.349 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO V 1.500 1.60 4.0 a0371.fits Y 7
2024-09-10 08:35:33.233 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO B 1.650 1.62 4.1 a0372.fits Y 14.874 1.617 -2 7
2024-09-10 08:36:57.060 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.64 4.1 a0373.fits Y
2024-09-10 08:38:22.420 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.65 4.1 a0374.fits Y
2024-09-10 08:38:41.030 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.65 4.1 a0375.fits Y
2024-09-10 08:40:19.709 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO V 1.500 1.66 4.1 a0376.fits Y 14.342 0.992 -1 7
2024-09-10 08:42:46.195 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO B 1.650 1.68 4.2 a0377.fits Y 7
2024-09-10 08:44:09.800 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.70 4.2 a0378.fits Y
2024-09-10 08:45:35.649 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.71 4.2 a0379.fits Y
2024-09-10 08:45:54.030 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.71 4.2 a0380.fits Y
2024-09-10 08:47:33.500 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO V 1.500 1.72 4.3 a0381.fits Y 7
2024-09-10 08:50:00.044 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO B 1.650 1.74 4.3 a0382.fits Y 7
2024-09-10 08:51:23.899 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.76 4.3 a0383.fits Y
2024-09-10 08:52:50.420 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.78 4.4 a0384.fits Y 12.396 0.390 25
2024-09-10 08:53:08.810 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.78 4.4 a0385.fits Y
2024-09-10 08:54:47.754 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO V 1.500 1.78 4.4 a0386.fits Y 7
2024-09-10 08:57:14.489 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO B 1.650 1.81 4.4 a0387.fits Y 7
2024-09-10 08:58:38.270 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.83 4.5 a0388.fits Y
2024-09-10 09:00:03.778 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.85 4.5 a0389.fits Y
2024-09-10 09:00:22.239 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.85 4.5 a0390.fits Y
2024-09-10 09:02:02.594 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO V 1.500 1.86 4.5 a0391.fits Y 7
2024-09-10 09:04:29.580 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO B 1.650 1.88 4.5 a0392.fits Y 7
2024-09-10 09:05:53.399 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.91 4.6 a0393.fits Y
2024-09-10 09:07:18.789 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.93 4.6 a0394.fits Y
2024-09-10 09:07:36.618 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 1.93 4.6 a0395.fits Y
2024-09-10 09:09:17.589 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO V 1.500 1.93 4.6 a0396.fits Y 7
2024-09-10 09:11:45.945 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO B 1.650 1.96 4.7 a0397.fits Y 7
2024-09-10 09:13:08.980 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 2.00 4.7 a0398.fits Y
2024-09-10 09:14:35.090 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 2.01 4.7 a0399.fits Y
2024-09-10 09:14:53.640 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 2.02 4.7 a0400.fits Y
2024-09-10 09:16:33.890 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO V 1.500 2.02 4.7 a0401.fits Y 7
2024-09-10 09:19:01.034 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO B 1.650 2.05 4.8 a0402.fits Y 7
2024-09-10 09:20:25.359 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 2.09 4.8 a0403.fits Y
2024-09-10 09:21:51.600 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 2.11 4.8 a0404.fits Y
2024-09-10 09:22:09.740 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 2.11 4.9 a0405.fits Y
2024-09-10 09:23:49.234 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO V 1.500 2.12 4.9 a0406.fits Y 7
2024-09-10 09:26:15.945 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO B 1.650 2.15 4.9 a0407.fits Y 7
2024-09-10 09:27:39.340 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 2.19 4.9 a0408.fits Y
2024-09-10 09:29:06.269 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 2.22 5.0 a0409.fits Y
2024-09-10 09:29:24.480 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 2.22 5.0 a0410.fits Y
2024-09-10 09:31:05.088 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO V 1.500 2.23 5.0 a0411.fits Y 7
2024-09-10 09:33:33.135 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO B 1.650 2.27 5.0 a0412.fits Y 7
2024-09-10 09:34:57.020 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 2.31 5.1 a0413.fits Y
2024-09-10 09:36:22.800 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 2.34 5.1 a0414.fits
2024-09-10 09:36:41.100 AAVSO_ P122_ Cowall_ AUTO SU 10.000 2.34 5.1 a0415.fits Y


AUID 000-BCQ-471

DateTime project_ filter exp am ha filename wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk tnimage OE
2024-09-10 10:39:13.814 AAVSO_ P517_ FJAG_ AUTO B 1.380 1.66 4.5 a0473.fits Y 2.16 2.828 0.002 39080 10
2024-09-10 10:42:18.230 AAVSO_ P517_ FJAG_ AUTO V 1.000 1.67 4.6 a0474.fits Y 1.84 2.625 0.002 41241 10
2024-09-10 10:45:20.129 AAVSO_ P517_ FJAG_ AUTO I 1.000 1.69 4.6 a0475.fits Y 2.04 3.146 0.002 39525 10


AUID 000-BPQ-427

DateTime project_ filter exp am ha filename wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk tnimage OE
2024-09-10 09:41:58.689 AAVSO_ MISC_ HQA_ AUTO B 13.820 1.18 1.1 a0416.fits Y 1.63 4.289 0.004 34896
2024-09-10 09:42:34.350 AAVSO_ MISC_ HQA_ AUTO V 10.000 1.18 1.1 a0417.fits Y 1.40 4.241 0.003 39731
2024-09-10 09:43:03.459 AAVSO_ MISC_ HQA_ AUTO R 10.000 1.18 1.1 a0418.fits Y 1.70 4.174 0.003 30695
2024-09-10 09:43:33.530 AAVSO_ MISC_ HQA_ AUTO I 15.000 1.18 1.2 a0419.fits Y 1.56 4.974 0.005 13316
2024-09-10 09:44:22.719 AAVSO_ MISC_ HQA_ AUTO B 13.820 1.18 1.2 a0420.fits Y 1.60 4.285 0.004 41141
2024-09-10 09:44:58.609 AAVSO_ MISC_ HQA_ AUTO V 10.000 1.18 1.2 a0421.fits Y 1.55 4.249 0.003 26395
2024-09-10 09:45:27.170 AAVSO_ MISC_ HQA_ AUTO R 10.000 1.18 1.2 a0422.fits Y 1.55 4.193 0.003 34671
2024-09-10 09:45:57.219 AAVSO_ MISC_ HQA_ AUTO I 15.000 1.18 1.2 a0423.fits Y 1.56 4.969 0.005 12896
2024-09-10 09:46:45.350 AAVSO_ MISC_ HQA_ AUTO B 13.820 1.18 1.2 a0424.fits Y 1.76 4.300 0.004 38337
2024-09-10 09:47:20.940 AAVSO_ MISC_ HQA_ AUTO V 10.000 1.18 1.2 a0425.fits Y 1.36 4.245 0.003 43801
2024-09-10 09:47:49.490 AAVSO_ MISC_ HQA_ AUTO R 10.000 1.18 1.2 a0426.fits Y 1.50 4.174 0.003 28636
2024-09-10 09:48:19.539 AAVSO_ MISC_ HQA_ AUTO I 15.000 1.18 1.2 a0427.fits Y 1.69 4.986 0.005 14600



DateTime project_ filter exp am ha filename wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk tnimage OE
2024-09-10 09:50:12.599 AAVSO_ P141_ SPP_ AUTO I 40.000 1.27 2.3 a0428.fits Y 1.85 7.907 0.023 938
2024-09-10 09:51:09.570 AAVSO_ P141_ SPP_ AUTO I 40.000 1.27 2.3 a0429.fits Y 1.64 7.565 0.018 1294
2024-09-10 09:52:06.878 AAVSO_ P141_ SPP_ AUTO I 40.000 1.27 2.3 a0430.fits Y 1.70 8.077 0.025 1620
2024-09-10 09:53:03.790 AAVSO_ P141_ SPP_ AUTO I 40.000 1.27 2.3 a0431.fits Y 1.85 7.594 0.019 1234
2024-09-10 09:54:06.089 AAVSO_ P141_ SPP_ AUTO R 30.000 1.27 2.3 a0432.fits Y 1.60 6.908 0.013 2274
2024-09-10 09:54:53.890 AAVSO_ P141_ SPP_ AUTO R 30.000 1.27 2.3 a0433.fits Y 1.51 7.580 0.018 2992
2024-09-10 09:55:40.820 AAVSO_ P141_ SPP_ AUTO R 30.000 1.28 2.3 a0434.fits Y 1.49 6.690 0.011 3484
2024-09-10 09:56:27.870 AAVSO_ P141_ SPP_ AUTO R 30.000 1.28 2.4 a0435.fits Y 1.48 6.841 0.012 2859
2024-09-10 09:57:17.199 AAVSO_ P141_ SPP_ AUTO V 30.000 1.28 2.4 a0436.fits Y 1.55 6.750 0.012 3002
2024-09-10 09:58:04.918 AAVSO_ P141_ SPP_ AUTO V 30.000 1.28 2.4 a0437.fits Y 1.48 7.039 0.013 4056
2024-09-10 09:58:51.969 AAVSO_ P141_ SPP_ AUTO V 30.000 1.28 2.4 a0438.fits Y 1.40 7.116 0.014 3521
2024-09-10 09:59:38.978 AAVSO_ P141_ SPP_ AUTO V 30.000 1.28 2.4 a0439.fits Y 1.46 6.933 0.013 2897
2024-09-10 10:00:29.489 AAVSO_ P141_ SPP_ AUTO B 40.000 1.28 2.4 a0440.fits Y 1.65 6.882 0.012 2667
2024-09-10 10:01:26.350 AAVSO_ P141_ SPP_ AUTO B 40.000 1.29 2.4 a0441.fits Y 1.61 7.282 0.015 2702
2024-09-10 10:02:22.910 AAVSO_ P141_ SPP_ AUTO B 40.000 1.29 2.5 a0442.fits Y 1.67 9.166 0.048 1656
2024-09-10 10:03:19.530 AAVSO_ P141_ SPP_ AUTO B 40.000 1.29 2.5 a0443.fits Y 1.62 7.006 0.013 3322
2024-09-10 10:04:15.960 AAVSO_ P141_ SPP_ AUTO B 40.000 1.29 2.5 a0444.fits Y 1.64 6.944 0.013 3041
2024-09-10 10:05:12.810 AAVSO_ P141_ SPP_ AUTO B 40.000 1.29 2.5 a0445.fits Y 1.69 7.236 0.015 2270
2024-09-10 10:06:09.788 AAVSO_ P141_ SPP_ AUTO B 40.000 1.29 2.5 a0446.fits Y 1.65 7.276 0.015 2295
2024-09-10 10:07:06.410 AAVSO_ P141_ SPP_ AUTO B 40.000 1.30 2.5 a0447.fits Y 1.65 12.339 0.600 308
2024-09-10 10:08:08.810 AAVSO_ P141_ SPP_ AUTO V 30.000 1.30 2.6 a0448.fits Y 1.52 9.033 0.045 1856
2024-09-10 10:08:55.920 AAVSO_ P141_ SPP_ AUTO V 30.000 1.30 2.6 a0449.fits Y 1.64 6.878 0.012 2616
2024-09-10 10:09:42.950 AAVSO_ P141_ SPP_ AUTO V 30.000 1.30 2.6 a0450.fits Y 1.68 7.467 0.017 2859
2024-09-10 10:10:30.230 AAVSO_ P141_ SPP_ AUTO V 30.000 1.30 2.6 a0451.fits Y 1.67 7.241 0.015 2798
2024-09-10 10:11:19.120 AAVSO_ P141_ SPP_ AUTO R 30.000 1.30 2.6 a0452.fits Y 1.59 6.885 0.013 2335
2024-09-10 10:12:07.150 AAVSO_ P141_ SPP_ AUTO R 30.000 1.30 2.6 a0453.fits Y 1.56 6.999 0.013 2624
2024-09-10 10:12:54.679 AAVSO_ P141_ SPP_ AUTO R 30.000 1.31 2.6 a0454.fits Y 1.58 6.906 0.013 2963
2024-09-10 10:13:42.060 AAVSO_ P141_ SPP_ AUTO R 30.000 1.31 2.6 a0455.fits Y 1.55 7.077 0.014 2353
2024-09-10 10:14:33.320 AAVSO_ P141_ SPP_ AUTO I 40.000 1.31 2.7 a0456.fits Y 1.83 9.283 0.059 1116
2024-09-10 10:15:30.649 AAVSO_ P141_ SPP_ AUTO I 40.000 1.31 2.7 a0457.fits Y 1.88 7.536 0.018 1160
2024-09-10 10:16:27.260 AAVSO_ P141_ SPP_ AUTO I 40.000 1.31 2.7 a0458.fits Y 1.84 7.907 0.022 1068
2024-09-10 10:17:23.879 AAVSO_ P141_ SPP_ AUTO I 40.000 1.32 2.7 a0459.fits Y 1.92 8.497 0.033 1101


AUID 000-BCQ-372

DateTime project_ filter exp am ha filename wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk tnimage OE
2024-09-10 10:28:52.978 AAVSO_ P529_ EMID_ AUTO B 13.800 1.64 4.5 a0466.fits Y 2.17 4.390 0.004 24305
2024-09-10 10:29:23.588 AAVSO_ P529_ EMID_ AUTO B 13.800 1.65 4.5 a0467.fits Y 2.20 4.378 0.004 23016
2024-09-10 10:30:21.075 AAVSO_ P529_ EMID_ AUTO V 3.350 1.65 4.5 a0468.fits Y 1.91 3.508 0.002 52366 3
2024-09-10 10:31:42.455 AAVSO_ P529_ EMID_ AUTO R 2.280 1.65 4.5 a0469.fits Y 1.45 3.149 0.002 48312 5
2024-09-10 10:33:22.974 AAVSO_ P529_ EMID_ AUTO I 2.380 1.66 4.6 a0470.fits Y 1.77 3.398 0.002 36902 5
2024-09-10 10:34:24.980 AAVSO_ P529_ EMID_ AUTO GR 20.330 1.67 4.6 a0471.fits Y
2024-09-10 10:36:02.040 AAVSO_ P529_ EMID_ AUTO GR 20.330 1.68 4.6 a0472.fits Y 3.442 0.003 51557


AUID 000-BCW-837

DateTime project_ filter exp am ha filename wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk tnimage OE
2024-09-10 11:19:23.649 AAVSO_ P381_ MMH_ AUTO B 150.000 1.20 2.6 a0486.fits Y 3.64 5.362 0.006 2907
2024-09-10 11:22:11.300 AAVSO_ P381_ MMH_ AUTO B 150.000 1.21 2.6 a0487.fits Y 3.72 5.385 0.006 2721
2024-09-10 11:25:04.330 AAVSO_ P381_ MMH_ AUTO V 75.000 1.21 2.7 a0488.fits Y 2.71 5.244 0.006 6814
2024-09-10 11:26:35.750 AAVSO_ P381_ MMH_ AUTO V 75.000 1.22 2.7 a0489.fits Y 2.92 5.253 0.006 5468
2024-09-10 11:28:09.720 AAVSO_ P381_ MMH_ AUTO R 75.000 1.22 2.7 a0490.fits Y 2.32 4.964 0.005 11026
2024-09-10 11:29:41.500 AAVSO_ P381_ MMH_ AUTO R 75.000 1.23 2.7 a0491.fits Y 2.27 4.963 0.005 12707
2024-09-10 11:31:16.609 AAVSO_ P381_ MMH_ AUTO I 75.000 1.23 2.8 a0492.fits Y 2.63 6.087 0.008 2435
2024-09-10 11:32:48.079 AAVSO_ P381_ MMH_ AUTO I 75.000 1.24 2.8 a0493.fits Y 2.56 6.086 0.008 2544


AUID 000-BDT-456

DateTime project_ filter exp am ha filename wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk tnimage OE
2024-09-10 11:52:33.584 AAVSO_ P77_ Henden_ AUTO V 3.750 1.24 -2.4 a0500.fits Y 1.38 5.210 0.005 14028 3
2024-09-10 11:53:17.210 AAVSO_ P77_ Henden_ AUTO B 10.000 1.24 -2.4 a0501.fits Y 1.81 5.822 0.008 6139
2024-09-10 11:53:43.618 AAVSO_ P77_ Henden_ AUTO B 10.000 1.24 -2.4 a0502.fits Y 1.74 5.823 0.008 7199
2024-09-10 11:54:09.788 AAVSO_ P77_ Henden_ AUTO B 10.000 1.23 -2.4 a0503.fits Y 1.75 5.811 0.008 7510
2024-09-10 11:55:17.999 AAVSO_ P77_ Henden_ AUTO R 1.250 1.23 -2.4 a0504.fits Y 1.45 5.156 0.005 10136 5
2024-09-10 11:57:04.540 AAVSO_ P77_ Henden_ AUTO I 0.500 1.23 -2.4 a0505.fits Y 1.52 5.506 0.006 7436 7


AUID 000-BDK-114

DateTime project_ filter exp am ha filename wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk tnimage OE
2024-09-10 10:19:39.130 AAVSO_ P290_ KPRB_ AUTO V 60.000 1.17 1.4 a0460.fits Y 1.72 4.223 0.003 35413
2024-09-10 10:20:56.920 AAVSO_ P290_ KPRB_ AUTO V 60.000 1.17 1.4 a0461.fits Y 1.94 4.222 0.003 35234
2024-09-10 10:22:14.630 AAVSO_ P290_ KPRB_ AUTO V 60.000 1.17 1.4 a0462.fits Y 1.89 4.229 0.003 30348
2024-09-10 10:23:36.048 AAVSO_ P290_ KPRB_ AUTO I 60.000 1.17 1.5 a0463.fits Y 2.11 5.541 0.006 7636
2024-09-10 10:24:53.618 AAVSO_ P290_ KPRB_ AUTO I 60.000 1.18 1.5 a0464.fits Y 1.81 5.572 0.007 7199
2024-09-10 10:26:10.769 AAVSO_ P290_ KPRB_ AUTO I 60.000 1.18 1.5 a0465.fits Y 1.77 5.562 0.007 7500
2024-09-10 11:10:16.109 AAVSO_ P290_ KPRB_ AUTO V 60.000 1.24 2.2 a0480.fits Y 2.69 4.248 0.004 17451
2024-09-10 11:11:33.460 AAVSO_ P290_ KPRB_ AUTO V 60.000 1.24 2.3 a0481.fits Y 2.71 4.252 0.004 22816
2024-09-10 11:12:50.649 AAVSO_ P290_ KPRB_ AUTO V 60.000 1.24 2.3 a0482.fits Y 2.57 4.243 0.003 26353
2024-09-10 11:14:12.330 AAVSO_ P290_ KPRB_ AUTO I 60.000 1.24 2.3 a0483.fits Y 2.43 5.594 0.007 5056
2024-09-10 11:15:28.710 AAVSO_ P290_ KPRB_ AUTO I 60.000 1.25 2.3 a0484.fits Y 2.35 5.612 0.007 5315
2024-09-10 11:16:46.270 AAVSO_ P290_ KPRB_ AUTO I 60.000 1.25 2.4 a0485.fits Y 2.22 5.606 0.007 6046


AUID 000-BCS-142

DateTime project_ filter exp am ha filename wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk tnimage OE
2024-09-10 11:07:36.449 AAVSO_ P515_ NABA_ AUTO V 1.500 1.40 3.5 a0479.fits Y 1.72 3.239 0.002 36823 10


AUID 000-BCR-088

DateTime project_ filter exp am ha filename wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk tnimage OE
2024-09-10 10:49:34.034 AAVSO_ P115_ ETOA_ AUTO B 0.750 1.56 4.2 a0476.fits Y 2.89 4.668 0.004 8037 10
2024-09-10 10:53:48.655 AAVSO_ P115_ ETOA_ AUTO V 0.380 1.57 4.2 a0477.fits Y 1.87 4.651 0.004 6916 20
2024-09-10 11:00:44.549 AAVSO_ P115_ ETOA_ AUTO I 0.260 1.60 4.3 a0478.fits Y 1.78 5.976 0.008 1495 30


AUID 000-BCX-280

DateTime project_ filter exp am ha filename wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk tnimage OE
2024-09-10 11:36:24.120 AAVSO_ P491_ GSAD_ AUTO V 2.000 1.16 0.4 a0494.fits Y 2.08 3.270 0.002 56273 6
2024-09-10 11:38:08.049 AAVSO_ P491_ GSAD_ AUTO V 2.000 1.16 0.4 a0495.fits Y 2.00 3.263 0.002 53520 5
2024-09-10 11:39:53.184 AAVSO_ P491_ GSAD_ AUTO R 2.000 1.16 0.4 a0496.fits Y 1.62 3.087 0.002 56744 6
2024-09-10 11:41:34.894 AAVSO_ P491_ GSAD_ AUTO R 2.000 1.16 0.5 a0497.fits Y 1.51 3.090 0.002 60406 5 !OE!

Remark-o-matic Image View

images 101 to 150

DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 01:53:17.925 a0101.fits BW_VUL V 1.500 1.22 -2.7 Y 1.32 4.16 0.003 25252 7 0.06
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 01:55:33.120 a0102.fits BW_VUL B 1.650 1.21 -2.6 Y 1.58 4.0 0.003 28557 7 0.12
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 01:56:54.289 a0103.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.20 -2.6
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 01:58:20.178 a0104.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.20 -2.6
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 01:58:38.618 a0105.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.20 -2.6
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 02:00:08.035 a0106.fits BW_VUL V 1.500 1.20 -2.6 Y 1.44 4.166 0.003 29864 7 0.17
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 02:02:22.199 a0107.fits BW_VUL B 1.650 1.19 -2.5 Y 1.72 4.007 0.003 30785 7 0.23
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 02:03:43.960 a0108.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.18 -2.5
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 02:05:10.140 a0109.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.18 -2.5
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 02:05:28.420 a0110.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.18 -2.4
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 02:06:58.330 a0111.fits BW_VUL V 1.500 1.18 -2.4 Y 1.54 4.17 0.003 28490 7 0.31
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 02:09:13.395 a0112.fits BW_VUL B 1.650 1.17 -2.4 Y 2.01 4.01 0.003 22247 7 0.34
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 02:10:35.350 a0113.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.17 -2.4
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 02:12:00.850 a0114.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.16 -2.3
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 02:12:19.390 a0115.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.16 -2.3
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 02:13:49.375 a0116.fits BW_VUL V 1.500 1.16 -2.3 Y 1.72 4.202 0.003 21652 7 0.41
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 02:16:05.880 a0117.fits BW_VUL B 1.650 1.15 -2.3 Y 2.41 4.019 0.003 16914 7 0.46
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 02:17:28.100 a0118.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.15 -2.2
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 02:18:54.149 a0119.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.15 -2.2
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 02:19:12.679 a0120.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.14 -2.2
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 02:20:43.065 a0121.fits BW_VUL V 1.500 1.14 -2.2 Y 2.15 4.195 0.003 23315 7 0.54
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 02:22:57.859 a0122.fits BW_VUL B 1.650 1.14 -2.2 Y 2.84 4.025 0.003 13144 7 0.56
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 02:24:19.449 a0123.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.13 -2.1
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 02:25:45.118 a0124.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.13 -2.1
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 02:26:03.620 a0125.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.13 -2.1
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 02:27:34.535 a0126.fits BW_VUL V 1.500 1.13 -2.1 Y 2.37 4.21 0.003 14288 7 0.65
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 02:29:49.969 a0127.fits BW_VUL B 1.650 1.12 -2.1 Y 3.19 4.022 0.003 10287 7 0.69
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 02:31:12.618 a0128.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.12 -2.0
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 02:32:39.829 a0129.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.11 -2.0 5.029 0.005 4474
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 02:32:58.079 a0130.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.11 -2.0
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 02:34:28.465 a0131.fits BW_VUL V 1.500 1.11 -2.0 Y 2.76 4.204 0.003 13359 7 0.77
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 02:36:44.269 a0132.fits BW_VUL B 1.650 1.11 -1.9 Y 3.58 4.205 0.003 8366 7 0.79
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 02:38:06.769 a0133.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.10 -1.9
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 02:39:32.950 a0134.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.10 -1.9
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 02:39:51.149 a0135.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.10 -1.9
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 02:41:21.180 a0136.fits BW_VUL V 1.500 1.10 -1.9 Y 2.99 4.213 0.003 11693 7 0.87
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 02:43:38.770 a0137.fits BW_VUL B 1.650 1.10 -1.8 Y 3.59 8.696 0.03 7633 7 0.91
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 02:45:02.720 a0138.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.09 -1.8
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 02:46:31.030 a0139.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.09 -1.8
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 02:46:49.618 a0140.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.09 -1.8
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 02:48:19.510 a0141.fits BW_VUL V 1.500 1.09 -1.7 Y 3.35 4.235 0.003 8571 7 1.00
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 02:50:44.110 a0142.fits BW_VUL B 1.650 1.08 -1.7 Y 4.074 0.003 6676 7
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 02:52:07.030 a0143.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.08 -1.7
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 02:53:35.280 a0144.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.08 -1.6
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 02:53:53.969 a0145.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.08 -1.6
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 02:55:24.289 a0146.fits BW_VUL V 1.500 1.08 -1.6 Y 3.56 4.243 0.003 7528 7 1.13
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 02:58:08.640 a0147.fits BW_VUL B 1.650 1.07 -1.6 Y 4.53 4.202 0.003 6050 7 1.16
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 02:59:50.920 a0148.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.07 -1.5
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 03:01:20.079 a0149.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.06 -1.5
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 03:01:38.579 a0150.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.06 -1.5

images 151 to 200

DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 03:03:08.144 a0151.fits BW_VUL V 1.500 1.06 -1.5 Y 3.80 4.267 0.004 6291 7 1.30
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 03:05:38.100 a0152.fits BW_VUL B 1.650 1.06 -1.5 Y 4.46 4.652 0.004 6010 7 1.36
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 03:07:07.080 a0153.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.06 -1.4
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 03:08:33.929 a0154.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.05 -1.4 5.3 0.006 2265
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 03:08:52.460 a0155.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.05 -1.4 5.14 0.005 2125
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 03:10:23.069 a0156.fits BW_VUL V 1.500 1.05 -1.4 Y 4.17 4.258 0.004 5910 7 1.47
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 03:12:48.510 a0157.fits BW_VUL B 1.650 1.05 -1.3 Y 5.567 0.006 4738 7
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 03:14:12.050 a0158.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.05 -1.3 5.572 0.007 2160
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 03:15:37.840 a0159.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.05 -1.3 5.451 0.006 2014
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 03:15:55.899 a0160.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.05 -1.3 Y 5.4 0.006 1979
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 03:17:25.245 a0161.fits BW_VUL V 1.500 1.04 -1.3 Y 4.35 4.304 0.004 5326 7 1.62
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 03:19:52.470 a0162.fits BW_VUL B 1.650 1.04 -1.2 Y 4.87 4.755 0.004 4429 7 1.66
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 03:21:19.428 a0163.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.04 -1.2 Y 5.235 0.006 2172
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 03:22:44.670 a0164.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.04 -1.2 Y 5.325 0.006 1975
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 03:23:03.379 a0165.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.04 -1.2 Y 5.335 0.006 2103
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 03:24:32.844 a0166.fits BW_VUL V 1.500 1.04 -1.1 Y 4.48 4.321 0.004 4677 7 1.79
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 03:27:08.219 a0167.fits BW_VUL B 1.650 1.03 -1.1 Y 4.49 4.271 0.004 4395 7 1.83
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 03:28:42.939 a0168.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.03 -1.1 Y 5.072 0.005 1910
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 03:30:09.028 a0169.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.03 -1.0 Y 5.563 0.006 1839
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 03:30:27.649 a0170.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.03 -1.0 Y 5.077 0.005 1844
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 03:31:56.155 a0171.fits BW_VUL V 1.500 1.03 -1.0 Y 4.93 4.296 0.004 4800 7 1.99
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 03:34:18.934 a0172.fits BW_VUL B 1.650 1.03 -1.0 Y 4.178 0.003 4416 7
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 03:35:41.740 a0173.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.02 -0.9 Y
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 03:37:08.070 a0174.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.02 -0.9 Y
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 03:37:26.768 a0175.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.02 -0.9 Y
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 03:38:55.095 a0176.fits BW_VUL V 1.500 1.02 -0.9 Y 5.37 4.535 0.004 3666 7 2.12
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 03:41:18.440 a0177.fits BW_VUL B 1.650 1.02 -0.9 Y 4.365 0.004 4084 7
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 03:42:42.618 a0178.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.02 -0.8 Y 5.114 0.005 1855
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 03:44:09.759 a0179.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.02 -0.8 Y 5.309 0.006 1853
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 03:44:28.320 a0180.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.02 -0.8 Y 5.478 0.006 2022
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 03:45:56.984 a0181.fits BW_VUL V 1.500 1.02 -0.8 Y 5.71 4.373 0.004 3875 7 2.29
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 03:48:20.375 a0182.fits BW_VUL B 1.650 1.02 -0.7 Y 4.273 0.004 4059 7
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 03:49:44.539 a0183.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.01 -0.7 Y 5.253 0.006 1797
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 03:51:11.980 a0184.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.01 -0.7 Y 5.575 0.006 1599
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 03:51:30.338 a0185.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.01 -0.7 Y 5.126 0.005 1680
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 03:52:59.894 a0186.fits BW_VUL V 1.500 1.01 -0.7 Y 5.30 4.342 0.004 4039 7 2.40
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 03:55:24.065 a0187.fits BW_VUL B 1.650 1.01 -0.6 Y 4.205 0.003 4169 7
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 03:56:47.960 a0188.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.01 -0.6 Y 5.153 0.005 1873
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 03:58:14.390 a0189.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.01 -0.6 Y 5.479 0.006 1783
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 03:58:32.740 a0190.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.01 -0.6 Y 5.103 0.005 1638
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 04:00:02.144 a0191.fits BW_VUL V 1.500 1.01 -0.5 Y 5.98 4.339 0.004 4355 7 2.50
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 04:02:26.004 a0192.fits BW_VUL B 1.650 1.01 -0.5 Y 4.331 0.004 3899 7
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 04:03:49.850 a0193.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.01 -0.5 Y 5.175 0.005 1940
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 04:05:15.960 a0194.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.01 -0.4 Y 5.246 0.006 1736
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 04:05:34.380 a0195.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.01 -0.4 Y 5.277 0.006 1712
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 04:07:03.549 a0196.fits BW_VUL V 1.500 1.01 -0.4 Y 6.32 4.379 0.004 3563 7 2.57
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 04:09:27.680 a0197.fits BW_VUL B 1.650 1.01 -0.4 Y 4.2 0.003 4229 7
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 04:10:51.600 a0198.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.00 -0.4 Y 5.467 0.006 1760
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 04:12:18.690 a0199.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.00 -0.3 Y 5.558 0.006 1625
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 04:12:36.810 a0200.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.00 -0.3 Y 5.227 0.005 1842

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DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 04:14:05.455 a0201.fits BW_VUL V 1.500 1.00 -0.3 Y 5.81 4.331 0.004 4067 7 2.65
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 04:16:27.845 a0202.fits BW_VUL B 1.650 1.00 -0.3 Y 4.209 0.003 4369 7
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 04:17:50.840 a0203.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.00 -0.2 Y 5.183 0.005 1735
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 04:19:17.268 a0204.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.00 -0.2 Y 5.161 0.005 1823
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 04:19:35.719 a0205.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.00 -0.2 Y 5.28 0.006 1753
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 04:21:04.384 a0206.fits BW_VUL V 1.500 1.00 -0.2 Y 6.37 4.351 0.004 3900 7 2.76
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 04:23:27.920 a0207.fits BW_VUL B 1.650 1.00 -0.2 Y 4.218 0.003 4364 7
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 04:24:51.820 a0208.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.00 -0.1 Y 5.403 0.006 1895
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 04:26:18.838 a0209.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.00 -0.1 Y 5.138 0.005 1714
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 04:26:37.420 a0210.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.00 -0.1 Y 5.095 0.005 1770
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 04:40:05.800 a0211.fits BW_VUL V 1.500 1.00 0.1 Y 5.83 4.479 0.004 3150 7 0.12
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 04:42:29.954 a0212.fits BW_VUL B 1.650 1.00 0.2 Y 4.334 0.004 3635 7
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 04:43:53.460 a0213.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.00 0.2 Y 5.134 0.005 1669
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 04:45:19.800 a0214.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.00 0.2 Y 5.164 0.005 1540
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 04:45:38.350 a0215.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.00 0.2 Y 5.385 0.006 1599
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 04:47:06.650 a0216.fits BW_VUL V 1.500 1.00 0.2 Y 6.54 4.443 0.004 3076 7 0.20
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 04:49:31.045 a0217.fits BW_VUL B 1.650 1.00 0.3 Y 4.397 0.004 2881 7
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 04:50:54.920 a0218.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.00 0.3 Y 5.16 0.005 1638
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 04:52:21.879 a0219.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.00 0.3 Y 5.183 0.005 1505
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 04:52:40.298 a0220.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.00 0.3 Y 5.162 0.005 1595
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 04:54:08.649 a0221.fits BW_VUL V 1.500 1.00 0.4 Y 6.12 4.499 0.004 2838 7 0.27
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 04:56:33.008 a0222.fits BW_VUL B 1.650 1.00 0.4 Y 4.453 0.004 3465 7
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 04:57:57.118 a0223.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.01 0.4 Y 5.234 0.006 1498
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 04:59:23.510 a0224.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.01 0.5 Y 5.189 0.005 1470
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 04:59:42.009 a0225.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.01 0.5 Y 5.212 0.005 1432
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 05:01:12.785 a0226.fits BW_VUL V 1.500 1.01 0.5 Y 6.52 4.468 0.004 3100 7 0.39
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 05:03:38.919 a0227.fits BW_VUL B 1.650 1.01 0.5 Y 4.412 0.004 3245 7
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 05:05:03.620 a0228.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.01 0.6 Y 5.193 0.005 1545
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 05:06:30 a0229.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.01 0.6 Y 5.217 0.005 1359
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 05:06:48.219 a0230.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.01 0.6 Y 5.212 0.005 1518
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 05:08:47.605 a0231.fits BW_VUL V 1.500 1.01 0.6 Y 6.27 4.522 0.004 2791 7 0.52
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 05:11:35.855 a0232.fits BW_VUL B 1.650 1.01 0.6 Y 4.474 0.004 3021 7
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 05:13:00.530 a0233.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.01 0.7 Y 5.263 0.006 1497
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 05:14:25.850 a0234.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.01 0.7 Y 5.219 0.005 1493
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 05:14:44.179 a0235.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.01 0.7 Y 5.229 0.006 1494
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 05:16:42.559 a0236.fits BW_VUL V 1.500 1.01 0.7 Y 6.53 4.611 0.004 2545 7 0.62
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 05:19:28.849 a0237.fits BW_VUL B 1.650 1.02 0.8 Y 4.485 0.004 3378 7
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 05:20:53.200 a0238.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.02 0.8 Y 5.263 0.006 1440
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 05:22:18.838 a0239.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.02 0.8 Y 5.322 0.006 1445
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 05:22:37.469 a0240.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.02 0.8 Y 5.291 0.006 1366
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 05:24:17.383 a0241.fits BW_VUL V 1.500 1.02 0.9 Y 4.565 0.004 2554 7
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 05:26:45.379 a0242.fits BW_VUL B 1.650 1.02 0.9 Y 4.586 0.004 2967 7
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 05:28:09.980 a0243.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.02 0.9 Y 5.371 0.006 1278
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 05:29:35.270 a0244.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.02 1.0 Y 5.432 0.006 1202
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 05:29:53.740 a0245.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.02 1.0 Y 5.599 0.007 1154
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 05:31:32.819 a0246.fits BW_VUL V 1.500 1.02 1.0 Y 4.66 0.004 2483 7
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 05:33:59.224 a0247.fits BW_VUL B 1.650 1.03 1.0 Y 4.683 0.004 2714 7
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 05:35:23.109 a0248.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.03 1.1 Y 5.476 0.006 1304
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 05:36:50.280 a0249.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.03 1.1 Y 5.537 0.006 1306
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 05:37:08.609 a0250.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.03 1.1 Y

images 251 to 300

DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 05:38:49.364 a0251.fits BW_VUL V 1.500 1.03 1.1 Y 4.768 0.004 2016 7
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 05:41:15.959 a0252.fits BW_VUL B 1.650 1.03 1.1 Y 4.719 0.004 2579 7
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 05:42:39.689 a0253.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.04 1.2 Y 5.474 0.006 1179
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 05:44:05.019 a0254.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.04 1.2 Y 5.544 0.006 1111
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 05:44:23.170 a0255.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.04 1.2 Y 5.524 0.006 1198
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 05:46:03.150 a0256.fits BW_VUL V 1.500 1.04 1.2 Y 4.7 0.004 2234 7
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 05:48:30.205 a0257.fits BW_VUL B 1.650 1.04 1.3 Y 4.677 0.004 2658 7
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 05:49:54.240 a0258.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.04 1.3 Y 5.466 0.006 1183
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 05:51:21.140 a0259.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.05 1.3 Y 5.614 0.007 1174
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 05:51:39.700 a0260.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.05 1.3 Y 5.525 0.006 1090
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 05:53:18.494 a0261.fits BW_VUL V 1.500 1.05 1.3 Y 4.782 0.004 2112 7
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 05:55:46.269 a0262.fits BW_VUL B 1.650 1.05 1.4 Y 4.743 0.004 2555 7
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 05:57:10.679 a0263.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.05 1.4 Y 5.544 0.006 1105
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 05:58:36.820 a0264.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.06 1.4 Y 5.541 0.006 1123
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 05:58:55.189 a0265.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.06 1.5 Y 5.558 0.006 1118
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 06:00:34.704 a0266.fits BW_VUL V 1.500 1.06 1.5 Y 4.77 0.004 2152 7
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 06:03:01.929 a0267.fits BW_VUL B 1.650 1.06 1.5 Y 4.752 0.004 2565 7
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 06:04:26.079 a0268.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.06 1.5 Y 5.559 0.006 1083
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 06:05:52.590 a0269.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.07 1.6 Y
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 06:06:10.538 a0270.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.07 1.6 Y
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 06:07:49.699 a0271.fits BW_VUL V 1.500 1.07 1.6 Y 7
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 06:10:17.739 a0272.fits BW_VUL B 1.650 1.07 1.6 Y 7
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 06:11:43.140 a0273.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.08 1.7 Y 5.577 0.006 1048
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 06:13:09.730 a0274.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.08 1.7 Y 5.585 0.006 1085
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 06:13:28.440 a0275.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.08 1.7 Y 5.575 0.006 1053
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 06:15:08.139 a0276.fits BW_VUL V 1.500 1.08 1.7 Y 4.816 0.005 1992 7
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 06:17:35.763 a0277.fits BW_VUL B 1.650 1.08 1.7 Y 4.766 0.004 2395 7
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 06:18:59.899 a0278.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.09 1.8 Y 5.624 0.007 1066
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 06:20:26.480 a0279.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.09 1.8 Y 5.673 0.007 1002
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 06:20:45.228 a0280.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.09 1.8 Y 5.635 0.007 1057
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 06:22:24.319 a0281.fits BW_VUL V 1.500 1.09 1.8 Y 4.8 0.004 2021 7
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 06:24:51.940 a0282.fits BW_VUL B 1.650 1.10 1.9 Y 4.825 0.005 2323 7
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 06:26:16.859 a0283.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.10 1.9 Y 5.817 0.007 1030
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 06:27:42.679 a0284.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.10 1.9 Y 5.688 0.007 970
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 06:28:01.020 a0285.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.10 1.9 Y 5.724 0.007 994
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 06:29:40.854 a0286.fits BW_VUL V 1.500 1.10 2.0 Y 4.891 0.005 1826 7
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 06:32:07.605 a0287.fits BW_VUL B 1.650 1.11 2.0 Y 7
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 06:33:31.140 a0288.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.11 2.0 Y
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 06:34:57.679 a0289.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.12 2.1 Y
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 06:35:16.140 a0290.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.12 2.1 Y
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 06:36:56.500 a0291.fits BW_VUL V 1.500 1.12 2.1 Y 7
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 06:39:23.559 a0292.fits BW_VUL B 1.650 1.12 2.1 Y 7
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 06:40:47.380 a0293.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.13 2.2 Y
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 06:42:13.140 a0294.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.13 2.2 Y
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 06:42:31.649 a0295.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.13 2.2 Y
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 06:44:11.299 a0296.fits BW_VUL V 1.500 1.14 2.2 Y 7
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 06:46:38.720 a0297.fits BW_VUL B 1.650 1.14 2.2 Y 7
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 06:48:03.359 a0298.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.15 2.3 Y
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 06:49:30.620 a0299.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.15 2.3 Y
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 06:49:48.939 a0300.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.15 2.3 Y

images 301 to 350

DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 06:51:30.434 a0301.fits BW_VUL V 1.500 1.15 2.3 Y 7
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 06:53:58.219 a0302.fits BW_VUL B 1.650 1.16 2.4 Y 13.757 0.611 -3 7
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 06:55:22.359 a0303.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.17 2.4 Y
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 06:56:48.520 a0304.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.17 2.4 Y
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 06:57:06.790 a0305.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.17 2.4 Y
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 06:58:46.784 a0306.fits BW_VUL V 1.500 1.17 2.4 Y 5.065 0.005 1575 7
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 07:01:14.714 a0307.fits BW_VUL B 1.650 1.18 2.5 Y 5.074 0.005 1764 7
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 07:02:38.530 a0308.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.19 2.5 Y 6.003 0.008 739
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 07:04:04.570 a0309.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.19 2.5 Y 6.006 0.008 754
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 07:04:23.070 a0310.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.19 2.5 Y 6.04 0.008 781
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 07:06:02.105 a0311.fits BW_VUL V 1.500 1.19 2.6 5.245 0.006 1629 7
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 07:08:29.734 a0312.fits BW_VUL B 1.650 1.20 2.6 Y 7
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 07:09:53.850 a0313.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.21 2.6 Y
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 07:11:19.690 a0314.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.21 2.7 Y
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 07:11:37.780 a0315.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.21 2.7 Y 11.907 0.286 19
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 07:13:18.010 a0316.fits BW_VUL V 1.500 1.21 2.7 Y 7
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 07:15:45.359 a0317.fits BW_VUL B 1.650 1.22 2.7 Y 7
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 07:17:08.849 a0318.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.23 2.8 Y
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 07:18:35.600 a0319.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.23 2.8 Y
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 07:18:53.850 a0320.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.24 2.8 Y
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 07:20:33.924 a0321.fits BW_VUL V 1.500 1.24 2.8 Y 7
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 07:23:01.009 a0322.fits BW_VUL B 1.650 1.25 2.8 Y 7
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 07:24:25.190 a0323.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.25 2.9 Y 13.72 1.333 17
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 07:25:51.259 a0324.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.26 2.9 Y
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 07:26:09.820 a0325.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.26 2.9 Y
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 07:27:49.854 a0326.fits BW_VUL V 1.500 1.26 2.9 Y 7
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 07:30:16.714 a0327.fits BW_VUL B 1.650 1.27 3.0 Y 7
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 07:31:40.429 a0328.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.28 3.0 Y 6.151 0.008 696
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 07:33:05.070 a0329.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.29 3.0 Y 6.288 0.009 696
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 07:33:23.420 a0330.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.29 3.0 Y 6.214 0.009 652
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 07:35:03.294 a0331.fits BW_VUL V 1.500 1.29 3.0 Y 5.176 0.005 1410 7
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 07:37:31.758 a0332.fits BW_VUL B 1.650 1.30 3.1 Y 5.244 0.006 1567 7
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 07:38:56.149 a0333.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.31 3.1 Y 6.218 0.009 637
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 07:40:22.518 a0334.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.32 3.2 Y 6.17 0.009 650
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 07:40:40.820 a0335.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.32 3.2 Y 6.224 0.009 691
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 07:42:20.988 a0336.fits BW_VUL V 1.500 1.32 3.2 Y 7
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 07:44:48.325 a0337.fits BW_VUL B 1.650 1.33 3.2 Y 12.848 0.339 12 7
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 07:46:11.919 a0338.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.34 3.2 Y 12.408 0.425 11
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 07:47:36.770 a0339.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.35 3.3 Y
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 07:47:55.320 a0340.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.35 3.3 Y
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 07:49:34.925 a0341.fits BW_VUL V 1.500 1.35 3.3 Y 7
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 07:52:01.619 a0342.fits BW_VUL B 1.650 1.36 3.3 Y 12.9 0.385 14 7
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 07:53:24.800 a0343.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.37 3.4 Y
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 07:54:50.320 a0344.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.38 3.4 Y
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 07:55:08.538 a0345.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.38 3.4 Y 6.172 0.009 655
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 07:56:48.324 a0346.fits BW_VUL V 1.500 1.38 3.4 Y 5.123 0.005 1429 7
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 07:59:15.749 a0347.fits BW_VUL B 1.650 1.40 3.4 Y 5.191 0.005 1557 7
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 08:00:39.929 a0348.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.41 3.5 Y 6.187 0.009 641
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 08:02:06.400 a0349.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.42 3.5 Y 6.26 0.009 703
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 08:02:24.940 a0350.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.42 3.5 Y 6.181 0.009 656

images 351 to 400

DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 08:04:04.394 a0351.fits BW_VUL V 1.500 1.42 3.5 Y 12.662 0.304 809 7
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 08:06:31.215 a0352.fits BW_VUL B 1.650 1.43 3.6 Y 5.195 0.005 1857 7
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 08:07:55.090 a0353.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.45 3.6 Y 6.356 0.009 736
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 08:09:22.199 a0354.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.46 3.6 Y
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 08:09:40.590 a0355.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.46 3.6 Y
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 08:11:19.985 a0356.fits BW_VUL V 1.500 1.46 3.6 Y 13.298 0.488 4 7
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 08:13:47.184 a0357.fits BW_VUL B 1.650 1.48 3.7 Y 7
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 08:15:10.859 a0358.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.49 3.7 Y
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 08:16:37.539 a0359.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.50 3.8 Y
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 08:16:55.908 a0360.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.50 3.8 Y
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 08:18:35.215 a0361.fits BW_VUL V 1.500 1.50 3.8 Y 12.632 0.292 7 7
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 08:21:02.275 a0362.fits BW_VUL B 1.650 1.52 3.8 Y 7
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 08:22:26.550 a0363.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.54 3.9 Y 13.398 1.046 14
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 08:23:52.670 a0364.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.55 3.9 Y
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 08:24:10.880 a0365.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.55 3.9 Y
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 08:25:51.114 a0366.fits BW_VUL V 1.500 1.55 3.9 Y 16.942 9.999 1 7
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 08:28:18.340 a0367.fits BW_VUL B 1.650 1.57 3.9 Y 7
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 08:29:41.840 a0368.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.59 4.0 Y
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 08:31:08.460 a0369.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.60 4.0 Y
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 08:31:26.768 a0370.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.60 4.0 Y
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 08:33:06.349 a0371.fits BW_VUL V 1.500 1.60 4.0 Y 7
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 08:35:33.233 a0372.fits BW_VUL B 1.650 1.62 4.1 Y 14.874 1.617 -2 7
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 08:36:57.060 a0373.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.64 4.1 Y
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 08:38:22.420 a0374.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.65 4.1 Y
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 08:38:41.030 a0375.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.65 4.1 Y
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 08:40:19.709 a0376.fits BW_VUL V 1.500 1.66 4.1 Y 14.342 0.992 -1 7
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 08:42:46.195 a0377.fits BW_VUL B 1.650 1.68 4.2 Y 7
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 08:44:09.800 a0378.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.70 4.2 Y
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 08:45:35.649 a0379.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.71 4.2 Y
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 08:45:54.030 a0380.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.71 4.2 Y
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 08:47:33.500 a0381.fits BW_VUL V 1.500 1.72 4.3 Y 7
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 08:50:00.044 a0382.fits BW_VUL B 1.650 1.74 4.3 Y 7
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 08:51:23.899 a0383.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.76 4.3 Y
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 08:52:50.420 a0384.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.78 4.4 Y 12.396 0.39 25
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 08:53:08.810 a0385.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.78 4.4 Y
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 08:54:47.754 a0386.fits BW_VUL V 1.500 1.78 4.4 Y 7
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 08:57:14.489 a0387.fits BW_VUL B 1.650 1.81 4.4 Y 7
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 08:58:38.270 a0388.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.83 4.5 Y
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 09:00:03.778 a0389.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.85 4.5 Y
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 09:00:22.239 a0390.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.85 4.5 Y
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 09:02:02.594 a0391.fits BW_VUL V 1.500 1.86 4.5 Y 7
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 09:04:29.580 a0392.fits BW_VUL B 1.650 1.88 4.5 Y 7
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 09:05:53.399 a0393.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.91 4.6 Y
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 09:07:18.789 a0394.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.93 4.6 Y
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 09:07:36.618 a0395.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 1.93 4.6 Y
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 09:09:17.589 a0396.fits BW_VUL V 1.500 1.93 4.6 Y 7
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 09:11:45.945 a0397.fits BW_VUL B 1.650 1.96 4.7 Y 7
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 09:13:08.980 a0398.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 2.00 4.7 Y
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 09:14:35.090 a0399.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 2.01 4.7 Y
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 09:14:53.640 a0400.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 2.02 4.7 Y

images 401 to 450

DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 09:16:33.890 a0401.fits BW_VUL V 1.500 2.02 4.7 Y 7
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 09:19:01.034 a0402.fits BW_VUL B 1.650 2.05 4.8 Y 7
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 09:20:25.359 a0403.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 2.09 4.8 Y
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 09:21:51.600 a0404.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 2.11 4.8 Y
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 09:22:09.740 a0405.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 2.11 4.9 Y
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 09:23:49.234 a0406.fits BW_VUL V 1.500 2.12 4.9 Y 7
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 09:26:15.945 a0407.fits BW_VUL B 1.650 2.15 4.9 Y 7
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 09:27:39.340 a0408.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 2.19 4.9 Y
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 09:29:06.269 a0409.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 2.22 5.0 Y
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 09:29:24.480 a0410.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 2.22 5.0 Y
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 09:31:05.088 a0411.fits BW_VUL V 1.500 2.23 5.0 Y 7
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 09:33:33.135 a0412.fits BW_VUL B 1.650 2.27 5.0 Y 7
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 09:34:57.020 a0413.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 2.31 5.1 Y
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 09:36:22.800 a0414.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 2.34 5.1
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 09:36:41.100 a0415.fits BW_VUL SU 10.000 2.34 5.1 Y
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 09:41:58.689 a0416.fits HD_5501 B 13.820 1.18 1.1 Y 1.63 4.289 0.004 34896 0.04
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 09:42:34.350 a0417.fits HD_5501 V 10.000 1.18 1.1 Y 1.40 4.241 0.003 39731 0.01
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 09:43:03.459 a0418.fits HD_5501 R 10.000 1.18 1.1 Y 1.70 4.174 0.003 30695 0.02
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 09:43:33.530 a0419.fits HD_5501 I 15.000 1.18 1.2 Y 1.56 4.974 0.005 13316 0.01
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 09:44:22.719 a0420.fits HD_5501 B 13.820 1.18 1.2 Y 1.60 4.285 0.004 41141 0.03
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 09:44:58.609 a0421.fits HD_5501 V 10.000 1.18 1.2 Y 1.55 4.249 0.003 26395 0.03
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 09:45:27.170 a0422.fits HD_5501 R 10.000 1.18 1.2 Y 1.55 4.193 0.003 34671 0.05
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 09:45:57.219 a0423.fits HD_5501 I 15.000 1.18 1.2 Y 1.56 4.969 0.005 12896 0.05
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 09:46:45.350 a0424.fits HD_5501 B 13.820 1.18 1.2 Y 1.76 4.3 0.004 38337 0.10
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 09:47:20.940 a0425.fits HD_5501 V 10.000 1.18 1.2 Y 1.36 4.245 0.003 43801 0.11
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 09:47:49.490 a0426.fits HD_5501 R 10.000 1.18 1.2 Y 1.50 4.174 0.003 28636 0.13
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 09:48:19.539 a0427.fits HD_5501 I 15.000 1.18 1.2 Y 1.69 4.986 0.005 14600 0.13
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 09:50:12.599 a0428.fits NGC_7790 I 40.000 1.27 2.3 Y 1.85 7.907 0.023 938 0.07
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 09:51:09.570 a0429.fits NGC_7790 I 40.000 1.27 2.3 Y 1.64 7.565 0.018 1294 0.11
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 09:52:06.878 a0430.fits NGC_7790 I 40.000 1.27 2.3 Y 1.70 8.077 0.025 1620 0.14
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 09:53:03.790 a0431.fits NGC_7790 I 40.000 1.27 2.3 Y 1.85 7.594 0.019 1234 0.17
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 09:54:06.089 a0432.fits NGC_7790 R 30.000 1.27 2.3 Y 1.60 6.908 0.013 2274 0.24
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 09:54:53.890 a0433.fits NGC_7790 R 30.000 1.27 2.3 Y 1.51 7.58 0.018 2992 0.27
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 09:55:40.820 a0434.fits NGC_7790 R 30.000 1.28 2.3 Y 1.49 6.69 0.011 3484 0.31
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 09:56:27.870 a0435.fits NGC_7790 R 30.000 1.28 2.4 Y 1.48 6.841 0.012 2859 0.32
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 09:57:17.199 a0436.fits NGC_7790 V 30.000 1.28 2.4 Y 1.55 6.75 0.012 3002 0.35
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 09:58:04.918 a0437.fits NGC_7790 V 30.000 1.28 2.4 Y 1.48 7.039 0.013 4056 0.39
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 09:58:51.969 a0438.fits NGC_7790 V 30.000 1.28 2.4 Y 1.40 7.116 0.014 3521 0.42
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 09:59:38.978 a0439.fits NGC_7790 V 30.000 1.28 2.4 Y 1.46 6.933 0.013 2897 0.44
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 10:00:29.489 a0440.fits NGC_7790 B 40.000 1.28 2.4 Y 1.65 6.882 0.012 2667 0.49
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 10:01:26.350 a0441.fits NGC_7790 B 40.000 1.29 2.4 Y 1.61 7.282 0.015 2702 0.52
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 10:02:22.910 a0442.fits NGC_7790 B 40.000 1.29 2.5 Y 1.67 9.166 0.048 1656 0.55
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 10:03:19.530 a0443.fits NGC_7790 B 40.000 1.29 2.5 Y 1.62 7.006 0.013 3322 0.60
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 10:04:15.960 a0444.fits NGC_7790 B 40.000 1.29 2.5 Y 1.64 6.944 0.013 3041 0.63
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 10:05:12.810 a0445.fits NGC_7790 B 40.000 1.29 2.5 Y 1.69 7.236 0.015 2270 0.66
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 10:06:09.788 a0446.fits NGC_7790 B 40.000 1.29 2.5 Y 1.65 7.276 0.015 2295 0.69
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 10:07:06.410 a0447.fits NGC_7790 B 40.000 1.30 2.5 Y 1.65 12.339 0.6 308 0.72
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 10:08:08.810 a0448.fits NGC_7790 V 30.000 1.30 2.6 Y 1.52 9.033 0.045 1856 0.76
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 10:08:55.920 a0449.fits NGC_7790 V 30.000 1.30 2.6 Y 1.64 6.878 0.012 2616 0.80
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 10:09:42.950 a0450.fits NGC_7790 V 30.000 1.30 2.6 Y 1.68 7.467 0.017 2859 0.81

images 451 to 500

DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 10:10:30.230 a0451.fits NGC_7790 V 30.000 1.30 2.6 Y 1.67 7.241 0.015 2798 0.84
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 10:11:19.120 a0452.fits NGC_7790 R 30.000 1.30 2.6 Y 1.59 6.885 0.013 2335 0.87
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 10:12:07.150 a0453.fits NGC_7790 R 30.000 1.30 2.6 Y 1.56 6.999 0.013 2624 0.90
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 10:12:54.679 a0454.fits NGC_7790 R 30.000 1.31 2.6 Y 1.58 6.906 0.013 2963 0.93
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 10:13:42.060 a0455.fits NGC_7790 R 30.000 1.31 2.6 Y 1.55 7.077 0.014 2353 0.96
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 10:14:33.320 a0456.fits NGC_7790 I 40.000 1.31 2.7 Y 1.83 9.283 0.059 1116 0.97
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 10:15:30.649 a0457.fits NGC_7790 I 40.000 1.31 2.7 Y 1.88 7.536 0.018 1160 1.01
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 10:16:27.260 a0458.fits NGC_7790 I 40.000 1.31 2.7 Y 1.84 7.907 0.022 1068 1.05
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 10:17:23.879 a0459.fits NGC_7790 I 40.000 1.32 2.7 Y 1.92 8.497 0.033 1101 1.08
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 10:19:39.130 a0460.fits V0765_Cas V 60.000 1.17 1.4 Y 1.72 4.223 0.003 35413 0.10
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 10:20:56.920 a0461.fits V0765_Cas V 60.000 1.17 1.4 Y 1.94 4.222 0.003 35234 0.12
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 10:22:14.630 a0462.fits V0765_Cas V 60.000 1.17 1.4 Y 1.89 4.229 0.003 30348 0.14
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 10:23:36.048 a0463.fits V0765_Cas I 60.000 1.17 1.5 Y 2.11 5.541 0.006 7636 0.16
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 10:24:53.618 a0464.fits V0765_Cas I 60.000 1.18 1.5 Y 1.81 5.572 0.007 7199 0.19
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 10:26:10.769 a0465.fits V0765_Cas I 60.000 1.18 1.5 Y 1.77 5.562 0.007 7500 0.23
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 10:28:52.978 a0466.fits RW_Cep B 13.800 1.64 4.5 Y 2.17 4.39 0.004 24305 0.08
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 10:29:23.588 a0467.fits RW_Cep B 13.800 1.65 4.5 Y 2.20 4.378 0.004 23016 0.07
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 10:30:21.075 a0468.fits RW_Cep V 3.350 1.65 4.5 Y 1.91 3.508 0.002 52366 3 0.06
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 10:31:42.455 a0469.fits RW_Cep R 2.280 1.65 4.5 Y 1.45 3.149 0.002 48312 5 0.07
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 10:33:22.974 a0470.fits RW_Cep I 2.380 1.66 4.6 Y 1.77 3.398 0.002 36902 5 0.10
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 10:34:24.980 a0471.fits RW_Cep GR 20.330 1.67 4.6 Y
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 10:36:02.040 a0472.fits RW_Cep GR 20.330 1.68 4.6 Y 3.442 0.003 51557
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 10:39:13.814 a0473.fits Del_Cep B 1.380 1.66 4.5 Y 2.16 2.828 0.002 39080 10 0.03
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 10:42:18.230 a0474.fits Del_Cep V 1.000 1.67 4.6 Y 1.84 2.625 0.002 41241 10 0.11
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 10:45:20.129 a0475.fits Del_Cep I 1.000 1.69 4.6 Y 2.04 3.146 0.002 39525 10 0.20
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 10:49:34.034 a0476.fits V509_Cas B 0.750 1.56 4.2 Y 2.89 4.668 0.004 8037 10 0.12
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 10:53:48.655 a0477.fits V509_Cas V 0.380 1.57 4.2 Y 1.87 4.651 0.004 6916 20 0.07
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 11:00:44.549 a0478.fits V509_Cas I 0.260 1.60 4.3 Y 1.78 5.976 0.008 1495 30 0.19
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 11:07:36.449 a0479.fits V1022_Cas V 1.500 1.40 3.5 Y 1.72 3.239 0.002 36823 10 0.09
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 11:10:16.109 a0480.fits V0765_Cas V 60.000 1.24 2.2 Y 2.69 4.248 0.004 17451 0.02
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 11:11:33.460 a0481.fits V0765_Cas V 60.000 1.24 2.3 Y 2.71 4.252 0.004 22816 0.06
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 11:12:50.649 a0482.fits V0765_Cas V 60.000 1.24 2.3 Y 2.57 4.243 0.003 26353 0.10
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 11:14:12.330 a0483.fits V0765_Cas I 60.000 1.24 2.3 Y 2.43 5.594 0.007 5056 0.13
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 11:15:28.710 a0484.fits V0765_Cas I 60.000 1.25 2.3 Y 2.35 5.612 0.007 5315 0.18
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 11:16:46.270 a0485.fits V0765_Cas I 60.000 1.25 2.4 Y 2.22 5.606 0.007 6046 0.22
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 11:19:23.649 a0486.fits RZ_Psc B 150.000 1.20 2.6 Y 3.64 5.362 0.006 2907 0.13
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 11:22:11.300 a0487.fits RZ_Psc B 150.000 1.21 2.6 Y 3.72 5.385 0.006 2721 0.20
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 11:25:04.330 a0488.fits RZ_Psc V 75.000 1.21 2.7 Y 2.71 5.244 0.006 6814 0.26
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 11:26:35.750 a0489.fits RZ_Psc V 75.000 1.22 2.7 Y 2.92 5.253 0.006 5468 0.31
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 11:28:09.720 a0490.fits RZ_Psc R 75.000 1.22 2.7 Y 2.32 4.964 0.005 11026 0.38
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 11:29:41.500 a0491.fits RZ_Psc R 75.000 1.23 2.7 Y 2.27 4.963 0.005 12707 0.42
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 11:31:16.609 a0492.fits RZ_Psc I 75.000 1.23 2.8 Y 2.63 6.087 0.008 2435 0.46
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 11:32:48.079 a0493.fits RZ_Psc I 75.000 1.24 2.8 Y 2.56 6.086 0.008 2544 0.52
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 11:36:24.120 a0494.fits V711_Tau V 2.000 1.16 0.4 Y 2.08 3.27 0.002 56273 6 0.10
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 11:38:08.049 a0495.fits V711_Tau V 2.000 1.16 0.4 Y 2.00 3.263 0.002 53520 5 0.09
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 11:39:53.184 a0496.fits V711_Tau R 2.000 1.16 0.4 Y 1.62 3.087 0.002 56744 6 0.10
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 11:41:34.894 a0497.fits V711_Tau R 2.000 1.16 0.5 Y 1.51 3.09 0.002 60406 5 0.11
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 11:48:16.960 a0498.fits AY_Cet B 4.540 1.65 2.9 Y 1.90 3.176 0.002 46692 3 0.07
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 11:49:46.625 a0499.fits AY_Cet V 2.240 1.66 2.9 Y 1.68 3.053 0.002 60507 5 0.11
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 11:52:33.584 a0500.fits SU_LYN V 3.750 1.24 -2.4 Y 1.38 5.21 0.005 14028 3 0.08

images 501 to 505

DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 11:53:17.210 a0501.fits SU_LYN B 10.000 1.24 -2.4 Y 1.81 5.822 0.008 6139 0.10
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 11:53:43.618 a0502.fits SU_LYN B 10.000 1.24 -2.4 Y 1.74 5.823 0.008 7199 0.11
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 11:54:09.788 a0503.fits SU_LYN B 10.000 1.23 -2.4 Y 1.75 5.811 0.008 7510 0.12
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 11:55:17.999 a0504.fits SU_LYN R 1.250 1.23 -2.4 Y 1.45 5.156 0.005 10136 5 0.09
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2024-09-10 11:57:04.540 a0505.fits SU_LYN I 0.500 1.23 -2.4 Y 1.52 5.506 0.006 7436 7 0.15

Image Table

images 101 to 150

DateTime filename tnimage objid filter exptime airmass hr_ang has_wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu auid center2obj JD ccd_temp set_temp img_type read_mode binning fov_radius_amin image_available
2024-09-10 01:53:17.925 a0101.fits BW_VUL V 1.50 1.22 -2.7 Y 1.32 4.16 0.003 25252 000-BCX-560 0.059739 563.57868 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 49.984767 Y
2024-09-10 01:55:33.120 a0102.fits BW_VUL B 1.65 1.21 -2.6 Y 1.58 4.00 0.003 28557 000-BCX-560 0.116815 563.58024 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 49.998176 Y
2024-09-10 01:56:54.289 a0103.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.20 -2.6 000-BCX-560 563.58118 -5.0 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 01:58:20.178 a0104.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.20 -2.6 000-BCX-560 563.58218 -5.0 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 01:58:38.618 a0105.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.20 -2.6 000-BCX-560 563.58239 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
DateTime filename tnimage objid filter exptime airmass hr_ang has_wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu auid center2obj JD ccd_temp set_temp img_type read_mode binning fov_radius_amin image_available
2024-09-10 02:00:08.035 a0106.fits BW_VUL V 1.50 1.20 -2.6 Y 1.44 4.166 0.003 29864 000-BCX-560 0.168714 563.58343 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 49.992481 Y
2024-09-10 02:02:22.199 a0107.fits BW_VUL B 1.65 1.19 -2.5 Y 1.72 4.007 0.003 30785 000-BCX-560 0.228720 563.58498 -5.0 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 49.997358 Y
2024-09-10 02:03:43.960 a0108.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.18 -2.5 000-BCX-560 563.58593 -5.0 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 02:05:10.140 a0109.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.18 -2.5 000-BCX-560 563.58692 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 02:05:28.420 a0110.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.18 -2.4 000-BCX-560 563.58713 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
DateTime filename tnimage objid filter exptime airmass hr_ang has_wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu auid center2obj JD ccd_temp set_temp img_type read_mode binning fov_radius_amin image_available
2024-09-10 02:06:58.330 a0111.fits BW_VUL V 1.50 1.18 -2.4 Y 1.54 4.17 0.003 28490 000-BCX-560 0.305499 563.58818 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 49.992565 Y
2024-09-10 02:09:13.395 a0112.fits BW_VUL B 1.65 1.17 -2.4 Y 2.01 4.01 0.003 22247 000-BCX-560 0.342316 563.58974 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 50.000844 Y
2024-09-10 02:10:35.350 a0113.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.17 -2.4 000-BCX-560 563.59069 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 02:12:00.850 a0114.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.16 -2.3 000-BCX-560 563.59168 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 02:12:19.390 a0115.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.16 -2.3 000-BCX-560 563.59189 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
DateTime filename tnimage objid filter exptime airmass hr_ang has_wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu auid center2obj JD ccd_temp set_temp img_type read_mode binning fov_radius_amin image_available
2024-09-10 02:13:49.375 a0116.fits BW_VUL V 1.50 1.16 -2.3 Y 1.72 4.202 0.003 21652 000-BCX-560 0.413153 563.59293 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 49.991325 Y
2024-09-10 02:16:05.880 a0117.fits BW_VUL B 1.65 1.15 -2.3 Y 2.41 4.019 0.003 16914 000-BCX-560 0.462399 563.59451 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 50.008925 Y
2024-09-10 02:17:28.100 a0118.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.15 -2.2 000-BCX-560 563.59546 -5.0 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 02:18:54.149 a0119.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.15 -2.2 000-BCX-560 563.59646 -5.0 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 02:19:12.679 a0120.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.14 -2.2 000-BCX-560 563.59667 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
DateTime filename tnimage objid filter exptime airmass hr_ang has_wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu auid center2obj JD ccd_temp set_temp img_type read_mode binning fov_radius_amin image_available
2024-09-10 02:20:43.065 a0121.fits BW_VUL V 1.50 1.14 -2.2 Y 2.15 4.195 0.003 23315 000-BCX-560 0.536908 563.59772 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 49.992151 Y
2024-09-10 02:22:57.859 a0122.fits BW_VUL B 1.65 1.14 -2.2 Y 2.84 4.025 0.003 13144 000-BCX-560 0.563592 563.59928 -5.0 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 50.005296 Y
2024-09-10 02:24:19.449 a0123.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.13 -2.1 000-BCX-560 563.60023 -5.0 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 02:25:45.118 a0124.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.13 -2.1 000-BCX-560 563.60122 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 02:26:03.620 a0125.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.13 -2.1 000-BCX-560 563.60143 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
DateTime filename tnimage objid filter exptime airmass hr_ang has_wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu auid center2obj JD ccd_temp set_temp img_type read_mode binning fov_radius_amin image_available
2024-09-10 02:27:34.535 a0126.fits BW_VUL V 1.50 1.13 -2.1 Y 2.37 4.210 0.003 14288 000-BCX-560 0.645230 563.60248 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 49.996294 Y
2024-09-10 02:29:49.969 a0127.fits BW_VUL B 1.65 1.12 -2.1 Y 3.19 4.022 0.003 10287 000-BCX-560 0.688106 563.60405 -5.0 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 50.004246 Y
2024-09-10 02:31:12.618 a0128.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.12 -2.0 000-BCX-560 563.60501 -5.0 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 02:32:39.829 a0129.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.11 -2.0 5.029 0.005 4474 000-BCX-560 563.60602 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 02:32:58.079 a0130.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.11 -2.0 000-BCX-560 563.60623 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
DateTime filename tnimage objid filter exptime airmass hr_ang has_wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu auid center2obj JD ccd_temp set_temp img_type read_mode binning fov_radius_amin image_available
2024-09-10 02:34:28.465 a0131.fits BW_VUL V 1.50 1.11 -2.0 Y 2.76 4.204 0.003 13359 000-BCX-560 0.766277 563.60727 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 49.999817 Y
2024-09-10 02:36:44.269 a0132.fits BW_VUL B 1.65 1.11 -1.9 Y 3.58 4.205 0.003 8366 000-BCX-560 0.793412 563.60885 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 50.012917 Y
2024-09-10 02:38:06.769 a0133.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.10 -1.9 000-BCX-560 563.60980 -5.0 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 02:39:32.950 a0134.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.10 -1.9 000-BCX-560 563.61080 -5.0 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 02:39:51.149 a0135.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.10 -1.9 000-BCX-560 563.61101 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
DateTime filename tnimage objid filter exptime airmass hr_ang has_wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu auid center2obj JD ccd_temp set_temp img_type read_mode binning fov_radius_amin image_available
2024-09-10 02:41:21.180 a0136.fits BW_VUL V 1.50 1.10 -1.9 Y 2.99 4.213 0.003 11693 000-BCX-560 0.872420 563.61205 -5.0 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 50.000732 Y
2024-09-10 02:43:38.770 a0137.fits BW_VUL B 1.65 1.10 -1.8 Y 3.59 8.696 0.030 7633 000-BCX-560 0.909998 563.61364 -5.0 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 50.001927 Y
2024-09-10 02:45:02.720 a0138.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.09 -1.8 000-BCX-560 563.61461 -5.0 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 02:46:31.030 a0139.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.09 -1.8 000-BCX-560 563.61564 -5.0 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 02:46:49.618 a0140.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.09 -1.8 000-BCX-560 563.61585 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
DateTime filename tnimage objid filter exptime airmass hr_ang has_wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu auid center2obj JD ccd_temp set_temp img_type read_mode binning fov_radius_amin image_available
2024-09-10 02:48:19.510 a0141.fits BW_VUL V 1.50 1.09 -1.7 Y 3.35 4.235 0.003 8571 000-BCX-560 0.998605 563.61689 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 49.99279 Y
2024-09-10 02:50:44.110 a0142.fits BW_VUL B 1.65 1.08 -1.7 Y 4.074 0.003 6676 000-BCX-560 563.61857 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 02:52:07.030 a0143.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.08 -1.7 000-BCX-560 563.61953 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 02:53:35.280 a0144.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.08 -1.6 000-BCX-560 563.62055 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 02:53:53.969 a0145.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.08 -1.6 000-BCX-560 563.62076 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
DateTime filename tnimage objid filter exptime airmass hr_ang has_wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu auid center2obj JD ccd_temp set_temp img_type read_mode binning fov_radius_amin image_available
2024-09-10 02:55:24.289 a0146.fits BW_VUL V 1.50 1.08 -1.6 Y 3.56 4.243 0.003 7528 000-BCX-560 1.125897 563.62181 -5.0 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 50.003006 Y
2024-09-10 02:58:08.640 a0147.fits BW_VUL B 1.65 1.07 -1.6 Y 4.53 4.202 0.003 6050 000-BCX-560 1.164311 563.62371 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 50.009118 Y
2024-09-10 02:59:50.920 a0148.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.07 -1.5 000-BCX-560 563.62489 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 03:01:20.079 a0149.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.06 -1.5 000-BCX-560 563.62593 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 03:01:38.579 a0150.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.06 -1.5 000-BCX-560 563.62614 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y

images 151 to 200

DateTime filename tnimage objid filter exptime airmass hr_ang has_wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu auid center2obj JD ccd_temp set_temp img_type read_mode binning fov_radius_amin image_available
2024-09-10 03:03:08.144 a0151.fits BW_VUL V 1.50 1.06 -1.5 Y 3.80 4.267 0.004 6291 000-BCX-560 1.297877 563.62718 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 49.996349 Y
2024-09-10 03:05:38.100 a0152.fits BW_VUL B 1.65 1.06 -1.5 Y 4.46 4.652 0.004 6010 000-BCX-560 1.359344 563.62891 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 50.021392 Y
2024-09-10 03:07:07.080 a0153.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.06 -1.4 000-BCX-560 563.62994 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 03:08:33.929 a0154.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.05 -1.4 5.300 0.006 2265 000-BCX-560 563.63095 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 03:08:52.460 a0155.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.05 -1.4 5.140 0.005 2125 000-BCX-560 563.63116 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
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2024-09-10 03:10:23.069 a0156.fits BW_VUL V 1.50 1.05 -1.4 Y 4.17 4.258 0.004 5910 000-BCX-560 1.466505 563.63221 -5.0 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 50.002616 Y
2024-09-10 03:12:48.510 a0157.fits BW_VUL B 1.65 1.05 -1.3 Y 5.567 0.006 4738 000-BCX-560 563.63389 -5.0 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 03:14:12.050 a0158.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.05 -1.3 5.572 0.007 2160 000-BCX-560 563.63486 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 03:15:37.840 a0159.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.05 -1.3 5.451 0.006 2014 000-BCX-560 563.63585 -5.0 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 03:15:55.899 a0160.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.05 -1.3 Y 5.400 0.006 1979 000-BCX-560 563.63606 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
DateTime filename tnimage objid filter exptime airmass hr_ang has_wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu auid center2obj JD ccd_temp set_temp img_type read_mode binning fov_radius_amin image_available
2024-09-10 03:17:25.245 a0161.fits BW_VUL V 1.50 1.04 -1.3 Y 4.35 4.304 0.004 5326 000-BCX-560 1.618640 563.63710 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 50.003060 Y
2024-09-10 03:19:52.470 a0162.fits BW_VUL B 1.65 1.04 -1.2 Y 4.87 4.755 0.004 4429 000-BCX-560 1.663446 563.63880 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 50.026198 Y
2024-09-10 03:21:19.428 a0163.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.04 -1.2 Y 5.235 0.006 2172 000-BCX-560 563.63981 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 03:22:44.670 a0164.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.04 -1.2 Y 5.325 0.006 1975 000-BCX-560 563.64079 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 03:23:03.379 a0165.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.04 -1.2 Y 5.335 0.006 2103 000-BCX-560 563.64101 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
DateTime filename tnimage objid filter exptime airmass hr_ang has_wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu auid center2obj JD ccd_temp set_temp img_type read_mode binning fov_radius_amin image_available
2024-09-10 03:24:32.844 a0166.fits BW_VUL V 1.50 1.04 -1.1 Y 4.48 4.321 0.004 4677 000-BCX-560 1.789580 563.64205 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 49.999406 Y
2024-09-10 03:27:08.219 a0167.fits BW_VUL B 1.65 1.03 -1.1 Y 4.49 4.271 0.004 4395 000-BCX-560 1.827802 563.64385 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 50.005870 Y
2024-09-10 03:28:42.939 a0168.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.03 -1.1 Y 5.072 0.005 1910 000-BCX-560 563.64494 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 03:30:09.028 a0169.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.03 -1.0 Y 5.563 0.006 1839 000-BCX-560 563.64594 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 03:30:27.649 a0170.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.03 -1.0 Y 5.077 0.005 1844 000-BCX-560 563.64615 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
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2024-09-10 03:31:56.155 a0171.fits BW_VUL V 1.50 1.03 -1.0 Y 4.93 4.296 0.004 4800 000-BCX-560 1.985668 563.64718 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 50.006774 Y
2024-09-10 03:34:18.934 a0172.fits BW_VUL B 1.65 1.03 -1.0 Y 4.178 0.003 4416 000-BCX-560 563.64883 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 03:35:41.740 a0173.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.02 -0.9 Y 000-BCX-560 563.64979 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 03:37:08.070 a0174.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.02 -0.9 Y 000-BCX-560 563.65079 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 03:37:26.768 a0175.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.02 -0.9 Y 000-BCX-560 563.65100 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
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2024-09-10 03:38:55.095 a0176.fits BW_VUL V 1.50 1.02 -0.9 Y 5.37 4.535 0.004 3666 000-BCX-560 2.121888 563.65203 -5.0 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 50.014082 Y
2024-09-10 03:41:18.440 a0177.fits BW_VUL B 1.65 1.02 -0.9 Y 4.365 0.004 4084 000-BCX-560 563.65369 -5.0 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 03:42:42.618 a0178.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.02 -0.8 Y 5.114 0.005 1855 000-BCX-560 563.65466 -5.0 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 03:44:09.759 a0179.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.02 -0.8 Y 5.309 0.006 1853 000-BCX-560 563.65567 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 03:44:28.320 a0180.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.02 -0.8 Y 5.478 0.006 2022 000-BCX-560 563.65588 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
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2024-09-10 03:45:56.984 a0181.fits BW_VUL V 1.50 1.02 -0.8 Y 5.71 4.373 0.004 3875 000-BCX-560 2.290928 563.65691 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 50.007282 Y
2024-09-10 03:48:20.375 a0182.fits BW_VUL B 1.65 1.02 -0.7 Y 4.273 0.004 4059 000-BCX-560 563.65857 -5.0 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 03:49:44.539 a0183.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.01 -0.7 Y 5.253 0.006 1797 000-BCX-560 563.65954 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 03:51:11.980 a0184.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.01 -0.7 Y 5.575 0.006 1599 000-BCX-560 563.66056 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 03:51:30.338 a0185.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.01 -0.7 Y 5.126 0.005 1680 000-BCX-560 563.66077 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
DateTime filename tnimage objid filter exptime airmass hr_ang has_wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu auid center2obj JD ccd_temp set_temp img_type read_mode binning fov_radius_amin image_available
2024-09-10 03:52:59.894 a0186.fits BW_VUL V 1.50 1.01 -0.7 Y 5.30 4.342 0.004 4039 000-BCX-560 2.40028 563.66180 -5.0 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 50.007904 Y
2024-09-10 03:55:24.065 a0187.fits BW_VUL B 1.65 1.01 -0.6 Y 4.205 0.003 4169 000-BCX-560 563.66347 -5.0 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 03:56:47.960 a0188.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.01 -0.6 Y 5.153 0.005 1873 000-BCX-560 563.66444 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 03:58:14.390 a0189.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.01 -0.6 Y 5.479 0.006 1783 000-BCX-560 563.66544 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 03:58:32.740 a0190.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.01 -0.6 Y 5.103 0.005 1638 000-BCX-560 563.66566 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
DateTime filename tnimage objid filter exptime airmass hr_ang has_wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu auid center2obj JD ccd_temp set_temp img_type read_mode binning fov_radius_amin image_available
2024-09-10 04:00:02.144 a0191.fits BW_VUL V 1.50 1.01 -0.5 Y 5.98 4.339 0.004 4355 000-BCX-560 2.501506 563.66669 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 50.004931 Y
2024-09-10 04:02:26.004 a0192.fits BW_VUL B 1.65 1.01 -0.5 Y 4.331 0.004 3899 000-BCX-560 563.66836 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 04:03:49.850 a0193.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.01 -0.5 Y 5.175 0.005 1940 000-BCX-560 563.66933 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 04:05:15.960 a0194.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.01 -0.4 Y 5.246 0.006 1736 000-BCX-560 563.67032 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 04:05:34.380 a0195.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.01 -0.4 Y 5.277 0.006 1712 000-BCX-560 563.67054 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
DateTime filename tnimage objid filter exptime airmass hr_ang has_wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu auid center2obj JD ccd_temp set_temp img_type read_mode binning fov_radius_amin image_available
2024-09-10 04:07:03.549 a0196.fits BW_VUL V 1.50 1.01 -0.4 Y 6.32 4.379 0.004 3563 000-BCX-560 2.567081 563.67157 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 50.018723 Y
2024-09-10 04:09:27.680 a0197.fits BW_VUL B 1.65 1.01 -0.4 Y 4.200 0.003 4229 000-BCX-560 563.67324 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 04:10:51.600 a0198.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.00 -0.4 Y 5.467 0.006 1760 000-BCX-560 563.67421 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 04:12:18.690 a0199.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.00 -0.3 Y 5.558 0.006 1625 000-BCX-560 563.67522 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 04:12:36.810 a0200.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.00 -0.3 Y 5.227 0.005 1842 000-BCX-560 563.67543 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y

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DateTime filename tnimage objid filter exptime airmass hr_ang has_wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu auid center2obj JD ccd_temp set_temp img_type read_mode binning fov_radius_amin image_available
2024-09-10 04:14:05.455 a0201.fits BW_VUL V 1.50 1.00 -0.3 Y 5.81 4.331 0.004 4067 000-BCX-560 2.651026 563.67645 -5.0 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 50.007867 Y
2024-09-10 04:16:27.845 a0202.fits BW_VUL B 1.65 1.00 -0.3 Y 4.209 0.003 4369 000-BCX-560 563.67810 -5.0 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 04:17:50.840 a0203.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.00 -0.2 Y 5.183 0.005 1735 000-BCX-560 563.67906 -5.0 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 04:19:17.268 a0204.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.00 -0.2 Y 5.161 0.005 1823 000-BCX-560 563.68006 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 04:19:35.719 a0205.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.00 -0.2 Y 5.280 0.006 1753 000-BCX-560 563.68027 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
DateTime filename tnimage objid filter exptime airmass hr_ang has_wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu auid center2obj JD ccd_temp set_temp img_type read_mode binning fov_radius_amin image_available
2024-09-10 04:21:04.384 a0206.fits BW_VUL V 1.50 1.00 -0.2 Y 6.37 4.351 0.004 3900 000-BCX-560 2.762548 563.68130 -5.0 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 50.016443 Y
2024-09-10 04:23:27.920 a0207.fits BW_VUL B 1.65 1.00 -0.2 Y 4.218 0.003 4364 000-BCX-560 563.68296 -5.0 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 04:24:51.820 a0208.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.00 -0.1 Y 5.403 0.006 1895 000-BCX-560 563.68393 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 04:26:18.838 a0209.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.00 -0.1 Y 5.138 0.005 1714 000-BCX-560 563.68494 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 04:26:37.420 a0210.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.00 -0.1 Y 5.095 0.005 1770 000-BCX-560 563.68516 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
DateTime filename tnimage objid filter exptime airmass hr_ang has_wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu auid center2obj JD ccd_temp set_temp img_type read_mode binning fov_radius_amin image_available
2024-09-10 04:40:05.800 a0211.fits BW_VUL V 1.50 1.00 0.1 Y 5.83 4.479 0.004 3150 000-BCX-560 0.11544 563.69451 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 49.985757 Y
2024-09-10 04:42:29.954 a0212.fits BW_VUL B 1.65 1.00 0.2 Y 4.334 0.004 3635 000-BCX-560 563.69618 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 04:43:53.460 a0213.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.00 0.2 Y 5.134 0.005 1669 000-BCX-560 563.69715 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 04:45:19.800 a0214.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.00 0.2 Y 5.164 0.005 1540 000-BCX-560 563.69815 -5.0 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 04:45:38.350 a0215.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.00 0.2 Y 5.385 0.006 1599 000-BCX-560 563.69836 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
DateTime filename tnimage objid filter exptime airmass hr_ang has_wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu auid center2obj JD ccd_temp set_temp img_type read_mode binning fov_radius_amin image_available
2024-09-10 04:47:06.650 a0216.fits BW_VUL V 1.50 1.00 0.2 Y 6.54 4.443 0.004 3076 000-BCX-560 0.195172 563.69938 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 49.981452 Y
2024-09-10 04:49:31.045 a0217.fits BW_VUL B 1.65 1.00 0.3 Y 4.397 0.004 2881 000-BCX-560 563.70105 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 04:50:54.920 a0218.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.00 0.3 Y 5.160 0.005 1638 000-BCX-560 563.70202 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 04:52:21.879 a0219.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.00 0.3 Y 5.183 0.005 1505 000-BCX-560 563.70303 -5.0 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 04:52:40.298 a0220.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.00 0.3 Y 5.162 0.005 1595 000-BCX-560 563.70324 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
DateTime filename tnimage objid filter exptime airmass hr_ang has_wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu auid center2obj JD ccd_temp set_temp img_type read_mode binning fov_radius_amin image_available
2024-09-10 04:54:08.649 a0221.fits BW_VUL V 1.50 1.00 0.4 Y 6.12 4.499 0.004 2838 000-BCX-560 0.266649 563.70427 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 49.993215 Y
2024-09-10 04:56:33.008 a0222.fits BW_VUL B 1.65 1.00 0.4 Y 4.453 0.004 3465 000-BCX-560 563.70594 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 04:57:57.118 a0223.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.01 0.4 Y 5.234 0.006 1498 000-BCX-560 563.70691 -5.0 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 04:59:23.510 a0224.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.01 0.5 Y 5.189 0.005 1470 000-BCX-560 563.70791 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 04:59:42.009 a0225.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.01 0.5 Y 5.212 0.005 1432 000-BCX-560 563.70813 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
DateTime filename tnimage objid filter exptime airmass hr_ang has_wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu auid center2obj JD ccd_temp set_temp img_type read_mode binning fov_radius_amin image_available
2024-09-10 05:01:12.785 a0226.fits BW_VUL V 1.50 1.01 0.5 Y 6.52 4.468 0.004 3100 000-BCX-560 0.392768 563.70918 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 49.994129 Y
2024-09-10 05:03:38.919 a0227.fits BW_VUL B 1.65 1.01 0.5 Y 4.412 0.004 3245 000-BCX-560 563.71087 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 05:05:03.620 a0228.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.01 0.6 Y 5.193 0.005 1545 000-BCX-560 563.71185 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 05:06:30.000 a0229.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.01 0.6 Y 5.217 0.005 1359 000-BCX-560 563.71285 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 05:06:48.219 a0230.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.01 0.6 Y 5.212 0.005 1518 000-BCX-560 563.71306 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
DateTime filename tnimage objid filter exptime airmass hr_ang has_wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu auid center2obj JD ccd_temp set_temp img_type read_mode binning fov_radius_amin image_available
2024-09-10 05:08:47.605 a0231.fits BW_VUL V 1.50 1.01 0.6 Y 6.27 4.522 0.004 2791 000-BCX-560 0.517662 563.71444 -5.0 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 50.004358 Y
2024-09-10 05:11:35.855 a0232.fits BW_VUL B 1.65 1.01 0.6 Y 4.474 0.004 3021 000-BCX-560 563.71639 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 05:13:00.530 a0233.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.01 0.7 Y 5.263 0.006 1497 000-BCX-560 563.71737 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 05:14:25.850 a0234.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.01 0.7 Y 5.219 0.005 1493 000-BCX-560 563.71835 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 05:14:44.179 a0235.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.01 0.7 Y 5.229 0.006 1494 000-BCX-560 563.71857 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
DateTime filename tnimage objid filter exptime airmass hr_ang has_wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu auid center2obj JD ccd_temp set_temp img_type read_mode binning fov_radius_amin image_available
2024-09-10 05:16:42.559 a0236.fits BW_VUL V 1.50 1.01 0.7 Y 6.53 4.611 0.004 2545 000-BCX-560 0.620881 563.71994 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 49.988804 Y
2024-09-10 05:19:28.849 a0237.fits BW_VUL B 1.65 1.02 0.8 Y 4.485 0.004 3378 000-BCX-560 563.72186 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 05:20:53.200 a0238.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.02 0.8 Y 5.263 0.006 1440 000-BCX-560 563.72284 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 05:22:18.838 a0239.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.02 0.8 Y 5.322 0.006 1445 000-BCX-560 563.72383 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 05:22:37.469 a0240.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.02 0.8 Y 5.291 0.006 1366 000-BCX-560 563.72404 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
DateTime filename tnimage objid filter exptime airmass hr_ang has_wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu auid center2obj JD ccd_temp set_temp img_type read_mode binning fov_radius_amin image_available
2024-09-10 05:24:17.383 a0241.fits BW_VUL V 1.50 1.02 0.9 Y 4.565 0.004 2554 000-BCX-560 563.72520 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 05:26:45.379 a0242.fits BW_VUL B 1.65 1.02 0.9 Y 4.586 0.004 2967 000-BCX-560 563.72691 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 05:28:09.980 a0243.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.02 0.9 Y 5.371 0.006 1278 000-BCX-560 563.72789 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 05:29:35.270 a0244.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.02 1.0 Y 5.432 0.006 1202 000-BCX-560 563.72888 -5.0 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 05:29:53.740 a0245.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.02 1.0 Y 5.599 0.007 1154 000-BCX-560 563.72909 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
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2024-09-10 05:31:32.819 a0246.fits BW_VUL V 1.50 1.02 1.0 Y 4.660 0.004 2483 000-BCX-560 563.73024 -5.0 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 05:33:59.224 a0247.fits BW_VUL B 1.65 1.03 1.0 Y 4.683 0.004 2714 000-BCX-560 563.73194 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 05:35:23.109 a0248.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.03 1.1 Y 5.476 0.006 1304 000-BCX-560 563.73291 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 05:36:50.280 a0249.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.03 1.1 Y 5.537 0.006 1306 000-BCX-560 563.73392 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 05:37:08.609 a0250.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.03 1.1 Y 000-BCX-560 563.73413 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y

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DateTime filename tnimage objid filter exptime airmass hr_ang has_wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu auid center2obj JD ccd_temp set_temp img_type read_mode binning fov_radius_amin image_available
2024-09-10 05:38:49.364 a0251.fits BW_VUL V 1.50 1.03 1.1 Y 4.768 0.004 2016 000-BCX-560 563.73529 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 05:41:15.959 a0252.fits BW_VUL B 1.65 1.03 1.1 Y 4.719 0.004 2579 000-BCX-560 563.73699 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 05:42:39.689 a0253.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.04 1.2 Y 5.474 0.006 1179 000-BCX-560 563.73796 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 05:44:05.019 a0254.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.04 1.2 Y 5.544 0.006 1111 000-BCX-560 563.73895 -5.0 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 05:44:23.170 a0255.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.04 1.2 Y 5.524 0.006 1198 000-BCX-560 563.73916 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
DateTime filename tnimage objid filter exptime airmass hr_ang has_wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu auid center2obj JD ccd_temp set_temp img_type read_mode binning fov_radius_amin image_available
2024-09-10 05:46:03.150 a0256.fits BW_VUL V 1.50 1.04 1.2 Y 4.700 0.004 2234 000-BCX-560 563.74031 -5.0 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 05:48:30.205 a0257.fits BW_VUL B 1.65 1.04 1.3 Y 4.677 0.004 2658 000-BCX-560 563.74202 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 05:49:54.240 a0258.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.04 1.3 Y 5.466 0.006 1183 000-BCX-560 563.74299 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 05:51:21.140 a0259.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.05 1.3 Y 5.614 0.007 1174 000-BCX-560 563.74399 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 05:51:39.700 a0260.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.05 1.3 Y 5.525 0.006 1090 000-BCX-560 563.74421 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
DateTime filename tnimage objid filter exptime airmass hr_ang has_wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu auid center2obj JD ccd_temp set_temp img_type read_mode binning fov_radius_amin image_available
2024-09-10 05:53:18.494 a0261.fits BW_VUL V 1.50 1.05 1.3 Y 4.782 0.004 2112 000-BCX-560 563.74535 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 05:55:46.269 a0262.fits BW_VUL B 1.65 1.05 1.4 Y 4.743 0.004 2555 000-BCX-560 563.74706 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 05:57:10.679 a0263.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.05 1.4 Y 5.544 0.006 1105 000-BCX-560 563.74804 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 05:58:36.820 a0264.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.06 1.4 Y 5.541 0.006 1123 000-BCX-560 563.74904 -5.0 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 05:58:55.189 a0265.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.06 1.5 Y 5.558 0.006 1118 000-BCX-560 563.74925 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
DateTime filename tnimage objid filter exptime airmass hr_ang has_wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu auid center2obj JD ccd_temp set_temp img_type read_mode binning fov_radius_amin image_available
2024-09-10 06:00:34.704 a0266.fits BW_VUL V 1.50 1.06 1.5 Y 4.770 0.004 2152 000-BCX-560 563.75040 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 06:03:01.929 a0267.fits BW_VUL B 1.65 1.06 1.5 Y 4.752 0.004 2565 000-BCX-560 563.75211 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 06:04:26.079 a0268.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.06 1.5 Y 5.559 0.006 1083 000-BCX-560 563.75308 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 06:05:52.590 a0269.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.07 1.6 Y 000-BCX-560 563.75408 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 06:06:10.538 a0270.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.07 1.6 Y 000-BCX-560 563.75429 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
DateTime filename tnimage objid filter exptime airmass hr_ang has_wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu auid center2obj JD ccd_temp set_temp img_type read_mode binning fov_radius_amin image_available
2024-09-10 06:07:49.699 a0271.fits BW_VUL V 1.50 1.07 1.6 Y 000-BCX-560 563.75544 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 06:10:17.739 a0272.fits BW_VUL B 1.65 1.07 1.6 Y 000-BCX-560 563.75715 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 06:11:43.140 a0273.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.08 1.7 Y 5.577 0.006 1048 000-BCX-560 563.75814 -5.0 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 06:13:09.730 a0274.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.08 1.7 Y 5.585 0.006 1085 000-BCX-560 563.75914 -5.0 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 06:13:28.440 a0275.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.08 1.7 Y 5.575 0.006 1053 000-BCX-560 563.75936 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
DateTime filename tnimage objid filter exptime airmass hr_ang has_wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu auid center2obj JD ccd_temp set_temp img_type read_mode binning fov_radius_amin image_available
2024-09-10 06:15:08.139 a0276.fits BW_VUL V 1.50 1.08 1.7 Y 4.816 0.005 1992 000-BCX-560 563.76051 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 06:17:35.763 a0277.fits BW_VUL B 1.65 1.08 1.7 Y 4.766 0.004 2395 000-BCX-560 563.76222 -5.0 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 06:18:59.899 a0278.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.09 1.8 Y 5.624 0.007 1066 000-BCX-560 563.76319 -5.0 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 06:20:26.480 a0279.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.09 1.8 Y 5.673 0.007 1002 000-BCX-560 563.76420 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 06:20:45.228 a0280.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.09 1.8 Y 5.635 0.007 1057 000-BCX-560 563.76441 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
DateTime filename tnimage objid filter exptime airmass hr_ang has_wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu auid center2obj JD ccd_temp set_temp img_type read_mode binning fov_radius_amin image_available
2024-09-10 06:22:24.319 a0281.fits BW_VUL V 1.50 1.09 1.8 Y 4.800 0.004 2021 000-BCX-560 563.76556 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 06:24:51.940 a0282.fits BW_VUL B 1.65 1.10 1.9 Y 4.825 0.005 2323 000-BCX-560 563.76727 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 06:26:16.859 a0283.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.10 1.9 Y 5.817 0.007 1030 000-BCX-560 563.76825 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 06:27:42.679 a0284.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.10 1.9 Y 5.688 0.007 970 000-BCX-560 563.76924 -5.0 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 06:28:01.020 a0285.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.10 1.9 Y 5.724 0.007 994 000-BCX-560 563.76946 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
DateTime filename tnimage objid filter exptime airmass hr_ang has_wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu auid center2obj JD ccd_temp set_temp img_type read_mode binning fov_radius_amin image_available
2024-09-10 06:29:40.854 a0286.fits BW_VUL V 1.50 1.10 2.0 Y 4.891 0.005 1826 000-BCX-560 563.77061 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 06:32:07.605 a0287.fits BW_VUL B 1.65 1.11 2.0 Y 000-BCX-560 563.77231 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 06:33:31.140 a0288.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.11 2.0 Y 000-BCX-560 563.77328 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 06:34:57.679 a0289.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.12 2.1 Y 000-BCX-560 563.77428 -5.0 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 06:35:16.140 a0290.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.12 2.1 Y 000-BCX-560 563.77449 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
DateTime filename tnimage objid filter exptime airmass hr_ang has_wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu auid center2obj JD ccd_temp set_temp img_type read_mode binning fov_radius_amin image_available
2024-09-10 06:36:56.500 a0291.fits BW_VUL V 1.50 1.12 2.1 Y 000-BCX-560 563.77565 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 06:39:23.559 a0292.fits BW_VUL B 1.65 1.12 2.1 Y 000-BCX-560 563.77736 -5.0 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 06:40:47.380 a0293.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.13 2.2 Y 000-BCX-560 563.77833 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 06:42:13.140 a0294.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.13 2.2 Y 000-BCX-560 563.77932 -5.0 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 06:42:31.649 a0295.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.13 2.2 Y 000-BCX-560 563.77953 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
DateTime filename tnimage objid filter exptime airmass hr_ang has_wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu auid center2obj JD ccd_temp set_temp img_type read_mode binning fov_radius_amin image_available
2024-09-10 06:44:11.299 a0296.fits BW_VUL V 1.50 1.14 2.2 Y 000-BCX-560 563.78069 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 06:46:38.720 a0297.fits BW_VUL B 1.65 1.14 2.2 Y 000-BCX-560 563.78239 -5.0 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 06:48:03.359 a0298.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.15 2.3 Y 000-BCX-560 563.78337 -5.0 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 06:49:30.620 a0299.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.15 2.3 Y 000-BCX-560 563.78438 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 06:49:48.939 a0300.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.15 2.3 Y 000-BCX-560 563.78459 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y

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2024-09-10 06:51:30.434 a0301.fits BW_VUL V 1.50 1.15 2.3 Y 000-BCX-560 563.78577 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 06:53:58.219 a0302.fits BW_VUL B 1.65 1.16 2.4 Y 13.757 0.611 -3 000-BCX-560 563.78748 -5.0 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 06:55:22.359 a0303.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.17 2.4 Y 000-BCX-560 563.78845 -5.0 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 06:56:48.520 a0304.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.17 2.4 Y 000-BCX-560 563.78945 -5.0 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 06:57:06.790 a0305.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.17 2.4 Y 000-BCX-560 563.78966 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
DateTime filename tnimage objid filter exptime airmass hr_ang has_wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu auid center2obj JD ccd_temp set_temp img_type read_mode binning fov_radius_amin image_available
2024-09-10 06:58:46.784 a0306.fits BW_VUL V 1.50 1.17 2.4 Y 5.065 0.005 1575 000-BCX-560 563.79082 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 07:01:14.714 a0307.fits BW_VUL B 1.65 1.18 2.5 Y 5.074 0.005 1764 000-BCX-560 563.79253 -5.0 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 07:02:38.530 a0308.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.19 2.5 Y 6.003 0.008 739 000-BCX-560 563.79350 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 07:04:04.570 a0309.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.19 2.5 Y 6.006 0.008 754 000-BCX-560 563.79450 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 07:04:23.070 a0310.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.19 2.5 Y 6.040 0.008 781 000-BCX-560 563.79471 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
DateTime filename tnimage objid filter exptime airmass hr_ang has_wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu auid center2obj JD ccd_temp set_temp img_type read_mode binning fov_radius_amin image_available
2024-09-10 07:06:02.105 a0311.fits BW_VUL V 1.50 1.19 2.6 5.245 0.006 1629 000-BCX-560 563.79586 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 07:08:29.734 a0312.fits BW_VUL B 1.65 1.20 2.6 Y 000-BCX-560 563.79757 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 07:09:53.850 a0313.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.21 2.6 Y 000-BCX-560 563.79854 -5.0 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 07:11:19.690 a0314.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.21 2.7 Y 000-BCX-560 563.79953 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 07:11:37.780 a0315.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.21 2.7 Y 11.907 0.286 19 000-BCX-560 563.79974 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
DateTime filename tnimage objid filter exptime airmass hr_ang has_wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu auid center2obj JD ccd_temp set_temp img_type read_mode binning fov_radius_amin image_available
2024-09-10 07:13:18.010 a0316.fits BW_VUL V 1.50 1.21 2.7 Y 000-BCX-560 563.80090 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 07:15:45.359 a0317.fits BW_VUL B 1.65 1.22 2.7 Y 000-BCX-560 563.80261 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 07:17:08.849 a0318.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.23 2.8 Y 000-BCX-560 563.80357 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 07:18:35.600 a0319.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.23 2.8 Y 000-BCX-560 563.80458 -5.0 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 07:18:53.850 a0320.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.24 2.8 Y 000-BCX-560 563.80479 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
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2024-09-10 07:20:33.924 a0321.fits BW_VUL V 1.50 1.24 2.8 Y 000-BCX-560 563.80595 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 07:23:01.009 a0322.fits BW_VUL B 1.65 1.25 2.8 Y 000-BCX-560 563.80765 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 07:24:25.190 a0323.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.25 2.9 Y 13.72 1.333 17 000-BCX-560 563.80862 -5.0 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 07:25:51.259 a0324.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.26 2.9 Y 000-BCX-560 563.80962 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 07:26:09.820 a0325.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.26 2.9 Y 000-BCX-560 563.80984 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
DateTime filename tnimage objid filter exptime airmass hr_ang has_wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu auid center2obj JD ccd_temp set_temp img_type read_mode binning fov_radius_amin image_available
2024-09-10 07:27:49.854 a0326.fits BW_VUL V 1.50 1.26 2.9 Y 000-BCX-560 563.81099 -5.0 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 07:30:16.714 a0327.fits BW_VUL B 1.65 1.27 3.0 Y 000-BCX-560 563.81269 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 07:31:40.429 a0328.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.28 3.0 Y 6.151 0.008 696 000-BCX-560 563.81366 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 07:33:05.070 a0329.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.29 3.0 Y 6.288 0.009 696 000-BCX-560 563.81464 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 07:33:23.420 a0330.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.29 3.0 Y 6.214 0.009 652 000-BCX-560 563.81485 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
DateTime filename tnimage objid filter exptime airmass hr_ang has_wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu auid center2obj JD ccd_temp set_temp img_type read_mode binning fov_radius_amin image_available
2024-09-10 07:35:03.294 a0331.fits BW_VUL V 1.50 1.29 3.0 Y 5.176 0.005 1410 000-BCX-560 563.81601 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 07:37:31.758 a0332.fits BW_VUL B 1.65 1.30 3.1 Y 5.244 0.006 1567 000-BCX-560 563.81773 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 07:38:56.149 a0333.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.31 3.1 Y 6.218 0.009 637 000-BCX-560 563.81871 -5.0 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 07:40:22.518 a0334.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.32 3.2 Y 6.170 0.009 650 000-BCX-560 563.81971 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 07:40:40.820 a0335.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.32 3.2 Y 6.224 0.009 691 000-BCX-560 563.81992 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
DateTime filename tnimage objid filter exptime airmass hr_ang has_wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu auid center2obj JD ccd_temp set_temp img_type read_mode binning fov_radius_amin image_available
2024-09-10 07:42:20.988 a0336.fits BW_VUL V 1.50 1.32 3.2 Y 000-BCX-560 563.82108 -5.0 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 07:44:48.325 a0337.fits BW_VUL B 1.65 1.33 3.2 Y 12.848 0.339 12 000-BCX-560 563.82278 -5.0 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 07:46:11.919 a0338.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.34 3.2 Y 12.408 0.425 11 000-BCX-560 563.82375 -5.0 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 07:47:36.770 a0339.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.35 3.3 Y 000-BCX-560 563.82473 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 07:47:55.320 a0340.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.35 3.3 Y 000-BCX-560 563.82495 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
DateTime filename tnimage objid filter exptime airmass hr_ang has_wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu auid center2obj JD ccd_temp set_temp img_type read_mode binning fov_radius_amin image_available
2024-09-10 07:49:34.925 a0341.fits BW_VUL V 1.50 1.35 3.3 Y 000-BCX-560 563.82610 -5.0 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 07:52:01.619 a0342.fits BW_VUL B 1.65 1.36 3.3 Y 12.900 0.385 14 000-BCX-560 563.82780 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 07:53:24.800 a0343.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.37 3.4 Y 000-BCX-560 563.82876 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 07:54:50.320 a0344.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.38 3.4 Y 000-BCX-560 563.82975 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 07:55:08.538 a0345.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.38 3.4 Y 6.172 0.009 655 000-BCX-560 563.82996 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
DateTime filename tnimage objid filter exptime airmass hr_ang has_wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu auid center2obj JD ccd_temp set_temp img_type read_mode binning fov_radius_amin image_available
2024-09-10 07:56:48.324 a0346.fits BW_VUL V 1.50 1.38 3.4 Y 5.123 0.005 1429 000-BCX-560 563.83111 -5.0 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 07:59:15.749 a0347.fits BW_VUL B 1.65 1.40 3.4 Y 5.191 0.005 1557 000-BCX-560 563.83282 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 08:00:39.929 a0348.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.41 3.5 Y 6.187 0.009 641 000-BCX-560 563.83380 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 08:02:06.400 a0349.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.42 3.5 Y 6.260 0.009 703 000-BCX-560 563.83480 -5.0 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 08:02:24.940 a0350.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.42 3.5 Y 6.181 0.009 656 000-BCX-560 563.83501 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y

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2024-09-10 08:04:04.394 a0351.fits BW_VUL V 1.50 1.42 3.5 Y 12.662 0.304 809 000-BCX-560 563.83616 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 08:06:31.215 a0352.fits BW_VUL B 1.65 1.43 3.6 Y 5.195 0.005 1857 000-BCX-560 563.83786 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 08:07:55.090 a0353.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.45 3.6 Y 6.356 0.009 736 000-BCX-560 563.83883 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 08:09:22.199 a0354.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.46 3.6 Y 000-BCX-560 563.83984 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 08:09:40.590 a0355.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.46 3.6 Y 000-BCX-560 563.84005 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
DateTime filename tnimage objid filter exptime airmass hr_ang has_wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu auid center2obj JD ccd_temp set_temp img_type read_mode binning fov_radius_amin image_available
2024-09-10 08:11:19.985 a0356.fits BW_VUL V 1.50 1.46 3.6 Y 13.298 0.488 4 000-BCX-560 563.84120 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 08:13:47.184 a0357.fits BW_VUL B 1.65 1.48 3.7 Y 000-BCX-560 563.84291 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 08:15:10.859 a0358.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.49 3.7 Y 000-BCX-560 563.84388 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 08:16:37.539 a0359.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.50 3.8 Y 000-BCX-560 563.84488 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 08:16:55.908 a0360.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.50 3.8 Y 000-BCX-560 563.84509 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
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2024-09-10 08:18:35.215 a0361.fits BW_VUL V 1.50 1.50 3.8 Y 12.632 0.292 7 000-BCX-560 563.84624 -5.0 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 08:21:02.275 a0362.fits BW_VUL B 1.65 1.52 3.8 Y 000-BCX-560 563.84794 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 08:22:26.550 a0363.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.54 3.9 Y 13.398 1.046 14 000-BCX-560 563.84892 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 08:23:52.670 a0364.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.55 3.9 Y 000-BCX-560 563.84992 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 08:24:10.880 a0365.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.55 3.9 Y 000-BCX-560 563.85013 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
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2024-09-10 08:25:51.114 a0366.fits BW_VUL V 1.50 1.55 3.9 Y 16.942 9.999 1 000-BCX-560 563.85129 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 08:28:18.340 a0367.fits BW_VUL B 1.65 1.57 3.9 Y 000-BCX-560 563.85299 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 08:29:41.840 a0368.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.59 4.0 Y 000-BCX-560 563.85396 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 08:31:08.460 a0369.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.60 4.0 Y 000-BCX-560 563.85496 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 08:31:26.768 a0370.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.60 4.0 Y 000-BCX-560 563.85517 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
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2024-09-10 08:33:06.349 a0371.fits BW_VUL V 1.50 1.60 4.0 Y 000-BCX-560 563.85632 -5.0 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 08:35:33.233 a0372.fits BW_VUL B 1.65 1.62 4.1 Y 14.874 1.617 -2 000-BCX-560 563.85802 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 08:36:57.060 a0373.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.64 4.1 Y 000-BCX-560 563.85899 -5.0 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 08:38:22.420 a0374.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.65 4.1 Y 000-BCX-560 563.85998 -5.0 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 08:38:41.030 a0375.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.65 4.1 Y 000-BCX-560 563.86020 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
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2024-09-10 08:40:19.709 a0376.fits BW_VUL V 1.50 1.66 4.1 Y 14.342 0.992 -1 000-BCX-560 563.86134 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 08:42:46.195 a0377.fits BW_VUL B 1.65 1.68 4.2 Y 000-BCX-560 563.86303 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 08:44:09.800 a0378.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.70 4.2 Y 000-BCX-560 563.86400 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 08:45:35.649 a0379.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.71 4.2 Y 000-BCX-560 563.86500 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 08:45:54.030 a0380.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.71 4.2 Y 000-BCX-560 563.86521 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
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2024-09-10 08:47:33.500 a0381.fits BW_VUL V 1.50 1.72 4.3 Y 000-BCX-560 563.86636 -5.0 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 08:50:00.044 a0382.fits BW_VUL B 1.65 1.74 4.3 Y 000-BCX-560 563.86806 -5.0 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 08:51:23.899 a0383.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.76 4.3 Y 000-BCX-560 563.86903 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 08:52:50.420 a0384.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.78 4.4 Y 12.396 0.39 25 000-BCX-560 563.87003 -5.0 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 08:53:08.810 a0385.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.78 4.4 Y 000-BCX-560 563.87024 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
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2024-09-10 08:54:47.754 a0386.fits BW_VUL V 1.50 1.78 4.4 Y 000-BCX-560 563.87139 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 08:57:14.489 a0387.fits BW_VUL B 1.65 1.81 4.4 Y 000-BCX-560 563.87308 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 08:58:38.270 a0388.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.83 4.5 Y 000-BCX-560 563.87405 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 09:00:03.778 a0389.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.85 4.5 Y 000-BCX-560 563.87504 -5.0 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 09:00:22.239 a0390.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.85 4.5 Y 000-BCX-560 563.87526 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
DateTime filename tnimage objid filter exptime airmass hr_ang has_wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu auid center2obj JD ccd_temp set_temp img_type read_mode binning fov_radius_amin image_available
2024-09-10 09:02:02.594 a0391.fits BW_VUL V 1.50 1.86 4.5 Y 000-BCX-560 563.87642 -5.0 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 09:04:29.580 a0392.fits BW_VUL B 1.65 1.88 4.5 Y 000-BCX-560 563.87812 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 09:05:53.399 a0393.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.91 4.6 Y 000-BCX-560 563.87909 -5.0 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 09:07:18.789 a0394.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.93 4.6 Y 000-BCX-560 563.88008 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 09:07:36.618 a0395.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 1.93 4.6 Y 000-BCX-560 563.88028 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
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2024-09-10 09:09:17.589 a0396.fits BW_VUL V 1.50 1.93 4.6 Y 000-BCX-560 563.88145 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 09:11:45.945 a0397.fits BW_VUL B 1.65 1.96 4.7 Y 000-BCX-560 563.88317 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 09:13:08.980 a0398.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 2.00 4.7 Y 000-BCX-560 563.88413 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 09:14:35.090 a0399.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 2.01 4.7 Y 000-BCX-560 563.88513 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 09:14:53.640 a0400.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 2.02 4.7 Y 000-BCX-560 563.88534 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y

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2024-09-10 09:16:33.890 a0401.fits BW_VUL V 1.50 2.02 4.7 Y 000-BCX-560 563.88650 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 09:19:01.034 a0402.fits BW_VUL B 1.65 2.05 4.8 Y 000-BCX-560 563.88821 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 09:20:25.359 a0403.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 2.09 4.8 Y 000-BCX-560 563.88918 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 09:21:51.600 a0404.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 2.11 4.8 Y 000-BCX-560 563.89018 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 09:22:09.740 a0405.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 2.11 4.9 Y 000-BCX-560 563.89039 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
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2024-09-10 09:23:49.234 a0406.fits BW_VUL V 1.50 2.12 4.9 Y 000-BCX-560 563.89154 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 09:26:15.945 a0407.fits BW_VUL B 1.65 2.15 4.9 Y 000-BCX-560 563.89324 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 09:27:39.340 a0408.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 2.19 4.9 Y 000-BCX-560 563.89421 -5.0 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 09:29:06.269 a0409.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 2.22 5.0 Y 000-BCX-560 563.89521 -5.0 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 09:29:24.480 a0410.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 2.22 5.0 Y 000-BCX-560 563.89542 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
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2024-09-10 09:31:05.088 a0411.fits BW_VUL V 1.50 2.23 5.0 Y 000-BCX-560 563.89659 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 09:33:33.135 a0412.fits BW_VUL B 1.65 2.27 5.0 Y 000-BCX-560 563.89830 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 09:34:57.020 a0413.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 2.31 5.1 Y 000-BCX-560 563.89927 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 09:36:22.800 a0414.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 2.34 5.1 000-BCX-560 563.90026 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 09:36:41.100 a0415.fits BW_VUL SU 10.00 2.34 5.1 Y 000-BCX-560 563.90048 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
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2024-09-10 09:41:58.689 a0416.fits HD_5501 B 13.82 1.18 1.1 Y 1.63 4.289 0.004 34896 000-BPQ-427 0.036821 563.90415 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 50.028284 Y
2024-09-10 09:42:34.350 a0417.fits HD_5501 V 10.00 1.18 1.1 Y 1.40 4.241 0.003 39731 000-BPQ-427 0.006568 563.90456 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 50.021809 Y
2024-09-10 09:43:03.459 a0418.fits HD_5501 R 10.00 1.18 1.1 Y 1.70 4.174 0.003 30695 000-BPQ-427 0.021240 563.90490 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 50.018787 Y
2024-09-10 09:43:33.530 a0419.fits HD_5501 I 15.00 1.18 1.2 Y 1.56 4.974 0.005 13316 000-BPQ-427 0.009430 563.90525 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 50.022208 Y
2024-09-10 09:44:22.719 a0420.fits HD_5501 B 13.82 1.18 1.2 Y 1.60 4.285 0.004 41141 000-BPQ-427 0.033828 563.90582 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 50.026924 Y
DateTime filename tnimage objid filter exptime airmass hr_ang has_wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu auid center2obj JD ccd_temp set_temp img_type read_mode binning fov_radius_amin image_available
2024-09-10 09:44:58.609 a0421.fits HD_5501 V 10.00 1.18 1.2 Y 1.55 4.249 0.003 26395 000-BPQ-427 0.034256 563.90623 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 50.021027 Y
2024-09-10 09:45:27.170 a0422.fits HD_5501 R 10.00 1.18 1.2 Y 1.55 4.193 0.003 34671 000-BPQ-427 0.051570 563.90656 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 50.017762 Y
2024-09-10 09:45:57.219 a0423.fits HD_5501 I 15.00 1.18 1.2 Y 1.56 4.969 0.005 12896 000-BPQ-427 0.052582 563.90691 -5.0 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 50.019957 Y
2024-09-10 09:46:45.350 a0424.fits HD_5501 B 13.82 1.18 1.2 Y 1.76 4.300 0.004 38337 000-BPQ-427 0.100111 563.90747 -5.0 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 50.028172 Y
2024-09-10 09:47:20.940 a0425.fits HD_5501 V 10.00 1.18 1.2 Y 1.36 4.245 0.003 43801 000-BPQ-427 0.109645 563.90788 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 50.020487 Y
DateTime filename tnimage objid filter exptime airmass hr_ang has_wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu auid center2obj JD ccd_temp set_temp img_type read_mode binning fov_radius_amin image_available
2024-09-10 09:47:49.490 a0426.fits HD_5501 R 10.0 1.18 1.2 Y 1.50 4.174 0.003 28636 000-BPQ-427 0.133825 563.90821 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 50.018606 Y
2024-09-10 09:48:19.539 a0427.fits HD_5501 I 15.0 1.18 1.2 Y 1.69 4.986 0.005 14600 000-BPQ-427 0.125790 563.90856 -5.0 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 50.021078 Y
2024-09-10 09:50:12.599 a0428.fits NGC_7790 I 40.0 1.27 2.3 Y 1.85 7.907 0.023 938 None 0.065468 563.90987 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 50.020250 Y
2024-09-10 09:51:09.570 a0429.fits NGC_7790 I 40.0 1.27 2.3 Y 1.64 7.565 0.018 1294 None 0.110333 563.91053 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 50.020386 Y
2024-09-10 09:52:06.878 a0430.fits NGC_7790 I 40.0 1.27 2.3 Y 1.70 8.077 0.025 1620 None 0.136252 563.91119 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 50.020093 Y
DateTime filename tnimage objid filter exptime airmass hr_ang has_wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu auid center2obj JD ccd_temp set_temp img_type read_mode binning fov_radius_amin image_available
2024-09-10 09:53:03.790 a0431.fits NGC_7790 I 40.0 1.27 2.3 Y 1.85 7.594 0.019 1234 None 0.169477 563.91185 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 50.020364 Y
2024-09-10 09:54:06.089 a0432.fits NGC_7790 R 30.0 1.27 2.3 Y 1.60 6.908 0.013 2274 None 0.240851 563.91257 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 50.016393 Y
2024-09-10 09:54:53.890 a0433.fits NGC_7790 R 30.0 1.27 2.3 Y 1.51 7.580 0.018 2992 None 0.268873 563.91312 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 50.018197 Y
2024-09-10 09:55:40.820 a0434.fits NGC_7790 R 30.0 1.28 2.3 Y 1.49 6.690 0.011 3484 None 0.305444 563.91367 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 50.017282 Y
2024-09-10 09:56:27.870 a0435.fits NGC_7790 R 30.0 1.28 2.4 Y 1.48 6.841 0.012 2859 None 0.324242 563.91421 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 50.016905 Y
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2024-09-10 09:57:17.199 a0436.fits NGC_7790 V 30.0 1.28 2.4 Y 1.55 6.750 0.012 3002 None 0.351363 563.91478 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 50.018602 Y
2024-09-10 09:58:04.918 a0437.fits NGC_7790 V 30.0 1.28 2.4 Y 1.48 7.039 0.013 4056 None 0.385853 563.91533 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 50.020290 Y
2024-09-10 09:58:51.969 a0438.fits NGC_7790 V 30.0 1.28 2.4 Y 1.40 7.116 0.014 3521 None 0.420087 563.91588 -5.0 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 50.018320 Y
2024-09-10 09:59:38.978 a0439.fits NGC_7790 V 30.0 1.28 2.4 Y 1.46 6.933 0.013 2897 None 0.443724 563.91642 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 50.019527 Y
2024-09-10 10:00:29.489 a0440.fits NGC_7790 B 40.0 1.28 2.4 Y 1.65 6.882 0.012 2667 None 0.489089 563.91701 -5.0 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 50.025139 Y
DateTime filename tnimage objid filter exptime airmass hr_ang has_wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu auid center2obj JD ccd_temp set_temp img_type read_mode binning fov_radius_amin image_available
2024-09-10 10:01:26.350 a0441.fits NGC_7790 B 40.0 1.29 2.4 Y 1.61 7.282 0.015 2702 None 0.515936 563.91767 -5.0 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 50.025342 Y
2024-09-10 10:02:22.910 a0442.fits NGC_7790 B 40.0 1.29 2.5 Y 1.67 9.166 0.048 1656 None 0.554473 563.91832 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 50.026559 Y
2024-09-10 10:03:19.530 a0443.fits NGC_7790 B 40.0 1.29 2.5 Y 1.62 7.006 0.013 3322 None 0.597536 563.91898 -5.0 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 50.024766 Y
2024-09-10 10:04:15.960 a0444.fits NGC_7790 B 40.0 1.29 2.5 Y 1.64 6.944 0.013 3041 None 0.632332 563.91963 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 50.025811 Y
2024-09-10 10:05:12.810 a0445.fits NGC_7790 B 40.0 1.29 2.5 Y 1.69 7.236 0.015 2270 None 0.656249 563.92029 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 50.024507 Y
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2024-09-10 10:06:09.788 a0446.fits NGC_7790 B 40.0 1.29 2.5 Y 1.65 7.276 0.015 2295 None 0.686422 563.92095 -5.0 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 50.025117 Y
2024-09-10 10:07:06.410 a0447.fits NGC_7790 B 40.0 1.30 2.5 Y 1.65 12.339 0.600 308 None 0.720023 563.92160 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 50.025733 Y
2024-09-10 10:08:08.810 a0448.fits NGC_7790 V 30.0 1.30 2.6 Y 1.52 9.033 0.045 1856 None 0.756889 563.92232 -5.0 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 50.019276 Y
2024-09-10 10:08:55.920 a0449.fits NGC_7790 V 30.0 1.30 2.6 Y 1.64 6.878 0.012 2616 None 0.795301 563.92287 -5.0 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 50.019547 Y
2024-09-10 10:09:42.950 a0450.fits NGC_7790 V 30.0 1.30 2.6 Y 1.68 7.467 0.017 2859 None 0.813030 563.92341 -5.0 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 50.020730 Y

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2024-09-10 10:10:30.230 a0451.fits NGC_7790 V 30.0 1.30 2.6 Y 1.67 7.241 0.015 2798 None 0.835547 563.92396 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 50.018054 Y
2024-09-10 10:11:19.120 a0452.fits NGC_7790 R 30.0 1.30 2.6 Y 1.59 6.885 0.013 2335 None 0.870512 563.92453 -5.0 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 50.016679 Y
2024-09-10 10:12:07.150 a0453.fits NGC_7790 R 30.0 1.30 2.6 Y 1.56 6.999 0.013 2624 None 0.902836 563.92508 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 50.016462 Y
2024-09-10 10:12:54.679 a0454.fits NGC_7790 R 30.0 1.31 2.6 Y 1.58 6.906 0.013 2963 None 0.927317 563.92563 -5.0 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 50.017257 Y
2024-09-10 10:13:42.060 a0455.fits NGC_7790 R 30.0 1.31 2.6 Y 1.55 7.077 0.014 2353 None 0.957087 563.92618 -5.0 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 50.017717 Y
DateTime filename tnimage objid filter exptime airmass hr_ang has_wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu auid center2obj JD ccd_temp set_temp img_type read_mode binning fov_radius_amin image_available
2024-09-10 10:14:33.320 a0456.fits NGC_7790 I 40.0 1.31 2.7 Y 1.83 9.283 0.059 1116 None 0.974942 563.92677 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 50.020896 Y
2024-09-10 10:15:30.649 a0457.fits NGC_7790 I 40.0 1.31 2.7 Y 1.88 7.536 0.018 1160 None 1.011446 563.92744 -5.0 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 50.020214 Y
2024-09-10 10:16:27.260 a0458.fits NGC_7790 I 40.0 1.31 2.7 Y 1.84 7.907 0.022 1068 None 1.050088 563.92809 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 50.019586 Y
2024-09-10 10:17:23.879 a0459.fits NGC_7790 I 40.0 1.32 2.7 Y 1.92 8.497 0.033 1101 None 1.081644 563.92875 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 50.019200 Y
2024-09-10 10:19:39.130 a0460.fits V0765_Cas V 60.0 1.17 1.4 Y 1.72 4.223 0.003 35413 000-BDK-114 0.104302 563.93031 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 50.020125 Y
DateTime filename tnimage objid filter exptime airmass hr_ang has_wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu auid center2obj JD ccd_temp set_temp img_type read_mode binning fov_radius_amin image_available
2024-09-10 10:20:56.920 a0461.fits V0765_Cas V 60.0 1.17 1.4 Y 1.94 4.222 0.003 35234 000-BDK-114 0.116223 563.93121 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 50.019311 Y
2024-09-10 10:22:14.630 a0462.fits V0765_Cas V 60.0 1.17 1.4 Y 1.89 4.229 0.003 30348 000-BDK-114 0.144856 563.93211 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 50.019297 Y
2024-09-10 10:23:36.048 a0463.fits V0765_Cas I 60.0 1.17 1.5 Y 2.11 5.541 0.006 7636 000-BDK-114 0.158791 563.93306 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 50.021567 Y
2024-09-10 10:24:53.618 a0464.fits V0765_Cas I 60.0 1.18 1.5 Y 1.81 5.572 0.007 7199 000-BDK-114 0.185368 563.93395 -5.0 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 50.020451 Y
2024-09-10 10:26:10.769 a0465.fits V0765_Cas I 60.0 1.18 1.5 Y 1.77 5.562 0.007 7500 000-BDK-114 0.228649 563.93485 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 50.021199 Y
DateTime filename tnimage objid filter exptime airmass hr_ang has_wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu auid center2obj JD ccd_temp set_temp img_type read_mode binning fov_radius_amin image_available
2024-09-10 10:28:52.978 a0466.fits RW_Cep B 13.80 1.64 4.5 Y 2.17 4.390 0.004 24305 000-BCQ-372 0.075010 563.93672 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 50.026979 Y
2024-09-10 10:29:23.588 a0467.fits RW_Cep B 13.80 1.65 4.5 Y 2.20 4.378 0.004 23016 000-BCQ-372 0.068572 563.93708 -5.0 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 50.025089 Y
2024-09-10 10:30:21.075 a0468.fits RW_Cep V 3.35 1.65 4.5 Y 1.91 3.508 0.002 52366 000-BCQ-372 0.063139 563.93774 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 50.016761 Y
2024-09-10 10:31:42.455 a0469.fits RW_Cep R 2.28 1.65 4.5 Y 1.45 3.149 0.002 48312 000-BCQ-372 0.067182 563.93869 -5.0 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 50.014371 Y
2024-09-10 10:33:22.974 a0470.fits RW_Cep I 2.38 1.66 4.6 Y 1.77 3.398 0.002 36902 000-BCQ-372 0.097517 563.93985 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 50.020638 Y
DateTime filename tnimage objid filter exptime airmass hr_ang has_wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu auid center2obj JD ccd_temp set_temp img_type read_mode binning fov_radius_amin image_available
2024-09-10 10:34:24.980 a0471.fits RW_Cep GR 20.33 1.67 4.6 Y 000-BCQ-372 563.94057 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 10:36:02.040 a0472.fits RW_Cep GR 20.33 1.68 4.6 Y 3.442 0.003 51557 000-BCQ-372 563.94169 -5.0 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 Y
2024-09-10 10:39:13.814 a0473.fits Del_Cep B 1.38 1.66 4.5 Y 2.16 2.828 0.002 39080 000-BCQ-471 0.031004 563.94391 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 50.020535 Y
2024-09-10 10:42:18.230 a0474.fits Del_Cep V 1.00 1.67 4.6 Y 1.84 2.625 0.002 41241 000-BCQ-471 0.108318 563.94604 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 50.015709 Y
2024-09-10 10:45:20.129 a0475.fits Del_Cep I 1.00 1.69 4.6 Y 2.04 3.146 0.002 39525 000-BCQ-471 0.196804 563.94815 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 50.007810 Y
DateTime filename tnimage objid filter exptime airmass hr_ang has_wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu auid center2obj JD ccd_temp set_temp img_type read_mode binning fov_radius_amin image_available
2024-09-10 10:49:34.034 a0476.fits V509_Cas B 0.75 1.56 4.2 Y 2.89 4.668 0.004 8037 000-BCR-088 0.116040 563.95109 -5.2 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 50.021114 Y
2024-09-10 10:53:48.655 a0477.fits V509_Cas V 0.38 1.57 4.2 Y 1.87 4.651 0.004 6916 000-BCR-088 0.074466 563.95404 -5.0 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 50.011651 Y
2024-09-10 11:00:44.549 a0478.fits V509_Cas I 0.26 1.60 4.3 Y 1.78 5.976 0.008 1495 000-BCR-088 0.189198 563.95885 -5.0 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 50.009818 Y
2024-09-10 11:07:36.449 a0479.fits V1022_Cas V 1.50 1.40 3.5 Y 1.72 3.239 0.002 36823 000-BCS-142 0.087982 563.96362 -5.2 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 50.016116 Y
2024-09-10 11:10:16.109 a0480.fits V0765_Cas V 60.00 1.24 2.2 Y 2.69 4.248 0.004 17451 000-BDK-114 0.024132 563.96546 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 50.022542 Y
DateTime filename tnimage objid filter exptime airmass hr_ang has_wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu auid center2obj JD ccd_temp set_temp img_type read_mode binning fov_radius_amin image_available
2024-09-10 11:11:33.460 a0481.fits V0765_Cas V 60.0 1.24 2.3 Y 2.71 4.252 0.004 22816 000-BDK-114 0.064803 563.96636 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 50.022347 Y
2024-09-10 11:12:50.649 a0482.fits V0765_Cas V 60.0 1.24 2.3 Y 2.57 4.243 0.003 26353 000-BDK-114 0.099508 563.96725 -5.0 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 50.021126 Y
2024-09-10 11:14:12.330 a0483.fits V0765_Cas I 60.0 1.24 2.3 Y 2.43 5.594 0.007 5056 000-BDK-114 0.125415 563.96820 -5.0 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 50.021716 Y
2024-09-10 11:15:28.710 a0484.fits V0765_Cas I 60.0 1.25 2.3 Y 2.35 5.612 0.007 5315 000-BDK-114 0.177770 563.96908 -5.0 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 50.022665 Y
2024-09-10 11:16:46.270 a0485.fits V0765_Cas I 60.0 1.25 2.4 Y 2.22 5.606 0.007 6046 000-BDK-114 0.220716 563.96998 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 50.023883 Y
DateTime filename tnimage objid filter exptime airmass hr_ang has_wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu auid center2obj JD ccd_temp set_temp img_type read_mode binning fov_radius_amin image_available
2024-09-10 11:19:23.649 a0486.fits RZ_Psc B 150.0 1.20 2.6 Y 3.64 5.362 0.006 2907 000-BCW-837 0.126338 563.97180 -5.0 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 50.040341 Y
2024-09-10 11:22:11.300 a0487.fits RZ_Psc B 150.0 1.21 2.6 Y 3.72 5.385 0.006 2721 000-BCW-837 0.197599 563.97374 -5.0 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 50.039247 Y
2024-09-10 11:25:04.330 a0488.fits RZ_Psc V 75.0 1.21 2.7 Y 2.71 5.244 0.006 6814 000-BCW-837 0.263336 563.97574 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 50.032435 Y
2024-09-10 11:26:35.750 a0489.fits RZ_Psc V 75.0 1.22 2.7 Y 2.92 5.253 0.006 5468 000-BCW-837 0.308781 563.97680 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 50.032048 Y
2024-09-10 11:28:09.720 a0490.fits RZ_Psc R 75.0 1.22 2.7 Y 2.32 4.964 0.005 11026 000-BCW-837 0.380600 563.97789 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 50.028743 Y
DateTime filename tnimage objid filter exptime airmass hr_ang has_wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu auid center2obj JD ccd_temp set_temp img_type read_mode binning fov_radius_amin image_available
2024-09-10 11:29:41.500 a0491.fits RZ_Psc R 75.0 1.23 2.7 Y 2.27 4.963 0.005 12707 000-BCW-837 0.422420 563.97895 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 50.028951 Y
2024-09-10 11:31:16.609 a0492.fits RZ_Psc I 75.0 1.23 2.8 Y 2.63 6.087 0.008 2435 000-BCW-837 0.459204 563.98005 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 50.029050 Y
2024-09-10 11:32:48.079 a0493.fits RZ_Psc I 75.0 1.24 2.8 Y 2.56 6.086 0.008 2544 000-BCW-837 0.521819 563.98111 -5.0 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 50.030927 Y
2024-09-10 11:36:24.120 a0494.fits V711_Tau V 2.0 1.16 0.4 Y 2.08 3.270 0.002 56273 000-BCX-280 0.102548 563.98361 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 50.026385 Y
2024-09-10 11:38:08.049 a0495.fits V711_Tau V 2.0 1.16 0.4 Y 2.00 3.263 0.002 53520 000-BCX-280 0.089601 563.98482 -5.0 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 50.023957 Y
DateTime filename tnimage objid filter exptime airmass hr_ang has_wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu auid center2obj JD ccd_temp set_temp img_type read_mode binning fov_radius_amin image_available
2024-09-10 11:39:53.184 a0496.fits V711_Tau R 2.00 1.16 0.4 Y 1.62 3.087 0.002 56744 000-BCX-280 0.101143 563.98603 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 50.019451 Y
2024-09-10 11:41:34.894 a0497.fits V711_Tau R 2.00 1.16 0.5 Y 1.51 3.090 0.002 60406 000-BCX-280 0.111015 563.98721 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 50.019793 Y
2024-09-10 11:48:16.960 a0498.fits AY_Cet B 4.54 1.65 2.9 Y 1.90 3.176 0.002 46692 000-BCV-440 0.069777 563.99186 -5.0 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 50.031015 Y
2024-09-10 11:49:46.625 a0499.fits AY_Cet V 2.24 1.66 2.9 Y 1.68 3.053 0.002 60507 000-BCV-440 0.110213 563.99290 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 50.027603 Y
2024-09-10 11:52:33.584 a0500.fits SU_LYN V 3.75 1.24 -2.4 Y 1.38 5.210 0.005 14028 000-BDT-456 0.083859 563.99483 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 50.017221 Y

images 501 to 505

DateTime filename tnimage objid filter exptime airmass hr_ang has_wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu auid center2obj JD ccd_temp set_temp img_type read_mode binning fov_radius_amin image_available
2024-09-10 11:53:17.210 a0501.fits SU_LYN B 10.00 1.24 -2.4 Y 1.81 5.822 0.008 6139 000-BDT-456 0.101397 563.99534 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 50.024311 Y
2024-09-10 11:53:43.618 a0502.fits SU_LYN B 10.00 1.24 -2.4 Y 1.74 5.823 0.008 7199 000-BDT-456 0.107095 563.99564 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 50.025155 Y
2024-09-10 11:54:09.788 a0503.fits SU_LYN B 10.00 1.23 -2.4 Y 1.75 5.811 0.008 7510 000-BDT-456 0.118979 563.99595 -5.0 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 50.017958 Y
2024-09-10 11:55:17.999 a0504.fits SU_LYN R 1.25 1.23 -2.4 Y 1.45 5.156 0.005 10136 000-BDT-456 0.090253 563.99674 -4.9 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 50.012709 Y
2024-09-10 11:57:04.540 a0505.fits SU_LYN I 0.50 1.23 -2.4 Y 1.52 5.506 0.006 7436 000-BDT-456 0.148492 563.99797 -5.0 -5.0 light Normal 1x1 50.011517 Y

Column Definitions

DateTime: UTC timestamp

filename: Image filename in IRAF processing and as JPEG thumbnail

link: Hyperlink to JPEG thumbnail

objid: Target object ID as defined in ACP plan and in FITS header

filter: Photometric filter used

exptime or exp: Exposure time in sec

airmass or am: Airmass during exposure

hr_ang or ha: The hour angle for the images in hours.

has_wcs or wcs: Image was plate solved at observatory and World Coordinate Systems attributes (WCS) attributes were placed in FITS header.

fwhm: Full Width Half Max star images as measured at observatory

instmag: Target object instrumental magnitude as measured by pipeline IRAF photomery subsystem

err: Target object magnitude error as measured by pipeline IRAF photomery subsystem

maxadu: Target object maximum ADU as measured by pipeline IRAF photomery subsystem

auid: AAVSO Unique Identifier for the target object

center2obj: Separation of target object from center of the image in arcmin

JD: Julian date - 2540000

ccd_temp: Camera sensor temperature (C)

set_temp: Camera cooler set point temperatur (C)

img_type: Image type; "Light" is expected; "Flat", "Dark" or "Bias" indicate a mixup in the telescope computer settings

read_mode: Various values, but this should be the same for all images at a given telescope

binning: X and Y binning of sensor pixels; this should be the same for all images at a given telescope

fov_radius_amin: Radius of field of view for the camera sensor across the shorter dimension in arcmin

image_available: This should also be yes(Y) unless a failure in the HQ computer sysem

OE: !OE! indicates over exposed target. The max ADU for the target is more than the linearity liit of the camera.

new_exp: Suggested new exposure for over exposed targets.

nstk: If this is a stacked image, number of images combined.

ChgCSV: The exposure was automatically changed in the Scheduler CSV file.

tnimage: Small image thumbnail that will open the full JPEG thumbnail image in a new tab