[NbConvertApp] Converting notebook /home/aavsonet/scripts/reports/pipeline_report.ipynb to HTML [NbConvertApp] Executing notebook with kernel: python3 pipeline_report

Telescope oc61 date 210803 (yymmdd)

Run at 09/08/2021 13:13:39 EDT

Warnings and Errors

INFO 273 total images for oc61 on 210803
WARNING 101 images not plate solved at observatory
WARNING 46 images without target object photometry
WARNING 5 images with target off center
WARNING 7 dark masters more than 180 days old

INFO total images: Number of images processed during the pipeline run

ERROR IMAGE FILE MISSING: This is a serious error. It could be the result of a disk failure or defect in the pipeline scripts.

WARNING images not plate solved at observatory: This indicates images that may of poor quality or under exposed. Good quality images should be plate solved.

WARNING images suspected over exposed: The target object maxadu is over the linearity limit for the camera.

WARNING images without target object photometry: The pipeline performs full frame photometry on every image. This error indicates no photometric result was found that lies with 15 arcsec of the target object. This may be expected for extended objects. For point objects it may indicate a poor-quality image, bad exposure, etc. It makes it more likely the requestor will be not be getting good photometry.

ERROR images with invalid binning: This is a serious error since the pipeline cannot handle multiple binning levels for a given telescope. These images do not get properly processed and will be unusable.

ERROR images with invalid read mode: This indicates the camera configuration at the observatory has changed from its standard and the images are likely out of sync with the calibration images.

ERROR images with invalid image type: This is likely a due to calibration images getting stored on the telescope computer in the wrong directory and getting transferred to the pipeline as science images.

WARNING images with target off center: This indicates that, for plate solved images, the target is 25% of the radius of the image from the center of the frame. This may be intentional as when it is off center to include comp stars. However, it may indicate problems with the telescope pointing.

ERROR images with duplicate times: The frame date and time are identical to another image. This is not possible and represents an error in the pipeline processing.

ERROR Dark and Bias must be at the same temperature: The set of bias and dark calibration masters selected were not at the same temperature. This needs to be investigate and corrected. See calibration file section of this report for more information.

ERROR Science images must be at the same temperature: The science images were taken at more than one temperature. The pipeline will pick the most majority temperature and apply calibration images for that temperature to all images. See the CCD set point section of this report for more information.

WARNING dark masters more than 180 days old: The dark and bias master files in use are getting old. Consider getting new ones. See Calibration File Age section for details.

WARNING flat masters more than 15 days old: The flat master file(s) in use are getting old. Consider getting new ones. See Calibration File Age section for details.

Calibration File Age in Days

Filters used this night B,SI,SR,V
datenite imagetyp filename set_temp filter binning exptime Age(d) Active
200124 bias oc61/calibration/200124/bias.fits -20.0 None 2 0.00 558 Y
200124 dark oc61/calibration/200124/dark1.fits -20.0 None 2 1.00 558 Y
200124 dark oc61/calibration/200124/dark3.fits -20.0 None 2 3.00 558 Y
200124 dark oc61/calibration/200124/dark10.fits -20.0 None 2 10.00 558 Y
200124 dark oc61/calibration/200124/dark30.fits -20.0 None 2 30.00 558 Y
200124 dark oc61/calibration/200124/dark100.fits -20.0 None 2 100.00 558 Y
200124 dark oc61/calibration/200124/dark300.fits -20.0 None 2 300.00 558 Y
210809 flat oc61/calibration/210809/flatB_bin2.fits NaN B 2 None -5 Y
210809 flat oc61/calibration/210809/flatSI_bin2.fits NaN SI 2 None -5 Y
210803 flat oc61/calibration/210803/flatSR_bin2.fits NaN SR 2 None 1 Y
210730 flat oc61/calibration/210730/flatV_bin2.fits NaN V 2 None 5 Y
200128 bias oc61/calibration/200128/bias.fits -25.0 None 2 0.00 554
200107 bias oc61/calibration/200107/bias.fits -30.0 None 2 0.00 575
200128 dark oc61/calibration/200128/dark1.fits -25.0 None 2 1.00 554
200128 dark oc61/calibration/200128/dark3.fits -25.0 None 2 3.00 554
200128 dark oc61/calibration/200128/dark10.fits -25.0 None 2 10.00 554
200128 dark oc61/calibration/200128/dark30.fits -25.0 None 2 30.00 554
200128 dark oc61/calibration/200128/dark100.fits -25.0 None 2 100.00 554
200128 dark oc61/calibration/200128/dark300.fits -25.0 None 2 300.00 554
200107 dark oc61/calibration/200107/dark1.fits -30.0 None 2 1.00 575
200107 dark oc61/calibration/200107/dark3.fits -30.0 None 2 3.00 575
200107 dark oc61/calibration/200107/dark10.fits -30.0 None 2 10.00 575
200107 dark oc61/calibration/200107/dark30.fits -30.0 None 2 30.00 575
200107 dark oc61/calibration/200107/dark100.fits -30.0 None 2 100.00 575
200107 dark oc61/calibration/200107/dark300.fits -30.0 None 2 300.00 575
210803 flat oc61/calibration/210803/flatSG_bin2.fits NaN SG 2 None 1

CCD set point vs operating temperature

Maximum delta temperature SET - CCD 0.06 C

Pointing Performance

Suspected Over Exposed Images

Suspected Under Exposed Images

DateTime project_ objid filter exptime airmass fwhm instmag err maxadu new_exp
2021-08-03 14:18:58 AAVSO_ NGC1252_ MZK_ AUTO NGC_1252 SI 15.000 1.39 4.24 14.349 0.342 1087 nan
2021-08-03 09:20:58 AAVSO_ P147_ RRIA_ AUTO V0725_Sgr B 120.000 1.02 7.34 99.999 9.999 345 nan
2021-08-03 11:20:35 AAVSO_ P174_ BPEC_ AUTO J1407_Cen SR 30.000 1.87 3.91 13.443 0.162 3831 nan
2021-08-03 11:18:50 AAVSO_ P174_ BPEC_ AUTO J1407_Cen V 30.000 1.86 3.96 16.832 3.687 135 nan
2021-08-03 11:53:28 AAVSO_ P185186A_ BPEC_ AUTO ASASSN-V_J170615-3229447 B 120.000 1.24 4.08 15.120 1.072 336 nan
2021-08-03 12:01:21 AAVSO_ P185186A_ BPEC_ AUTO ASASSN-V_J170615-3229447 SI 60.000 1.26 3.72 15.215 1.141 261 nan
2021-08-03 11:59:58 AAVSO_ P185186A_ BPEC_ AUTO ASASSN-V_J170615-3229447 SR 60.000 1.26 4.49 15.739 2.349 368 nan
2021-08-03 10:37:05 AAVSO_ Psxn_ Modic_ AUTO CI_Aql B 200.000 1.36 nan 11.791 0.052 691 nan
2021-08-03 10:27:15 AAVSO_ Psxn_ Modic_ AUTO CI_Aql V 100.000 1.36 3.43 13.194 0.163 199 nan
2021-08-03 10:21:58 AAVSO_ Psxn_ Modic_ AUTO V3890_Sgr B 200.000 1.06 4.72 12.027 0.059 363 nan
2021-08-03 10:08:26 AAVSO_ Psxn_ Modic_ AUTO V3890_Sgr V 100.000 1.06 3.98 11.820 0.052 346 nan
2021-08-03 18:22:59 AAVSO_ Psymbiotic_ Staels_ AUTO LMC_N67 B 200.000 1.18 5.60 12.325 0.078 311 nan
2021-08-03 18:38:08 AAVSO_ Psymbiotic_ Staels_ AUTO LMC_N67 V 100.000 1.16 6.75 11.975 0.053 319 nan
2021-08-03 17:40:18 AAVSO_ Psymbiotic_ Staels_ AUTO LMC_S147 B 200.000 1.21 nan 12.583 0.100 277 nan
2021-08-03 17:22:31 AAVSO_ Psymbiotic_ Staels_ AUTO LMC_S154 B 200.000 1.26 4.63 16.673 4.136 2325 nan
2021-08-03 17:33:54 AAVSO_ Psymbiotic_ Staels_ AUTO LMC_S154 V 100.000 1.25 nan 12.292 0.064 236 nan
2021-08-03 16:22:02 AAVSO_ Psymbiotic_ Staels_ AUTO LN_358 B 200.000 1.17 nan 15.415 1.222 212 nan
2021-08-03 16:33:01 AAVSO_ Psymbiotic_ Staels_ AUTO LN_358 V 100.000 1.17 nan 14.985 0.761 171 nan
2021-08-03 15:04:53 AAVSO_ Psymbiotic_ Staels_ AUTO SMC1 B 200.000 1.18 nan 13.972 0.347 1929 nan
2021-08-03 15:16:13 AAVSO_ Psymbiotic_ Staels_ AUTO SMC1 V 100.000 1.17 nan 12.140 0.057 271 nan
2021-08-03 18:13:51 AAVSO_ Psymbiotic_ Staels_ AUTO SMC_LMC_94 SI 150.000 1.26 5.07 13.353 0.209 509 nan
2021-08-03 15:50:13 AAVSO_ Psymbiotic_ Staels_ AUTO SMC_N60 B 200.000 1.16 nan 12.001 0.058 4338 nan
2021-08-03 16:01:13 AAVSO_ Psymbiotic_ Staels_ AUTO SMC_N60 V 100.000 1.16 nan 16.170 2.331 200 nan
2021-08-03 16:49:21 AAVSO_ Psymbiotic_ Staels_ AUTO SMC_N73 B 200.000 1.17 nan 12.232 0.067 3389 nan
2021-08-03 16:58:42 AAVSO_ Psymbiotic_ Staels_ AUTO SMC_N73 V 100.000 1.17 nan 14.975 0.772 343 nan
2021-08-03 18:44:45 AAVSO_ rvTau_ Pollard_ AUTO AR_Pup B 10.000 1.82 nan 14.135 0.308 780 nan
2021-08-03 14:13:49 AAVSO_ rvTau_ Pollard_ AUTO W_Gru B 10.000 1.00 nan 14.749 0.494 264 nan
2021-08-03 14:15:20 AAVSO_ rvTau_ Pollard_ AUTO W_Gru V 10.000 1.00 nan 13.007 0.112 5849 nan
2021-08-03 13:20:09 NOVA_ Monitoring V1419_Aql B 200.000 1.76 nan 12.864 0.128 893 nan
2021-08-03 13:36:17 NOVA_ Monitoring V1419_Aql V 100.000 1.85 5.72 99.999 9.999 185 nan
2021-08-03 12:41:47 NOVA_ Monitoring V1494_Aql B 200.000 1.67 4.15 12.077 0.062 898 nan
2021-08-03 13:03:27 NOVA_ Monitoring V1494_Aql V 100.000 1.75 4.40 12.389 0.074 228 nan
2021-08-03 09:52:19 NOVA_ Monitoring V2487_Oph B 200.000 1.11 nan 11.785 0.051 1487 nan
2021-08-03 10:04:54 NOVA_ Monitoring V2487_Oph V 100.000 1.12 3.90 12.310 0.065 241 nan
2021-08-03 12:09:39 NOVA_ Monitoring V344_Pav B 200.000 1.07 4.15 14.910 0.815 1962 nan
2021-08-03 12:29:11 NOVA_ Monitoring V344_Pav V 100.000 1.08 4.54 14.083 0.335 271 nan
2021-08-03 13:55:12 NOVA_ Monitoring V5584_Sgr B 200.000 1.67 5.22 14.598 0.624 235 nan
2021-08-03 14:01:10 NOVA_ Monitoring V5584_Sgr V 100.000 1.71 4.39 13.533 0.225 239 nan

Images by Target Object


AUID 000-BBZ-757

DateTime project_ filter exp am ha filename wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk tnimage OE
2021-08-03 14:39:18 AAVSO_ rvTau_ Pollard_ AUTO B 10.000 1.79 4.9 a0262.fits Y 4.68 10.240 0.009 765
2021-08-03 14:39:49 AAVSO_ rvTau_ Pollard_ AUTO B 10.000 1.80 4.9 a0263.fits Y 4.04 10.318 0.010 669
2021-08-03 14:40:21 AAVSO_ rvTau_ Pollard_ AUTO B 10.000 1.80 4.9 a0264.fits Y 5.08 10.337 0.010 673
2021-08-03 14:40:53 AAVSO_ rvTau_ Pollard_ AUTO V 5.000 1.81 4.9 a0265.fits Y 4.96 9.369 0.005 1636
2021-08-03 14:41:19 AAVSO_ rvTau_ Pollard_ AUTO V 5.000 1.81 4.9 a0266.fits Y 4.97 9.345 0.005 1652
2021-08-03 14:41:46 AAVSO_ rvTau_ Pollard_ AUTO V 5.000 1.81 4.9 a0267.fits Y 5.02 9.345 0.005 1697
2021-08-03 14:42:14 AAVSO_ rvTau_ Pollard_ AUTO SR 5.000 1.82 5.0 a0268.fits Y 4.92 8.574 0.003 3451
2021-08-03 14:42:40 AAVSO_ rvTau_ Pollard_ AUTO SR 5.000 1.82 5.0 a0269.fits nan 8.698 0.004 2784
2021-08-03 14:43:05 AAVSO_ rvTau_ Pollard_ AUTO SR 5.000 1.82 5.0 a0270.fits nan 8.870 0.004 2109
2021-08-03 14:43:29 AAVSO_ rvTau_ Pollard_ AUTO SI 5.000 1.83 5.0 a0271.fits Y 4.28 8.571 0.003 4447
2021-08-03 14:43:55 AAVSO_ rvTau_ Pollard_ AUTO SI 5.000 1.83 5.0 a0272.fits Y 5.40 8.788 0.004 2487
2021-08-03 14:44:20 AAVSO_ rvTau_ Pollard_ AUTO SI 5.000 1.83 5.0 a0273.fits Y 4.36 8.656 0.004 3502


AUID 000-BCW-888

DateTime project_ filter exp am ha filename wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk tnimage OE
2021-08-03 18:44:45 AAVSO_ rvTau_ Pollard_ AUTO B 10.000 1.82 -5.1 a0362.fits nan 14.135 0.308 780
2021-08-03 18:45:16 AAVSO_ rvTau_ Pollard_ AUTO B 10.000 1.81 -5.1 a0363.fits nan 15.497 1.063 160
2021-08-03 18:45:45 AAVSO_ rvTau_ Pollard_ AUTO B 10.000 1.81 -5.1 a0364.fits nan 9.816 0.007 914
2021-08-03 18:46:16 AAVSO_ rvTau_ Pollard_ AUTO V 5.000 1.81 -5.1 a0365.fits Y 4.79 9.226 0.005 1506
2021-08-03 18:46:43 AAVSO_ rvTau_ Pollard_ AUTO V 5.000 1.80 -5.1 a0366.fits Y 4.21 9.077 0.004 1866
2021-08-03 18:47:09 AAVSO_ rvTau_ Pollard_ AUTO V 5.000 1.80 -5.1 a0367.fits Y 4.47 9.070 0.004 1895
2021-08-03 18:47:38 AAVSO_ rvTau_ Pollard_ AUTO SR 5.000 1.80 -5.1 a0368.fits Y 5.07 8.358 0.003 3826
2021-08-03 18:48:03 AAVSO_ rvTau_ Pollard_ AUTO SR 5.000 1.79 -5.0 a0369.fits Y 5.35 8.466 0.003 3343
2021-08-03 18:48:28 AAVSO_ rvTau_ Pollard_ AUTO SR 5.000 1.79 -5.0 a0370.fits Y 6.14 8.502 0.003 3151
2021-08-03 18:48:55 AAVSO_ rvTau_ Pollard_ AUTO SI 5.000 1.79 -5.0 a0371.fits Y 6.11 8.889 0.004 2593
2021-08-03 18:49:20 AAVSO_ rvTau_ Pollard_ AUTO SI 5.000 1.78 -5.0 a0372.fits Y 5.77 8.726 0.004 2830
2021-08-03 18:49:45 AAVSO_ rvTau_ Pollard_ AUTO SI 5.000 1.78 -5.0 a0373.fits nan 8.940 0.004 2810


AUID 000-BCD-880

DateTime project_ filter exp am ha filename wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk tnimage OE
2021-08-03 14:32:30 AAVSO_ rvTau_ Pollard_ AUTO B 10.000 1.54 3.7 a0250.fits Y 6.32 9.050 0.004 2045
2021-08-03 14:33:02 AAVSO_ rvTau_ Pollard_ AUTO B 10.000 1.55 3.7 a0251.fits Y 5.30 9.086 0.005 1931
2021-08-03 14:33:34 AAVSO_ rvTau_ Pollard_ AUTO B 10.000 1.55 3.8 a0252.fits Y 4.10 8.980 0.004 2218
2021-08-03 14:34:07 AAVSO_ rvTau_ Pollard_ AUTO V 5.000 1.55 3.8 a0253.fits Y 4.48 8.614 0.003 3324
2021-08-03 14:34:34 AAVSO_ rvTau_ Pollard_ AUTO V 5.000 1.55 3.8 a0254.fits Y 4.73 8.583 0.003 3314
2021-08-03 14:35:01 AAVSO_ rvTau_ Pollard_ AUTO V 5.000 1.56 3.8 a0255.fits Y 4.09 8.596 0.003 3336
2021-08-03 14:35:29 AAVSO_ rvTau_ Pollard_ AUTO SR 5.000 1.56 3.8 a0256.fits Y 5.41 8.129 0.003 4491
2021-08-03 14:35:55 AAVSO_ rvTau_ Pollard_ AUTO SR 5.000 1.56 3.8 a0257.fits nan 8.062 0.003 5567
2021-08-03 14:36:19 AAVSO_ rvTau_ Pollard_ AUTO SR 5.000 1.56 3.8 a0258.fits nan 8.042 0.003 5100
2021-08-03 14:36:43 AAVSO_ rvTau_ Pollard_ AUTO SI 5.000 1.57 3.8 a0259.fits nan 8.462 0.003 3693
2021-08-03 14:37:07 AAVSO_ rvTau_ Pollard_ AUTO SI 5.000 1.57 3.8 a0260.fits nan 8.544 0.003 3239
2021-08-03 14:37:30 AAVSO_ rvTau_ Pollard_ AUTO SI 5.000 1.57 3.8 a0261.fits nan 8.542 0.003 3262


AUID 000-BNL-373

DateTime project_ filter exp am ha filename wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk tnimage OE
2021-08-03 11:25:42 AAVSO_ P136_ SBL_ AUTO B 30.000 1.37 4.8 a0156.fits Y 3.80 9.889 0.008 1401
2021-08-03 11:26:46 AAVSO_ P136_ SBL_ AUTO V 15.000 1.37 4.8 a0157.fits Y 3.48 9.770 0.007 1704
2021-08-03 11:27:25 AAVSO_ P136_ SBL_ AUTO SR 15.000 1.37 4.8 a0158.fits Y 3.42 9.381 0.006 2401
2021-08-03 11:28:02 AAVSO_ P136_ SBL_ AUTO SI 15.000 1.37 4.8 a0159.fits Y 3.49 9.957 0.008 1389
2021-08-03 11:28:47 AAVSO_ P136_ SBL_ AUTO B 30.000 1.38 4.8 a0160.fits Y 3.67 9.868 0.008 1374
2021-08-03 11:29:40 AAVSO_ P136_ SBL_ AUTO V 15.000 1.38 4.8 a0161.fits Y 3.81 9.833 0.007 1399
2021-08-03 11:30:18 AAVSO_ P136_ SBL_ AUTO SR 15.000 1.38 4.9 a0162.fits Y 4.01 9.496 0.006 1835
2021-08-03 11:30:55 AAVSO_ P136_ SBL_ AUTO SI 15.000 1.38 4.9 a0163.fits Y 3.46 9.957 0.008 1519
2021-08-03 11:31:40 AAVSO_ P136_ SBL_ AUTO B 30.000 1.38 4.9 a0164.fits Y 3.86 9.959 0.009 1097
2021-08-03 11:32:33 AAVSO_ P136_ SBL_ AUTO V 15.000 1.38 4.9 a0165.fits Y 3.60 9.827 0.007 1391
2021-08-03 11:33:12 AAVSO_ P136_ SBL_ AUTO SR 15.000 1.39 4.9 a0166.fits Y 3.60 9.396 0.006 2311
2021-08-03 11:33:48 AAVSO_ P136_ SBL_ AUTO SI 15.000 1.39 4.9 a0167.fits Y 3.55 9.978 0.008 1398



DateTime project_ filter exp am ha filename wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk tnimage OE
2021-08-03 11:50:55 AAVSO_ P185186A_ BPEC_ AUTO B 120.000 1.24 2.9 a0176.fits Y 4.18 nan
2021-08-03 11:53:28 AAVSO_ P185186A_ BPEC_ AUTO B 120.000 1.24 3.0 a0177.fits Y 4.08 15.120 1.072 336
2021-08-03 11:55:51 AAVSO_ P185186A_ BPEC_ AUTO V 60.000 1.25 3.0 a0178.fits Y 4.21 8.138 0.003 6026
2021-08-03 11:57:13 AAVSO_ P185186A_ BPEC_ AUTO V 60.000 1.25 3.0 a0179.fits Y 4.32 8.138 0.003 5989
2021-08-03 11:58:37 AAVSO_ P185186A_ BPEC_ AUTO SR 60.000 1.26 3.1 a0180.fits Y 4.40 7.751 0.002 8464
2021-08-03 11:59:58 AAVSO_ P185186A_ BPEC_ AUTO SR 60.000 1.26 3.1 a0181.fits Y 4.49 15.739 2.349 368
2021-08-03 12:01:21 AAVSO_ P185186A_ BPEC_ AUTO SI 60.000 1.26 3.1 a0182.fits Y 3.72 15.215 1.141 261
2021-08-03 12:02:41 AAVSO_ P185186A_ BPEC_ AUTO SI 60.000 1.27 3.1 a0183.fits Y 3.89 8.254 0.003 6279



DateTime project_ filter exp am ha filename wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk tnimage OE
2021-08-03 11:36:32 AAVSO_ P185186A_ BPEC_ AUTO B 120.000 1.16 1.5 a0168.fits Y 4.78 8.670 0.004 3276
2021-08-03 11:38:55 AAVSO_ P185186A_ BPEC_ AUTO B 120.000 1.16 1.5 a0169.fits Y 4.44 8.615 0.004 3585
2021-08-03 11:41:18 AAVSO_ P185186A_ BPEC_ AUTO V 60.000 1.17 1.6 a0170.fits Y 3.59 8.454 0.003 5759
2021-08-03 11:42:39 AAVSO_ P185186A_ BPEC_ AUTO V 60.000 1.17 1.6 a0171.fits Y 3.70 8.464 0.003 5105
2021-08-03 11:44:04 AAVSO_ P185186A_ BPEC_ AUTO SR 60.000 1.17 1.6 a0172.fits Y 3.87 8.114 0.003 6810
2021-08-03 11:45:24 AAVSO_ P185186A_ BPEC_ AUTO SR 60.000 1.17 1.7 a0173.fits Y 3.88 8.098 0.003 6656
2021-08-03 11:46:46 AAVSO_ P185186A_ BPEC_ AUTO SI 60.000 1.17 1.7 a0174.fits Y 3.41 8.638 0.004 5312
2021-08-03 11:48:07 AAVSO_ P185186A_ BPEC_ AUTO SI 60.000 1.18 1.7 a0175.fits Y 3.73 8.656 0.004 4126


AUID 000-BCD-453

DateTime project_ filter exp am ha filename wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk tnimage OE
2021-08-03 10:27:15 AAVSO_ Psxn_ Modic_ AUTO V 100.000 1.36 -0.2 a0122.fits Y 3.43 13.194 0.163 199
2021-08-03 10:29:17 AAVSO_ Psxn_ Modic_ AUTO V 100.000 1.36 -0.2 a0123.fits Y 4.26 13.398 0.201 191
2021-08-03 10:31:18 AAVSO_ Psxn_ Modic_ AUTO V 100.000 1.36 -0.2 a0124.fits Y 3.82 10.840 0.020 583
2021-08-03 10:33:24 AAVSO_ Psxn_ Modic_ AUTO B 200.000 1.36 -0.1 a0125.fits Y 4.10 11.634 0.043 669
2021-08-03 10:37:05 AAVSO_ Psxn_ Modic_ AUTO B 200.000 1.36 -0.1 a0126.fits nan 11.791 0.052 691
2021-08-03 10:40:46 AAVSO_ Psxn_ Modic_ AUTO B 200.000 1.36 -0.0 a0127.fits nan 12.866 0.133 252


AUID 000-BCV-124

DateTime project_ filter exp am ha filename wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk tnimage OE
2021-08-03 17:55:00 AAVSO_ rvTau_ Pollard_ AUTO B 10.000 1.94 -7.3 a0340.fits Y 4.21 9.049 0.004 2151
2021-08-03 17:55:31 AAVSO_ rvTau_ Pollard_ AUTO B 10.000 1.94 -7.3 a0341.fits Y 3.33 9.015 0.004 2296
2021-08-03 17:56:03 AAVSO_ rvTau_ Pollard_ AUTO B 10.000 1.94 -7.3 a0342.fits Y 4.59 9.001 0.004 2395
2021-08-03 17:56:35 AAVSO_ rvTau_ Pollard_ AUTO V 5.000 1.94 -7.3 a0343.fits Y 3.60 8.314 0.003 5074
2021-08-03 17:57:01 AAVSO_ rvTau_ Pollard_ AUTO V 5.000 1.94 -7.3 a0344.fits Y 4.88 8.324 0.003 4620
2021-08-03 17:57:28 AAVSO_ rvTau_ Pollard_ AUTO V 5.000 1.93 -7.3 a0345.fits Y 4.38 8.327 0.003 4825
2021-08-03 17:57:56 AAVSO_ rvTau_ Pollard_ AUTO SR 5.000 1.93 -7.3 a0346.fits Y 5.22 7.752 0.002 7349
2021-08-03 17:58:22 AAVSO_ rvTau_ Pollard_ AUTO SR 5.000 1.93 -7.3 a0347.fits Y 4.17 7.687 0.002 8514
2021-08-03 17:58:48 AAVSO_ rvTau_ Pollard_ AUTO SR 5.000 1.93 -7.3 a0348.fits Y 4.45 7.643 0.002 9096
2021-08-03 17:59:15 AAVSO_ rvTau_ Pollard_ AUTO SI 5.000 1.92 -7.3 a0349.fits Y 4.34 7.762 0.002 8373
2021-08-03 17:59:40 AAVSO_ rvTau_ Pollard_ AUTO SI 5.000 1.92 -7.3 a0350.fits Y 3.85 7.814 0.002 7201
2021-08-03 18:00:05 AAVSO_ rvTau_ Pollard_ AUTO SI 5.000 1.92 -7.2 a0351.fits Y 4.07 7.794 0.002 8472



DateTime project_ filter exp am ha filename wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk tnimage OE
2021-08-03 11:14:54 AAVSO_ P174_ BPEC_ AUTO B 90.000 1.83 5.3 a0148.fits Y 4.96 9.961 0.010 981
2021-08-03 11:16:57 AAVSO_ P174_ BPEC_ AUTO B 90.000 1.85 5.3 a0149.fits Y 4.77 nan
2021-08-03 11:18:50 AAVSO_ P174_ BPEC_ AUTO V 30.000 1.86 5.4 a0150.fits Y 3.96 16.832 3.687 135
2021-08-03 11:19:42 AAVSO_ P174_ BPEC_ AUTO V 30.000 1.86 5.4 a0151.fits Y 4.23 9.488 0.006 1712
2021-08-03 11:20:35 AAVSO_ P174_ BPEC_ AUTO SR 30.000 1.87 5.4 a0152.fits Y 3.91 13.443 0.162 3831
2021-08-03 11:21:25 AAVSO_ P174_ BPEC_ AUTO SR 30.000 1.88 5.4 a0153.fits Y 4.24 8.813 0.004 3232
2021-08-03 11:22:17 AAVSO_ P174_ BPEC_ AUTO SI 30.000 1.89 5.4 a0154.fits Y 4.48 9.055 0.005 2418
2021-08-03 11:23:08 AAVSO_ P174_ BPEC_ AUTO SI 30.000 1.89 5.4 a0155.fits Y 3.98 9.021 0.005 2914


AUID 000-BCV-127

DateTime project_ filter exp am ha filename wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk tnimage OE
2021-08-03 17:08:10 AAVSO_ LPV_ Pearce_ AUTO B 60.000 2.06 -7.3 a0315.fits Y 3.86 nan
2021-08-03 17:09:31 AAVSO_ LPV_ Pearce_ AUTO B 100.000 2.04 -7.2 a0316.fits Y 4.62 10.292 0.012 676
2021-08-03 17:11:33 AAVSO_ LPV_ Pearce_ AUTO V 11.980 2.04 -7.2 a0317.fits nan 10.811 0.015 490
2021-08-03 17:12:07 AAVSO_ LPV_ Pearce_ AUTO SR 5.000 2.04 -7.2 a0318.fits nan 10.562 0.012 591
2021-08-03 17:12:32 AAVSO_ LPV_ Pearce_ AUTO SR 5.000 2.03 -7.2 a0319.fits nan 9.611 0.006 1394
2021-08-03 17:12:55 AAVSO_ LPV_ Pearce_ AUTO SR 5.000 2.03 -7.2 a0320.fits nan 9.658 0.006 1239
2021-08-03 17:13:18 AAVSO_ LPV_ Pearce_ AUTO SR 5.000 2.03 -7.2 a0321.fits nan 9.561 0.006 1384
2021-08-03 17:13:42 AAVSO_ LPV_ Pearce_ AUTO SI 5.000 2.03 -7.2 a0322.fits Y 4.85 7.971 0.002 5098
2021-08-03 17:14:19 AAVSO_ LPV_ Pearce_ AUTO SI 5.000 2.02 -7.2 a0323.fits nan 7.475 0.002 9610
2021-08-03 17:14:44 AAVSO_ LPV_ Pearce_ AUTO SI 5.000 2.02 -7.2 a0324.fits nan 7.609 0.002 7566
2021-08-03 17:15:07 AAVSO_ LPV_ Pearce_ AUTO SI 5.000 2.02 -7.2 a0325.fits nan 7.558 0.002 7864
2021-08-03 17:15:31 AAVSO_ LPV_ Pearce_ AUTO SI 5.000 2.01 -7.1 a0326.fits nan 7.522 0.002 8476
2021-08-03 17:15:54 AAVSO_ LPV_ Pearce_ AUTO SI 5.000 2.01 -7.1 a0327.fits nan 7.555 0.002 8120



DateTime project_ filter exp am ha filename wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk tnimage OE
2021-08-03 18:22:59 AAVSO_ Psymbiotic_ Staels_ AUTO B 200.000 1.18 -3.0 a0355.fits Y 5.60 12.325 0.078 311
2021-08-03 18:26:41 AAVSO_ Psymbiotic_ Staels_ AUTO B 200.000 1.17 -3.0 a0356.fits Y 6.24 12.355 0.082 289
2021-08-03 18:30:22 AAVSO_ Psymbiotic_ Staels_ AUTO B 200.000 1.17 -2.9 a0357.fits Y 7.12 nan
2021-08-03 18:34:05 AAVSO_ Psymbiotic_ Staels_ AUTO V 100.000 1.17 -2.8 a0358.fits Y 6.33 nan
2021-08-03 18:36:06 AAVSO_ Psymbiotic_ Staels_ AUTO V 100.000 1.17 -2.8 a0359.fits Y 7.34 nan
2021-08-03 18:38:08 AAVSO_ Psymbiotic_ Staels_ AUTO V 100.000 1.16 -2.8 a0360.fits Y 6.75 11.975 0.053 319
2021-08-03 18:40:12 AAVSO_ Psymbiotic_ Staels_ AUTO SI 150.000 1.16 -2.7 a0361.fits Y 5.99 10.527 0.017 1846



DateTime project_ filter exp am ha filename wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk tnimage OE
2021-08-03 17:40:18 AAVSO_ Psymbiotic_ Staels_ AUTO B 200.000 1.21 -3.0 a0335.fits nan 12.583 0.100 277
2021-08-03 17:44:00 AAVSO_ Psymbiotic_ Staels_ AUTO V 100.000 1.21 -3.0 a0336.fits nan 11.288 0.030 432
2021-08-03 17:46:00 AAVSO_ Psymbiotic_ Staels_ AUTO V 100.000 1.21 -2.9 a0337.fits nan 11.245 0.029 407
2021-08-03 17:47:59 AAVSO_ Psymbiotic_ Staels_ AUTO V 100.000 1.21 -2.9 a0338.fits nan 11.363 0.033 376
2021-08-03 17:50:01 AAVSO_ Psymbiotic_ Staels_ AUTO SI 150.000 1.20 -2.9 a0339.fits nan 10.038 0.011 1136


AUID 000-BCZ-119

DateTime project_ filter exp am ha filename wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk tnimage OE
2021-08-03 17:18:49 AAVSO_ Psymbiotic_ Staels_ AUTO B 200.000 1.26 -3.4 a0328.fits Y 5.00 nan
2021-08-03 17:22:31 AAVSO_ Psymbiotic_ Staels_ AUTO B 200.000 1.26 -3.3 a0329.fits Y 4.63 16.673 4.136 2325
2021-08-03 17:26:12 AAVSO_ Psymbiotic_ Staels_ AUTO B 200.000 1.26 -3.2 a0330.fits Y 5.51 nan
2021-08-03 17:29:55 AAVSO_ Psymbiotic_ Staels_ AUTO V 100.000 1.25 -3.2 a0331.fits nan nan
2021-08-03 17:31:55 AAVSO_ Psymbiotic_ Staels_ AUTO V 100.000 1.25 -3.1 a0332.fits nan 12.425 0.078 228
2021-08-03 17:33:54 AAVSO_ Psymbiotic_ Staels_ AUTO V 100.000 1.25 -3.1 a0333.fits nan 12.292 0.064 236
2021-08-03 17:35:56 AAVSO_ Psymbiotic_ Staels_ AUTO SI 150.000 1.25 -3.1 a0334.fits Y 5.04 10.681 0.018 1855



DateTime project_ filter exp am ha filename wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk tnimage OE
2021-08-03 16:18:22 AAVSO_ Psymbiotic_ Staels_ AUTO B 200.000 1.17 -0.5 a0300.fits nan nan
2021-08-03 16:22:02 AAVSO_ Psymbiotic_ Staels_ AUTO B 200.000 1.17 -0.4 a0301.fits nan 15.415 1.222 212
2021-08-03 16:25:42 AAVSO_ Psymbiotic_ Staels_ AUTO B 200.000 1.17 -0.4 a0302.fits nan nan
2021-08-03 16:29:21 AAVSO_ Psymbiotic_ Staels_ AUTO B 200.000 1.17 -0.3 a0303.fits nan nan
2021-08-03 16:33:01 AAVSO_ Psymbiotic_ Staels_ AUTO V 100.000 1.17 -0.2 a0304.fits nan 14.985 0.761 171
2021-08-03 16:35:04 AAVSO_ Psymbiotic_ Staels_ AUTO SI 150.000 1.17 -0.2 a0305.fits nan nan



DateTime project_ filter exp am ha filename wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk tnimage OE
2021-08-03 14:18:58 AAVSO_ NGC1252_ MZK_ AUTO SI 15.000 1.39 -4.7 a0234.fits Y 4.24 14.349 0.342 1087
2021-08-03 14:19:33 AAVSO_ NGC1252_ MZK_ AUTO SI 15.000 1.39 -4.7 a0235.fits Y 3.58 9.924 0.008 1288
2021-08-03 14:20:12 AAVSO_ NGC1252_ MZK_ AUTO SR 15.000 1.39 -4.6 a0236.fits Y 3.92 9.490 0.006 1718
2021-08-03 14:20:47 AAVSO_ NGC1252_ MZK_ AUTO SR 15.000 1.39 -4.6 a0237.fits Y 4.54 9.499 0.006 1695
2021-08-03 14:21:25 AAVSO_ NGC1252_ MZK_ AUTO V 15.000 1.38 -4.6 a0238.fits Y 3.69 10.041 0.008 1032
2021-08-03 14:22:02 AAVSO_ NGC1252_ MZK_ AUTO V 15.000 1.38 -4.6 a0239.fits nan 10.075 0.009 1023
2021-08-03 14:22:41 AAVSO_ NGC1252_ MZK_ AUTO B 30.000 1.38 -4.6 a0240.fits Y 4.03 10.760 0.016 532
2021-08-03 14:23:32 AAVSO_ NGC1252_ MZK_ AUTO B 30.000 1.38 -4.6 a0241.fits Y 3.56 10.526 0.013 652
2021-08-03 14:24:24 AAVSO_ NGC1252_ MZK_ AUTO B 30.000 1.37 -4.6 a0242.fits Y 3.83 10.555 0.013 652
2021-08-03 14:25:17 AAVSO_ NGC1252_ MZK_ AUTO B 30.000 1.37 -4.6 a0243.fits Y 3.95 10.574 0.013 599
2021-08-03 14:26:09 AAVSO_ NGC1252_ MZK_ AUTO V 15.000 1.37 -4.5 a0244.fits Y 4.04 10.075 0.009 1001
2021-08-03 14:26:46 AAVSO_ NGC1252_ MZK_ AUTO V 15.000 1.37 -4.5 a0245.fits nan 10.065 0.009 1077
2021-08-03 14:27:23 AAVSO_ NGC1252_ MZK_ AUTO SR 15.000 1.37 -4.5 a0246.fits Y 4.26 9.588 0.006 1504
2021-08-03 14:27:58 AAVSO_ NGC1252_ MZK_ AUTO SR 15.000 1.36 -4.5 a0247.fits Y 4.26 9.568 0.006 1618
2021-08-03 14:28:36 AAVSO_ NGC1252_ MZK_ AUTO SI 15.000 1.36 -4.5 a0248.fits Y 4.29 9.959 0.008 1168
2021-08-03 14:29:11 AAVSO_ NGC1252_ MZK_ AUTO SI 15.000 1.36 -4.5 a0249.fits Y 3.91 9.966 0.008 1126



DateTime project_ filter exp am ha filename wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk tnimage OE
2021-08-03 14:53:53 AAVSO_ Psymbiotic_ Staels_ AUTO B 200.000 1.18 -1.4 a0274.fits nan nan
2021-08-03 14:57:34 AAVSO_ Psymbiotic_ Staels_ AUTO B 200.000 1.18 -1.3 a0275.fits nan 99.999 9.999 218
2021-08-03 15:01:13 AAVSO_ Psymbiotic_ Staels_ AUTO B 200.000 1.18 -1.3 a0276.fits nan 13.978 0.350 1500
2021-08-03 15:04:53 AAVSO_ Psymbiotic_ Staels_ AUTO B 200.000 1.18 -1.2 a0277.fits nan 13.972 0.347 1929
2021-08-03 15:08:33 AAVSO_ Psymbiotic_ Staels_ AUTO B 200.000 1.18 -1.2 a0278.fits nan 14.493 0.556 1539
2021-08-03 15:12:13 AAVSO_ Psymbiotic_ Staels_ AUTO V 100.000 1.17 -1.1 a0279.fits nan nan
2021-08-03 15:14:13 AAVSO_ Psymbiotic_ Staels_ AUTO V 100.000 1.17 -1.1 a0280.fits nan 12.396 0.070 242
2021-08-03 15:16:13 AAVSO_ Psymbiotic_ Staels_ AUTO V 100.000 1.17 -1.0 a0281.fits nan 12.140 0.057 271
2021-08-03 15:18:15 AAVSO_ Psymbiotic_ Staels_ AUTO SI 150.000 1.17 -1.0 a0282.fits Y 5.16 11.133 0.025 4012
2021-08-03 15:21:05 AAVSO_ Psymbiotic_ Staels_ AUTO SI 150.000 1.17 -0.9 a0283.fits nan 11.511 0.037 468
2021-08-03 15:23:54 AAVSO_ Psymbiotic_ Staels_ AUTO SI 150.000 1.17 -0.9 a0284.fits nan 10.954 0.023 693



DateTime project_ filter exp am ha filename wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk tnimage OE
2021-08-03 15:27:42 AAVSO_ Psymbiotic_ Staels_ AUTO B 200.000 1.15 -0.8 a0285.fits Y 4.34 10.492 0.017 1999
2021-08-03 15:31:24 AAVSO_ Psymbiotic_ Staels_ AUTO V 100.000 1.15 -0.8 a0286.fits Y 4.26 10.364 0.014 1117
2021-08-03 15:33:28 AAVSO_ Psymbiotic_ Staels_ AUTO SI 150.000 1.15 -0.8 a0287.fits Y 4.13 9.710 0.009 1695



DateTime project_ filter exp am ha filename wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk tnimage OE
2021-08-03 18:08:05 AAVSO_ Psymbiotic_ Staels_ AUTO B 200.000 1.26 -3.6 a0352.fits Y 5.40 11.118 0.028 589
2021-08-03 18:11:47 AAVSO_ Psymbiotic_ Staels_ AUTO V 100.000 1.26 -3.5 a0353.fits Y 5.08 10.296 0.012 752
2021-08-03 18:13:51 AAVSO_ Psymbiotic_ Staels_ AUTO SI 150.000 1.26 -3.5 a0354.fits Y 5.07 13.353 0.209 509



DateTime project_ filter exp am ha filename wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk tnimage OE
2021-08-03 15:42:53 AAVSO_ Psymbiotic_ Staels_ AUTO B 200.000 1.16 -1.0 a0288.fits nan nan
2021-08-03 15:46:34 AAVSO_ Psymbiotic_ Staels_ AUTO B 200.000 1.16 -1.0 a0289.fits nan nan
2021-08-03 15:50:13 AAVSO_ Psymbiotic_ Staels_ AUTO B 200.000 1.16 -0.9 a0290.fits nan 12.001 0.058 4338
2021-08-03 15:53:53 AAVSO_ Psymbiotic_ Staels_ AUTO B 200.000 1.16 -0.9 a0291.fits nan nan
2021-08-03 15:57:32 AAVSO_ Psymbiotic_ Staels_ AUTO B 200.000 1.16 -0.8 a0292.fits nan 15.050 0.931 298
2021-08-03 16:01:13 AAVSO_ Psymbiotic_ Staels_ AUTO V 100.000 1.16 -0.7 a0293.fits nan 16.170 2.331 200
2021-08-03 16:03:13 AAVSO_ Psymbiotic_ Staels_ AUTO V 100.000 1.16 -0.7 a0294.fits nan nan
2021-08-03 16:05:13 AAVSO_ Psymbiotic_ Staels_ AUTO V 100.000 1.16 -0.7 a0295.fits nan 11.812 0.043 604
2021-08-03 16:07:12 AAVSO_ Psymbiotic_ Staels_ AUTO V 100.000 1.16 -0.6 a0296.fits nan nan
2021-08-03 16:09:14 AAVSO_ Psymbiotic_ Staels_ AUTO SI 150.000 1.16 -0.6 a0297.fits Y 4.02 11.464 0.035 3772
2021-08-03 16:12:16 AAVSO_ Psymbiotic_ Staels_ AUTO SI 150.000 1.16 -0.6 a0298.fits nan nan
2021-08-03 16:15:05 AAVSO_ Psymbiotic_ Staels_ AUTO SI 150.000 1.16 -0.5 a0299.fits nan 11.809 0.048 2653



DateTime project_ filter exp am ha filename wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk tnimage OE
2021-08-03 16:38:21 AAVSO_ Psymbiotic_ Staels_ AUTO B 200.000 1.18 -0.2 a0306.fits nan 15.446 1.362 3346
2021-08-03 16:42:02 AAVSO_ Psymbiotic_ Staels_ AUTO B 200.000 1.17 -0.2 a0307.fits nan 15.140 1.021 215
2021-08-03 16:45:41 AAVSO_ Psymbiotic_ Staels_ AUTO B 200.000 1.17 -0.1 a0308.fits nan nan
2021-08-03 16:49:21 AAVSO_ Psymbiotic_ Staels_ AUTO B 200.000 1.17 -0.1 a0309.fits nan 12.232 0.067 3389
2021-08-03 16:53:02 AAVSO_ Psymbiotic_ Staels_ AUTO B 200.000 1.17 0.0 a0310.fits nan nan
2021-08-03 16:56:42 AAVSO_ Psymbiotic_ Staels_ AUTO V 100.000 1.17 0.1 a0311.fits nan 99.999 9.999 188
2021-08-03 16:58:42 AAVSO_ Psymbiotic_ Staels_ AUTO V 100.000 1.17 0.1 a0312.fits nan 14.975 0.772 343
2021-08-03 17:00:41 AAVSO_ Psymbiotic_ Staels_ AUTO V 100.000 1.18 0.1 a0313.fits nan nan
2021-08-03 17:02:43 AAVSO_ Psymbiotic_ Staels_ AUTO SI 150.000 1.18 0.2 a0314.fits nan nan


AUID 000-BCB-590

DateTime project_ filter exp am ha filename wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk tnimage OE
2021-08-03 09:20:58 AAVSO_ P147_ RRIA_ AUTO B 120.000 1.02 -0.7 a0101.fits Y 7.34 99.999 9.999 345
2021-08-03 09:23:20 AAVSO_ P147_ RRIA_ AUTO B 120.000 1.02 -0.6 a0102.fits Y 7.82 10.577 0.016 875
2021-08-03 09:25:44 AAVSO_ P147_ RRIA_ AUTO V 60.000 1.02 -0.6 a0103.fits Y 6.77 8.933 0.005 2419
2021-08-03 09:27:05 AAVSO_ P147_ RRIA_ AUTO V 60.000 1.02 -0.6 a0104.fits Y 6.78 9.005 0.005 2271
2021-08-03 09:28:29 AAVSO_ P147_ RRIA_ AUTO SR 60.000 1.02 -0.5 a0105.fits Y 6.93 8.145 0.003 4355


AUID 000-BCX-156

DateTime project_ filter exp am ha filename wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk tnimage OE
2021-08-03 11:07:49 AAVSO_ P139_ CCHC_ AUTO B 12.000 1.22 3.2 a0136.fits nan nan
2021-08-03 11:08:21 AAVSO_ P139_ CCHC_ AUTO B 12.000 1.23 3.2 a0137.fits nan nan
2021-08-03 11:08:53 AAVSO_ P139_ CCHC_ AUTO B 12.000 1.23 3.2 a0138.fits nan nan
2021-08-03 11:09:26 AAVSO_ P139_ CCHC_ AUTO V 5.000 1.23 3.2 a0139.fits nan 10.245 0.009 887
2021-08-03 11:09:51 AAVSO_ P139_ CCHC_ AUTO V 5.000 1.23 3.2 a0140.fits nan 10.268 0.009 871
2021-08-03 11:10:15 AAVSO_ P139_ CCHC_ AUTO V 5.000 1.23 3.2 a0141.fits nan 10.279 0.009 925
2021-08-03 11:10:41 AAVSO_ P139_ CCHC_ AUTO SR 5.000 1.23 3.2 a0142.fits nan 9.573 0.006 1833
2021-08-03 11:11:06 AAVSO_ P139_ CCHC_ AUTO SR 5.000 1.23 3.2 a0143.fits nan 9.858 0.007 1031
2021-08-03 11:11:29 AAVSO_ P139_ CCHC_ AUTO SR 5.000 1.23 3.2 a0144.fits nan 9.771 0.007 1347
2021-08-03 11:11:54 AAVSO_ P139_ CCHC_ AUTO SI 5.000 1.24 3.2 a0145.fits nan 9.896 0.007 1264
2021-08-03 11:12:18 AAVSO_ P139_ CCHC_ AUTO SI 5.000 1.24 3.2 a0146.fits nan 9.881 0.007 1182
2021-08-03 11:12:41 AAVSO_ P139_ CCHC_ AUTO SI 5.000 1.24 3.3 a0147.fits nan 9.872 0.007 1281


AUID 000-BCF-788

DateTime project_ filter exp am ha filename wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk tnimage OE
2021-08-03 13:08:49 NOVA_ Monitoring B 200.000 1.70 2.1 a0204.fits nan nan
2021-08-03 13:12:36 NOVA_ Monitoring B 200.000 1.72 2.2 a0205.fits nan nan
2021-08-03 13:16:22 NOVA_ Monitoring B 200.000 1.74 2.2 a0206.fits nan nan
2021-08-03 13:20:09 NOVA_ Monitoring B 200.000 1.76 2.3 a0207.fits nan 12.864 0.128 893
2021-08-03 13:23:55 NOVA_ Monitoring B 200.000 1.78 2.4 a0208.fits nan nan
2021-08-03 13:27:42 NOVA_ Monitoring V 100.000 1.79 2.4 a0209.fits Y 6.73 nan
2021-08-03 13:29:51 NOVA_ Monitoring V 100.000 1.81 2.5 a0210.fits Y 4.40 nan
2021-08-03 13:32:00 NOVA_ Monitoring V 100.000 1.82 2.5 a0211.fits Y 5.14 nan
2021-08-03 13:34:08 NOVA_ Monitoring V 100.000 1.83 2.5 a0212.fits Y 5.09 nan
2021-08-03 13:36:17 NOVA_ Monitoring V 100.000 1.85 2.6 a0213.fits Y 5.72 99.999 9.999 185


AUID 000-BCG-542

DateTime project_ filter exp am ha filename wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk tnimage OE
2021-08-03 12:37:58 NOVA_ Monitoring B 200.000 1.66 1.4 a0194.fits Y 4.62 12.203 0.070 3316
2021-08-03 12:41:47 NOVA_ Monitoring B 200.000 1.67 1.5 a0195.fits Y 4.15 12.077 0.062 898
2021-08-03 12:45:34 NOVA_ Monitoring B 200.000 1.68 1.6 a0196.fits Y 4.37 nan
2021-08-03 12:49:24 NOVA_ Monitoring B 200.000 1.70 1.6 a0197.fits Y 4.41 15.499 1.444 250
2021-08-03 12:53:12 NOVA_ Monitoring B 200.000 1.71 1.7 a0198.fits Y 4.97 nan
2021-08-03 12:57:02 NOVA_ Monitoring V 100.000 1.72 1.8 a0199.fits Y 4.77 12.497 0.081 231
2021-08-03 12:59:10 NOVA_ Monitoring V 100.000 1.73 1.8 a0200.fits Y 5.60 16.479 3.070 159
2021-08-03 13:01:18 NOVA_ Monitoring V 100.000 1.74 1.8 a0201.fits Y 4.38 12.455 0.075 210
2021-08-03 13:03:27 NOVA_ Monitoring V 100.000 1.75 1.9 a0202.fits Y 4.40 12.389 0.074 228
2021-08-03 13:05:36 NOVA_ Monitoring V 100.000 1.76 1.9 a0203.fits Y 4.48 12.506 0.085 216


AUID 000-BBZ-131

DateTime project_ filter exp am ha filename wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk tnimage OE
2021-08-03 09:37:13 NOVA_ Monitoring B 200.000 1.10 0.3 a0106.fits nan 11.405 0.035 2489
2021-08-03 09:41:00 NOVA_ Monitoring B 200.000 1.10 0.3 a0107.fits nan 12.421 0.092 1133
2021-08-03 09:44:47 NOVA_ Monitoring B 200.000 1.11 0.4 a0108.fits nan 14.451 0.546 199
2021-08-03 09:48:33 NOVA_ Monitoring B 200.000 1.11 0.5 a0109.fits nan nan
2021-08-03 09:52:19 NOVA_ Monitoring B 200.000 1.11 0.5 a0110.fits nan 11.785 0.051 1487
2021-08-03 09:56:08 NOVA_ Monitoring V 100.000 1.11 0.6 a0111.fits Y 3.74 12.661 0.096 252
2021-08-03 09:58:27 NOVA_ Monitoring V 100.000 1.11 0.6 a0112.fits Y 3.72 12.563 0.084 225
2021-08-03 10:00:36 NOVA_ Monitoring V 100.000 1.11 0.7 a0113.fits Y 3.73 12.715 0.101 220
2021-08-03 10:02:45 NOVA_ Monitoring V 100.000 1.12 0.7 a0114.fits Y 3.68 12.713 0.102 251
2021-08-03 10:04:54 NOVA_ Monitoring V 100.000 1.12 0.7 a0115.fits Y 3.90 12.310 0.065 241


AUID 000-BCW-669

DateTime project_ filter exp am ha filename wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk tnimage OE
2021-08-03 12:05:50 NOVA_ Monitoring B 200.000 1.07 1.0 a0184.fits Y 4.74 nan
2021-08-03 12:09:39 NOVA_ Monitoring B 200.000 1.07 1.1 a0185.fits Y 4.15 14.910 0.815 1962
2021-08-03 12:13:27 NOVA_ Monitoring B 200.000 1.07 1.1 a0186.fits Y 4.75 99.999 9.999 1163
2021-08-03 12:17:17 NOVA_ Monitoring B 200.000 1.07 1.2 a0187.fits Y 4.72 nan
2021-08-03 12:21:05 NOVA_ Monitoring B 200.000 1.08 1.3 a0188.fits Y 4.21 11.193 0.029 2826
2021-08-03 12:24:54 NOVA_ Monitoring V 100.000 1.08 1.3 a0189.fits Y 4.01 nan
2021-08-03 12:27:03 NOVA_ Monitoring V 100.000 1.08 1.4 a0190.fits Y 4.27 nan
2021-08-03 12:29:11 NOVA_ Monitoring V 100.000 1.08 1.4 a0191.fits Y 4.54 14.083 0.335 271
2021-08-03 12:31:20 NOVA_ Monitoring V 100.000 1.08 1.4 a0192.fits Y 4.03 nan
2021-08-03 12:33:28 NOVA_ Monitoring V 100.000 1.08 1.5 a0193.fits Y 3.78 15.601 1.376 176


AUID 000-BCC-531

DateTime project_ filter exp am ha filename wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk tnimage OE
2021-08-03 10:08:26 AAVSO_ Psxn_ Modic_ AUTO V 100.000 1.06 -0.2 a0116.fits Y 3.98 11.820 0.052 346
2021-08-03 10:10:28 AAVSO_ Psxn_ Modic_ AUTO V 100.000 1.06 -0.2 a0117.fits Y 3.91 11.381 0.032 486
2021-08-03 10:12:31 AAVSO_ Psxn_ Modic_ AUTO V 100.000 1.06 -0.1 a0118.fits Y 3.47 11.328 0.033 489
2021-08-03 10:14:35 AAVSO_ Psxn_ Modic_ AUTO B 200.000 1.06 -0.1 a0119.fits Y 6.41 12.228 0.071 340
2021-08-03 10:18:16 AAVSO_ Psxn_ Modic_ AUTO B 200.000 1.06 -0.0 a0120.fits Y 4.63 12.195 0.068 475
2021-08-03 10:21:58 AAVSO_ Psxn_ Modic_ AUTO B 200.000 1.06 0.0 a0121.fits Y 4.72 12.027 0.059 363


AUID 000-BJQ-768

DateTime project_ filter exp am ha filename wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk tnimage OE
2021-08-03 13:39:58 NOVA_ Monitoring B 200.000 1.58 3.3 a0214.fits Y 5.48 11.304 0.031 397
2021-08-03 13:43:47 NOVA_ Monitoring B 200.000 1.60 3.4 a0215.fits Y 4.97 11.208 0.029 2273
2021-08-03 13:47:35 NOVA_ Monitoring B 200.000 1.62 3.5 a0216.fits Y 5.13 11.247 0.029 944
2021-08-03 13:51:24 NOVA_ Monitoring B 200.000 1.65 3.5 a0217.fits Y 5.57 11.293 0.031 421
2021-08-03 13:55:12 NOVA_ Monitoring B 200.000 1.67 3.6 a0218.fits Y 5.22 14.598 0.624 235
2021-08-03 13:59:01 NOVA_ Monitoring V 100.000 1.69 3.6 a0219.fits Y 4.48 10.662 0.016 647
2021-08-03 14:01:10 NOVA_ Monitoring V 100.000 1.71 3.7 a0220.fits Y 4.39 13.533 0.225 239
2021-08-03 14:03:19 NOVA_ Monitoring V 100.000 1.72 3.7 a0221.fits Y 5.09 13.758 0.266 907
2021-08-03 14:05:27 NOVA_ Monitoring V 100.000 1.74 3.8 a0222.fits Y 4.92 10.737 0.018 571
2021-08-03 14:07:36 NOVA_ Monitoring V 100.000 1.75 3.8 a0223.fits Y 5.35 10.850 0.021 492


AUID 000-BDQ-969

DateTime project_ filter exp am ha filename wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk tnimage OE
2021-08-03 14:11:50 AAVSO_ rvTau_ Pollard_ AUTO B 10.000 1.00 -0.3 a0224.fits nan nan
2021-08-03 14:12:21 AAVSO_ rvTau_ Pollard_ AUTO B 10.000 1.00 -0.3 a0225.fits nan 15.611 0.985 167
2021-08-03 14:12:50 AAVSO_ rvTau_ Pollard_ AUTO B 10.000 1.00 -0.3 a0226.fits nan nan
2021-08-03 14:13:19 AAVSO_ rvTau_ Pollard_ AUTO B 10.000 1.00 -0.3 a0227.fits nan 8.040 0.003 6246
2021-08-03 14:13:49 AAVSO_ rvTau_ Pollard_ AUTO B 10.000 1.00 -0.3 a0228.fits nan 14.749 0.494 264
2021-08-03 14:14:20 AAVSO_ rvTau_ Pollard_ AUTO V 10.000 1.00 -0.3 a0229.fits nan 7.282 0.002 11503
2021-08-03 14:14:51 AAVSO_ rvTau_ Pollard_ AUTO V 10.000 1.00 -0.3 a0230.fits nan 13.643 0.187 764
2021-08-03 14:15:20 AAVSO_ rvTau_ Pollard_ AUTO V 10.000 1.00 -0.2 a0231.fits nan 13.007 0.112 5849
2021-08-03 14:15:49 AAVSO_ rvTau_ Pollard_ AUTO V 10.000 1.00 -0.2 a0232.fits nan 7.438 0.002 9139
2021-08-03 14:16:18 AAVSO_ rvTau_ Pollard_ AUTO V 10.000 1.00 -0.2 a0233.fits nan 7.290 0.002 11372


AUID 000-BCX-193

DateTime project_ filter exp am ha filename wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk tnimage OE
2021-08-03 10:45:40 AAVSO_ P139_ CCHC_ AUTO B 120.000 1.26 0.3 a0128.fits Y 3.75 9.481 0.007 2092
2021-08-03 10:48:02 AAVSO_ P139_ CCHC_ AUTO B 120.000 1.26 0.3 a0129.fits Y 3.74 9.471 0.007 2203
2021-08-03 10:50:24 AAVSO_ P139_ CCHC_ AUTO V 60.000 1.26 0.4 a0130.fits Y 3.60 9.139 0.005 3082
2021-08-03 10:51:46 AAVSO_ P139_ CCHC_ AUTO V 60.000 1.26 0.4 a0131.fits Y 3.69 9.177 0.005 2658
2021-08-03 10:53:10 AAVSO_ P139_ CCHC_ AUTO SR 60.000 1.26 0.4 a0132.fits Y 3.48 8.654 0.004 5045
2021-08-03 10:54:30 AAVSO_ P139_ CCHC_ AUTO SR 60.000 1.26 0.4 a0133.fits Y 4.22 8.743 0.004 3319
2021-08-03 10:55:52 AAVSO_ P139_ CCHC_ AUTO SI 60.000 1.27 0.5 a0134.fits Y 3.79 9.099 0.005 2955
2021-08-03 10:57:13 AAVSO_ P139_ CCHC_ AUTO SI 60.000 1.27 0.5 a0135.fits Y 4.11 9.131 0.005 2595

Remark-o-matic Image View

images 101 to 150

DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 09:20:58 a0101.fits V0725_Sgr B 120.000 1.02 -0.7 Y 7.34 99.999 9.999 345 0.76
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 09:23:20 a0102.fits V0725_Sgr B 120.000 1.02 -0.6 Y 7.82 10.577 0.016 875 0.79
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 09:25:44 a0103.fits V0725_Sgr V 60.000 1.02 -0.6 Y 6.77 8.933 0.005 2419 0.80
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 09:27:05 a0104.fits V0725_Sgr V 60.000 1.02 -0.6 Y 6.78 9.005 0.005 2271 0.80
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 09:28:29 a0105.fits V0725_Sgr SR 60.000 1.02 -0.5 Y 6.93 8.145 0.003 4355 0.80
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 09:37:13 a0106.fits V2487_Oph B 200.000 1.10 0.3 nan 11.405 0.035 2489 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 09:41:00 a0107.fits V2487_Oph B 200.000 1.10 0.3 nan 12.421 0.092 1133 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 09:44:47 a0108.fits V2487_Oph B 200.000 1.11 0.4 nan 14.451 0.546 199 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 09:48:33 a0109.fits V2487_Oph B 200.000 1.11 0.5 nan nan nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 09:52:19 a0110.fits V2487_Oph B 200.000 1.11 0.5 nan 11.785 0.051 1487 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 09:56:08 a0111.fits V2487_Oph V 100.000 1.11 0.6 Y 3.74 12.661 0.096 252 4.87
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 09:58:27 a0112.fits V2487_Oph V 100.000 1.11 0.6 Y 3.72 12.563 0.084 225 0.10
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 10:00:36 a0113.fits V2487_Oph V 100.000 1.11 0.7 Y 3.73 12.715 0.101 220 0.10
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 10:02:45 a0114.fits V2487_Oph V 100.000 1.12 0.7 Y 3.68 12.713 0.102 251 0.12
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 10:04:54 a0115.fits V2487_Oph V 100.000 1.12 0.7 Y 3.90 12.31 0.065 241 0.11
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 10:08:26 a0116.fits V3890_Sgr V 100.000 1.06 -0.2 Y 3.98 11.82 0.052 346 0.90
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 10:10:28 a0117.fits V3890_Sgr V 100.000 1.06 -0.2 Y 3.91 11.381 0.032 486 0.93
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 10:12:31 a0118.fits V3890_Sgr V 100.000 1.06 -0.1 Y 3.47 11.328 0.033 489 0.93
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 10:14:35 a0119.fits V3890_Sgr B 200.000 1.06 -0.1 Y 6.41 12.228 0.071 340 0.95
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 10:18:16 a0120.fits V3890_Sgr B 200.000 1.06 -0.0 Y 4.63 12.195 0.068 475 0.96
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 10:21:58 a0121.fits V3890_Sgr B 200.000 1.06 0.0 Y 4.72 12.027 0.059 363 0.95
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 10:27:15 a0122.fits CI_Aql V 100.000 1.36 -0.2 Y 3.43 13.194 0.163 199 0.94
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 10:29:17 a0123.fits CI_Aql V 100.000 1.36 -0.2 Y 4.26 13.398 0.201 191 0.97
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 10:31:18 a0124.fits CI_Aql V 100.000 1.36 -0.2 Y 3.82 10.84 0.02 583 0.99
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 10:33:24 a0125.fits CI_Aql B 200.000 1.36 -0.1 Y 4.10 11.634 0.043 669 0.97
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 10:37:05 a0126.fits CI_Aql B 200.000 1.36 -0.1 nan 11.791 0.052 691 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 10:40:46 a0127.fits CI_Aql B 200.000 1.36 -0.0 nan 12.866 0.133 252 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 10:45:40 a0128.fits XX_Sct B 120.000 1.26 0.3 Y 3.75 9.481 0.007 2092 0.06
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 10:48:02 a0129.fits XX_Sct B 120.000 1.26 0.3 Y 3.74 9.471 0.007 2203 0.08
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 10:50:24 a0130.fits XX_Sct V 60.000 1.26 0.4 Y 3.60 9.139 0.005 3082 0.06
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 10:51:46 a0131.fits XX_Sct V 60.000 1.26 0.4 Y 3.69 9.177 0.005 2658 0.08
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 10:53:10 a0132.fits XX_Sct SR 60.000 1.26 0.4 Y 3.48 8.654 0.004 5045 0.08
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 10:54:30 a0133.fits XX_Sct SR 60.000 1.26 0.4 Y 4.22 8.743 0.004 3319 0.07
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 10:55:52 a0134.fits XX_Sct SI 60.000 1.27 0.5 Y 3.79 9.099 0.005 2955 0.06
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 10:57:13 a0135.fits XX_Sct SI 60.000 1.27 0.5 Y 4.11 9.131 0.005 2595 0.07
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 11:07:49 a0136.fits V0856_Sco B 12.000 1.22 3.2 nan nan nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 11:08:21 a0137.fits V0856_Sco B 12.000 1.23 3.2 nan nan nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 11:08:53 a0138.fits V0856_Sco B 12.000 1.23 3.2 nan nan nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 11:09:26 a0139.fits V0856_Sco V 5.000 1.23 3.2 nan 10.245 0.009 887 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 11:09:51 a0140.fits V0856_Sco V 5.000 1.23 3.2 nan 10.268 0.009 871 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 11:10:15 a0141.fits V0856_Sco V 5.000 1.23 3.2 nan 10.279 0.009 925 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 11:10:41 a0142.fits V0856_Sco SR 5.000 1.23 3.2 nan 9.573 0.006 1833 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 11:11:06 a0143.fits V0856_Sco SR 5.000 1.23 3.2 nan 9.858 0.007 1031 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 11:11:29 a0144.fits V0856_Sco SR 5.000 1.23 3.2 nan 9.771 0.007 1347 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 11:11:54 a0145.fits V0856_Sco SI 5.000 1.24 3.2 nan 9.896 0.007 1264 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 11:12:18 a0146.fits V0856_Sco SI 5.000 1.24 3.2 nan 9.881 0.007 1182 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 11:12:41 a0147.fits V0856_Sco SI 5.000 1.24 3.3 nan 9.872 0.007 1281 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 11:14:54 a0148.fits J1407_Cen B 90.000 1.83 5.3 Y 4.96 9.961 0.01 981 2.18
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 11:16:57 a0149.fits J1407_Cen B 90.000 1.85 5.3 Y 4.77 nan 0.75
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 11:18:50 a0150.fits J1407_Cen V 30.000 1.86 5.4 Y 3.96 16.832 3.687 135 0.74

images 151 to 200

DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 11:19:42 a0151.fits J1407_Cen V 30.000 1.86 5.4 Y 4.23 9.488 0.006 1712 0.73
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 11:20:35 a0152.fits J1407_Cen SR 30.000 1.87 5.4 Y 3.91 13.443 0.162 3831 0.73
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 11:21:25 a0153.fits J1407_Cen SR 30.000 1.88 5.4 Y 4.24 8.813 0.004 3232 0.72
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 11:22:17 a0154.fits J1407_Cen SI 30.000 1.89 5.4 Y 4.48 9.055 0.005 2418 0.71
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 11:23:08 a0155.fits J1407_Cen SI 30.000 1.89 5.4 Y 3.98 9.021 0.005 2914 0.70
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 11:25:42 a0156.fits ASASSN-20da B 30.000 1.37 4.8 Y 3.80 9.889 0.008 1401 2.38
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 11:26:46 a0157.fits ASASSN-20da V 15.000 1.37 4.8 Y 3.48 9.77 0.007 1704 0.46
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 11:27:25 a0158.fits ASASSN-20da SR 15.000 1.37 4.8 Y 3.42 9.381 0.006 2401 0.45
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 11:28:02 a0159.fits ASASSN-20da SI 15.000 1.37 4.8 Y 3.49 9.957 0.008 1389 0.43
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 11:28:47 a0160.fits ASASSN-20da B 30.000 1.38 4.8 Y 3.67 9.868 0.008 1374 0.42
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 11:29:40 a0161.fits ASASSN-20da V 15.000 1.38 4.8 Y 3.81 9.833 0.007 1399 0.42
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 11:30:18 a0162.fits ASASSN-20da SR 15.000 1.38 4.9 Y 4.01 9.496 0.006 1835 0.41
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 11:30:55 a0163.fits ASASSN-20da SI 15.000 1.38 4.9 Y 3.46 9.957 0.008 1519 0.41
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 11:31:40 a0164.fits ASASSN-20da B 30.000 1.38 4.9 Y 3.86 9.959 0.009 1097 0.39
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 11:32:33 a0165.fits ASASSN-20da V 15.000 1.38 4.9 Y 3.60 9.827 0.007 1391 0.39
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 11:33:12 a0166.fits ASASSN-20da SR 15.000 1.39 4.9 Y 3.60 9.396 0.006 2311 0.37
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 11:33:48 a0167.fits ASASSN-20da SI 15.000 1.39 4.9 Y 3.55 9.978 0.008 1398 0.37
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 11:36:32 a0168.fits ASASSN-V_J18165406-2021176 B 120.000 1.16 1.5 Y 4.78 8.67 0.004 3276 0.08
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 11:38:55 a0169.fits ASASSN-V_J18165406-2021176 B 120.000 1.16 1.5 Y 4.44 8.615 0.004 3585 0.09
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 11:41:18 a0170.fits ASASSN-V_J18165406-2021176 V 60.000 1.17 1.6 Y 3.59 8.454 0.003 5759 0.12
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 11:42:39 a0171.fits ASASSN-V_J18165406-2021176 V 60.000 1.17 1.6 Y 3.70 8.464 0.003 5105 0.13
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 11:44:04 a0172.fits ASASSN-V_J18165406-2021176 SR 60.000 1.17 1.6 Y 3.87 8.114 0.003 6810 0.14
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 11:45:24 a0173.fits ASASSN-V_J18165406-2021176 SR 60.000 1.17 1.7 Y 3.88 8.098 0.003 6656 0.15
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 11:46:46 a0174.fits ASASSN-V_J18165406-2021176 SI 60.000 1.17 1.7 Y 3.41 8.638 0.004 5312 0.16
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 11:48:07 a0175.fits ASASSN-V_J18165406-2021176 SI 60.000 1.18 1.7 Y 3.73 8.656 0.004 4126 0.18
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 11:50:55 a0176.fits ASASSN-V_J170615-3229447 B 120.000 1.24 2.9 Y 4.18 nan 1.31
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 11:53:28 a0177.fits ASASSN-V_J170615-3229447 B 120.000 1.24 3.0 Y 4.08 15.12 1.072 336 0.03
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 11:55:51 a0178.fits ASASSN-V_J170615-3229447 V 60.000 1.25 3.0 Y 4.21 8.138 0.003 6026 0.04
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 11:57:13 a0179.fits ASASSN-V_J170615-3229447 V 60.000 1.25 3.0 Y 4.32 8.138 0.003 5989 0.04
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 11:58:37 a0180.fits ASASSN-V_J170615-3229447 SR 60.000 1.26 3.1 Y 4.40 7.751 0.002 8464 0.05
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 11:59:58 a0181.fits ASASSN-V_J170615-3229447 SR 60.000 1.26 3.1 Y 4.49 15.739 2.349 368 0.07
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 12:01:21 a0182.fits ASASSN-V_J170615-3229447 SI 60.000 1.26 3.1 Y 3.72 15.215 1.141 261 0.06
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 12:02:41 a0183.fits ASASSN-V_J170615-3229447 SI 60.000 1.27 3.1 Y 3.89 8.254 0.003 6279 0.07
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 12:05:50 a0184.fits V344_Pav B 200.000 1.07 1.0 Y 4.74 nan 0.04
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 12:09:39 a0185.fits V344_Pav B 200.000 1.07 1.1 Y 4.15 14.91 0.815 1962 0.01
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 12:13:27 a0186.fits V344_Pav B 200.000 1.07 1.1 Y 4.75 99.999 9.999 1163 0.07
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 12:17:17 a0187.fits V344_Pav B 200.000 1.07 1.2 Y 4.72 nan 0.12
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 12:21:05 a0188.fits V344_Pav B 200.000 1.08 1.3 Y 4.21 11.193 0.029 2826 0.18
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 12:24:54 a0189.fits V344_Pav V 100.000 1.08 1.3 Y 4.01 nan 0.20
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 12:27:03 a0190.fits V344_Pav V 100.000 1.08 1.4 Y 4.27 nan 0.22
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 12:29:11 a0191.fits V344_Pav V 100.000 1.08 1.4 Y 4.54 14.083 0.335 271 0.25
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 12:31:20 a0192.fits V344_Pav V 100.000 1.08 1.4 Y 4.03 nan 0.28
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 12:33:28 a0193.fits V344_Pav V 100.000 1.08 1.5 Y 3.78 15.601 1.376 176 0.30
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 12:37:58 a0194.fits V1494_Aql B 200.000 1.66 1.4 Y 4.62 12.203 0.07 3316 0.05
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 12:41:47 a0195.fits V1494_Aql B 200.000 1.67 1.5 Y 4.15 12.077 0.062 898 0.03
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 12:45:34 a0196.fits V1494_Aql B 200.000 1.68 1.6 Y 4.37 nan 0.02
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 12:49:24 a0197.fits V1494_Aql B 200.000 1.70 1.6 Y 4.41 15.499 1.444 250 0.05
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 12:53:12 a0198.fits V1494_Aql B 200.000 1.71 1.7 Y 4.97 nan 0.02
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 12:57:02 a0199.fits V1494_Aql V 100.000 1.72 1.8 Y 4.77 12.497 0.081 231 0.03
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 12:59:10 a0200.fits V1494_Aql V 100.000 1.73 1.8 Y 5.60 16.479 3.07 159 0.07

images 201 to 250

DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 13:01:18 a0201.fits V1494_Aql V 100.000 1.74 1.8 Y 4.38 12.455 0.075 210 0.06
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 13:03:27 a0202.fits V1494_Aql V 100.000 1.75 1.9 Y 4.40 12.389 0.074 228 0.07
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 13:05:36 a0203.fits V1494_Aql V 100.000 1.76 1.9 Y 4.48 12.506 0.085 216 0.08
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 13:08:49 a0204.fits V1419_Aql B 200.000 1.70 2.1 nan nan nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 13:12:36 a0205.fits V1419_Aql B 200.000 1.72 2.2 nan nan nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 13:16:22 a0206.fits V1419_Aql B 200.000 1.74 2.2 nan nan nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 13:20:09 a0207.fits V1419_Aql B 200.000 1.76 2.3 nan 12.864 0.128 893 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 13:23:55 a0208.fits V1419_Aql B 200.000 1.78 2.4 nan nan nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 13:27:42 a0209.fits V1419_Aql V 100.000 1.79 2.4 Y 6.73 nan 0.13
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 13:29:51 a0210.fits V1419_Aql V 100.000 1.81 2.5 Y 4.40 nan 0.14
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 13:32:00 a0211.fits V1419_Aql V 100.000 1.82 2.5 Y 5.14 nan 0.16
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 13:34:08 a0212.fits V1419_Aql V 100.000 1.83 2.5 Y 5.09 nan 0.18
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 13:36:17 a0213.fits V1419_Aql V 100.000 1.85 2.6 Y 5.72 99.999 9.999 185 0.22
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 13:39:58 a0214.fits V5584_Sgr B 200.000 1.58 3.3 Y 5.48 11.304 0.031 397 0.62
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 13:43:47 a0215.fits V5584_Sgr B 200.000 1.60 3.4 Y 4.97 11.208 0.029 2273 0.62
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 13:47:35 a0216.fits V5584_Sgr B 200.000 1.62 3.5 Y 5.13 11.247 0.029 944 0.63
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 13:51:24 a0217.fits V5584_Sgr B 200.000 1.65 3.5 Y 5.57 11.293 0.031 421 0.64
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 13:55:12 a0218.fits V5584_Sgr B 200.000 1.67 3.6 Y 5.22 14.598 0.624 235 0.66
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 13:59:01 a0219.fits V5584_Sgr V 100.000 1.69 3.6 Y 4.48 10.662 0.016 647 0.67
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 14:01:10 a0220.fits V5584_Sgr V 100.000 1.71 3.7 Y 4.39 13.533 0.225 239 0.76
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 14:03:19 a0221.fits V5584_Sgr V 100.000 1.72 3.7 Y 5.09 13.758 0.266 907 0.76
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 14:05:27 a0222.fits V5584_Sgr V 100.000 1.74 3.8 Y 4.92 10.737 0.018 571 0.77
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 14:07:36 a0223.fits V5584_Sgr V 100.000 1.75 3.8 Y 5.35 10.85 0.021 492 0.77
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 14:11:50 a0224.fits W_Gru B 10.000 1.00 -0.3 nan nan nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 14:12:21 a0225.fits W_Gru B 10.000 1.00 -0.3 nan 15.611 0.985 167 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 14:12:50 a0226.fits W_Gru B 10.000 1.00 -0.3 nan nan nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 14:13:19 a0227.fits W_Gru B 10.000 1.00 -0.3 nan 8.04 0.003 6246 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 14:13:49 a0228.fits W_Gru B 10.000 1.00 -0.3 nan 14.749 0.494 264 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 14:14:20 a0229.fits W_Gru V 10.000 1.00 -0.3 nan 7.282 0.002 11503 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 14:14:51 a0230.fits W_Gru V 10.000 1.00 -0.3 nan 13.643 0.187 764 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 14:15:20 a0231.fits W_Gru V 10.000 1.00 -0.2 nan 13.007 0.112 5849 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 14:15:49 a0232.fits W_Gru V 10.000 1.00 -0.2 nan 7.438 0.002 9139 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 14:16:18 a0233.fits W_Gru V 10.000 1.00 -0.2 nan 7.29 0.002 11372 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 14:18:58 a0234.fits NGC_1252 SI 15.000 1.39 -4.7 Y 4.24 14.349 0.342 1087 0.05
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 14:19:33 a0235.fits NGC_1252 SI 15.000 1.39 -4.7 Y 3.58 9.924 0.008 1288 0.05
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 14:20:12 a0236.fits NGC_1252 SR 15.000 1.39 -4.6 Y 3.92 9.49 0.006 1718 0.05
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 14:20:47 a0237.fits NGC_1252 SR 15.000 1.39 -4.6 Y 4.54 9.499 0.006 1695 0.05
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 14:21:25 a0238.fits NGC_1252 V 15.000 1.38 -4.6 Y 3.69 10.041 0.008 1032 0.06
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 14:22:02 a0239.fits NGC_1252 V 15.000 1.38 -4.6 nan 10.075 0.009 1023 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 14:22:41 a0240.fits NGC_1252 B 30.000 1.38 -4.6 Y 4.03 10.76 0.016 532 0.10
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 14:23:32 a0241.fits NGC_1252 B 30.000 1.38 -4.6 Y 3.56 10.526 0.013 652 0.56
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 14:24:24 a0242.fits NGC_1252 B 30.000 1.37 -4.6 Y 3.83 10.555 0.013 652 0.56
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 14:25:17 a0243.fits NGC_1252 B 30.000 1.37 -4.6 Y 3.95 10.574 0.013 599 0.58
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 14:26:09 a0244.fits NGC_1252 V 15.000 1.37 -4.5 Y 4.04 10.075 0.009 1001 0.58
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 14:26:46 a0245.fits NGC_1252 V 15.000 1.37 -4.5 nan 10.065 0.009 1077 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 14:27:23 a0246.fits NGC_1252 SR 15.000 1.37 -4.5 Y 4.26 9.588 0.006 1504 0.58
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 14:27:58 a0247.fits NGC_1252 SR 15.000 1.36 -4.5 Y 4.26 9.568 0.006 1618 0.60
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 14:28:36 a0248.fits NGC_1252 SI 15.000 1.36 -4.5 Y 4.29 9.959 0.008 1168 0.60
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 14:29:11 a0249.fits NGC_1252 SI 15.000 1.36 -4.5 Y 3.91 9.966 0.008 1126 0.58
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 14:32:30 a0250.fits AR_Sgr B 10.000 1.54 3.7 Y 6.32 9.05 0.004 2045 0.08

images 251 to 300

DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 14:33:02 a0251.fits AR_Sgr B 10.000 1.55 3.7 Y 5.30 9.086 0.005 1931 0.08
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 14:33:34 a0252.fits AR_Sgr B 10.000 1.55 3.8 Y 4.10 8.98 0.004 2218 0.07
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 14:34:07 a0253.fits AR_Sgr V 5.000 1.55 3.8 Y 4.48 8.614 0.003 3324 0.07
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 14:34:34 a0254.fits AR_Sgr V 5.000 1.55 3.8 Y 4.73 8.583 0.003 3314 0.08
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 14:35:01 a0255.fits AR_Sgr V 5.000 1.56 3.8 Y 4.09 8.596 0.003 3336 0.07
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 14:35:29 a0256.fits AR_Sgr SR 5.000 1.56 3.8 Y 5.41 8.129 0.003 4491 0.08
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 14:35:55 a0257.fits AR_Sgr SR 5.000 1.56 3.8 nan 8.062 0.003 5567 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 14:36:19 a0258.fits AR_Sgr SR 5.000 1.56 3.8 nan 8.042 0.003 5100 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 14:36:43 a0259.fits AR_Sgr SI 5.000 1.57 3.8 nan 8.462 0.003 3693 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 14:37:07 a0260.fits AR_Sgr SI 5.000 1.57 3.8 nan 8.544 0.003 3239 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 14:37:30 a0261.fits AR_Sgr SI 5.000 1.57 3.8 nan 8.542 0.003 3262 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 14:39:18 a0262.fits AI_Sco B 10.000 1.79 4.9 Y 4.68 10.24 0.009 765 0.33
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 14:39:49 a0263.fits AI_Sco B 10.000 1.80 4.9 Y 4.04 10.318 0.01 669 0.33
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 14:40:21 a0264.fits AI_Sco B 10.000 1.80 4.9 Y 5.08 10.337 0.01 673 0.32
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 14:40:53 a0265.fits AI_Sco V 5.000 1.81 4.9 Y 4.96 9.369 0.005 1636 0.32
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 14:41:19 a0266.fits AI_Sco V 5.000 1.81 4.9 Y 4.97 9.345 0.005 1652 0.32
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 14:41:46 a0267.fits AI_Sco V 5.000 1.81 4.9 Y 5.02 9.345 0.005 1697 0.31
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 14:42:14 a0268.fits AI_Sco SR 5.000 1.82 5.0 Y 4.92 8.574 0.003 3451 0.32
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 14:42:40 a0269.fits AI_Sco SR 5.000 1.82 5.0 nan 8.698 0.004 2784 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 14:43:05 a0270.fits AI_Sco SR 5.000 1.82 5.0 nan 8.87 0.004 2109 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 14:43:29 a0271.fits AI_Sco SI 5.000 1.83 5.0 Y 4.28 8.571 0.003 4447 0.31
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 14:43:55 a0272.fits AI_Sco SI 5.000 1.83 5.0 Y 5.40 8.788 0.004 2487 0.30
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 14:44:20 a0273.fits AI_Sco SI 5.000 1.83 5.0 Y 4.36 8.656 0.004 3502 0.30
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 14:53:53 a0274.fits SMC1 B 200.000 1.18 -1.4 nan nan nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 14:57:34 a0275.fits SMC1 B 200.000 1.18 -1.3 nan 99.999 9.999 218 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 15:01:13 a0276.fits SMC1 B 200.000 1.18 -1.3 nan 13.978 0.35 1500 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 15:04:53 a0277.fits SMC1 B 200.000 1.18 -1.2 nan 13.972 0.347 1929 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 15:08:33 a0278.fits SMC1 B 200.000 1.18 -1.2 nan 14.493 0.556 1539 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 15:12:13 a0279.fits SMC1 V 100.000 1.17 -1.1 nan nan nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 15:14:13 a0280.fits SMC1 V 100.000 1.17 -1.1 nan 12.396 0.07 242 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 15:16:13 a0281.fits SMC1 V 100.000 1.17 -1.0 nan 12.14 0.057 271 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 15:18:15 a0282.fits SMC1 SI 150.000 1.17 -1.0 Y 5.16 11.133 0.025 4012 0.39
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 15:21:05 a0283.fits SMC1 SI 150.000 1.17 -0.9 nan 11.511 0.037 468 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 15:23:54 a0284.fits SMC1 SI 150.000 1.17 -0.9 nan 10.954 0.023 693 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 15:27:42 a0285.fits SMC_LIN9 B 200.000 1.15 -0.8 Y 4.34 10.492 0.017 1999 0.08
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 15:31:24 a0286.fits SMC_LIN9 V 100.000 1.15 -0.8 Y 4.26 10.364 0.014 1117 0.08
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 15:33:28 a0287.fits SMC_LIN9 SI 150.000 1.15 -0.8 Y 4.13 9.71 0.009 1695 0.09
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 15:42:53 a0288.fits SMC_N60 B 200.000 1.16 -1.0 nan nan nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 15:46:34 a0289.fits SMC_N60 B 200.000 1.16 -1.0 nan nan nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 15:50:13 a0290.fits SMC_N60 B 200.000 1.16 -0.9 nan 12.001 0.058 4338 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 15:53:53 a0291.fits SMC_N60 B 200.000 1.16 -0.9 nan nan nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 15:57:32 a0292.fits SMC_N60 B 200.000 1.16 -0.8 nan 15.05 0.931 298 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 16:01:13 a0293.fits SMC_N60 V 100.000 1.16 -0.7 nan 16.17 2.331 200 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 16:03:13 a0294.fits SMC_N60 V 100.000 1.16 -0.7 nan nan nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 16:05:13 a0295.fits SMC_N60 V 100.000 1.16 -0.7 nan 11.812 0.043 604 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 16:07:12 a0296.fits SMC_N60 V 100.000 1.16 -0.6 nan nan nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 16:09:14 a0297.fits SMC_N60 SI 150.000 1.16 -0.6 Y 4.02 11.464 0.035 3772 2.56
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 16:12:16 a0298.fits SMC_N60 SI 150.000 1.16 -0.6 nan nan nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 16:15:05 a0299.fits SMC_N60 SI 150.000 1.16 -0.5 nan 11.809 0.048 2653 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 16:18:22 a0300.fits LN_358 B 200.000 1.17 -0.5 nan nan nan

images 301 to 350

DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 16:22:02 a0301.fits LN_358 B 200.000 1.17 -0.4 nan 15.415 1.222 212 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 16:25:42 a0302.fits LN_358 B 200.000 1.17 -0.4 nan nan nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 16:29:21 a0303.fits LN_358 B 200.000 1.17 -0.3 nan nan nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 16:33:01 a0304.fits LN_358 V 100.000 1.17 -0.2 nan 14.985 0.761 171 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 16:35:04 a0305.fits LN_358 SI 150.000 1.17 -0.2 nan nan nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 16:38:21 a0306.fits SMC_N73 B 200.000 1.18 -0.2 nan 15.446 1.362 3346 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 16:42:02 a0307.fits SMC_N73 B 200.000 1.17 -0.2 nan 15.14 1.021 215 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 16:45:41 a0308.fits SMC_N73 B 200.000 1.17 -0.1 nan nan nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 16:49:21 a0309.fits SMC_N73 B 200.000 1.17 -0.1 nan 12.232 0.067 3389 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 16:53:02 a0310.fits SMC_N73 B 200.000 1.17 0.0 nan nan nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 16:56:42 a0311.fits SMC_N73 V 100.000 1.17 0.1 nan 99.999 9.999 188 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 16:58:42 a0312.fits SMC_N73 V 100.000 1.17 0.1 nan 14.975 0.772 343 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 17:00:41 a0313.fits SMC_N73 V 100.000 1.18 0.1 nan nan nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 17:02:43 a0314.fits SMC_N73 SI 150.000 1.18 0.2 nan nan nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 17:08:10 a0315.fits KK_Car B 60.000 2.06 -7.3 Y 3.86 nan 0.13
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 17:09:31 a0316.fits KK_Car B 100.000 2.04 -7.2 Y 4.62 10.292 0.012 676 0.12
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 17:11:33 a0317.fits KK_Car V 11.980 2.04 -7.2 nan 10.811 0.015 490 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 17:12:07 a0318.fits KK_Car SR 5.000 2.04 -7.2 nan 10.562 0.012 591 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 17:12:32 a0319.fits KK_Car SR 5.000 2.03 -7.2 nan 9.611 0.006 1394 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 17:12:55 a0320.fits KK_Car SR 5.000 2.03 -7.2 nan 9.658 0.006 1239 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 17:13:18 a0321.fits KK_Car SR 5.000 2.03 -7.2 nan 9.561 0.006 1384 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 17:13:42 a0322.fits KK_Car SI 5.000 2.03 -7.2 Y 4.85 7.971 0.002 5098 2.90
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 17:14:19 a0323.fits KK_Car SI 5.000 2.02 -7.2 nan 7.475 0.002 9610 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 17:14:44 a0324.fits KK_Car SI 5.000 2.02 -7.2 nan 7.609 0.002 7566 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 17:15:07 a0325.fits KK_Car SI 5.000 2.02 -7.2 nan 7.558 0.002 7864 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 17:15:31 a0326.fits KK_Car SI 5.000 2.01 -7.1 nan 7.522 0.002 8476 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 17:15:54 a0327.fits KK_Car SI 5.000 2.01 -7.1 nan 7.555 0.002 8120 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 17:18:49 a0328.fits LMC_S154 B 200.000 1.26 -3.4 Y 5.00 nan 0.49
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 17:22:31 a0329.fits LMC_S154 B 200.000 1.26 -3.3 Y 4.63 16.673 4.136 2325 0.51
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 17:26:12 a0330.fits LMC_S154 B 200.000 1.26 -3.2 Y 5.51 nan 0.55
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 17:29:55 a0331.fits LMC_S154 V 100.000 1.25 -3.2 nan nan nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 17:31:55 a0332.fits LMC_S154 V 100.000 1.25 -3.1 nan 12.425 0.078 228 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 17:33:54 a0333.fits LMC_S154 V 100.000 1.25 -3.1 nan 12.292 0.064 236 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 17:35:56 a0334.fits LMC_S154 SI 150.000 1.25 -3.1 Y 5.04 10.681 0.018 1855 0.65
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 17:40:18 a0335.fits LMC_S147 B 200.000 1.21 -3.0 nan 12.583 0.1 277 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 17:44:00 a0336.fits LMC_S147 V 100.000 1.21 -3.0 nan 11.288 0.03 432 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 17:46:00 a0337.fits LMC_S147 V 100.000 1.21 -2.9 nan 11.245 0.029 407 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 17:47:59 a0338.fits LMC_S147 V 100.000 1.21 -2.9 nan 11.363 0.033 376 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 17:50:01 a0339.fits LMC_S147 SI 150.000 1.20 -2.9 nan 10.038 0.011 1136 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 17:55:00 a0340.fits IW_Car B 10.000 1.94 -7.3 Y 4.21 9.049 0.004 2151 0.13
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 17:55:31 a0341.fits IW_Car B 10.000 1.94 -7.3 Y 3.33 9.015 0.004 2296 0.12
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 17:56:03 a0342.fits IW_Car B 10.000 1.94 -7.3 Y 4.59 9.001 0.004 2395 0.11
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 17:56:35 a0343.fits IW_Car V 5.000 1.94 -7.3 Y 3.60 8.314 0.003 5074 0.11
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 17:57:01 a0344.fits IW_Car V 5.000 1.94 -7.3 Y 4.88 8.324 0.003 4620 0.11
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 17:57:28 a0345.fits IW_Car V 5.000 1.93 -7.3 Y 4.38 8.327 0.003 4825 0.11
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 17:57:56 a0346.fits IW_Car SR 5.000 1.93 -7.3 Y 5.22 7.752 0.002 7349 0.12
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 17:58:22 a0347.fits IW_Car SR 5.000 1.93 -7.3 Y 4.17 7.687 0.002 8514 0.11
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 17:58:48 a0348.fits IW_Car SR 5.000 1.93 -7.3 Y 4.45 7.643 0.002 9096 0.12
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 17:59:15 a0349.fits IW_Car SI 5.000 1.92 -7.3 Y 4.34 7.762 0.002 8373 0.11
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 17:59:40 a0350.fits IW_Car SI 5.000 1.92 -7.3 Y 3.85 7.814 0.002 7201 0.11

images 351 to 373

DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 18:00:05 a0351.fits IW_Car SI 5.000 1.92 -7.2 Y 4.07 7.794 0.002 8472 0.12
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 18:08:05 a0352.fits SMC_LMC_94 B 200.000 1.26 -3.6 Y 5.40 11.118 0.028 589 0.32
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 18:11:47 a0353.fits SMC_LMC_94 V 100.000 1.26 -3.5 Y 5.08 10.296 0.012 752 0.32
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 18:13:51 a0354.fits SMC_LMC_94 SI 150.000 1.26 -3.5 Y 5.07 13.353 0.209 509 0.32
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 18:22:59 a0355.fits LMC_N67 B 200.000 1.18 -3.0 Y 5.60 12.325 0.078 311 0.04
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 18:26:41 a0356.fits LMC_N67 B 200.000 1.17 -3.0 Y 6.24 12.355 0.082 289 0.04
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 18:30:22 a0357.fits LMC_N67 B 200.000 1.17 -2.9 Y 7.12 nan 0.06
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 18:34:05 a0358.fits LMC_N67 V 100.000 1.17 -2.8 Y 6.33 nan 0.07
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 18:36:06 a0359.fits LMC_N67 V 100.000 1.17 -2.8 Y 7.34 nan 0.09
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 18:38:08 a0360.fits LMC_N67 V 100.000 1.16 -2.8 Y 6.75 11.975 0.053 319 0.11
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 18:40:12 a0361.fits LMC_N67 SI 150.000 1.16 -2.7 Y 5.99 10.527 0.017 1846 0.13
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 18:44:45 a0362.fits AR_Pup B 10.000 1.82 -5.1 nan 14.135 0.308 780 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 18:45:16 a0363.fits AR_Pup B 10.000 1.81 -5.1 nan 15.497 1.063 160 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 18:45:45 a0364.fits AR_Pup B 10.000 1.81 -5.1 nan 9.816 0.007 914 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 18:46:16 a0365.fits AR_Pup V 5.000 1.81 -5.1 Y 4.79 9.226 0.005 1506 0.04
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 18:46:43 a0366.fits AR_Pup V 5.000 1.80 -5.1 Y 4.21 9.077 0.004 1866 0.04
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 18:47:09 a0367.fits AR_Pup V 5.000 1.80 -5.1 Y 4.47 9.07 0.004 1895 0.04
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 18:47:38 a0368.fits AR_Pup SR 5.000 1.80 -5.1 Y 5.07 8.358 0.003 3826 0.06
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 18:48:03 a0369.fits AR_Pup SR 5.000 1.79 -5.0 Y 5.35 8.466 0.003 3343 0.06
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 18:48:28 a0370.fits AR_Pup SR 5.000 1.79 -5.0 Y 6.14 8.502 0.003 3151 0.79
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 18:48:55 a0371.fits AR_Pup SI 5.000 1.79 -5.0 Y 6.11 8.889 0.004 2593 0.77
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 18:49:20 a0372.fits AR_Pup SI 5.000 1.78 -5.0 Y 5.77 8.726 0.004 2830 0.03
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-08-03 18:49:45 a0373.fits AR_Pup SI 5.000 1.78 -5.0 nan 8.94 0.004 2810 nan

Image Table

images 101 to 150

DateTime filename tnimage objid filter exptime airmass hr_ang has_wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu auid center2obj JD ccd_temp set_temp img_type read_mode binning fov_radius_amin image_available
2021-08-03 09:20:58 a0101.fits V0725_Sgr B 120.0 1.02 -0.7 Y 7.34 99.999 9.999 345 000-BCB-590 0.761517 9429.88956 -20.0625 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 7.004180 Y
2021-08-03 09:23:20 a0102.fits V0725_Sgr B 120.0 1.02 -0.6 Y 7.82 10.577 0.016 875 000-BCB-590 0.788003 9429.89120 -20.0625 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.973687 Y
2021-08-03 09:25:44 a0103.fits V0725_Sgr V 60.0 1.02 -0.6 Y 6.77 8.933 0.005 2419 000-BCB-590 0.796783 9429.89287 -20.0625 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.996699 Y
2021-08-03 09:27:05 a0104.fits V0725_Sgr V 60.0 1.02 -0.6 Y 6.78 9.005 0.005 2271 000-BCB-590 0.797103 9429.89381 -20.0625 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 7.002609 Y
2021-08-03 09:28:29 a0105.fits V0725_Sgr SR 60.0 1.02 -0.5 Y 6.93 8.145 0.003 4355 000-BCB-590 0.797887 9429.89478 -20.0625 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.997612 Y
DateTime filename tnimage objid filter exptime airmass hr_ang has_wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu auid center2obj JD ccd_temp set_temp img_type read_mode binning fov_radius_amin image_available
2021-08-03 09:37:13 a0106.fits V2487_Oph B 200.0 1.10 0.3 nan 11.405 0.035 2489 000-BBZ-131 9429.90084 -20.0625 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-08-03 09:41:00 a0107.fits V2487_Oph B 200.0 1.10 0.3 nan 12.421 0.092 1133 000-BBZ-131 9429.90347 -20.0625 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-08-03 09:44:47 a0108.fits V2487_Oph B 200.0 1.11 0.4 nan 14.451 0.546 199 000-BBZ-131 9429.90610 -20.0625 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-08-03 09:48:33 a0109.fits V2487_Oph B 200.0 1.11 0.5 nan nan 000-BBZ-131 9429.90872 -20.0625 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-08-03 09:52:19 a0110.fits V2487_Oph B 200.0 1.11 0.5 nan 11.785 0.051 1487 000-BBZ-131 9429.91133 -20.0625 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
DateTime filename tnimage objid filter exptime airmass hr_ang has_wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu auid center2obj JD ccd_temp set_temp img_type read_mode binning fov_radius_amin image_available
2021-08-03 09:56:08 a0111.fits V2487_Oph V 100.0 1.11 0.6 Y 3.74 12.661 0.096 252 000-BBZ-131 4.867330 9429.91398 -20.0625 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.993881 Y
2021-08-03 09:58:27 a0112.fits V2487_Oph V 100.0 1.11 0.6 Y 3.72 12.563 0.084 225 000-BBZ-131 0.099782 9429.91559 -20.0625 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.994585 Y
2021-08-03 10:00:36 a0113.fits V2487_Oph V 100.0 1.11 0.7 Y 3.73 12.715 0.101 220 000-BBZ-131 0.095115 9429.91708 -20.0625 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.995128 Y
2021-08-03 10:02:45 a0114.fits V2487_Oph V 100.0 1.12 0.7 Y 3.68 12.713 0.102 251 000-BBZ-131 0.120481 9429.91858 -20.0625 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.994417 Y
2021-08-03 10:04:54 a0115.fits V2487_Oph V 100.0 1.12 0.7 Y 3.90 12.310 0.065 241 000-BBZ-131 0.111461 9429.92007 -20.0625 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.994713 Y
DateTime filename tnimage objid filter exptime airmass hr_ang has_wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu auid center2obj JD ccd_temp set_temp img_type read_mode binning fov_radius_amin image_available
2021-08-03 10:08:26 a0116.fits V3890_Sgr V 100.0 1.06 -0.2 Y 3.98 11.820 0.052 346 000-BCC-531 0.903326 9429.92252 -20.0625 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.997722 Y
2021-08-03 10:10:28 a0117.fits V3890_Sgr V 100.0 1.06 -0.2 Y 3.91 11.381 0.032 486 000-BCC-531 0.929844 9429.92394 -20.0625 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.997062 Y
2021-08-03 10:12:31 a0118.fits V3890_Sgr V 100.0 1.06 -0.1 Y 3.47 11.328 0.033 489 000-BCC-531 0.931477 9429.92536 -20.0625 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.997744 Y
2021-08-03 10:14:35 a0119.fits V3890_Sgr B 200.0 1.06 -0.1 Y 6.41 12.228 0.071 340 000-BCC-531 0.945006 9429.92679 -20.0625 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 7.003485 Y
2021-08-03 10:18:16 a0120.fits V3890_Sgr B 200.0 1.06 -0.0 Y 4.63 12.195 0.068 475 000-BCC-531 0.957568 9429.92935 -20.0625 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.997051 Y
DateTime filename tnimage objid filter exptime airmass hr_ang has_wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu auid center2obj JD ccd_temp set_temp img_type read_mode binning fov_radius_amin image_available
2021-08-03 10:21:58 a0121.fits V3890_Sgr B 200.0 1.06 0.0 Y 4.72 12.027 0.059 363 000-BCC-531 0.954431 9429.93192 -20.0625 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.997557 Y
2021-08-03 10:27:15 a0122.fits CI_Aql V 100.0 1.36 -0.2 Y 3.43 13.194 0.163 199 000-BCD-453 0.944393 9429.93559 -20.0625 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.998190 Y
2021-08-03 10:29:17 a0123.fits CI_Aql V 100.0 1.36 -0.2 Y 4.26 13.398 0.201 191 000-BCD-453 0.965271 9429.93700 -20.0625 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 7.001638 Y
2021-08-03 10:31:18 a0124.fits CI_Aql V 100.0 1.36 -0.2 Y 3.82 10.840 0.020 583 000-BCD-453 0.985175 9429.93840 -20.0625 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 7.001863 Y
2021-08-03 10:33:24 a0125.fits CI_Aql B 200.0 1.36 -0.1 Y 4.10 11.634 0.043 669 000-BCD-453 0.966911 9429.93986 -20.0625 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.998686 Y
DateTime filename tnimage objid filter exptime airmass hr_ang has_wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu auid center2obj JD ccd_temp set_temp img_type read_mode binning fov_radius_amin image_available
2021-08-03 10:37:05 a0126.fits CI_Aql B 200.0 1.36 -0.1 nan 11.791 0.052 691 000-BCD-453 9429.94242 -20.0625 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-08-03 10:40:46 a0127.fits CI_Aql B 200.0 1.36 -0.0 nan 12.866 0.133 252 000-BCD-453 9429.94498 -20.0625 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-08-03 10:45:40 a0128.fits XX_Sct B 120.0 1.26 0.3 Y 3.75 9.481 0.007 2092 000-BCX-193 0.061244 9429.94838 -20.0625 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 7.007965 Y
2021-08-03 10:48:02 a0129.fits XX_Sct B 120.0 1.26 0.3 Y 3.74 9.471 0.007 2203 000-BCX-193 0.079839 9429.95002 -20.0625 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 7.007408 Y
2021-08-03 10:50:24 a0130.fits XX_Sct V 60.0 1.26 0.4 Y 3.60 9.139 0.005 3082 000-BCX-193 0.064664 9429.95167 -20.0625 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 7.006675 Y
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2021-08-03 10:51:46 a0131.fits XX_Sct V 60.0 1.26 0.4 Y 3.69 9.177 0.005 2658 000-BCX-193 0.076773 9429.95262 -20.0625 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 7.006718 Y
2021-08-03 10:53:10 a0132.fits XX_Sct SR 60.0 1.26 0.4 Y 3.48 8.654 0.004 5045 000-BCX-193 0.076252 9429.95359 -20.0625 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 7.005660 Y
2021-08-03 10:54:30 a0133.fits XX_Sct SR 60.0 1.26 0.4 Y 4.22 8.743 0.004 3319 000-BCX-193 0.071904 9429.95451 -20.0625 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 7.006358 Y
2021-08-03 10:55:52 a0134.fits XX_Sct SI 60.0 1.27 0.5 Y 3.79 9.099 0.005 2955 000-BCX-193 0.059756 9429.95546 -20.0625 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 7.006901 Y
2021-08-03 10:57:13 a0135.fits XX_Sct SI 60.0 1.27 0.5 Y 4.11 9.131 0.005 2595 000-BCX-193 0.073298 9429.95640 -20.0625 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 7.006574 Y
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2021-08-03 11:07:49 a0136.fits V0856_Sco B 12.0 1.22 3.2 nan nan 000-BCX-156 9429.96376 -20.0625 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-08-03 11:08:21 a0137.fits V0856_Sco B 12.0 1.23 3.2 nan nan 000-BCX-156 9429.96413 -20.0625 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-08-03 11:08:53 a0138.fits V0856_Sco B 12.0 1.23 3.2 nan nan 000-BCX-156 9429.96450 -20.0625 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-08-03 11:09:26 a0139.fits V0856_Sco V 5.0 1.23 3.2 nan 10.245 0.009 887 000-BCX-156 9429.96488 -20.0625 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-08-03 11:09:51 a0140.fits V0856_Sco V 5.0 1.23 3.2 nan 10.268 0.009 871 000-BCX-156 9429.96517 -20.0625 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
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2021-08-03 11:10:15 a0141.fits V0856_Sco V 5.0 1.23 3.2 nan 10.279 0.009 925 000-BCX-156 9429.96545 -20.0625 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-08-03 11:10:41 a0142.fits V0856_Sco SR 5.0 1.23 3.2 nan 9.573 0.006 1833 000-BCX-156 9429.96575 -20.0625 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-08-03 11:11:06 a0143.fits V0856_Sco SR 5.0 1.23 3.2 nan 9.858 0.007 1031 000-BCX-156 9429.96604 -20.0625 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-08-03 11:11:29 a0144.fits V0856_Sco SR 5.0 1.23 3.2 nan 9.771 0.007 1347 000-BCX-156 9429.96631 -20.0625 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-08-03 11:11:54 a0145.fits V0856_Sco SI 5.0 1.24 3.2 nan 9.896 0.007 1264 000-BCX-156 9429.96660 -20.0625 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
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2021-08-03 11:12:18 a0146.fits V0856_Sco SI 5.0 1.24 3.2 nan 9.881 0.007 1182 000-BCX-156 9429.96688 -20.0625 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-08-03 11:12:41 a0147.fits V0856_Sco SI 5.0 1.24 3.3 nan 9.872 0.007 1281 000-BCX-156 9429.96714 -20.0625 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-08-03 11:14:54 a0148.fits J1407_Cen B 90.0 1.83 5.3 Y 4.96 9.961 0.010 981 None 2.177801 9429.96868 -20.0625 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.998059 Y
2021-08-03 11:16:57 a0149.fits J1407_Cen B 90.0 1.85 5.3 Y 4.77 nan None 0.745575 9429.97010 -20.0625 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.998742 Y
2021-08-03 11:18:50 a0150.fits J1407_Cen V 30.0 1.86 5.4 Y 3.96 16.832 3.687 135 None 0.736062 9429.97141 -20.0625 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.993198 Y

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2021-08-03 11:19:42 a0151.fits J1407_Cen V 30.0 1.86 5.4 Y 4.23 9.488 0.006 1712 None 0.725442 9429.97201 -20.0625 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.998328 Y
2021-08-03 11:20:35 a0152.fits J1407_Cen SR 30.0 1.87 5.4 Y 3.91 13.443 0.162 3831 None 0.730305 9429.97263 -20.0625 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 7.001377 Y
2021-08-03 11:21:25 a0153.fits J1407_Cen SR 30.0 1.88 5.4 Y 4.24 8.813 0.004 3232 None 0.715228 9429.97321 -20.0625 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.996443 Y
2021-08-03 11:22:17 a0154.fits J1407_Cen SI 30.0 1.89 5.4 Y 4.48 9.055 0.005 2418 None 0.710678 9429.97381 -20.0625 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 7.000674 Y
2021-08-03 11:23:08 a0155.fits J1407_Cen SI 30.0 1.89 5.4 Y 3.98 9.021 0.005 2914 None 0.701126 9429.97440 -20.0625 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 7.000582 Y
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2021-08-03 11:25:42 a0156.fits ASASSN-20da B 30.0 1.37 4.8 Y 3.80 9.889 0.008 1401 000-BNL-373 2.378712 9429.97618 -20.0625 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.999053 Y
2021-08-03 11:26:46 a0157.fits ASASSN-20da V 15.0 1.37 4.8 Y 3.48 9.770 0.007 1704 000-BNL-373 0.458626 9429.97692 -20.0625 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 7.000198 Y
2021-08-03 11:27:25 a0158.fits ASASSN-20da SR 15.0 1.37 4.8 Y 3.42 9.381 0.006 2401 000-BNL-373 0.449657 9429.97737 -20.0625 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.998817 Y
2021-08-03 11:28:02 a0159.fits ASASSN-20da SI 15.0 1.37 4.8 Y 3.49 9.957 0.008 1389 000-BNL-373 0.430092 9429.97780 -20.0625 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.996772 Y
2021-08-03 11:28:47 a0160.fits ASASSN-20da B 30.0 1.38 4.8 Y 3.67 9.868 0.008 1374 000-BNL-373 0.422685 9429.97832 -20.0625 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.998493 Y
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2021-08-03 11:29:40 a0161.fits ASASSN-20da V 15.0 1.38 4.8 Y 3.81 9.833 0.007 1399 000-BNL-373 0.419930 9429.97894 -20.0625 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.997155 Y
2021-08-03 11:30:18 a0162.fits ASASSN-20da SR 15.0 1.38 4.9 Y 4.01 9.496 0.006 1835 000-BNL-373 0.409926 9429.97938 -20.0625 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.998240 Y
2021-08-03 11:30:55 a0163.fits ASASSN-20da SI 15.0 1.38 4.9 Y 3.46 9.957 0.008 1519 000-BNL-373 0.406073 9429.97980 -20.0625 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.997662 Y
2021-08-03 11:31:40 a0164.fits ASASSN-20da B 30.0 1.38 4.9 Y 3.86 9.959 0.009 1097 000-BNL-373 0.390264 9429.98032 -20.0625 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.998636 Y
2021-08-03 11:32:33 a0165.fits ASASSN-20da V 15.0 1.38 4.9 Y 3.60 9.827 0.007 1391 000-BNL-373 0.385301 9429.98094 -20.0625 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.998912 Y
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2021-08-03 11:33:12 a0166.fits ASASSN-20da SR 15.0 1.39 4.9 Y 3.60 9.396 0.006 2311 000-BNL-373 0.373857 9429.98139 -20.0625 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.998007 Y
2021-08-03 11:33:48 a0167.fits ASASSN-20da SI 15.0 1.39 4.9 Y 3.55 9.978 0.008 1398 000-BNL-373 0.372951 9429.98181 -20.0625 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.997732 Y
2021-08-03 11:36:32 a0168.fits ASASSN-V_J18165406-2021176 B 120.0 1.16 1.5 Y 4.78 8.670 0.004 3276 None 0.079141 9429.98370 -20.0625 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.995529 Y
2021-08-03 11:38:55 a0169.fits ASASSN-V_J18165406-2021176 B 120.0 1.16 1.5 Y 4.44 8.615 0.004 3585 None 0.086748 9429.98536 -20.0625 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.999688 Y
2021-08-03 11:41:18 a0170.fits ASASSN-V_J18165406-2021176 V 60.0 1.17 1.6 Y 3.59 8.454 0.003 5759 None 0.115163 9429.98701 -20.0625 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.997444 Y
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2021-08-03 11:42:39 a0171.fits ASASSN-V_J18165406-2021176 V 60.0 1.17 1.6 Y 3.70 8.464 0.003 5105 None 0.128182 9429.98795 -20.0625 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.999566 Y
2021-08-03 11:44:04 a0172.fits ASASSN-V_J18165406-2021176 SR 60.0 1.17 1.6 Y 3.87 8.114 0.003 6810 None 0.144960 9429.98894 -20.0625 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.997022 Y
2021-08-03 11:45:24 a0173.fits ASASSN-V_J18165406-2021176 SR 60.0 1.17 1.7 Y 3.88 8.098 0.003 6656 None 0.148833 9429.98986 -20.0625 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.997216 Y
2021-08-03 11:46:46 a0174.fits ASASSN-V_J18165406-2021176 SI 60.0 1.17 1.7 Y 3.41 8.638 0.004 5312 None 0.155837 9429.99081 -20.0625 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.997173 Y
2021-08-03 11:48:07 a0175.fits ASASSN-V_J18165406-2021176 SI 60.0 1.18 1.7 Y 3.73 8.656 0.004 4126 None 0.175283 9429.99175 -20.0625 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.997977 Y
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2021-08-03 11:50:55 a0176.fits ASASSN-V_J170615-3229447 B 120.0 1.24 2.9 Y 4.18 nan None 1.310813 9429.99369 -20.0625 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.999242 Y
2021-08-03 11:53:28 a0177.fits ASASSN-V_J170615-3229447 B 120.0 1.24 3.0 Y 4.08 15.120 1.072 336 None 0.025375 9429.99546 -20.0625 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 7.001620 Y
2021-08-03 11:55:51 a0178.fits ASASSN-V_J170615-3229447 V 60.0 1.25 3.0 Y 4.21 8.138 0.003 6026 None 0.037060 9429.99712 -20.0625 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 7.003731 Y
2021-08-03 11:57:13 a0179.fits ASASSN-V_J170615-3229447 V 60.0 1.25 3.0 Y 4.32 8.138 0.003 5989 None 0.036155 9429.99807 -20.0625 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 7.002461 Y
2021-08-03 11:58:37 a0180.fits ASASSN-V_J170615-3229447 SR 60.0 1.26 3.1 Y 4.40 7.751 0.002 8464 None 0.048058 9429.99904 -20.0625 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 7.002068 Y
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2021-08-03 11:59:58 a0181.fits ASASSN-V_J170615-3229447 SR 60.0 1.26 3.1 Y 4.49 15.739 2.349 368 None 0.066150 9429.99998 -20.0625 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 7.001847 Y
2021-08-03 12:01:21 a0182.fits ASASSN-V_J170615-3229447 SI 60.0 1.26 3.1 Y 3.72 15.215 1.141 261 None 0.064979 9430.00094 -20.0625 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 7.001803 Y
2021-08-03 12:02:41 a0183.fits ASASSN-V_J170615-3229447 SI 60.0 1.27 3.1 Y 3.89 8.254 0.003 6279 None 0.066422 9430.00186 -20.0625 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 7.000649 Y
2021-08-03 12:05:50 a0184.fits V344_Pav B 200.0 1.07 1.0 Y 4.74 nan 000-BCW-669 0.039092 9430.00405 -20.0625 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.999826 Y
2021-08-03 12:09:39 a0185.fits V344_Pav B 200.0 1.07 1.1 Y 4.15 14.910 0.815 1962 000-BCW-669 0.013812 9430.00670 -20.0625 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.994549 Y
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2021-08-03 12:13:27 a0186.fits V344_Pav B 200.0 1.07 1.1 Y 4.75 99.999 9.999 1163 000-BCW-669 0.073958 9430.00934 -20.0625 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.991163 Y
2021-08-03 12:17:17 a0187.fits V344_Pav B 200.0 1.07 1.2 Y 4.72 nan 000-BCW-669 0.124103 9430.01200 -20.0625 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.991338 Y
2021-08-03 12:21:05 a0188.fits V344_Pav B 200.0 1.08 1.3 Y 4.21 11.193 0.029 2826 000-BCW-669 0.176080 9430.01464 -20.0625 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.987207 Y
2021-08-03 12:24:54 a0189.fits V344_Pav V 100.0 1.08 1.3 Y 4.01 nan 000-BCW-669 0.198167 9430.01729 -20.0625 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.993133 Y
2021-08-03 12:27:03 a0190.fits V344_Pav V 100.0 1.08 1.4 Y 4.27 nan 000-BCW-669 0.218138 9430.01878 -20.0625 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.990939 Y
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2021-08-03 12:29:11 a0191.fits V344_Pav V 100.0 1.08 1.4 Y 4.54 14.083 0.335 271 000-BCW-669 0.249008 9430.02027 -20.0625 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.990476 Y
2021-08-03 12:31:20 a0192.fits V344_Pav V 100.0 1.08 1.4 Y 4.03 nan 000-BCW-669 0.281924 9430.02176 -20.0625 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.992627 Y
2021-08-03 12:33:28 a0193.fits V344_Pav V 100.0 1.08 1.5 Y 3.78 15.601 1.376 176 000-BCW-669 0.299443 9430.02324 -20.0625 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.991963 Y
2021-08-03 12:37:58 a0194.fits V1494_Aql B 200.0 1.66 1.4 Y 4.62 12.203 0.070 3316 000-BCG-542 0.047280 9430.02637 -20.0625 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.998687 Y
2021-08-03 12:41:47 a0195.fits V1494_Aql B 200.0 1.67 1.5 Y 4.15 12.077 0.062 898 000-BCG-542 0.030438 9430.02902 -20.0625 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.999997 Y
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2021-08-03 12:45:34 a0196.fits V1494_Aql B 200.0 1.68 1.6 Y 4.37 nan 000-BCG-542 0.018928 9430.03164 -20.0625 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.999649 Y
2021-08-03 12:49:24 a0197.fits V1494_Aql B 200.0 1.70 1.6 Y 4.41 15.499 1.444 250 000-BCG-542 0.046410 9430.03431 -20.0625 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 7.002651 Y
2021-08-03 12:53:12 a0198.fits V1494_Aql B 200.0 1.71 1.7 Y 4.97 nan 000-BCG-542 0.020995 9430.03694 -20.0625 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 7.002532 Y
2021-08-03 12:57:02 a0199.fits V1494_Aql V 100.0 1.72 1.8 Y 4.77 12.497 0.081 231 000-BCG-542 0.025415 9430.03961 -20.0625 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 7.000593 Y
2021-08-03 12:59:10 a0200.fits V1494_Aql V 100.0 1.73 1.8 Y 5.60 16.479 3.070 159 000-BCG-542 0.074905 9430.04109 -20.0625 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.998871 Y

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2021-08-03 13:01:18 a0201.fits V1494_Aql V 100.0 1.74 1.8 Y 4.38 12.455 0.075 210 000-BCG-542 0.060749 9430.04257 -20.0625 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 7.003210 Y
2021-08-03 13:03:27 a0202.fits V1494_Aql V 100.0 1.75 1.9 Y 4.40 12.389 0.074 228 000-BCG-542 0.072487 9430.04406 -20.0625 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 7.000069 Y
2021-08-03 13:05:36 a0203.fits V1494_Aql V 100.0 1.76 1.9 Y 4.48 12.506 0.085 216 000-BCG-542 0.076835 9430.04556 -20.0625 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 7.000934 Y
2021-08-03 13:08:49 a0204.fits V1419_Aql B 200.0 1.70 2.1 nan nan 000-BCF-788 9430.04779 -20.0625 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-08-03 13:12:36 a0205.fits V1419_Aql B 200.0 1.72 2.2 nan nan 000-BCF-788 9430.05042 -20.0625 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
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2021-08-03 13:16:22 a0206.fits V1419_Aql B 200.0 1.74 2.2 nan nan 000-BCF-788 9430.05303 -20.0625 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-08-03 13:20:09 a0207.fits V1419_Aql B 200.0 1.76 2.3 nan 12.864 0.128 893 000-BCF-788 9430.05566 -20.0625 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-08-03 13:23:55 a0208.fits V1419_Aql B 200.0 1.78 2.4 nan nan 000-BCF-788 9430.05828 -20.0625 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-08-03 13:27:42 a0209.fits V1419_Aql V 100.0 1.79 2.4 Y 6.73 nan 000-BCF-788 0.127465 9430.06090 -20.0625 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.996692 Y
2021-08-03 13:29:51 a0210.fits V1419_Aql V 100.0 1.81 2.5 Y 4.40 nan 000-BCF-788 0.138828 9430.06240 -20.0625 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 7.001373 Y
DateTime filename tnimage objid filter exptime airmass hr_ang has_wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu auid center2obj JD ccd_temp set_temp img_type read_mode binning