[NbConvertApp] Converting notebook /home/aavsonet/scripts/reports/pipeline_report.ipynb to HTML [NbConvertApp] Executing notebook with kernel: python3 pipeline_report

Telescope oc61 date 210730 (yymmdd)

Run at 09/08/2021 12:42:27 EDT

Warnings and Errors

INFO 231 total images for oc61 on 210730
WARNING 90 images not plate solved at observatory
WARNING 64 images without target object photometry
WARNING 7 images with target off center
WARNING 7 dark masters more than 180 days old

INFO total images: Number of images processed during the pipeline run

ERROR IMAGE FILE MISSING: This is a serious error. It could be the result of a disk failure or defect in the pipeline scripts.

WARNING images not plate solved at observatory: This indicates images that may of poor quality or under exposed. Good quality images should be plate solved.

WARNING images suspected over exposed: The target object maxadu is over the linearity limit for the camera.

WARNING images without target object photometry: The pipeline performs full frame photometry on every image. This error indicates no photometric result was found that lies with 15 arcsec of the target object. This may be expected for extended objects. For point objects it may indicate a poor-quality image, bad exposure, etc. It makes it more likely the requestor will be not be getting good photometry.

ERROR images with invalid binning: This is a serious error since the pipeline cannot handle multiple binning levels for a given telescope. These images do not get properly processed and will be unusable.

ERROR images with invalid read mode: This indicates the camera configuration at the observatory has changed from its standard and the images are likely out of sync with the calibration images.

ERROR images with invalid image type: This is likely a due to calibration images getting stored on the telescope computer in the wrong directory and getting transferred to the pipeline as science images.

WARNING images with target off center: This indicates that, for plate solved images, the target is 25% of the radius of the image from the center of the frame. This may be intentional as when it is off center to include comp stars. However, it may indicate problems with the telescope pointing.

ERROR images with duplicate times: The frame date and time are identical to another image. This is not possible and represents an error in the pipeline processing.

ERROR Dark and Bias must be at the same temperature: The set of bias and dark calibration masters selected were not at the same temperature. This needs to be investigate and corrected. See calibration file section of this report for more information.

ERROR Science images must be at the same temperature: The science images were taken at more than one temperature. The pipeline will pick the most majority temperature and apply calibration images for that temperature to all images. See the CCD set point section of this report for more information.

WARNING dark masters more than 180 days old: The dark and bias master files in use are getting old. Consider getting new ones. See Calibration File Age section for details.

WARNING flat masters more than 15 days old: The flat master file(s) in use are getting old. Consider getting new ones. See Calibration File Age section for details.

Calibration File Age in Days

Filters used this night B,SI,SR,V
datenite imagetyp filename set_temp filter binning exptime Age(d) Active
200124 bias oc61/calibration/200124/bias.fits -20.0 None 2 0.00 554 Y
200124 dark oc61/calibration/200124/dark1.fits -20.0 None 2 1.00 554 Y
200124 dark oc61/calibration/200124/dark3.fits -20.0 None 2 3.00 554 Y
200124 dark oc61/calibration/200124/dark10.fits -20.0 None 2 10.00 554 Y
200124 dark oc61/calibration/200124/dark30.fits -20.0 None 2 30.00 554 Y
200124 dark oc61/calibration/200124/dark100.fits -20.0 None 2 100.00 554 Y
200124 dark oc61/calibration/200124/dark300.fits -20.0 None 2 300.00 554 Y
210809 flat oc61/calibration/210809/flatB_bin2.fits NaN B 2 None -9 Y
210809 flat oc61/calibration/210809/flatSI_bin2.fits NaN SI 2 None -9 Y
210803 flat oc61/calibration/210803/flatSR_bin2.fits NaN SR 2 None -3 Y
210730 flat oc61/calibration/210730/flatV_bin2.fits NaN V 2 None 1 Y
200128 bias oc61/calibration/200128/bias.fits -25.0 None 2 0.00 550
200107 bias oc61/calibration/200107/bias.fits -30.0 None 2 0.00 571
200128 dark oc61/calibration/200128/dark1.fits -25.0 None 2 1.00 550
200128 dark oc61/calibration/200128/dark3.fits -25.0 None 2 3.00 550
200128 dark oc61/calibration/200128/dark10.fits -25.0 None 2 10.00 550
200128 dark oc61/calibration/200128/dark30.fits -25.0 None 2 30.00 550
200128 dark oc61/calibration/200128/dark100.fits -25.0 None 2 100.00 550
200128 dark oc61/calibration/200128/dark300.fits -25.0 None 2 300.00 550
200107 dark oc61/calibration/200107/dark1.fits -30.0 None 2 1.00 571
200107 dark oc61/calibration/200107/dark3.fits -30.0 None 2 3.00 571
200107 dark oc61/calibration/200107/dark10.fits -30.0 None 2 10.00 571
200107 dark oc61/calibration/200107/dark30.fits -30.0 None 2 30.00 571
200107 dark oc61/calibration/200107/dark100.fits -30.0 None 2 100.00 571
200107 dark oc61/calibration/200107/dark300.fits -30.0 None 2 300.00 571
210803 flat oc61/calibration/210803/flatSG_bin2.fits NaN SG 2 None -3

CCD set point vs operating temperature

Maximum delta temperature SET - CCD 0.00 C

Pointing Performance

Suspected Over Exposed Images

Suspected Under Exposed Images

DateTime project_ objid filter exptime airmass fwhm instmag err maxadu new_exp
2021-07-30 11:48:02 AAVSO_ P136_ SBL_ AUTO ASASSN-20da B 30.000 1.38 3.36 15.849 1.467 303 nan
2021-07-30 10:45:28 AAVSO_ P139_ CCHC_ AUTO V0856_Sco B 12.000 1.14 nan 14.614 0.399 107 nan
2021-07-30 12:18:56 AAVSO_ P185186A_ BPEC_ AUTO ASASSN-V_J170615-3229447 SI 60.000 1.27 5.69 12.773 0.105 236 nan
2021-07-30 12:14:30 AAVSO_ P185186A_ BPEC_ AUTO ASASSN-V_J170615-3229447 SR 60.000 1.26 5.90 14.064 0.308 229 nan
2021-07-30 10:08:59 AAVSO_ Psxn_ Modic_ AUTO CI_Aql B 200.000 1.38 nan 14.310 0.461 243 nan
2021-07-30 09:57:12 AAVSO_ Psxn_ Modic_ AUTO CI_Aql V 100.000 1.40 5.00 12.043 0.058 262 nan
2021-07-30 09:49:31 AAVSO_ Psxn_ Modic_ AUTO V3890_Sgr B 200.000 1.08 4.72 12.569 0.094 280 nan
2021-07-30 09:40:01 AAVSO_ Psxn_ Modic_ AUTO V3890_Sgr V 100.000 1.09 3.79 12.248 0.067 299 nan
2021-07-30 18:23:44 AAVSO_ Psymbiotic_ Staels_ AUTO LMC_N67 B 200.000 1.20 3.98 12.066 0.061 538 nan
2021-07-30 18:37:17 AAVSO_ Psymbiotic_ Staels_ AUTO LMC_N67 SI 150.000 1.18 3.56 11.779 0.052 849 nan
2021-07-30 18:33:10 AAVSO_ Psymbiotic_ Staels_ AUTO LMC_N67 V 100.000 1.19 3.37 12.184 0.065 444 nan
2021-07-30 17:35:13 AAVSO_ Psymbiotic_ Staels_ AUTO LMC_S147 V 100.000 1.24 nan 12.354 0.079 445 nan
2021-07-30 17:13:46 AAVSO_ Psymbiotic_ Staels_ AUTO LMC_S154 B 200.000 1.29 nan 13.397 0.221 351 nan
2021-07-30 17:23:07 AAVSO_ Psymbiotic_ Staels_ AUTO LMC_S154 V 100.000 1.28 nan 12.828 0.108 267 nan
2021-07-30 16:24:23 AAVSO_ Psymbiotic_ Staels_ AUTO LN_358 B 200.000 1.17 nan 14.848 0.801 2868 nan
2021-07-30 15:32:25 AAVSO_ Psymbiotic_ Staels_ AUTO SMC_LIN9 B 200.000 1.16 4.89 16.022 2.273 275 nan
2021-07-30 17:51:05 AAVSO_ Psymbiotic_ Staels_ AUTO SMC_LMC_94 B 200.000 1.31 nan 12.131 0.069 338 nan
2021-07-30 15:59:56 AAVSO_ Psymbiotic_ Staels_ AUTO SMC_N60 B 200.000 1.16 3.26 13.578 0.248 609 nan
2021-07-30 16:17:31 AAVSO_ Psymbiotic_ Staels_ AUTO SMC_N60 SI 150.000 1.16 nan 12.672 0.106 441 nan
2021-07-30 16:07:44 AAVSO_ Psymbiotic_ Staels_ AUTO SMC_N60 V 100.000 1.16 3.60 13.573 0.219 252 nan
2021-07-30 16:48:04 AAVSO_ Psymbiotic_ Staels_ AUTO SMC_N73 B 200.000 1.18 nan 12.334 0.080 2704 nan
2021-07-30 17:05:08 AAVSO_ Psymbiotic_ Staels_ AUTO SMC_N73 SI 150.000 1.17 4.14 99.999 9.999 2243 nan
2021-07-30 14:16:29 AAVSO_ rvTau_ Pollard_ AUTO AI_Sco B 10.000 1.53 nan 13.059 0.095 145 nan
2021-07-30 14:04:29 AAVSO_ rvTau_ Pollard_ AUTO W_Gru B 10.000 1.01 nan 15.771 1.097 119 nan
2021-07-30 10:59:51 NOVA_ Monitoring PNV_J17291350 B 150.000 1.17 4.52 15.302 1.083 1881 nan
2021-07-30 11:07:17 NOVA_ Monitoring PNV_J17291350 V 100.000 1.18 5.42 14.507 0.491 506 nan
2021-07-30 11:13:58 NOVA_ Monitoring V2487_Oph B 200.000 1.18 5.21 13.894 0.321 1165 nan
2021-07-30 11:29:15 NOVA_ Monitoring V2487_Oph V 100.000 1.21 5.72 14.733 0.602 168 nan
2021-07-30 15:05:55 NOVA_ Monitoring V4169_Sgr B 200.000 1.83 5.66 13.478 0.220 330 nan
2021-07-30 15:22:17 NOVA_ Monitoring V4169_Sgr V 100.000 1.97 5.50 12.770 0.109 298 nan
2021-07-30 12:53:13 NOVA_ Monitoring V4332_Sgr B 200.000 1.20 5.81 14.520 0.575 235 nan
2021-07-30 13:14:35 NOVA_ Monitoring V4332_Sgr V 100.000 1.25 6.42 13.629 0.225 371 nan
2021-07-30 12:37:29 NOVA_ Monitoring V4743_Sgr B 200.000 1.15 5.94 13.069 0.153 233 nan
2021-07-30 12:43:30 NOVA_ Monitoring V4743_Sgr V 100.000 1.15 6.51 12.538 0.083 219 nan
2021-07-30 14:23:10 NOVA_ Monitoring V4745_Sgr B 200.000 1.38 5.05 12.797 0.121 310 nan
2021-07-30 14:48:53 NOVA_ Monitoring V4745_Sgr V 100.000 1.49 5.04 12.655 0.095 326 nan
2021-07-30 13:29:53 NOVA_ Monitoring V496_Sct B 200.000 1.59 6.54 14.496 0.571 1303 nan
2021-07-30 13:51:24 NOVA_ Monitoring V496_Sct V 100.000 1.70 nan 12.754 0.106 995 nan

Images by Target Object


AUID 000-BBZ-757

DateTime project_ filter exp am ha filename wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk tnimage OE
2021-07-30 14:16:29 AAVSO_ rvTau_ Pollard_ AUTO B 10.000 1.53 4.3 a0238.fits nan 13.059 0.095 145
2021-07-30 14:17:00 AAVSO_ rvTau_ Pollard_ AUTO B 10.000 1.54 4.3 a0239.fits nan 11.803 0.032 206
2021-07-30 14:17:30 AAVSO_ rvTau_ Pollard_ AUTO B 10.000 1.54 4.3 a0240.fits nan 11.638 0.029 277
2021-07-30 14:18:00 AAVSO_ rvTau_ Pollard_ AUTO V 5.000 1.54 4.3 a0241.fits Y 3.10 11.190 0.018 394
2021-07-30 14:18:27 AAVSO_ rvTau_ Pollard_ AUTO V 5.000 1.54 4.3 a0242.fits Y 3.01 11.028 0.016 487
2021-07-30 14:18:54 AAVSO_ rvTau_ Pollard_ AUTO V 5.000 1.55 4.3 a0243.fits nan 10.843 0.014 486
2021-07-30 14:19:22 AAVSO_ rvTau_ Pollard_ AUTO SR 5.000 1.55 4.3 a0244.fits Y 3.93 9.844 0.007 1276
2021-07-30 14:19:47 AAVSO_ rvTau_ Pollard_ AUTO SR 5.000 1.55 4.3 a0245.fits Y 4.45 10.063 0.008 1013
2021-07-30 14:20:13 AAVSO_ rvTau_ Pollard_ AUTO SR 5.000 1.55 4.3 a0246.fits Y 4.17 9.938 0.007 993
2021-07-30 14:20:40 AAVSO_ rvTau_ Pollard_ AUTO SI 5.000 1.56 4.3 a0247.fits nan 9.777 0.007 1349
2021-07-30 14:21:05 AAVSO_ rvTau_ Pollard_ AUTO SI 5.000 1.56 4.3 a0248.fits nan 9.700 0.006 1230
2021-07-30 14:21:28 AAVSO_ rvTau_ Pollard_ AUTO SI 5.000 1.56 4.3 a0249.fits nan 9.608 0.006 1387


AUID 000-BCD-880

DateTime project_ filter exp am ha filename wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk tnimage OE
2021-07-30 14:09:38 AAVSO_ rvTau_ Pollard_ AUTO B 10.000 1.36 3.1 a0226.fits Y 2.97 10.179 0.009 965
2021-07-30 14:10:10 AAVSO_ rvTau_ Pollard_ AUTO B 10.000 1.36 3.1 a0227.fits Y 3.52 10.308 0.010 715
2021-07-30 14:10:42 AAVSO_ rvTau_ Pollard_ AUTO B 10.000 1.36 3.1 a0228.fits nan 10.278 0.010 775
2021-07-30 14:11:14 AAVSO_ rvTau_ Pollard_ AUTO V 5.000 1.37 3.1 a0229.fits nan 9.752 0.007 1246
2021-07-30 14:11:40 AAVSO_ rvTau_ Pollard_ AUTO V 5.000 1.37 3.1 a0230.fits nan 9.977 0.008 961
2021-07-30 14:12:05 AAVSO_ rvTau_ Pollard_ AUTO V 5.000 1.37 3.1 a0231.fits nan 10.158 0.008 806
2021-07-30 14:12:31 AAVSO_ rvTau_ Pollard_ AUTO SR 5.000 1.37 3.1 a0232.fits Y 1.74 10.528 0.011 616
2021-07-30 14:12:57 AAVSO_ rvTau_ Pollard_ AUTO SR 5.000 1.37 3.1 a0233.fits Y 3.51 9.505 0.006 1492
2021-07-30 14:13:23 AAVSO_ rvTau_ Pollard_ AUTO SR 5.000 1.37 3.2 a0234.fits Y 3.86 9.733 0.007 1282
2021-07-30 14:13:50 AAVSO_ rvTau_ Pollard_ AUTO SI 5.000 1.38 3.2 a0235.fits Y 3.32 9.825 0.007 989
2021-07-30 14:14:15 AAVSO_ rvTau_ Pollard_ AUTO SI 5.000 1.38 3.2 a0236.fits Y 3.71 9.537 0.006 1613
2021-07-30 14:14:41 AAVSO_ rvTau_ Pollard_ AUTO SI 5.000 1.38 3.2 a0237.fits nan 9.904 0.007 900


AUID 000-BNL-373

DateTime project_ filter exp am ha filename wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk tnimage OE
2021-07-30 11:42:13 AAVSO_ P136_ SBL_ AUTO B 30.000 1.37 4.8 a0158.fits Y 3.88 11.036 0.019 367
2021-07-30 11:43:06 AAVSO_ P136_ SBL_ AUTO V 15.000 1.37 4.8 a0159.fits Y 4.45 10.849 0.015 435
2021-07-30 11:43:45 AAVSO_ P136_ SBL_ AUTO SR 15.000 1.37 4.8 a0160.fits Y 4.89 10.624 0.013 591
2021-07-30 11:44:21 AAVSO_ P136_ SBL_ AUTO SI 15.000 1.37 4.8 a0161.fits Y 4.78 11.246 0.021 350
2021-07-30 11:45:08 AAVSO_ P136_ SBL_ AUTO B 30.000 1.38 4.8 a0162.fits Y 3.58 11.095 0.020 364
2021-07-30 11:46:02 AAVSO_ P136_ SBL_ AUTO V 15.000 1.38 4.9 a0163.fits nan 11.223 0.021 318
2021-07-30 11:46:39 AAVSO_ P136_ SBL_ AUTO SR 15.000 1.38 4.9 a0164.fits nan 10.693 0.014 472
2021-07-30 11:47:15 AAVSO_ P136_ SBL_ AUTO SI 15.000 1.38 4.9 a0165.fits Y 5.20 11.493 0.026 292
2021-07-30 11:48:02 AAVSO_ P136_ SBL_ AUTO B 30.000 1.38 4.9 a0166.fits Y 3.36 15.849 1.467 303
2021-07-30 11:48:55 AAVSO_ P136_ SBL_ AUTO V 15.000 1.39 4.9 a0167.fits Y 4.78 nan
2021-07-30 11:49:34 AAVSO_ P136_ SBL_ AUTO SR 15.000 1.39 4.9 a0168.fits Y 5.40 10.543 0.012 552
2021-07-30 11:50:11 AAVSO_ P136_ SBL_ AUTO SI 15.000 1.39 4.9 a0169.fits Y 4.55 11.851 0.034 453



DateTime project_ filter exp am ha filename wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk tnimage OE
2021-07-30 12:07:05 AAVSO_ P185186A_ BPEC_ AUTO B 120.000 1.24 2.9 a0178.fits nan nan
2021-07-30 12:09:25 AAVSO_ P185186A_ BPEC_ AUTO B 120.000 1.24 3.0 a0179.fits nan nan
2021-07-30 12:11:46 AAVSO_ P185186A_ BPEC_ AUTO V 60.000 1.25 3.0 a0180.fits nan nan
2021-07-30 12:13:07 AAVSO_ P185186A_ BPEC_ AUTO V 60.000 1.25 3.0 a0181.fits nan nan
2021-07-30 12:14:30 AAVSO_ P185186A_ BPEC_ AUTO SR 60.000 1.26 3.1 a0182.fits Y 5.90 14.064 0.308 229
2021-07-30 12:15:51 AAVSO_ P185186A_ BPEC_ AUTO SR 60.000 1.26 3.1 a0183.fits Y 5.66 nan
2021-07-30 12:17:24 AAVSO_ P185186A_ BPEC_ AUTO SI 60.000 1.27 3.1 a0184.fits Y 6.08 nan
2021-07-30 12:18:56 AAVSO_ P185186A_ BPEC_ AUTO SI 60.000 1.27 3.1 a0185.fits Y 5.69 12.773 0.105 236



DateTime project_ filter exp am ha filename wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk tnimage OE
2021-07-30 11:52:41 AAVSO_ P185186A_ BPEC_ AUTO B 120.000 1.16 1.5 a0170.fits Y 5.68 9.516 0.007 1344
2021-07-30 11:55:03 AAVSO_ P185186A_ BPEC_ AUTO B 120.000 1.16 1.6 a0171.fits Y 5.28 9.617 0.007 1338
2021-07-30 11:57:26 AAVSO_ P185186A_ BPEC_ AUTO V 60.000 1.16 1.6 a0172.fits Y 4.39 9.825 0.008 1282
2021-07-30 11:58:48 AAVSO_ P185186A_ BPEC_ AUTO V 60.000 1.17 1.6 a0173.fits Y 4.33 11.328 0.026 391
2021-07-30 12:00:12 AAVSO_ P185186A_ BPEC_ AUTO SR 60.000 1.17 1.6 a0174.fits Y 4.42 9.899 0.009 1217
2021-07-30 12:01:32 AAVSO_ P185186A_ BPEC_ AUTO SR 60.000 1.17 1.7 a0175.fits Y 4.68 10.647 0.016 941
2021-07-30 12:02:54 AAVSO_ P185186A_ BPEC_ AUTO SI 60.000 1.17 1.7 a0176.fits Y 4.59 nan
2021-07-30 12:04:14 AAVSO_ P185186A_ BPEC_ AUTO SI 60.000 1.18 1.7 a0177.fits Y 4.64 11.642 0.034 341


AUID 000-BCD-453

DateTime project_ filter exp am ha filename wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk tnimage OE
2021-07-30 09:54:59 AAVSO_ Psxn_ Modic_ AUTO V 100.000 1.40 -1.0 a0107.fits Y 5.00 12.487 0.076 209
2021-07-30 09:57:12 AAVSO_ Psxn_ Modic_ AUTO V 100.000 1.40 -1.0 a0108.fits Y 5.00 12.043 0.058 262
2021-07-30 09:59:26 AAVSO_ Psxn_ Modic_ AUTO V 100.000 1.40 -1.0 a0109.fits Y 4.07 99.999 9.999 203
2021-07-30 10:01:33 AAVSO_ Psxn_ Modic_ AUTO B 200.000 1.39 -0.9 a0110.fits Y 3.75 nan
2021-07-30 10:05:17 AAVSO_ Psxn_ Modic_ AUTO B 200.000 1.39 -0.9 a0111.fits nan nan
2021-07-30 10:08:59 AAVSO_ Psxn_ Modic_ AUTO B 200.000 1.38 -0.8 a0112.fits nan 14.310 0.461 243


AUID 000-BCV-124

DateTime project_ filter exp am ha filename wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk tnimage OE
2021-07-30 18:02:02 AAVSO_ rvTau_ Pollard_ AUTO B 10.000 1.99 -7.5 a0313.fits nan 10.090 0.009 686
2021-07-30 18:02:33 AAVSO_ rvTau_ Pollard_ AUTO B 10.000 1.99 -7.5 a0314.fits nan 9.768 0.007 1095
2021-07-30 18:03:02 AAVSO_ rvTau_ Pollard_ AUTO B 10.000 1.98 -7.5 a0315.fits nan 9.824 0.007 1014
2021-07-30 18:03:33 AAVSO_ rvTau_ Pollard_ AUTO V 5.000 1.98 -7.5 a0316.fits Y 3.77 9.184 0.005 1868
2021-07-30 18:04:00 AAVSO_ rvTau_ Pollard_ AUTO V 5.000 1.98 -7.4 a0317.fits Y 3.84 9.101 0.004 2299
2021-07-30 18:04:26 AAVSO_ rvTau_ Pollard_ AUTO V 5.000 1.98 -7.4 a0318.fits Y 4.04 9.164 0.005 1949
2021-07-30 18:04:55 AAVSO_ rvTau_ Pollard_ AUTO SR 5.000 1.97 -7.4 a0319.fits Y 4.37 8.609 0.003 2989
2021-07-30 18:05:21 AAVSO_ rvTau_ Pollard_ AUTO SR 5.000 1.97 -7.4 a0320.fits Y 3.71 8.645 0.003 2950
2021-07-30 18:05:47 AAVSO_ rvTau_ Pollard_ AUTO SR 5.000 1.97 -7.4 a0321.fits Y 4.54 8.570 0.003 3333
2021-07-30 18:06:14 AAVSO_ rvTau_ Pollard_ AUTO SI 5.000 1.97 -7.4 a0322.fits Y 3.50 8.596 0.003 3606
2021-07-30 18:06:39 AAVSO_ rvTau_ Pollard_ AUTO SI 5.000 1.96 -7.4 a0323.fits Y 3.17 8.640 0.003 3526
2021-07-30 18:07:05 AAVSO_ rvTau_ Pollard_ AUTO SI 5.000 1.96 -7.4 a0324.fits nan 11.411 0.023 313


AUID 000-BDW-739

DateTime project_ filter exp am ha filename wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk tnimage OE
2021-07-30 10:38:39 AAVSO_ P139_ CCHC_ AUTO B 30.000 1.09 1.4 a0121.fits nan nan
2021-07-30 10:39:30 AAVSO_ P139_ CCHC_ AUTO B 30.000 1.09 1.4 a0122.fits nan nan
2021-07-30 10:40:22 AAVSO_ P139_ CCHC_ AUTO V 15.000 1.09 1.4 a0123.fits Y 2.92 11.707 0.031 291
2021-07-30 10:40:59 AAVSO_ P139_ CCHC_ AUTO V 15.000 1.09 1.4 a0124.fits nan 11.548 0.027 341
2021-07-30 10:41:37 AAVSO_ P139_ CCHC_ AUTO SR 15.000 1.09 1.4 a0125.fits nan 11.368 0.023 372
2021-07-30 10:42:12 AAVSO_ P139_ CCHC_ AUTO SR 15.000 1.10 1.5 a0126.fits nan 11.078 0.018 478
2021-07-30 10:42:47 AAVSO_ P139_ CCHC_ AUTO SI 15.000 1.10 1.5 a0127.fits Y 2.99 11.676 0.030 334
2021-07-30 10:43:23 AAVSO_ P139_ CCHC_ AUTO SI 15.000 1.10 1.5 a0128.fits Y 3.26 11.273 0.021 396



DateTime project_ filter exp am ha filename wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk tnimage OE
2021-07-30 18:20:01 AAVSO_ Psymbiotic_ Staels_ AUTO B 200.000 1.21 -3.3 a0325.fits Y 3.77 12.999 0.147 655
2021-07-30 18:23:44 AAVSO_ Psymbiotic_ Staels_ AUTO B 200.000 1.20 -3.3 a0326.fits Y 3.98 12.066 0.061 538
2021-07-30 18:27:25 AAVSO_ Psymbiotic_ Staels_ AUTO B 200.000 1.20 -3.2 a0327.fits Y 3.87 14.647 0.675 301
2021-07-30 18:31:08 AAVSO_ Psymbiotic_ Staels_ AUTO V 100.000 1.19 -3.1 a0328.fits Y 3.38 11.644 0.038 529
2021-07-30 18:33:10 AAVSO_ Psymbiotic_ Staels_ AUTO V 100.000 1.19 -3.1 a0329.fits Y 3.37 12.184 0.065 444
2021-07-30 18:35:12 AAVSO_ Psymbiotic_ Staels_ AUTO V 100.000 1.19 -3.1 a0330.fits Y 3.16 nan
2021-07-30 18:37:17 AAVSO_ Psymbiotic_ Staels_ AUTO SI 150.000 1.18 -3.0 a0331.fits Y 3.56 11.779 0.052 849



DateTime project_ filter exp am ha filename wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk tnimage OE
2021-07-30 17:31:32 AAVSO_ Psymbiotic_ Staels_ AUTO B 200.000 1.24 -3.4 a0305.fits nan nan
2021-07-30 17:35:13 AAVSO_ Psymbiotic_ Staels_ AUTO V 100.000 1.24 -3.4 a0306.fits nan 12.354 0.079 445
2021-07-30 17:37:14 AAVSO_ Psymbiotic_ Staels_ AUTO V 100.000 1.24 -3.3 a0307.fits nan nan
2021-07-30 17:39:14 AAVSO_ Psymbiotic_ Staels_ AUTO V 100.000 1.24 -3.3 a0308.fits nan 12.940 0.135 469
2021-07-30 17:41:17 AAVSO_ Psymbiotic_ Staels_ AUTO SI 150.000 1.23 -3.3 a0309.fits nan 11.759 0.050 805


AUID 000-BCZ-119

DateTime project_ filter exp am ha filename wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk tnimage OE
2021-07-30 17:10:05 AAVSO_ Psymbiotic_ Staels_ AUTO B 200.000 1.29 -3.8 a0298.fits nan 14.832 0.766 481
2021-07-30 17:13:46 AAVSO_ Psymbiotic_ Staels_ AUTO B 200.000 1.29 -3.7 a0299.fits nan 13.397 0.221 351
2021-07-30 17:17:26 AAVSO_ Psymbiotic_ Staels_ AUTO B 200.000 1.28 -3.6 a0300.fits nan nan
2021-07-30 17:21:06 AAVSO_ Psymbiotic_ Staels_ AUTO V 100.000 1.28 -3.6 a0301.fits nan 12.883 0.119 293
2021-07-30 17:23:07 AAVSO_ Psymbiotic_ Staels_ AUTO V 100.000 1.28 -3.5 a0302.fits nan 12.828 0.108 267
2021-07-30 17:25:07 AAVSO_ Psymbiotic_ Staels_ AUTO V 100.000 1.27 -3.5 a0303.fits nan nan
2021-07-30 17:27:09 AAVSO_ Psymbiotic_ Staels_ AUTO SI 150.000 1.27 -3.5 a0304.fits Y 5.20 11.353 0.033 567



DateTime project_ filter exp am ha filename wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk tnimage OE
2021-07-30 16:20:42 AAVSO_ Psymbiotic_ Staels_ AUTO B 200.000 1.17 -0.7 a0283.fits nan 17.502 9.026 298
2021-07-30 16:24:23 AAVSO_ Psymbiotic_ Staels_ AUTO B 200.000 1.17 -0.6 a0284.fits nan 14.848 0.801 2868
2021-07-30 16:28:02 AAVSO_ Psymbiotic_ Staels_ AUTO B 200.000 1.17 -0.6 a0285.fits nan 15.199 1.116 304
2021-07-30 16:31:42 AAVSO_ Psymbiotic_ Staels_ AUTO B 200.000 1.17 -0.5 a0286.fits nan 16.418 3.350 312
2021-07-30 16:35:23 AAVSO_ Psymbiotic_ Staels_ AUTO V 100.000 1.17 -0.5 a0287.fits nan nan
2021-07-30 16:37:26 AAVSO_ Psymbiotic_ Staels_ AUTO SI 150.000 1.17 -0.4 a0288.fits nan nan



DateTime project_ filter exp am ha filename wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk tnimage OE
2021-07-30 10:52:19 NOVA_ Monitoring B 60.000 1.15 1.3 a0141.fits nan nan
2021-07-30 10:53:48 NOVA_ Monitoring B 150.000 1.16 1.3 a0142.fits Y 4.02 nan
2021-07-30 10:56:50 NOVA_ Monitoring B 150.000 1.16 1.4 a0143.fits Y 4.46 nan
2021-07-30 10:59:51 NOVA_ Monitoring B 150.000 1.17 1.4 a0144.fits Y 4.52 15.302 1.083 1881
2021-07-30 11:02:54 NOVA_ Monitoring V 100.000 1.17 1.5 a0145.fits Y 5.15 15.527 1.244 196
2021-07-30 11:05:06 NOVA_ Monitoring V 100.000 1.17 1.5 a0146.fits Y 5.36 nan
2021-07-30 11:07:17 NOVA_ Monitoring V 100.000 1.18 1.6 a0147.fits Y 5.42 14.507 0.491 506



DateTime project_ filter exp am ha filename wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk tnimage OE
2021-07-30 15:32:25 AAVSO_ Psymbiotic_ Staels_ AUTO B 200.000 1.16 -1.0 a0270.fits Y 4.89 16.022 2.273 275



DateTime project_ filter exp am ha filename wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk tnimage OE
2021-07-30 17:51:05 AAVSO_ Psymbiotic_ Staels_ AUTO B 200.000 1.31 -4.1 a0310.fits nan 12.131 0.069 338
2021-07-30 17:54:47 AAVSO_ Psymbiotic_ Staels_ AUTO V 100.000 1.30 -4.1 a0311.fits Y 5.12 10.788 0.018 581
2021-07-30 17:57:03 AAVSO_ Psymbiotic_ Staels_ AUTO SI 150.000 1.30 -4.0 a0312.fits Y 4.85 10.223 0.013 2692



DateTime project_ filter exp am ha filename wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk tnimage OE
2021-07-30 15:44:57 AAVSO_ Psymbiotic_ Staels_ AUTO B 200.000 1.17 -1.3 a0271.fits Y 5.05 nan
2021-07-30 15:48:50 AAVSO_ Psymbiotic_ Staels_ AUTO B 200.000 1.17 -1.2 a0272.fits Y 4.52 14.835 0.766 286
2021-07-30 15:52:32 AAVSO_ Psymbiotic_ Staels_ AUTO B 200.000 1.17 -1.1 a0273.fits Y 4.16 nan
2021-07-30 15:56:14 AAVSO_ Psymbiotic_ Staels_ AUTO B 200.000 1.17 -1.1 a0274.fits Y 3.64 11.712 0.046 935
2021-07-30 15:59:56 AAVSO_ Psymbiotic_ Staels_ AUTO B 200.000 1.16 -1.0 a0275.fits Y 3.26 13.578 0.248 609
2021-07-30 16:03:40 AAVSO_ Psymbiotic_ Staels_ AUTO V 100.000 1.16 -1.0 a0276.fits Y 4.41 18.425 9.999 245
2021-07-30 16:05:42 AAVSO_ Psymbiotic_ Staels_ AUTO V 100.000 1.16 -0.9 a0277.fits Y 4.03 nan
2021-07-30 16:07:44 AAVSO_ Psymbiotic_ Staels_ AUTO V 100.000 1.16 -0.9 a0278.fits Y 3.60 13.573 0.219 252
2021-07-30 16:09:45 AAVSO_ Psymbiotic_ Staels_ AUTO V 100.000 1.16 -0.9 a0279.fits Y 3.84 14.450 0.472 272
2021-07-30 16:11:50 AAVSO_ Psymbiotic_ Staels_ AUTO SI 150.000 1.16 -0.8 a0280.fits Y 4.04 12.767 0.115 438
2021-07-30 16:14:41 AAVSO_ Psymbiotic_ Staels_ AUTO SI 150.000 1.16 -0.8 a0281.fits nan 12.952 0.140 397
2021-07-30 16:17:31 AAVSO_ Psymbiotic_ Staels_ AUTO SI 150.000 1.16 -0.7 a0282.fits nan 12.672 0.106 441



DateTime project_ filter exp am ha filename wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk tnimage OE
2021-07-30 16:40:42 AAVSO_ Psymbiotic_ Staels_ AUTO B 200.000 1.18 -0.5 a0289.fits nan nan
2021-07-30 16:44:23 AAVSO_ Psymbiotic_ Staels_ AUTO B 200.000 1.18 -0.4 a0290.fits nan nan
2021-07-30 16:48:04 AAVSO_ Psymbiotic_ Staels_ AUTO B 200.000 1.18 -0.3 a0291.fits nan 12.334 0.080 2704
2021-07-30 16:51:43 AAVSO_ Psymbiotic_ Staels_ AUTO B 200.000 1.18 -0.3 a0292.fits nan nan
2021-07-30 16:55:23 AAVSO_ Psymbiotic_ Staels_ AUTO B 200.000 1.18 -0.2 a0293.fits nan nan
2021-07-30 16:59:04 AAVSO_ Psymbiotic_ Staels_ AUTO V 100.000 1.18 -0.2 a0294.fits nan nan
2021-07-30 17:01:05 AAVSO_ Psymbiotic_ Staels_ AUTO V 100.000 1.17 -0.1 a0295.fits nan nan
2021-07-30 17:03:05 AAVSO_ Psymbiotic_ Staels_ AUTO V 100.000 1.17 -0.1 a0296.fits nan nan
2021-07-30 17:05:08 AAVSO_ Psymbiotic_ Staels_ AUTO SI 150.000 1.17 -0.1 a0297.fits Y 4.14 99.999 9.999 2243


AUID 000-BCX-156

DateTime project_ filter exp am ha filename wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk tnimage OE
2021-07-30 10:45:28 AAVSO_ P139_ CCHC_ AUTO B 12.000 1.14 2.5 a0129.fits nan 14.614 0.399 107
2021-07-30 10:46:01 AAVSO_ P139_ CCHC_ AUTO B 12.000 1.14 2.5 a0130.fits nan nan
2021-07-30 10:46:33 AAVSO_ P139_ CCHC_ AUTO B 12.000 1.14 2.6 a0131.fits nan nan
2021-07-30 10:47:07 AAVSO_ P139_ CCHC_ AUTO V 5.000 1.14 2.6 a0132.fits nan 12.240 0.044 202
2021-07-30 10:47:33 AAVSO_ P139_ CCHC_ AUTO V 5.000 1.14 2.6 a0133.fits nan 12.014 0.036 221
2021-07-30 10:47:58 AAVSO_ P139_ CCHC_ AUTO V 5.000 1.14 2.6 a0134.fits nan 12.225 0.043 207
2021-07-30 10:48:24 AAVSO_ P139_ CCHC_ AUTO SR 5.000 1.14 2.6 a0135.fits nan 11.889 0.033 242
2021-07-30 10:48:49 AAVSO_ P139_ CCHC_ AUTO SR 5.000 1.14 2.6 a0136.fits nan 11.665 0.026 321
2021-07-30 10:49:12 AAVSO_ P139_ CCHC_ AUTO SR 5.000 1.14 2.6 a0137.fits nan 11.682 0.027 317
2021-07-30 10:49:36 AAVSO_ P139_ CCHC_ AUTO SI 5.000 1.14 2.6 a0138.fits nan 11.945 0.033 317
2021-07-30 10:50:01 AAVSO_ P139_ CCHC_ AUTO SI 5.000 1.15 2.6 a0139.fits nan 11.936 0.033 260
2021-07-30 10:50:25 AAVSO_ P139_ CCHC_ AUTO SI 5.000 1.15 2.6 a0140.fits nan 11.945 0.034 245


AUID 000-BBZ-131

DateTime project_ filter exp am ha filename wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk tnimage OE
2021-07-30 11:09:56 NOVA_ Monitoring B 200.000 1.18 1.6 a0148.fits Y 5.05 14.675 0.646 182
2021-07-30 11:13:58 NOVA_ Monitoring B 200.000 1.18 1.6 a0149.fits Y 5.21 13.894 0.321 1165
2021-07-30 11:17:48 NOVA_ Monitoring B 200.000 1.19 1.7 a0150.fits nan 14.394 0.485 190
2021-07-30 11:21:38 NOVA_ Monitoring B 200.000 1.20 1.7 a0151.fits nan nan
2021-07-30 11:25:26 NOVA_ Monitoring B 200.000 1.20 1.8 a0152.fits nan 15.309 1.150 254
2021-07-30 11:29:15 NOVA_ Monitoring V 100.000 1.21 1.9 a0153.fits Y 5.72 14.733 0.602 168
2021-07-30 11:31:26 NOVA_ Monitoring V 100.000 1.21 1.9 a0154.fits Y 6.04 nan
2021-07-30 11:33:37 NOVA_ Monitoring V 100.000 1.22 1.9 a0155.fits Y 6.58 nan
2021-07-30 11:35:47 NOVA_ Monitoring V 100.000 1.22 2.0 a0156.fits Y 6.00 nan
2021-07-30 11:37:57 NOVA_ Monitoring V 100.000 1.23 2.0 a0157.fits Y 4.75 nan


AUID 000-BCC-531

DateTime project_ filter exp am ha filename wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk tnimage OE
2021-07-30 09:35:39 AAVSO_ Psxn_ Modic_ AUTO V 100.000 1.09 -1.0 a0101.fits Y 4.43 11.404 0.033 393
2021-07-30 09:37:58 AAVSO_ Psxn_ Modic_ AUTO V 100.000 1.09 -1.0 a0102.fits Y 4.60 12.441 0.080 1720
2021-07-30 09:40:01 AAVSO_ Psxn_ Modic_ AUTO V 100.000 1.09 -0.9 a0103.fits Y 3.79 12.248 0.067 299
2021-07-30 09:42:07 AAVSO_ Psxn_ Modic_ AUTO B 200.000 1.08 -0.9 a0104.fits Y 4.11 12.606 0.101 241
2021-07-30 09:45:49 AAVSO_ Psxn_ Modic_ AUTO B 200.000 1.08 -0.8 a0105.fits Y 4.92 12.630 0.100 248
2021-07-30 09:49:31 AAVSO_ Psxn_ Modic_ AUTO B 200.000 1.08 -0.8 a0106.fits Y 4.72 12.569 0.094 280


AUID 000-BCC-212

DateTime project_ filter exp am ha filename wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk tnimage OE
2021-07-30 14:54:24 NOVA_ Monitoring B 200.000 1.74 4.4 a0260.fits Y 6.16 nan
2021-07-30 14:58:14 NOVA_ Monitoring B 200.000 1.77 4.5 a0261.fits Y 6.22 16.075 2.519 766
2021-07-30 15:02:04 NOVA_ Monitoring B 200.000 1.80 4.6 a0262.fits Y 8.49 nan
2021-07-30 15:05:55 NOVA_ Monitoring B 200.000 1.83 4.6 a0263.fits Y 5.66 13.478 0.220 330
2021-07-30 15:09:46 NOVA_ Monitoring B 200.000 1.86 4.7 a0264.fits Y 5.70 99.999 9.999 344
2021-07-30 15:13:37 NOVA_ Monitoring V 100.000 1.88 4.8 a0265.fits Y 7.50 14.073 0.389 311
2021-07-30 15:15:47 NOVA_ Monitoring V 100.000 1.90 4.8 a0266.fits Y 5.93 12.962 0.133 316
2021-07-30 15:17:56 NOVA_ Monitoring V 100.000 1.93 4.8 a0267.fits Y 5.84 15.799 1.942 298
2021-07-30 15:20:06 NOVA_ Monitoring V 100.000 1.95 4.9 a0268.fits Y 5.76 18.316 9.999 286
2021-07-30 15:22:17 NOVA_ Monitoring V 100.000 1.97 4.9 a0269.fits Y 5.50 12.770 0.109 298


AUID 000-BCD-402

DateTime project_ filter exp am ha filename wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk tnimage OE
2021-07-30 12:53:13 NOVA_ Monitoring B 200.000 1.20 2.0 a0196.fits Y 5.81 14.520 0.575 235
2021-07-30 12:57:02 NOVA_ Monitoring B 200.000 1.21 2.0 a0197.fits Y 5.44 nan
2021-07-30 13:00:53 NOVA_ Monitoring B 200.000 1.22 2.1 a0198.fits Y 6.09 99.999 9.999 274
2021-07-30 13:04:43 NOVA_ Monitoring B 200.000 1.23 2.2 a0199.fits Y 5.80 17.186 7.319 1311
2021-07-30 13:08:33 NOVA_ Monitoring B 200.000 1.24 2.2 a0200.fits Y 5.06 14.790 0.789 793
2021-07-30 13:12:25 NOVA_ Monitoring V 100.000 1.24 2.3 a0201.fits Y 5.40 15.812 1.917 380
2021-07-30 13:14:35 NOVA_ Monitoring V 100.000 1.25 2.3 a0202.fits Y 6.42 13.629 0.225 371
2021-07-30 13:16:45 NOVA_ Monitoring V 100.000 1.25 2.4 a0203.fits Y 5.91 nan
2021-07-30 13:18:55 NOVA_ Monitoring V 100.000 1.26 2.4 a0204.fits Y 5.61 15.968 2.565 374
2021-07-30 13:21:05 NOVA_ Monitoring V 100.000 1.26 2.4 a0205.fits Y 5.76 13.816 0.320 902


AUID 000-BCD-938

DateTime project_ filter exp am ha filename wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk tnimage OE
2021-07-30 12:22:07 NOVA_ Monitoring B 200.000 1.13 1.3 a0186.fits Y 6.83 nan
2021-07-30 12:25:58 NOVA_ Monitoring B 200.000 1.13 1.3 a0187.fits Y 7.20 13.578 0.251 600
2021-07-30 12:29:48 NOVA_ Monitoring B 200.000 1.14 1.4 a0188.fits Y 6.14 16.387 3.046 286
2021-07-30 12:33:38 NOVA_ Monitoring B 200.000 1.14 1.5 a0189.fits Y 6.46 15.461 1.447 252
2021-07-30 12:37:29 NOVA_ Monitoring B 200.000 1.15 1.5 a0190.fits Y 5.94 13.069 0.153 233
2021-07-30 12:41:20 NOVA_ Monitoring V 100.000 1.15 1.6 a0191.fits Y 5.57 14.335 0.417 188
2021-07-30 12:43:30 NOVA_ Monitoring V 100.000 1.15 1.6 a0192.fits Y 6.51 12.538 0.083 219
2021-07-30 12:45:40 NOVA_ Monitoring V 100.000 1.16 1.7 a0193.fits Y 6.25 nan
2021-07-30 12:47:50 NOVA_ Monitoring V 100.000 1.16 1.7 a0194.fits Y 5.53 nan
2021-07-30 12:50:00 NOVA_ Monitoring V 100.000 1.16 1.7 a0195.fits Y 4.93 99.999 9.999 1366


AUID 000-BCC-929

DateTime project_ filter exp am ha filename wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk tnimage OE
2021-07-30 14:23:10 NOVA_ Monitoring B 200.000 1.38 3.6 a0250.fits Y 5.05 12.797 0.121 310
2021-07-30 14:27:00 NOVA_ Monitoring B 200.000 1.39 3.7 a0251.fits Y 4.98 nan
2021-07-30 14:30:50 NOVA_ Monitoring B 200.000 1.41 3.8 a0252.fits Y 5.04 14.516 0.635 427
2021-07-30 14:34:41 NOVA_ Monitoring B 200.000 1.43 3.8 a0253.fits Y 4.60 13.040 0.147 317
2021-07-30 14:38:31 NOVA_ Monitoring B 200.000 1.45 3.9 a0254.fits Y 4.87 nan
2021-07-30 14:42:23 NOVA_ Monitoring V 100.000 1.46 4.0 a0255.fits Y 4.78 14.745 0.678 286
2021-07-30 14:44:33 NOVA_ Monitoring V 100.000 1.47 4.0 a0256.fits Y 4.65 99.999 9.999 261
2021-07-30 14:46:43 NOVA_ Monitoring V 100.000 1.48 4.0 a0257.fits Y 5.15 12.706 0.098 279
2021-07-30 14:48:53 NOVA_ Monitoring V 100.000 1.49 4.1 a0258.fits Y 5.04 12.655 0.095 326
2021-07-30 14:51:04 NOVA_ Monitoring V 100.000 1.50 4.1 a0259.fits Y 5.00 18.135 9.999 779


AUID 000-BJR-326

DateTime project_ filter exp am ha filename wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk tnimage OE
2021-07-30 13:29:53 NOVA_ Monitoring B 200.000 1.59 2.7 a0206.fits Y 6.54 14.496 0.571 1303
2021-07-30 13:33:44 NOVA_ Monitoring B 200.000 1.61 2.8 a0207.fits Y 4.06 15.251 1.164 309
2021-07-30 13:37:36 NOVA_ Monitoring B 200.000 1.63 2.8 a0208.fits Y 5.39 nan
2021-07-30 13:41:27 NOVA_ Monitoring B 200.000 1.65 2.9 a0209.fits Y 5.63 nan
2021-07-30 13:45:19 NOVA_ Monitoring B 200.000 1.67 3.0 a0210.fits Y 4.85 99.999 9.999 320
2021-07-30 13:49:10 NOVA_ Monitoring V 100.000 1.69 3.0 a0211.fits nan nan
2021-07-30 13:51:24 NOVA_ Monitoring V 100.000 1.70 3.1 a0212.fits nan 12.754 0.106 995
2021-07-30 13:53:32 NOVA_ Monitoring V 100.000 1.71 3.1 a0213.fits nan nan
2021-07-30 13:55:40 NOVA_ Monitoring V 100.000 1.73 3.1 a0214.fits nan nan
2021-07-30 13:57:48 NOVA_ Monitoring V 100.000 1.74 3.2 a0215.fits nan 14.926 0.782 329


AUID 000-BDQ-969

DateTime project_ filter exp am ha filename wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk tnimage OE
2021-07-30 14:02:27 AAVSO_ rvTau_ Pollard_ AUTO B 10.000 1.01 -0.7 a0216.fits nan nan
2021-07-30 14:02:59 AAVSO_ rvTau_ Pollard_ AUTO B 10.000 1.01 -0.7 a0217.fits nan nan
2021-07-30 14:03:29 AAVSO_ rvTau_ Pollard_ AUTO B 10.000 1.01 -0.7 a0218.fits nan nan
2021-07-30 14:03:59 AAVSO_ rvTau_ Pollard_ AUTO B 10.000 1.01 -0.7 a0219.fits nan nan
2021-07-30 14:04:29 AAVSO_ rvTau_ Pollard_ AUTO B 10.000 1.01 -0.7 a0220.fits nan 15.771 1.097 119
2021-07-30 14:05:00 AAVSO_ rvTau_ Pollard_ AUTO V 10.000 1.01 -0.7 a0221.fits nan nan
2021-07-30 14:05:31 AAVSO_ rvTau_ Pollard_ AUTO V 10.000 1.01 -0.7 a0222.fits nan nan
2021-07-30 14:06:01 AAVSO_ rvTau_ Pollard_ AUTO V 10.000 1.01 -0.7 a0223.fits nan nan
2021-07-30 14:06:31 AAVSO_ rvTau_ Pollard_ AUTO V 10.000 1.01 -0.7 a0224.fits nan nan
2021-07-30 14:07:01 AAVSO_ rvTau_ Pollard_ AUTO V 10.000 1.01 -0.6 a0225.fits nan nan


AUID 000-BCX-193

DateTime project_ filter exp am ha filename wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk tnimage OE
2021-07-30 10:19:05 AAVSO_ P139_ CCHC_ AUTO B 120.000 1.26 -0.4 a0113.fits Y 4.47 10.502 0.015 917
2021-07-30 10:21:27 AAVSO_ P139_ CCHC_ AUTO B 120.000 1.26 -0.4 a0114.fits Y 3.72 10.735 0.018 946
2021-07-30 10:23:51 AAVSO_ P139_ CCHC_ AUTO V 60.000 1.26 -0.3 a0115.fits Y 5.03 10.895 0.019 514
2021-07-30 10:25:13 AAVSO_ P139_ CCHC_ AUTO V 60.000 1.26 -0.3 a0116.fits Y 3.65 11.187 0.024 538
2021-07-30 10:26:37 AAVSO_ P139_ CCHC_ AUTO SR 60.000 1.26 -0.3 a0117.fits Y 4.29 10.811 0.018 608
2021-07-30 10:27:58 AAVSO_ P139_ CCHC_ AUTO SR 60.000 1.26 -0.3 a0118.fits Y 4.36 10.700 0.016 650
2021-07-30 10:29:20 AAVSO_ P139_ CCHC_ AUTO SI 60.000 1.26 -0.3 a0119.fits nan 11.603 0.034 587
2021-07-30 10:30:40 AAVSO_ P139_ CCHC_ AUTO SI 60.000 1.26 -0.2 a0120.fits nan nan

Remark-o-matic Image View

images 101 to 150

DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 09:35:39 a0101.fits V3890_Sgr V 100.000 1.09 -1.0 Y 4.43 11.404 0.033 393 14.93
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 09:37:58 a0102.fits V3890_Sgr V 100.000 1.09 -1.0 Y 4.60 12.441 0.08 1720 0.13
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 09:40:01 a0103.fits V3890_Sgr V 100.000 1.09 -0.9 Y 3.79 12.248 0.067 299 0.12
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 09:42:07 a0104.fits V3890_Sgr B 200.000 1.08 -0.9 Y 4.11 12.606 0.101 241 0.12
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 09:45:49 a0105.fits V3890_Sgr B 200.000 1.08 -0.8 Y 4.92 12.63 0.1 248 0.11
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 09:49:31 a0106.fits V3890_Sgr B 200.000 1.08 -0.8 Y 4.72 12.569 0.094 280 0.08
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 09:54:59 a0107.fits CI_Aql V 100.000 1.40 -1.0 Y 5.00 12.487 0.076 209 1.60
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 09:57:12 a0108.fits CI_Aql V 100.000 1.40 -1.0 Y 5.00 12.043 0.058 262 1.61
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 09:59:26 a0109.fits CI_Aql V 100.000 1.40 -1.0 Y 4.07 99.999 9.999 203 0.22
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 10:01:33 a0110.fits CI_Aql B 200.000 1.39 -0.9 Y 3.75 nan 0.23
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 10:05:17 a0111.fits CI_Aql B 200.000 1.39 -0.9 nan nan nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 10:08:59 a0112.fits CI_Aql B 200.000 1.38 -0.8 nan 14.31 0.461 243 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 10:19:05 a0113.fits XX_Sct B 120.000 1.26 -0.4 Y 4.47 10.502 0.015 917 0.22
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 10:21:27 a0114.fits XX_Sct B 120.000 1.26 -0.4 Y 3.72 10.735 0.018 946 0.23
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 10:23:51 a0115.fits XX_Sct V 60.000 1.26 -0.3 Y 5.03 10.895 0.019 514 0.24
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 10:25:13 a0116.fits XX_Sct V 60.000 1.26 -0.3 Y 3.65 11.187 0.024 538 0.25
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 10:26:37 a0117.fits XX_Sct SR 60.000 1.26 -0.3 Y 4.29 10.811 0.018 608 0.26
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 10:27:58 a0118.fits XX_Sct SR 60.000 1.26 -0.3 Y 4.36 10.7 0.016 650 0.27
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 10:29:20 a0119.fits XX_Sct SI 60.000 1.26 -0.3 nan 11.603 0.034 587 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 10:30:40 a0120.fits XX_Sct SI 60.000 1.26 -0.2 nan nan nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 10:38:39 a0121.fits KK_Oph B 30.000 1.09 1.4 nan nan nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 10:39:30 a0122.fits KK_Oph B 30.000 1.09 1.4 nan nan nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 10:40:22 a0123.fits KK_Oph V 15.000 1.09 1.4 Y 2.92 11.707 0.031 291 0.84
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 10:40:59 a0124.fits KK_Oph V 15.000 1.09 1.4 nan 11.548 0.027 341 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 10:41:37 a0125.fits KK_Oph SR 15.000 1.09 1.4 nan 11.368 0.023 372 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 10:42:12 a0126.fits KK_Oph SR 15.000 1.10 1.5 nan 11.078 0.018 478 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 10:42:47 a0127.fits KK_Oph SI 15.000 1.10 1.5 Y 2.99 11.676 0.03 334 0.85
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 10:43:23 a0128.fits KK_Oph SI 15.000 1.10 1.5 Y 3.26 11.273 0.021 396 0.85
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 10:45:28 a0129.fits V0856_Sco B 12.000 1.14 2.5 nan 14.614 0.399 107 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 10:46:01 a0130.fits V0856_Sco B 12.000 1.14 2.5 nan nan nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 10:46:33 a0131.fits V0856_Sco B 12.000 1.14 2.6 nan nan nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 10:47:07 a0132.fits V0856_Sco V 5.000 1.14 2.6 nan 12.24 0.044 202 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 10:47:33 a0133.fits V0856_Sco V 5.000 1.14 2.6 nan 12.014 0.036 221 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 10:47:58 a0134.fits V0856_Sco V 5.000 1.14 2.6 nan 12.225 0.043 207 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 10:48:24 a0135.fits V0856_Sco SR 5.000 1.14 2.6 nan 11.889 0.033 242 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 10:48:49 a0136.fits V0856_Sco SR 5.000 1.14 2.6 nan 11.665 0.026 321 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 10:49:12 a0137.fits V0856_Sco SR 5.000 1.14 2.6 nan 11.682 0.027 317 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 10:49:36 a0138.fits V0856_Sco SI 5.000 1.14 2.6 nan 11.945 0.033 317 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 10:50:01 a0139.fits V0856_Sco SI 5.000 1.15 2.6 nan 11.936 0.033 260 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 10:50:25 a0140.fits V0856_Sco SI 5.000 1.15 2.6 nan 11.945 0.034 245 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 10:52:19 a0141.fits PNV_J17291350 B 60.000 1.15 1.3 nan nan nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 10:53:48 a0142.fits PNV_J17291350 B 150.000 1.16 1.3 Y 4.02 nan 0.18
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 10:56:50 a0143.fits PNV_J17291350 B 150.000 1.16 1.4 Y 4.46 nan 0.17
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 10:59:51 a0144.fits PNV_J17291350 B 150.000 1.17 1.4 Y 4.52 15.302 1.083 1881 0.18
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 11:02:54 a0145.fits PNV_J17291350 V 100.000 1.17 1.5 Y 5.15 15.527 1.244 196 0.13
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 11:05:06 a0146.fits PNV_J17291350 V 100.000 1.17 1.5 Y 5.36 nan 0.11
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 11:07:17 a0147.fits PNV_J17291350 V 100.000 1.18 1.6 Y 5.42 14.507 0.491 506 0.10
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 11:09:56 a0148.fits V2487_Oph B 200.000 1.18 1.6 Y 5.05 14.675 0.646 182 3.32
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 11:13:58 a0149.fits V2487_Oph B 200.000 1.18 1.6 Y 5.21 13.894 0.321 1165 0.18
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 11:17:48 a0150.fits V2487_Oph B 200.000 1.19 1.7 nan 14.394 0.485 190 nan

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DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 11:21:38 a0151.fits V2487_Oph B 200.000 1.20 1.7 nan nan nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 11:25:26 a0152.fits V2487_Oph B 200.000 1.20 1.8 nan 15.309 1.15 254 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 11:29:15 a0153.fits V2487_Oph V 100.000 1.21 1.9 Y 5.72 14.733 0.602 168 0.18
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 11:31:26 a0154.fits V2487_Oph V 100.000 1.21 1.9 Y 6.04 nan 0.18
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 11:33:37 a0155.fits V2487_Oph V 100.000 1.22 1.9 Y 6.58 nan 0.17
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 11:35:47 a0156.fits V2487_Oph V 100.000 1.22 2.0 Y 6.00 nan 0.18
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 11:37:57 a0157.fits V2487_Oph V 100.000 1.23 2.0 Y 4.75 nan 0.19
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 11:42:13 a0158.fits ASASSN-20da B 30.000 1.37 4.8 Y 3.88 11.036 0.019 367 0.12
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 11:43:06 a0159.fits ASASSN-20da V 15.000 1.37 4.8 Y 4.45 10.849 0.015 435 0.02
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 11:43:45 a0160.fits ASASSN-20da SR 15.000 1.37 4.8 Y 4.89 10.624 0.013 591 0.01
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 11:44:21 a0161.fits ASASSN-20da SI 15.000 1.37 4.8 Y 4.78 11.246 0.021 350 0.01
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 11:45:08 a0162.fits ASASSN-20da B 30.000 1.38 4.8 Y 3.58 11.095 0.02 364 0.03
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 11:46:02 a0163.fits ASASSN-20da V 15.000 1.38 4.9 nan 11.223 0.021 318 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 11:46:39 a0164.fits ASASSN-20da SR 15.000 1.38 4.9 nan 10.693 0.014 472 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 11:47:15 a0165.fits ASASSN-20da SI 15.000 1.38 4.9 Y 5.20 11.493 0.026 292 0.01
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 11:48:02 a0166.fits ASASSN-20da B 30.000 1.38 4.9 Y 3.36 15.849 1.467 303 0.02
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 11:48:55 a0167.fits ASASSN-20da V 15.000 1.39 4.9 Y 4.78 nan 0.01
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 11:49:34 a0168.fits ASASSN-20da SR 15.000 1.39 4.9 Y 5.40 10.543 0.012 552 0.01
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 11:50:11 a0169.fits ASASSN-20da SI 15.000 1.39 4.9 Y 4.55 11.851 0.034 453 0.02
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 11:52:41 a0170.fits ASASSN-V_J18165406-2021176 B 120.000 1.16 1.5 Y 5.68 9.516 0.007 1344 0.72
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 11:55:03 a0171.fits ASASSN-V_J18165406-2021176 B 120.000 1.16 1.6 Y 5.28 9.617 0.007 1338 0.71
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 11:57:26 a0172.fits ASASSN-V_J18165406-2021176 V 60.000 1.16 1.6 Y 4.39 9.825 0.008 1282 0.75
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 11:58:48 a0173.fits ASASSN-V_J18165406-2021176 V 60.000 1.17 1.6 Y 4.33 11.328 0.026 391 0.77
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 12:00:12 a0174.fits ASASSN-V_J18165406-2021176 SR 60.000 1.17 1.6 Y 4.42 9.899 0.009 1217 0.78
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 12:01:32 a0175.fits ASASSN-V_J18165406-2021176 SR 60.000 1.17 1.7 Y 4.68 10.647 0.016 941 0.79
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 12:02:54 a0176.fits ASASSN-V_J18165406-2021176 SI 60.000 1.17 1.7 Y 4.59 nan 0.78
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 12:04:14 a0177.fits ASASSN-V_J18165406-2021176 SI 60.000 1.18 1.7 Y 4.64 11.642 0.034 341 0.81
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 12:07:05 a0178.fits ASASSN-V_J170615-3229447 B 120.000 1.24 2.9 nan nan nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 12:09:25 a0179.fits ASASSN-V_J170615-3229447 B 120.000 1.24 3.0 nan nan nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 12:11:46 a0180.fits ASASSN-V_J170615-3229447 V 60.000 1.25 3.0 nan nan nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 12:13:07 a0181.fits ASASSN-V_J170615-3229447 V 60.000 1.25 3.0 nan nan nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 12:14:30 a0182.fits ASASSN-V_J170615-3229447 SR 60.000 1.26 3.1 Y 5.90 14.064 0.308 229 0.55
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 12:15:51 a0183.fits ASASSN-V_J170615-3229447 SR 60.000 1.26 3.1 Y 5.66 nan 4.32
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 12:17:24 a0184.fits ASASSN-V_J170615-3229447 SI 60.000 1.27 3.1 Y 6.08 nan 4.13
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 12:18:56 a0185.fits ASASSN-V_J170615-3229447 SI 60.000 1.27 3.1 Y 5.69 12.773 0.105 236 0.02
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 12:22:07 a0186.fits V4743_Sgr B 200.000 1.13 1.3 Y 6.83 nan 0.05
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 12:25:58 a0187.fits V4743_Sgr B 200.000 1.13 1.3 Y 7.20 13.578 0.251 600 0.11
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 12:29:48 a0188.fits V4743_Sgr B 200.000 1.14 1.4 Y 6.14 16.387 3.046 286 0.14
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 12:33:38 a0189.fits V4743_Sgr B 200.000 1.14 1.5 Y 6.46 15.461 1.447 252 0.17
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 12:37:29 a0190.fits V4743_Sgr B 200.000 1.15 1.5 Y 5.94 13.069 0.153 233 0.19
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 12:41:20 a0191.fits V4743_Sgr V 100.000 1.15 1.6 Y 5.57 14.335 0.417 188 0.21
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 12:43:30 a0192.fits V4743_Sgr V 100.000 1.15 1.6 Y 6.51 12.538 0.083 219 0.23
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 12:45:40 a0193.fits V4743_Sgr V 100.000 1.16 1.7 Y 6.25 nan 0.22
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 12:47:50 a0194.fits V4743_Sgr V 100.000 1.16 1.7 Y 5.53 nan 0.21
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 12:50:00 a0195.fits V4743_Sgr V 100.000 1.16 1.7 Y 4.93 99.999 9.999 1366 0.20
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 12:53:13 a0196.fits V4332_Sgr B 200.000 1.20 2.0 Y 5.81 14.52 0.575 235 0.01
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 12:57:02 a0197.fits V4332_Sgr B 200.000 1.21 2.0 Y 5.44 nan 0.02
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 13:00:53 a0198.fits V4332_Sgr B 200.000 1.22 2.1 Y 6.09 99.999 9.999 274 0.05
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 13:04:43 a0199.fits V4332_Sgr B 200.000 1.23 2.2 Y 5.80 17.186 7.319 1311 0.09
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 13:08:33 a0200.fits V4332_Sgr B 200.000 1.24 2.2 Y 5.06 14.79 0.789 793 0.16

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DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 13:12:25 a0201.fits V4332_Sgr V 100.000 1.24 2.3 Y 5.40 15.812 1.917 380 0.25
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 13:14:35 a0202.fits V4332_Sgr V 100.000 1.25 2.3 Y 6.42 13.629 0.225 371 0.31
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 13:16:45 a0203.fits V4332_Sgr V 100.000 1.25 2.4 Y 5.91 nan 0.36
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 13:18:55 a0204.fits V4332_Sgr V 100.000 1.26 2.4 Y 5.61 15.968 2.565 374 0.40
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 13:21:05 a0205.fits V4332_Sgr V 100.000 1.26 2.4 Y 5.76 13.816 0.32 902 0.45
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 13:29:53 a0206.fits V496_Sct B 200.000 1.59 2.7 Y 6.54 14.496 0.571 1303 0.04
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 13:33:44 a0207.fits V496_Sct B 200.000 1.61 2.8 Y 4.06 15.251 1.164 309 0.07
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 13:37:36 a0208.fits V496_Sct B 200.000 1.63 2.8 Y 5.39 nan 0.08
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 13:41:27 a0209.fits V496_Sct B 200.000 1.65 2.9 Y 5.63 nan 0.10
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 13:45:19 a0210.fits V496_Sct B 200.000 1.67 3.0 Y 4.85 99.999 9.999 320 0.14
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 13:49:10 a0211.fits V496_Sct V 100.000 1.69 3.0 nan nan nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 13:51:24 a0212.fits V496_Sct V 100.000 1.70 3.1 nan 12.754 0.106 995 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 13:53:32 a0213.fits V496_Sct V 100.000 1.71 3.1 nan nan nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 13:55:40 a0214.fits V496_Sct V 100.000 1.73 3.1 nan nan nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 13:57:48 a0215.fits V496_Sct V 100.000 1.74 3.2 nan 14.926 0.782 329 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 14:02:27 a0216.fits W_Gru B 10.000 1.01 -0.7 nan nan nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 14:02:59 a0217.fits W_Gru B 10.000 1.01 -0.7 nan nan nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 14:03:29 a0218.fits W_Gru B 10.000 1.01 -0.7 nan nan nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 14:03:59 a0219.fits W_Gru B 10.000 1.01 -0.7 nan nan nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 14:04:29 a0220.fits W_Gru B 10.000 1.01 -0.7 nan 15.771 1.097 119 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 14:05:00 a0221.fits W_Gru V 10.000 1.01 -0.7 nan nan nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 14:05:31 a0222.fits W_Gru V 10.000 1.01 -0.7 nan nan nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 14:06:01 a0223.fits W_Gru V 10.000 1.01 -0.7 nan nan nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 14:06:31 a0224.fits W_Gru V 10.000 1.01 -0.7 nan nan nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 14:07:01 a0225.fits W_Gru V 10.000 1.01 -0.6 nan nan nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 14:09:38 a0226.fits AR_Sgr B 10.000 1.36 3.1 Y 2.97 10.179 0.009 965 0.11
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 14:10:10 a0227.fits AR_Sgr B 10.000 1.36 3.1 Y 3.52 10.308 0.01 715 0.11
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 14:10:42 a0228.fits AR_Sgr B 10.000 1.36 3.1 nan 10.278 0.01 775 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 14:11:14 a0229.fits AR_Sgr V 5.000 1.37 3.1 nan 9.752 0.007 1246 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 14:11:40 a0230.fits AR_Sgr V 5.000 1.37 3.1 nan 9.977 0.008 961 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 14:12:05 a0231.fits AR_Sgr V 5.000 1.37 3.1 nan 10.158 0.008 806 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 14:12:31 a0232.fits AR_Sgr SR 5.000 1.37 3.1 Y 1.74 10.528 0.011 616 0.12
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 14:12:57 a0233.fits AR_Sgr SR 5.000 1.37 3.1 Y 3.51 9.505 0.006 1492 0.11
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 14:13:23 a0234.fits AR_Sgr SR 5.000 1.37 3.2 Y 3.86 9.733 0.007 1282 0.11
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 14:13:50 a0235.fits AR_Sgr SI 5.000 1.38 3.2 Y 3.32 9.825 0.007 989 0.11
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 14:14:15 a0236.fits AR_Sgr SI 5.000 1.38 3.2 Y 3.71 9.537 0.006 1613 0.10
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 14:14:41 a0237.fits AR_Sgr SI 5.000 1.38 3.2 nan 9.904 0.007 900 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 14:16:29 a0238.fits AI_Sco B 10.000 1.53 4.3 nan 13.059 0.095 145 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 14:17:00 a0239.fits AI_Sco B 10.000 1.54 4.3 nan 11.803 0.032 206 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 14:17:30 a0240.fits AI_Sco B 10.000 1.54 4.3 nan 11.638 0.029 277 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 14:18:00 a0241.fits AI_Sco V 5.000 1.54 4.3 Y 3.10 11.19 0.018 394 0.28
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 14:18:27 a0242.fits AI_Sco V 5.000 1.54 4.3 Y 3.01 11.028 0.016 487 0.27
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 14:18:54 a0243.fits AI_Sco V 5.000 1.55 4.3 nan 10.843 0.014 486 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 14:19:22 a0244.fits AI_Sco SR 5.000 1.55 4.3 Y 3.93 9.844 0.007 1276 0.28
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 14:19:47 a0245.fits AI_Sco SR 5.000 1.55 4.3 Y 4.45 10.063 0.008 1013 0.27
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 14:20:13 a0246.fits AI_Sco SR 5.000 1.55 4.3 Y 4.17 9.938 0.007 993 0.27
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 14:20:40 a0247.fits AI_Sco SI 5.000 1.56 4.3 nan 9.777 0.007 1349 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 14:21:05 a0248.fits AI_Sco SI 5.000 1.56 4.3 nan 9.7 0.006 1230 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 14:21:28 a0249.fits AI_Sco SI 5.000 1.56 4.3 nan 9.608 0.006 1387 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 14:23:10 a0250.fits V4745_Sgr B 200.000 1.38 3.6 Y 5.05 12.797 0.121 310 0.02

images 251 to 300

DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 14:27:00 a0251.fits V4745_Sgr B 200.000 1.39 3.7 Y 4.98 nan 0.04
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 14:30:50 a0252.fits V4745_Sgr B 200.000 1.41 3.8 Y 5.04 14.516 0.635 427 0.05
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 14:34:41 a0253.fits V4745_Sgr B 200.000 1.43 3.8 Y 4.60 13.04 0.147 317 0.06
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 14:38:31 a0254.fits V4745_Sgr B 200.000 1.45 3.9 Y 4.87 nan 0.07
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 14:42:23 a0255.fits V4745_Sgr V 100.000 1.46 4.0 Y 4.78 14.745 0.678 286 0.07
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 14:44:33 a0256.fits V4745_Sgr V 100.000 1.47 4.0 Y 4.65 99.999 9.999 261 0.06
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 14:46:43 a0257.fits V4745_Sgr V 100.000 1.48 4.0 Y 5.15 12.706 0.098 279 0.04
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 14:48:53 a0258.fits V4745_Sgr V 100.000 1.49 4.1 Y 5.04 12.655 0.095 326 0.03
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 14:51:04 a0259.fits V4745_Sgr V 100.000 1.50 4.1 Y 5.00 18.135 9.999 779 0.03
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 14:54:24 a0260.fits V4169_Sgr B 200.000 1.74 4.4 Y 6.16 nan 0.04
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 14:58:14 a0261.fits V4169_Sgr B 200.000 1.77 4.5 Y 6.22 16.075 2.519 766 0.03
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 15:02:04 a0262.fits V4169_Sgr B 200.000 1.80 4.6 Y 8.49 nan 0.07
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 15:05:55 a0263.fits V4169_Sgr B 200.000 1.83 4.6 Y 5.66 13.478 0.22 330 0.08
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 15:09:46 a0264.fits V4169_Sgr B 200.000 1.86 4.7 Y 5.70 99.999 9.999 344 0.11
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 15:13:37 a0265.fits V4169_Sgr V 100.000 1.88 4.8 Y 7.50 14.073 0.389 311 0.16
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 15:15:47 a0266.fits V4169_Sgr V 100.000 1.90 4.8 Y 5.93 12.962 0.133 316 0.18
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 15:17:56 a0267.fits V4169_Sgr V 100.000 1.93 4.8 Y 5.84 15.799 1.942 298 0.20
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 15:20:06 a0268.fits V4169_Sgr V 100.000 1.95 4.9 Y 5.76 18.316 9.999 286 0.22
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 15:22:17 a0269.fits V4169_Sgr V 100.000 1.97 4.9 Y 5.50 12.77 0.109 298 0.28
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 15:32:25 a0270.fits SMC_LIN9 B 200.000 1.16 -1.0 Y 4.89 16.022 2.273 275 5.85
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 15:44:57 a0271.fits SMC_N60 B 200.000 1.17 -1.3 Y 5.05 nan 2.27
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 15:48:50 a0272.fits SMC_N60 B 200.000 1.17 -1.2 Y 4.52 14.835 0.766 286 0.37
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 15:52:32 a0273.fits SMC_N60 B 200.000 1.17 -1.1 Y 4.16 nan 0.40
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 15:56:14 a0274.fits SMC_N60 B 200.000 1.17 -1.1 Y 3.64 11.712 0.046 935 0.42
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 15:59:56 a0275.fits SMC_N60 B 200.000 1.16 -1.0 Y 3.26 13.578 0.248 609 0.44
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 16:03:40 a0276.fits SMC_N60 V 100.000 1.16 -1.0 Y 4.41 18.425 9.999 245 0.44
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 16:05:42 a0277.fits SMC_N60 V 100.000 1.16 -0.9 Y 4.03 nan 0.44
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 16:07:44 a0278.fits SMC_N60 V 100.000 1.16 -0.9 Y 3.60 13.573 0.219 252 0.45
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 16:09:45 a0279.fits SMC_N60 V 100.000 1.16 -0.9 Y 3.84 14.45 0.472 272 0.45
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 16:11:50 a0280.fits SMC_N60 SI 150.000 1.16 -0.8 Y 4.04 12.767 0.115 438 0.44
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 16:14:41 a0281.fits SMC_N60 SI 150.000 1.16 -0.8 nan 12.952 0.14 397 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 16:17:31 a0282.fits SMC_N60 SI 150.000 1.16 -0.7 nan 12.672 0.106 441 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 16:20:42 a0283.fits LN_358 B 200.000 1.17 -0.7 nan 17.502 9.026 298 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 16:24:23 a0284.fits LN_358 B 200.000 1.17 -0.6 nan 14.848 0.801 2868 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 16:28:02 a0285.fits LN_358 B 200.000 1.17 -0.6 nan 15.199 1.116 304 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 16:31:42 a0286.fits LN_358 B 200.000 1.17 -0.5 nan 16.418 3.35 312 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 16:35:23 a0287.fits LN_358 V 100.000 1.17 -0.5 nan nan nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 16:37:26 a0288.fits LN_358 SI 150.000 1.17 -0.4 nan nan nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 16:40:42 a0289.fits SMC_N73 B 200.000 1.18 -0.5 nan nan nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 16:44:23 a0290.fits SMC_N73 B 200.000 1.18 -0.4 nan nan nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 16:48:04 a0291.fits SMC_N73 B 200.000 1.18 -0.3 nan 12.334 0.08 2704 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 16:51:43 a0292.fits SMC_N73 B 200.000 1.18 -0.3 nan nan nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 16:55:23 a0293.fits SMC_N73 B 200.000 1.18 -0.2 nan nan nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 16:59:04 a0294.fits SMC_N73 V 100.000 1.18 -0.2 nan nan nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 17:01:05 a0295.fits SMC_N73 V 100.000 1.17 -0.1 nan nan nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 17:03:05 a0296.fits SMC_N73 V 100.000 1.17 -0.1 nan nan nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 17:05:08 a0297.fits SMC_N73 SI 150.000 1.17 -0.1 Y 4.14 99.999 9.999 2243 5.72
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 17:10:05 a0298.fits LMC_S154 B 200.000 1.29 -3.8 nan 14.832 0.766 481 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 17:13:46 a0299.fits LMC_S154 B 200.000 1.29 -3.7 nan 13.397 0.221 351 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 17:17:26 a0300.fits LMC_S154 B 200.000 1.28 -3.6 nan nan nan

images 301 to 331

DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 17:21:06 a0301.fits LMC_S154 V 100.000 1.28 -3.6 nan 12.883 0.119 293 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 17:23:07 a0302.fits LMC_S154 V 100.000 1.28 -3.5 nan 12.828 0.108 267 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 17:25:07 a0303.fits LMC_S154 V 100.000 1.27 -3.5 nan nan nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 17:27:09 a0304.fits LMC_S154 SI 150.000 1.27 -3.5 Y 5.20 11.353 0.033 567 0.23
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 17:31:32 a0305.fits LMC_S147 B 200.000 1.24 -3.4 nan nan nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 17:35:13 a0306.fits LMC_S147 V 100.000 1.24 -3.4 nan 12.354 0.079 445 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 17:37:14 a0307.fits LMC_S147 V 100.000 1.24 -3.3 nan nan nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 17:39:14 a0308.fits LMC_S147 V 100.000 1.24 -3.3 nan 12.94 0.135 469 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 17:41:17 a0309.fits LMC_S147 SI 150.000 1.23 -3.3 nan 11.759 0.05 805 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 17:51:05 a0310.fits SMC_LMC_94 B 200.000 1.31 -4.1 nan 12.131 0.069 338 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 17:54:47 a0311.fits SMC_LMC_94 V 100.000 1.30 -4.1 Y 5.12 10.788 0.018 581 1.45
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 17:57:03 a0312.fits SMC_LMC_94 SI 150.000 1.30 -4.0 Y 4.85 10.223 0.013 2692 0.05
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 18:02:02 a0313.fits IW_Car B 10.000 1.99 -7.5 nan 10.09 0.009 686 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 18:02:33 a0314.fits IW_Car B 10.000 1.99 -7.5 nan 9.768 0.007 1095 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 18:03:02 a0315.fits IW_Car B 10.000 1.98 -7.5 nan 9.824 0.007 1014 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 18:03:33 a0316.fits IW_Car V 5.000 1.98 -7.5 Y 3.77 9.184 0.005 1868 0.02
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 18:04:00 a0317.fits IW_Car V 5.000 1.98 -7.4 Y 3.84 9.101 0.004 2299 0.02
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 18:04:26 a0318.fits IW_Car V 5.000 1.98 -7.4 Y 4.04 9.164 0.005 1949 0.41
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 18:04:55 a0319.fits IW_Car SR 5.000 1.97 -7.4 Y 4.37 8.609 0.003 2989 0.41
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 18:05:21 a0320.fits IW_Car SR 5.000 1.97 -7.4 Y 3.71 8.645 0.003 2950 0.41
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 18:05:47 a0321.fits IW_Car SR 5.000 1.97 -7.4 Y 4.54 8.57 0.003 3333 0.40
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 18:06:14 a0322.fits IW_Car SI 5.000 1.97 -7.4 Y 3.50 8.596 0.003 3606 0.39
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 18:06:39 a0323.fits IW_Car SI 5.000 1.96 -7.4 Y 3.17 8.64 0.003 3526 0.40
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 18:07:05 a0324.fits IW_Car SI 5.000 1.96 -7.4 nan 11.411 0.023 313 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 18:20:01 a0325.fits LMC_N67 B 200.000 1.21 -3.3 Y 3.77 12.999 0.147 655 0.01
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 18:23:44 a0326.fits LMC_N67 B 200.000 1.20 -3.3 Y 3.98 12.066 0.061 538 0.03
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 18:27:25 a0327.fits LMC_N67 B 200.000 1.20 -3.2 Y 3.87 14.647 0.675 301 0.05
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 18:31:08 a0328.fits LMC_N67 V 100.000 1.19 -3.1 Y 3.38 11.644 0.038 529 0.07
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 18:33:10 a0329.fits LMC_N67 V 100.000 1.19 -3.1 Y 3.37 12.184 0.065 444 0.09
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 18:35:12 a0330.fits LMC_N67 V 100.000 1.19 -3.1 Y 3.16 nan 0.10
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-07-30 18:37:17 a0331.fits LMC_N67 SI 150.000 1.18 -3.0 Y 3.56 11.779 0.052 849 0.13

Image Table

images 101 to 150

DateTime filename tnimage objid filter exptime airmass hr_ang has_wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu auid center2obj JD ccd_temp set_temp img_type read_mode binning fov_radius_amin image_available
2021-07-30 09:35:39 a0101.fits V3890_Sgr V 100.0 1.09 -1.0 Y 4.43 11.404 0.033 393 000-BCC-531 14.926016 9425.89976 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.969676 Y
2021-07-30 09:37:58 a0102.fits V3890_Sgr V 100.0 1.09 -1.0 Y 4.60 12.441 0.080 1720 000-BCC-531 0.133817 9425.90137 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.995254 Y
2021-07-30 09:40:01 a0103.fits V3890_Sgr V 100.0 1.09 -0.9 Y 3.79 12.248 0.067 299 000-BCC-531 0.118678 9425.90279 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.996109 Y
2021-07-30 09:42:07 a0104.fits V3890_Sgr B 200.0 1.08 -0.9 Y 4.11 12.606 0.101 241 000-BCC-531 0.122647 9425.90425 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.994850 Y
2021-07-30 09:45:49 a0105.fits V3890_Sgr B 200.0 1.08 -0.8 Y 4.92 12.630 0.100 248 000-BCC-531 0.106265 9425.90682 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.996321 Y
DateTime filename tnimage objid filter exptime airmass hr_ang has_wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu auid center2obj JD ccd_temp set_temp img_type read_mode binning fov_radius_amin image_available
2021-07-30 09:49:31 a0106.fits V3890_Sgr B 200.0 1.08 -0.8 Y 4.72 12.569 0.094 280 000-BCC-531 0.083145 9425.90939 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.994317 Y
2021-07-30 09:54:59 a0107.fits CI_Aql V 100.0 1.40 -1.0 Y 5.00 12.487 0.076 209 000-BCD-453 1.595779 9425.91318 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.995636 Y
2021-07-30 09:57:12 a0108.fits CI_Aql V 100.0 1.40 -1.0 Y 5.00 12.043 0.058 262 000-BCD-453 1.610632 9425.91472 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.997620 Y
2021-07-30 09:59:26 a0109.fits CI_Aql V 100.0 1.40 -1.0 Y 4.07 99.999 9.999 203 000-BCD-453 0.220192 9425.91627 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.996607 Y
2021-07-30 10:01:33 a0110.fits CI_Aql B 200.0 1.39 -0.9 Y 3.75 nan 000-BCD-453 0.228692 9425.91774 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.998265 Y
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2021-07-30 10:05:17 a0111.fits CI_Aql B 200.0 1.39 -0.9 nan nan 000-BCD-453 9425.92034 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-07-30 10:08:59 a0112.fits CI_Aql B 200.0 1.38 -0.8 nan 14.310 0.461 243 000-BCD-453 9425.92291 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-07-30 10:19:05 a0113.fits XX_Sct B 120.0 1.26 -0.4 Y 4.47 10.502 0.015 917 000-BCX-193 0.220246 9425.92992 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.993403 Y
2021-07-30 10:21:27 a0114.fits XX_Sct B 120.0 1.26 -0.4 Y 3.72 10.735 0.018 946 000-BCX-193 0.227650 9425.93156 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.985581 Y
2021-07-30 10:23:51 a0115.fits XX_Sct V 60.0 1.26 -0.3 Y 5.03 10.895 0.019 514 000-BCX-193 0.243363 9425.93323 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 7.001008 Y
DateTime filename tnimage objid filter exptime airmass hr_ang has_wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu auid center2obj JD ccd_temp set_temp img_type read_mode binning fov_radius_amin image_available
2021-07-30 10:25:13 a0116.fits XX_Sct V 60.0 1.26 -0.3 Y 3.65 11.187 0.024 538 000-BCX-193 0.248239 9425.93418 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 7.003945 Y
2021-07-30 10:26:37 a0117.fits XX_Sct SR 60.0 1.26 -0.3 Y 4.29 10.811 0.018 608 000-BCX-193 0.262533 9425.93515 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.982841 Y
2021-07-30 10:27:58 a0118.fits XX_Sct SR 60.0 1.26 -0.3 Y 4.36 10.700 0.016 650 000-BCX-193 0.268019 9425.93609 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.981056 Y
2021-07-30 10:29:20 a0119.fits XX_Sct SI 60.0 1.26 -0.3 nan 11.603 0.034 587 000-BCX-193 9425.93704 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-07-30 10:30:40 a0120.fits XX_Sct SI 60.0 1.26 -0.2 nan nan 000-BCX-193 9425.93796 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
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2021-07-30 10:38:39 a0121.fits KK_Oph B 30.0 1.09 1.4 nan nan 000-BDW-739 9425.94351 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-07-30 10:39:30 a0122.fits KK_Oph B 30.0 1.09 1.4 nan nan 000-BDW-739 9425.94410 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-07-30 10:40:22 a0123.fits KK_Oph V 15.0 1.09 1.4 Y 2.92 11.707 0.031 291 000-BDW-739 0.837936 9425.94470 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.984583 Y
2021-07-30 10:40:59 a0124.fits KK_Oph V 15.0 1.09 1.4 nan 11.548 0.027 341 000-BDW-739 9425.94513 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-07-30 10:41:37 a0125.fits KK_Oph SR 15.0 1.09 1.4 nan 11.368 0.023 372 000-BDW-739 9425.94557 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
DateTime filename tnimage objid filter exptime airmass hr_ang has_wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu auid center2obj JD ccd_temp set_temp img_type read_mode binning fov_radius_amin image_available
2021-07-30 10:42:12 a0126.fits KK_Oph SR 15.0 1.10 1.5 nan 11.078 0.018 478 000-BDW-739 9425.94597 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-07-30 10:42:47 a0127.fits KK_Oph SI 15.0 1.10 1.5 Y 2.99 11.676 0.030 334 000-BDW-739 0.854686 9425.94638 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.980534 Y
2021-07-30 10:43:23 a0128.fits KK_Oph SI 15.0 1.10 1.5 Y 3.26 11.273 0.021 396 000-BDW-739 0.845317 9425.94679 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.982620 Y
2021-07-30 10:45:28 a0129.fits V0856_Sco B 12.0 1.14 2.5 nan 14.614 0.399 107 000-BCX-156 9425.94824 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-07-30 10:46:01 a0130.fits V0856_Sco B 12.0 1.14 2.5 nan nan 000-BCX-156 9425.94862 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
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2021-07-30 10:46:33 a0131.fits V0856_Sco B 12.0 1.14 2.6 nan nan 000-BCX-156 9425.94899 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-07-30 10:47:07 a0132.fits V0856_Sco V 5.0 1.14 2.6 nan 12.240 0.044 202 000-BCX-156 9425.94939 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-07-30 10:47:33 a0133.fits V0856_Sco V 5.0 1.14 2.6 nan 12.014 0.036 221 000-BCX-156 9425.94969 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-07-30 10:47:58 a0134.fits V0856_Sco V 5.0 1.14 2.6 nan 12.225 0.043 207 000-BCX-156 9425.94998 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-07-30 10:48:24 a0135.fits V0856_Sco SR 5.0 1.14 2.6 nan 11.889 0.033 242 000-BCX-156 9425.95028 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
DateTime filename tnimage objid filter exptime airmass hr_ang has_wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu auid center2obj JD ccd_temp set_temp img_type read_mode binning fov_radius_amin image_available
2021-07-30 10:48:49 a0136.fits V0856_Sco SR 5.0 1.14 2.6 nan 11.665 0.026 321 000-BCX-156 9425.95057 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-07-30 10:49:12 a0137.fits V0856_Sco SR 5.0 1.14 2.6 nan 11.682 0.027 317 000-BCX-156 9425.95083 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-07-30 10:49:36 a0138.fits V0856_Sco SI 5.0 1.14 2.6 nan 11.945 0.033 317 000-BCX-156 9425.95111 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-07-30 10:50:01 a0139.fits V0856_Sco SI 5.0 1.15 2.6 nan 11.936 0.033 260 000-BCX-156 9425.95140 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-07-30 10:50:25 a0140.fits V0856_Sco SI 5.0 1.15 2.6 nan 11.945 0.034 245 000-BCX-156 9425.95168 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
DateTime filename tnimage objid filter exptime airmass hr_ang has_wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu auid center2obj JD ccd_temp set_temp img_type read_mode binning fov_radius_amin image_available
2021-07-30 10:52:19 a0141.fits PNV_J17291350 B 60.0 1.15 1.3 nan nan None 9425.95300 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-07-30 10:53:48 a0142.fits PNV_J17291350 B 150.0 1.16 1.3 Y 4.02 nan None 0.181823 9425.95403 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.994027 Y
2021-07-30 10:56:50 a0143.fits PNV_J17291350 B 150.0 1.16 1.4 Y 4.46 nan None 0.171536 9425.95613 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.994746 Y
2021-07-30 10:59:51 a0144.fits PNV_J17291350 B 150.0 1.17 1.4 Y 4.52 15.302 1.083 1881 None 0.177239 9425.95823 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.994793 Y
2021-07-30 11:02:54 a0145.fits PNV_J17291350 V 100.0 1.17 1.5 Y 5.15 15.527 1.244 196 None 0.134310 9425.96035 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.993178 Y
DateTime filename tnimage objid filter exptime airmass hr_ang has_wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu auid center2obj JD ccd_temp set_temp img_type read_mode binning fov_radius_amin image_available
2021-07-30 11:05:06 a0146.fits PNV_J17291350 V 100.0 1.17 1.5 Y 5.36 nan None 0.114948 9425.96188 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.994069 Y
2021-07-30 11:07:17 a0147.fits PNV_J17291350 V 100.0 1.18 1.6 Y 5.42 14.507 0.491 506 None 0.101776 9425.96339 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.992019 Y
2021-07-30 11:09:56 a0148.fits V2487_Oph B 200.0 1.18 1.6 Y 5.05 14.675 0.646 182 000-BBZ-131 3.319150 9425.96523 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.992977 Y
2021-07-30 11:13:58 a0149.fits V2487_Oph B 200.0 1.18 1.6 Y 5.21 13.894 0.321 1165 000-BBZ-131 0.177666 9425.96803 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.989340 Y
2021-07-30 11:17:48 a0150.fits V2487_Oph B 200.0 1.19 1.7 nan 14.394 0.485 190 000-BBZ-131 9425.97069 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y

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2021-07-30 11:21:38 a0151.fits V2487_Oph B 200.0 1.20 1.7 nan nan 000-BBZ-131 9425.97336 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-07-30 11:25:26 a0152.fits V2487_Oph B 200.0 1.20 1.8 nan 15.309 1.150 254 000-BBZ-131 9425.97600 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-07-30 11:29:15 a0153.fits V2487_Oph V 100.0 1.21 1.9 Y 5.72 14.733 0.602 168 000-BBZ-131 0.179629 9425.97865 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.992581 Y
2021-07-30 11:31:26 a0154.fits V2487_Oph V 100.0 1.21 1.9 Y 6.04 nan 000-BBZ-131 0.177425 9425.98016 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.993071 Y
2021-07-30 11:33:37 a0155.fits V2487_Oph V 100.0 1.22 1.9 Y 6.58 nan 000-BBZ-131 0.173802 9425.98168 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.992208 Y
DateTime filename tnimage objid filter exptime airmass hr_ang has_wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu auid center2obj JD ccd_temp set_temp img_type read_mode binning fov_radius_amin image_available
2021-07-30 11:35:47 a0156.fits V2487_Oph V 100.0 1.22 2.0 Y 6.00 nan 000-BBZ-131 0.175931 9425.98318 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.993890 Y
2021-07-30 11:37:57 a0157.fits V2487_Oph V 100.0 1.23 2.0 Y 4.75 nan 000-BBZ-131 0.191067 9425.98469 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.992445 Y
2021-07-30 11:42:13 a0158.fits ASASSN-20da B 30.0 1.37 4.8 Y 3.88 11.036 0.019 367 000-BNL-373 0.122127 9425.98765 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.993513 Y
2021-07-30 11:43:06 a0159.fits ASASSN-20da V 15.0 1.37 4.8 Y 4.45 10.849 0.015 435 000-BNL-373 0.017760 9425.98826 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.987797 Y
2021-07-30 11:43:45 a0160.fits ASASSN-20da SR 15.0 1.37 4.8 Y 4.89 10.624 0.013 591 000-BNL-373 0.013015 9425.98872 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.997275 Y
DateTime filename tnimage objid filter exptime airmass hr_ang has_wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu auid center2obj JD ccd_temp set_temp img_type read_mode binning fov_radius_amin image_available
2021-07-30 11:44:21 a0161.fits ASASSN-20da SI 15.0 1.37 4.8 Y 4.78 11.246 0.021 350 000-BNL-373 0.009402 9425.98913 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.996439 Y
2021-07-30 11:45:08 a0162.fits ASASSN-20da B 30.0 1.38 4.8 Y 3.58 11.095 0.020 364 000-BNL-373 0.032123 9425.98968 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.995336 Y
2021-07-30 11:46:02 a0163.fits ASASSN-20da V 15.0 1.38 4.9 nan 11.223 0.021 318 000-BNL-373 9425.99030 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-07-30 11:46:39 a0164.fits ASASSN-20da SR 15.0 1.38 4.9 nan 10.693 0.014 472 000-BNL-373 9425.99073 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-07-30 11:47:15 a0165.fits ASASSN-20da SI 15.0 1.38 4.9 Y 5.20 11.493 0.026 292 000-BNL-373 0.011756 9425.99115 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.992906 Y
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2021-07-30 11:48:02 a0166.fits ASASSN-20da B 30.0 1.38 4.9 Y 3.36 15.849 1.467 303 000-BNL-373 0.016229 9425.99169 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.990109 Y
2021-07-30 11:48:55 a0167.fits ASASSN-20da V 15.0 1.39 4.9 Y 4.78 nan 000-BNL-373 0.007230 9425.99230 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.994435 Y
2021-07-30 11:49:34 a0168.fits ASASSN-20da SR 15.0 1.39 4.9 Y 5.40 10.543 0.012 552 000-BNL-373 0.012877 9425.99275 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.994314 Y
2021-07-30 11:50:11 a0169.fits ASASSN-20da SI 15.0 1.39 4.9 Y 4.55 11.851 0.034 453 000-BNL-373 0.018721 9425.99318 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.998074 Y
2021-07-30 11:52:41 a0170.fits ASASSN-V_J18165406-2021176 B 120.0 1.16 1.5 Y 5.68 9.516 0.007 1344 None 0.719942 9425.99492 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.995557 Y
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2021-07-30 11:55:03 a0171.fits ASASSN-V_J18165406-2021176 B 120.0 1.16 1.6 Y 5.28 9.617 0.007 1338 None 0.712391 9425.99656 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.995697 Y
2021-07-30 11:57:26 a0172.fits ASASSN-V_J18165406-2021176 V 60.0 1.16 1.6 Y 4.39 9.825 0.008 1282 None 0.751289 9425.99822 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.996879 Y
2021-07-30 11:58:48 a0173.fits ASASSN-V_J18165406-2021176 V 60.0 1.17 1.6 Y 4.33 11.328 0.026 391 None 0.774475 9425.99917 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.999756 Y
2021-07-30 12:00:12 a0174.fits ASASSN-V_J18165406-2021176 SR 60.0 1.17 1.6 Y 4.42 9.899 0.009 1217 None 0.779333 9426.00014 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.998206 Y
2021-07-30 12:01:32 a0175.fits ASASSN-V_J18165406-2021176 SR 60.0 1.17 1.7 Y 4.68 10.647 0.016 941 None 0.788041 9426.00106 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.991685 Y
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2021-07-30 12:02:54 a0176.fits ASASSN-V_J18165406-2021176 SI 60.0 1.17 1.7 Y 4.59 nan None 0.776646 9426.00201 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.999074 Y
2021-07-30 12:04:14 a0177.fits ASASSN-V_J18165406-2021176 SI 60.0 1.18 1.7 Y 4.64 11.642 0.034 341 None 0.806979 9426.00294 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.988389 Y
2021-07-30 12:07:05 a0178.fits ASASSN-V_J170615-3229447 B 120.0 1.24 2.9 nan nan None 9426.00492 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-07-30 12:09:25 a0179.fits ASASSN-V_J170615-3229447 B 120.0 1.24 3.0 nan nan None 9426.00654 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-07-30 12:11:46 a0180.fits ASASSN-V_J170615-3229447 V 60.0 1.25 3.0 nan nan None 9426.00817 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
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2021-07-30 12:13:07 a0181.fits ASASSN-V_J170615-3229447 V 60.0 1.25 3.0 nan nan None 9426.00911 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-07-30 12:14:30 a0182.fits ASASSN-V_J170615-3229447 SR 60.0 1.26 3.1 Y 5.90 14.064 0.308 229 None 0.550482 9426.01007 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.996342 Y
2021-07-30 12:15:51 a0183.fits ASASSN-V_J170615-3229447 SR 60.0 1.26 3.1 Y 5.66 nan None 4.319278 9426.01101 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.845935 Y
2021-07-30 12:17:24 a0184.fits ASASSN-V_J170615-3229447 SI 60.0 1.27 3.1 Y 6.08 nan None 4.133241 9426.01208 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.996953 Y
2021-07-30 12:18:56 a0185.fits ASASSN-V_J170615-3229447 SI 60.0 1.27 3.1 Y 5.69 12.773 0.105 236 None 0.017917 9426.01315 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.999890 Y
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2021-07-30 12:22:07 a0186.fits V4743_Sgr B 200.0 1.13 1.3 Y 6.83 nan 000-BCD-938 0.050756 9426.01536 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.995810 Y
2021-07-30 12:25:58 a0187.fits V4743_Sgr B 200.0 1.13 1.3 Y 7.20 13.578 0.251 600 000-BCD-938 0.114917 9426.01803 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.996480 Y
2021-07-30 12:29:48 a0188.fits V4743_Sgr B 200.0 1.14 1.4 Y 6.14 16.387 3.046 286 000-BCD-938 0.138570 9426.02069 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.988825 Y
2021-07-30 12:33:38 a0189.fits V4743_Sgr B 200.0 1.14 1.5 Y 6.46 15.461 1.447 252 000-BCD-938 0.171872 9426.02336 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.991771 Y
2021-07-30 12:37:29 a0190.fits V4743_Sgr B 200.0 1.15 1.5 Y 5.94 13.069 0.153 233 000-BCD-938 0.194195 9426.02603 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.992879 Y
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2021-07-30 12:41:20 a0191.fits V4743_Sgr V 100.0 1.15 1.6 Y 5.57 14.335 0.417 188 000-BCD-938 0.207578 9426.02870 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.996299 Y
2021-07-30 12:43:30 a0192.fits V4743_Sgr V 100.0 1.15 1.6 Y 6.51 12.538 0.083 219 000-BCD-938 0.230996 9426.03021 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 7.004925 Y
2021-07-30 12:45:40 a0193.fits V4743_Sgr V 100.0 1.16 1.7 Y 6.25 nan 000-BCD-938 0.221032 9426.03171 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.999303 Y
2021-07-30 12:47:50 a0194.fits V4743_Sgr V 100.0 1.16 1.7 Y 5.53 nan 000-BCD-938 0.206353 9426.03322 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.997134 Y
2021-07-30 12:50:00 a0195.fits V4743_Sgr V 100.0 1.16 1.7 Y 4.93 99.999 9.999 1366 000-BCD-938 0.201871 9426.03472 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.994742 Y
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2021-07-30 12:53:13 a0196.fits V4332_Sgr B 200.0 1.20 2.0 Y 5.81 14.520 0.575 235 000-BCD-402 0.009724 9426.03696 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.998524 Y
2021-07-30 12:57:02 a0197.fits V4332_Sgr B 200.0 1.21 2.0 Y 5.44 nan 000-BCD-402 0.019152 9426.03961 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.986283 Y
2021-07-30 13:00:53 a0198.fits V4332_Sgr B 200.0 1.22 2.1 Y 6.09 99.999 9.999 274 000-BCD-402 0.046279 9426.04228 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.984881 Y
2021-07-30 13:04:43 a0199.fits V4332_Sgr B 200.0 1.23 2.2 Y 5.80 17.186 7.319 1311 000-BCD-402 0.092105 9426.04494 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.984983 Y
2021-07-30 13:08:33 a0200.fits V4332_Sgr B 200.0 1.24 2.2 Y 5.06 14.790 0.789 793 000-BCD-402 0.160273 9426.04760 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.994828 Y

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2021-07-30 13:12:25 a0201.fits V4332_Sgr V 100.0 1.24 2.3 Y 5.40 15.812 1.917 380 000-BCD-402 0.245164 9426.05029 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.994295 Y
2021-07-30 13:14:35 a0202.fits V4332_Sgr V 100.0 1.25 2.3 Y 6.42 13.629 0.225 371 000-BCD-402 0.311011 9426.05179 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.994138 Y
2021-07-30 13:16:45 a0203.fits V4332_Sgr V 100.0 1.25 2.4 Y 5.91 nan 000-BCD-402 0.357072 9426.05330 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.989845 Y
2021-07-30 13:18:55 a0204.fits V4332_Sgr V 100.0 1.26 2.4 Y 5.61 15.968 2.565 374 000-BCD-402 0.402532 9426.05480 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.996112 Y
2021-07-30 13:21:05 a0205.fits V4332_Sgr V 100.0 1.26 2.4 Y 5.76 13.816 0.320 902 000-BCD-402 0.449314 9426.05631 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.987653 Y
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2021-07-30 13:29:53 a0206.fits V496_Sct B 200.0 1.59 2.7 Y 6.54 14.496 0.571 1303 000-BJR-326 0.039682 9426.06242 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 7.000169 Y
2021-07-30 13:33:44 a0207.fits V496_Sct B 200.0 1.61 2.8 Y 4.06 15.251 1.164 309 000-BJR-326 0.074504 9426.06509 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.986556 Y
2021-07-30 13:37:36 a0208.fits V496_Sct B 200.0 1.63 2.8 Y 5.39 nan 000-BJR-326 0.078014 9426.06778 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.992060 Y
2021-07-30 13:41:27 a0209.fits V496_Sct B 200.0 1.65 2.9 Y 5.63 nan 000-BJR-326 0.097611 9426.07045 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.995039 Y
2021-07-30 13:45:19 a0210.fits V496_Sct B 200.0 1.67 3.0 Y 4.85 99.999 9.999 320 000-BJR-326 0.141587 9426.07314 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.994909 Y
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2021-07-30 13:49:10 a0211.fits V496_Sct V 100.0 1.69 3.0 nan nan 000-BJR-326 9426.07581 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-07-30 13:51:24 a0212.fits V496_Sct V 100.0 1.70 3.1 nan 12.754 0.106 995 000-BJR-326 9426.07736 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-07-30 13:53:32 a0213.fits V496_Sct V 100.0 1.71 3.1 nan nan 000-BJR-326 9426.07884 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-07-30 13:55:40 a0214.fits V496_Sct V 100.0 1.73 3.1 nan nan 000-BJR-326 9426.08032 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-07-30 13:57:48 a0215.fits V496_Sct V 100.0 1.74 3.2 nan 14.926 0.782 329 000-BJR-326 9426.08181 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
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2021-07-30 14:02:27 a0216.fits W_Gru B 10.0 1.01 -0.7 nan nan 000-BDQ-969 9426.08503 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-07-30 14:02:59 a0217.fits W_Gru B 10.0 1.01 -0.7 nan nan 000-BDQ-969 9426.08541 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-07-30 14:03:29 a0218.fits W_Gru B 10.0 1.01 -0.7 nan nan 000-BDQ-969 9426.08575 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-07-30 14:03:59 a0219.fits W_Gru B 10.0 1.01 -0.7 nan nan 000-BDQ-969 9426.08610 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-07-30 14:04:29 a0220.fits W_Gru B 10.0 1.01 -0.7 nan 15.771 1.097 119 000-BDQ-969 9426.08645 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
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2021-07-30 14:05:00 a0221.fits W_Gru V 10.0 1.01 -0.7 nan nan 000-BDQ-969 9426.08681 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-07-30 14:05:31 a0222.fits W_Gru V 10.0 1.01 -0.7 nan nan 000-BDQ-969 9426.08716 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-07-30 14:06:01 a0223.fits W_Gru V 10.0 1.01 -0.7 nan nan 000-BDQ-969 9426.08751 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-07-30 14:06:31 a0224.fits W_Gru V 10.0 1.01 -0.7 nan nan 000-BDQ-969 9426.08786 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-07-30 14:07:01 a0225.fits W_Gru V 10.0 1.01 -0.6 nan nan 000-BDQ-969 9426.08821 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
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2021-07-30 14:09:38 a0226.fits AR_Sgr B 10.0 1.36 3.1 Y 2.97 10.179 0.009 965 000-BCD-880 0.109452 9426.09002 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 7.003699 Y
2021-07-30 14:10:10 a0227.fits AR_Sgr B 10.0 1.36 3.1 Y 3.52 10.308 0.010 715 000-BCD-880 0.112571 9426.09039 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.987703 Y
2021-07-30 14:10:42 a0228.fits AR_Sgr B 10.0 1.36 3.1 nan 10.278 0.010 775 000-BCD-880 9426.09076 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-07-30 14:11:14 a0229.fits AR_Sgr V 5.0 1.37 3.1 nan 9.752 0.007 1246 000-BCD-880 9426.09113 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-07-30 14:11:40 a0230.fits AR_Sgr V 5.0 1.37 3.1 nan 9.977 0.008 961 000-BCD-880 9426.09144 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
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2021-07-30 14:12:05 a0231.fits AR_Sgr V 5.0 1.37 3.1 nan 10.158 0.008 806 000-BCD-880 9426.09172 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-07-30 14:12:31 a0232.fits AR_Sgr SR 5.0 1.37 3.1 Y 1.74 10.528 0.011 616 000-BCD-880 0.115529 9426.09203 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.992397 Y
2021-07-30 14:12:57 a0233.fits AR_Sgr SR 5.0 1.37 3.1 Y 3.51 9.505 0.006 1492 000-BCD-880 0.109234 9426.09233 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.991542 Y
2021-07-30 14:13:23 a0234.fits AR_Sgr SR 5.0 1.37 3.2 Y 3.86 9.733 0.007 1282 000-BCD-880 0.113701 9426.09263 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.993843 Y
2021-07-30 14:13:50 a0235.fits AR_Sgr SI 5.0 1.38 3.2 Y 3.32 9.825 0.007 989 000-BCD-880 0.105686 9426.09294 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.989789 Y
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2021-07-30 14:14:15 a0236.fits AR_Sgr SI 5.0 1.38 3.2 Y 3.71 9.537 0.006 1613 000-BCD-880 0.100106 9426.09323 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.991452 Y
2021-07-30 14:14:41 a0237.fits AR_Sgr SI 5.0 1.38 3.2 nan 9.904 0.007 900 000-BCD-880 9426.09353 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-07-30 14:16:29 a0238.fits AI_Sco B 10.0 1.53 4.3 nan 13.059 0.095 145 000-BBZ-757 9426.09478 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-07-30 14:17:00 a0239.fits AI_Sco B 10.0 1.54 4.3 nan 11.803 0.032 206 000-BBZ-757 9426.09514 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-07-30 14:17:30 a0240.fits AI_Sco B 10.0 1.54 4.3 nan 11.638 0.029 277 000-BBZ-757 9426.09549 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
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2021-07-30 14:18:00 a0241.fits AI_Sco V 5.0 1.54 4.3 Y 3.10 11.190 0.018 394 000-BBZ-757 0.279950 9426.09583 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 7.001117 Y
2021-07-30 14:18:27 a0242.fits AI_Sco V 5.0 1.54 4.3 Y 3.01 11.028 0.016 487 000-BBZ-757 0.270188 9426.09615 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.995560 Y
2021-07-30 14:18:54 a0243.fits AI_Sco V 5.0 1.55 4.3 nan 10.843 0.014 486 000-BBZ-757 9426.09646 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-07-30 14:19:22 a0244.fits AI_Sco SR 5.0 1.55 4.3 Y 3.93 9.844 0.007 1276 000-BBZ-757 0.275471 9426.09678 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.996558 Y
2021-07-30 14:19:47 a0245.fits AI_Sco SR 5.0 1.55 4.3 Y 4.45 10.063 0.008 1013 000-BBZ-757 0.270205 9426.09707 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.996123 Y
DateTime filename tnimage objid filter exptime airmass hr_ang has_wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu auid center2obj JD ccd_temp set_temp img_type read_mode binning fov_radius_amin image_available
2021-07-30 14:20:13 a0246.fits AI_Sco SR 5.0 1.55 4.3 Y 4.17 9.938 0.007 993 000-BBZ-757 0.274590 9426.09737 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.985548 Y
2021-07-30 14:20:40 a0247.fits AI_Sco SI 5.0 1.56 4.3 nan 9.777 0.007 1349 000-BBZ-757 9426.09769 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-07-30 14:21:05 a0248.fits AI_Sco SI 5.0 1.56 4.3 nan 9.700 0.006 1230 000-BBZ-757 9426.09797 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-07-30 14:21:28 a0249.fits AI_Sco SI 5.0 1.56 4.3 nan 9.608 0.006 1387 000-BBZ-757 9426.09824 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-07-30 14:23:10 a0250.fits V4745_Sgr B 200.0 1.38 3.6 Y 5.05 12.797 0.121 310 000-BCC-929 0.024618 9426.09942 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.999988 Y

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2021-07-30 14:27:00 a0251.fits V4745_Sgr B 200.0 1.39 3.7 Y 4.98 nan 000-BCC-929 0.040191 9426.10208 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.995514 Y
2021-07-30 14:30:50 a0252.fits V4745_Sgr B 200.0 1.41 3.8 Y 5.04 14.516 0.635 427 000-BCC-929 0.052053 9426.10475 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.987262 Y
2021-07-30 14:34:41 a0253.fits V4745_Sgr B 200.0 1.43 3.8 Y 4.60 13.040 0.147 317 000-BCC-929 0.064208 9426.10742 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.999196 Y
2021-07-30 14:38:31 a0254.fits V4745_Sgr B 200.0 1.45 3.9 Y 4.87 nan 000-BCC-929 0.067747 9426.11008 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.996851 Y
2021-07-30 14:42:23 a0255.fits V4745_Sgr V 100.0 1.46 4.0 Y 4.78 14.745 0.678 286 000-BCC-929 0.074727 9426.11277 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.997233 Y
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2021-07-30 14:44:33 a0256.fits V4745_Sgr V 100.0 1.47 4.0 Y 4.65 99.999 9.999 261 000-BCC-929 0.062068 9426.11427 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.998097 Y
2021-07-30 14:46:43 a0257.fits V4745_Sgr V 100.0 1.48 4.0 Y 5.15 12.706 0.098 279 000-BCC-929 0.043846 9426.11578 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.997135 Y
2021-07-30 14:48:53 a0258.fits V4745_Sgr V 100.0 1.49 4.1 Y 5.04 12.655 0.095 326 000-BCC-929 0.032116 9426.11728 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.996649 Y
2021-07-30 14:51:04 a0259.fits V4745_Sgr V 100.0 1.50 4.1 Y 5.00 18.135 9.999 779 000-BCC-929 0.030845 9426.11880 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.997845 Y
2021-07-30 14:54:24 a0260.fits V4169_Sgr B 200.0 1.74 4.4 Y 6.16 nan 000-BCC-212 0.044759 9426.12111 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.989201 Y
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2021-07-30 14:58:14 a0261.fits V4169_Sgr B 200.0 1.77 4.5 Y 6.22 16.075 2.519 766 000-BCC-212 0.029609 9426.12377 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 7.000411 Y
2021-07-30 15:02:04 a0262.fits V4169_Sgr B 200.0 1.80 4.6 Y 8.49 nan 000-BCC-212 0.074841 9426.12644 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.990553 Y
2021-07-30 15:05:55 a0263.fits V4169_Sgr B 200.0 1.83 4.6 Y 5.66 13.478 0.220 330 000-BCC-212 0.080407 9426.12911 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.990985 Y
2021-07-30 15:09:46 a0264.fits V4169_Sgr B 200.0 1.86 4.7 Y 5.70 99.999 9.999 344 000-BCC-212 0.105659 9426.13178 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.993226 Y
2021-07-30 15:13:37 a0265.fits V4169_Sgr V 100.0 1.88 4.8 Y 7.50 14.073 0.389 311 000-BCC-212 0.161531 9426.13446 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.995603 Y
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2021-07-30 15:15:47 a0266.fits V4169_Sgr V 100.0 1.90 4.8 Y 5.93 12.962 0.133 316 000-BCC-212 0.181805 9426.13596 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.995453 Y
2021-07-30 15:17:56 a0267.fits V4169_Sgr V 100.0 1.93 4.8 Y 5.84 15.799 1.942 298 000-BCC-212 0.196984 9426.13745 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.991974 Y
2021-07-30 15:20:06 a0268.fits V4169_Sgr V 100.0 1.95 4.9 Y 5.76 18.316 9.999 286 000-BCC-212 0.221773 9426.13896 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.989828 Y
2021-07-30 15:22:17 a0269.fits V4169_Sgr V 100.0 1.97 4.9 Y 5.50 12.770 0.109 298 000-BCC-212 0.284991 9426.14047 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.995315 Y
2021-07-30 15:32:25 a0270.fits SMC_LIN9 B 200.0 1.16 -1.0 Y 4.89 16.022 2.273 275 None 5.845678 9426.14751 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 7.148527 Y
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2021-07-30 15:44:57 a0271.fits SMC_N60 B 200.0 1.17 -1.3 Y 5.05 nan None 2.266471 9426.15622 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.982588 Y
2021-07-30 15:48:50 a0272.fits SMC_N60 B 200.0 1.17 -1.2 Y 4.52 14.835 0.766 286 None 0.373942 9426.15891 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.989675 Y
2021-07-30 15:52:32 a0273.fits SMC_N60 B 200.0 1.17 -1.1 Y 4.16 nan None 0.402216 9426.16148 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.987069 Y
2021-07-30 15:56:14 a0274.fits SMC_N60 B 200.0 1.17 -1.1 Y 3.64 11.712 0.046 935 None 0.419496 9426.16405 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.985793 Y
2021-07-30 15:59:56 a0275.fits SMC_N60 B 200.0 1.16 -1.0 Y 3.26 13.578 0.248 609 None 0.442684 9426.16662 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.986661 Y
DateTime filename tnimage objid filter exptime airmass hr_ang has_wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu auid center2obj JD ccd_temp set_temp img_type read_mode binning fov_radius_amin image_available
2021-07-30 16:03:40 a0276.fits SMC_N60 V 100.0 1.16 -1.0 Y 4.41 18.425 9.999 245 None 0.440910 9426.16921 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.986936 Y
2021-07-30 16:05:42 a0277.fits SMC_N60 V 100.0 1.16 -0.9 Y 4.03 nan None 0.443437 9426.17063 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.986550 Y
2021-07-30 16:07:44 a0278.fits SMC_N60 V 100.0 1.16 -0.9 Y 3.60 13.573 0.219 252 None 0.446067 9426.17204 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.987218 Y
2021-07-30 16:09:45 a0279.fits SMC_N60 V 100.0 1.16 -0.9 Y 3.84 14.450 0.472 272 None 0.446075 9426.17344 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.987316 Y
2021-07-30 16:11:50 a0280.fits SMC_N60 SI 150.0 1.16 -0.8 Y 4.04 12.767 0.115 438 None 0.444806 9426.17488 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.986956 Y
DateTime filename tnimage objid filter exptime airmass hr_ang has_wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu auid center2obj JD ccd_temp set_temp img_type read_mode binning fov_radius_amin image_available
2021-07-30 16:14:41 a0281.fits SMC_N60 SI 150.0 1.16 -0.8 nan 12.952 0.140 397 None 9426.17686 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-07-30 16:17:31 a0282.fits SMC_N60 SI 150.0 1.16 -0.7 nan 12.672 0.106 441 None 9426.17883 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-07-30 16:20:42 a0283.fits LN_358 B 200.0 1.17 -0.7 nan 17.502 9.026 298 None 9426.18104 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-07-30 16:24:23 a0284.fits LN_358 B 200.0 1.17 -0.6 nan 14.848 0.801 2868 None 9426.18360 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-07-30 16:28:02 a0285.fits LN_358 B 200.0 1.17 -0.6 nan 15.199 1.116 304 None 9426.18613 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
DateTime filename tnimage objid filter exptime airmass hr_ang has_wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu auid center2obj JD ccd_temp set_temp img_type read_mode binning fov_radius_amin image_available
2021-07-30 16:31:42 a0286.fits LN_358 B 200.0 1.17 -0.5 nan 16.418 3.35 312 None 9426.18868 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-07-30 16:35:23 a0287.fits LN_358 V 100.0 1.17 -0.5 nan nan None 9426.19124 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-07-30 16:37:26 a0288.fits LN_358 SI 150.0 1.17 -0.4 nan nan None 9426.19266 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-07-30 16:40:42 a0289.fits SMC_N73 B 200.0 1.18 -0.5 nan nan None 9426.19493 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-07-30 16:44:23 a0290.fits SMC_N73 B 200.0 1.18 -0.4 nan nan None 9426.19749 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
DateTime filename tnimage objid filter exptime airmass hr_ang has_wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu auid center2obj JD ccd_temp set_temp img_type read_mode binning fov_radius_amin image_available
2021-07-30 16:48:04 a0291.fits SMC_N73 B 200.0 1.18 -0.3 nan 12.334 0.08 2704 None 9426.20005 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-07-30 16:51:43 a0292.fits SMC_N73 B 200.0 1.18 -0.3 nan nan None 9426.20258 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-07-30 16:55:23 a0293.fits SMC_N73 B 200.0 1.18 -0.2 nan nan None 9426.20513 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-07-30 16:59:04 a0294.fits SMC_N73 V 100.0 1.18 -0.2 nan nan None 9426.20769 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-07-30 17:01:05 a0295.fits SMC_N73 V 100.0 1.17 -0.1 nan nan None 9426.20909 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
DateTime filename tnimage objid filter exptime airmass hr_ang has_wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu auid center2obj JD ccd_temp set_temp img_type read_mode binning fov_radius_amin image_available
2021-07-30 17:03:05 a0296.fits SMC_N73 V 100.0 1.17 -0.1 nan nan None 9426.21047 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-07-30 17:05:08 a0297.fits SMC_N73 SI 150.0 1.17 -0.1 Y 4.14 99.999 9.999 2243 None 5.722479 9426.21190 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 5.281386 Y
2021-07-30 17:10:05 a0298.fits LMC_S154 B 200.0 1.29 -3.8 nan 14.832 0.766 481 000-BCZ-119 9426.21534 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-07-30 17:13:46 a0299.fits LMC_S154 B 200.0 1.29 -3.7 nan 13.397 0.221 351 000-BCZ-119 9426.21789 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-07-30 17:17:26 a0300.fits LMC_S154 B 200.0 1.28 -3.6 nan nan 000-BCZ-119 9426.22044 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y

images 301 to 331

DateTime filename tnimage objid filter exptime airmass hr_ang has_wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu auid center2obj JD ccd_temp set_temp img_type read_mode binning fov_radius_amin image_available
2021-07-30 17:21:06 a0301.fits LMC_S154 V 100.0 1.28 -3.6 nan 12.883 0.119 293 000-BCZ-119 9426.22299 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-07-30 17:23:07 a0302.fits LMC_S154 V 100.0 1.28 -3.5 nan 12.828 0.108 267 000-BCZ-119 9426.22439 -20.0 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-07-30 17:25:07 a0303.fits LMC_S154 V 100.0 1.27 -3.5 nan nan