[NbConvertApp] Converting notebook /home/aavsonet/scripts/reports/pipeline_report.ipynb to HTML [NbConvertApp] Executing notebook with kernel: python3 pipeline_report

Telescope oc61 date 211106 (yymmdd)

Run at 11/06/2021 20:21:36 EDT

Warnings and Errors

INFO 257 total images for oc61 on 211106
WARNING 172 images not plate solved at observatory
WARNING 3 images suspected over exposed
WARNING 3 images without target object photometry

INFO total images: Number of images processed during the pipeline run

ERROR IMAGE FILE MISSING: This is a serious error. It could be the result of a disk failure or defect in the pipeline scripts.

WARNING images not plate solved at observatory: This indicates images that may of poor quality or under exposed. Good quality images should be plate solved.

WARNING images suspected over exposed: The target object maxadu is over the linearity limit for the camera.

WARNING images without target object photometry: The pipeline performs full frame photometry on every image. This error indicates no photometric result was found that lies with 15 arcsec of the target object. This may be expected for extended objects. For point objects it may indicate a poor-quality image, bad exposure, etc. It makes it more likely the requestor will be not be getting good photometry.

ERROR images with invalid binning: This is a serious error since the pipeline cannot handle multiple binning levels for a given telescope. These images do not get properly processed and will be unusable.

ERROR images with invalid read mode: This indicates the camera configuration at the observatory has changed from its standard and the images are likely out of sync with the calibration images.

ERROR images with invalid image type: This is likely a due to calibration images getting stored on the telescope computer in the wrong directory and getting transferred to the pipeline as science images.

WARNING images with target off center: This indicates that, for plate solved images, the target is 25% of the radius of the image from the center of the frame. This may be intentional as when it is off center to include comp stars. However, it may indicate problems with the telescope pointing.

ERROR images with duplicate times: The frame date and time are identical to another image. This is not possible and represents an error in the pipeline processing.

ERROR Dark and Bias must be at the same temperature: The set of bias and dark calibration masters selected were not at the same temperature. This needs to be investigate and corrected. See calibration file section of this report for more information.

ERROR Science images must be at the same temperature: The science images were taken at more than one temperature. The pipeline will pick the most majority temperature and apply calibration images for that temperature to all images. See the CCD set point section of this report for more information.

WARNING dark masters more than 180 days old: The dark and bias master files in use are getting old. Consider getting new ones. See Calibration File Age section for details.

WARNING flat masters more than 15 days old: The flat master file(s) in use are getting old. Consider getting new ones. See Calibration File Age section for details.

Calibration File Age in Days

Filters used this night B,SG,SI,SR,V
datenite imagetyp filename set_temp filter binning exptime storage_loc Age(d) Active
210919 bias oc61/oc61/calibration/210919/bias_temp-20_bin2.fits -20.0 None 2 None fs 49 Y
210919 dark oc61/oc61/calibration/210919/dark_1.0sec_temp-20_bin2.fits -20.0 None 2 1.00 fs 49 Y
210919 dark oc61/oc61/calibration/210919/dark_3.0sec_temp-20_bin2.fits -20.0 None 2 3.00 fs 49 Y
210919 dark oc61/oc61/calibration/210919/dark_10.0sec_temp-20_bin2.fits -20.0 None 2 10.00 fs 49 Y
210919 dark oc61/oc61/calibration/210919/dark_30.0sec_temp-20_bin2.fits -20.0 None 2 30.00 fs 49 Y
210919 dark oc61/oc61/calibration/210919/dark_100.0sec_temp-20_bin2.fits -20.0 None 2 100.00 fs 49 Y
210919 dark oc61/oc61/calibration/210919/dark_300.0sec_temp-20_bin2.fits -20.0 None 2 300.00 fs 49 Y
211106 flat oc61/oc61/calibration/211106/flatV_bin2.fits NaN V 2 None fs 1 Y
211105 flat oc61/oc61/calibration/211105/flatSG_bin2.fits NaN SG 2 None fs 2 Y
211105 flat oc61/oc61/calibration/211105/flatSR_bin2.fits NaN SR 2 None fs 2 Y
211104 flat oc61/oc61/calibration/211104/flatB_bin2.fits NaN B 2 None fs 3 Y
211104 flat oc61/oc61/calibration/211104/flatSI_bin2.fits NaN SI 2 None fs 3 Y
200128 bias oc61/oc61/calibration/200128/bias.fits -25.0 None 2 0.00 fs 649
200107 bias oc61/oc61/calibration/200107/bias.fits -30.0 None 2 0.00 fs 670
200128 dark oc61/oc61/calibration/200128/dark1.fits -25.0 None 2 1.00 fs 649
200128 dark oc61/oc61/calibration/200128/dark3.fits -25.0 None 2 3.00 fs 649
200128 dark oc61/oc61/calibration/200128/dark10.fits -25.0 None 2 10.00 fs 649
200128 dark oc61/oc61/calibration/200128/dark30.fits -25.0 None 2 30.00 fs 649
200128 dark oc61/oc61/calibration/200128/dark100.fits -25.0 None 2 100.00 fs 649
200128 dark oc61/oc61/calibration/200128/dark300.fits -25.0 None 2 300.00 fs 649
200107 dark oc61/oc61/calibration/200107/dark1.fits -30.0 None 2 1.00 fs 670
200107 dark oc61/oc61/calibration/200107/dark3.fits -30.0 None 2 3.00 fs 670
200107 dark oc61/oc61/calibration/200107/dark10.fits -30.0 None 2 10.00 fs 670
200107 dark oc61/oc61/calibration/200107/dark30.fits -30.0 None 2 30.00 fs 670
200107 dark oc61/oc61/calibration/200107/dark100.fits -30.0 None 2 100.00 fs 670
200107 dark oc61/oc61/calibration/200107/dark300.fits -30.0 None 2 300.00 fs 670

CCD set point vs operating temperature

Maximum delta temperature SET - CCD 0.12 C

Pointing Performance

Suspected Over Exposed Images

Updating '/home/aavsonet/plans':
At revision 2602.
not here: /home/aavsonet/plans/oc61/AAVSO_Monitoring.csv
DateTime project_ objid filter exptime airmass fwhm instmag err maxadu new_exp ChgCSV
2021-11-06 09:03:39 AAVSO_ Monitoring U_Men SI 10.000 1.38 nan 5.476 0.001 64143 6.86 no plan

Suspected Under Exposed Images

DateTime project_ objid filter exptime airmass fwhm instmag err maxadu new_exp
2021-11-06 13:10:45 AAVSO_ 2021ASTR211_ PKAR_ AUTO W_Gru B 6.000 1.60 nan 13.639 0.165 5741 nan
2021-11-06 11:11:43 AAVSO_ 2021ASTR211_ PKAR_ AUTO W_Gru V 2.000 1.17 nan 12.481 0.054 10840 nan
2021-11-06 08:54:18 AAVSO_ Monitoring V837_Ara SR 40.000 1.77 2.60 13.826 0.281 716 nan
2021-11-06 13:45:34 AAVSO_ Monitoring V838_Mon B 180.000 1.73 4.62 11.894 0.055 420 nan
2021-11-06 14:05:45 AAVSO_ Monitoring V838_Mon V 120.000 1.62 4.49 13.078 0.153 1342 nan
2021-11-06 15:58:23 AAVSO_ P136_ SBL_ AUTO ASASSN-20da SI 15.000 2.16 nan 12.286 0.052 206 nan
2021-11-06 13:22:59 AAVSO_ Peclectic_ Staels_ AUTO T_Ori B 60.000 1.41 nan 12.298 0.081 2828 nan
2021-11-06 13:22:09 AAVSO_ Peclectic_ Staels_ AUTO T_Ori SI 20.000 1.42 nan 13.275 0.174 384 nan
2021-11-06 13:21:29 AAVSO_ Peclectic_ Staels_ AUTO T_Ori SR 20.000 1.42 nan 12.521 0.094 1245 nan
2021-11-06 13:24:20 AAVSO_ Peclectic_ Staels_ AUTO T_Ori V 30.000 1.41 nan 11.902 0.056 6750 nan
2021-11-06 10:51:04 AAVSO_ Pgc_ Welch_ AUTO NGC_1261 SG 100.000 1.07 3.01 9.866 0.060 2328 nan
2021-11-06 10:57:08 AAVSO_ Pgc_ Welch_ AUTO NGC_1261 SI 100.000 1.07 2.84 9.796 0.051 2234 nan
2021-11-06 11:21:10 AAVSO_ Pgc_ Welch_ AUTO NGC_1851 SG 100.000 1.27 3.92 11.058 0.107 866 nan
2021-11-06 11:29:17 AAVSO_ Pgc_ Welch_ AUTO NGC_1851 SI 100.000 1.24 3.01 10.769 0.061 1195 nan
2021-11-06 11:47:35 AAVSO_ Pgc_ Welch_ AUTO NGC_1904 SG 100.000 1.37 2.45 8.965 0.055 7696 nan
2021-11-06 12:54:36 AAVSO_ Pgc_ Welch_ AUTO NGC_2298 SG 100.000 1.30 3.88 10.531 0.051 841 nan
2021-11-06 13:04:44 AAVSO_ Pgc_ Welch_ AUTO NGC_2298 SI 100.000 1.27 2.77 11.321 0.099 1335 nan
2021-11-06 12:25:40 AAVSO_ Pgc_ Welch_ AUTO NGC_2808 SG 100.000 1.65 nan 8.093 0.056 13795 nan
2021-11-06 12:30:41 AAVSO_ Pgc_ Welch_ AUTO NGC_2808 SI 100.000 1.63 nan 7.439 0.051 35635 nan
2021-11-06 10:19:43 AAVSO_ Pgc_ Welch_ AUTO NGC_288 SG 70.830 1.05 2.88 17.525 9.999 133 nan
2021-11-06 10:25:55 AAVSO_ Pgc_ Welch_ AUTO NGC_288 SI 100.000 1.05 2.73 13.316 0.289 628 nan
2021-11-06 09:48:57 AAVSO_ Pgc_ Welch_ AUTO NGC_362 SG 60.000 1.13 nan 12.775 0.107 190 nan
2021-11-06 10:05:13 AAVSO_ Pgc_ Welch_ AUTO NGC_362 SI 100.000 1.12 nan 7.700 0.064 16671 nan
2021-11-06 09:21:25 AAVSO_ Pgc_ Welch_ AUTO NGC_7492 SG 100.000 1.15 2.61 11.830 0.052 432 nan
2021-11-06 09:29:31 AAVSO_ Pgc_ Welch_ AUTO NGC_7492 SI 100.000 1.16 2.82 11.932 0.053 338 nan

Images by Target Object


AUID 000-BNL-373

DateTime project_ filter exp am ha filename wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk tnimage OE
2021-11-06 15:56:14 AAVSO_ P136_ SBL_ AUTO B 30.000 2.17 -8.5 a0346.fits Y 2.63 10.562 0.013 961
2021-11-06 15:57:07 AAVSO_ P136_ SBL_ AUTO V 15.000 2.17 -8.4 a0347.fits Y 2.34 11.288 0.022 500
2021-11-06 15:57:46 AAVSO_ P136_ SBL_ AUTO SR 15.000 2.17 -8.4 a0348.fits Y 3.47 11.465 0.025 477
2021-11-06 15:58:23 AAVSO_ P136_ SBL_ AUTO SI 15.000 2.16 -8.4 a0349.fits nan 12.286 0.052 206
2021-11-06 15:59:13 AAVSO_ P136_ SBL_ AUTO B 30.000 2.16 -8.4 a0350.fits Y 2.33 10.594 0.014 1033
2021-11-06 16:00:06 AAVSO_ P136_ SBL_ AUTO V 15.000 2.16 -8.4 a0351.fits Y 3.58 11.525 0.027 402
2021-11-06 16:00:44 AAVSO_ P136_ SBL_ AUTO SR 15.000 2.15 -8.4 a0352.fits Y 2.81 11.471 0.027 519
2021-11-06 16:01:21 AAVSO_ P136_ SBL_ AUTO SI 15.000 2.15 -8.4 a0353.fits nan 12.347 0.053 182
2021-11-06 16:02:05 AAVSO_ P136_ SBL_ AUTO B 30.000 2.15 -8.4 a0354.fits Y 2.79 10.618 0.014 940
2021-11-06 16:02:58 AAVSO_ P136_ SBL_ AUTO V 15.000 2.14 -8.3 a0355.fits Y 2.42 11.275 0.023 509
2021-11-06 16:03:37 AAVSO_ P136_ SBL_ AUTO SR 15.000 2.14 -8.3 a0356.fits Y 2.53 11.370 0.025 679
2021-11-06 16:04:14 AAVSO_ P136_ SBL_ AUTO SI 15.000 2.14 -8.3 a0357.fits Y 2.35 12.268 0.050 256



DateTime project_ filter exp am ha filename wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk tnimage OE
2021-11-06 10:43:40 AAVSO_ Pgc_ Welch_ AUTO SG 60.000 1.08 -2.1 a0209.fits Y 3.05 10.242 0.045 1282
2021-11-06 10:45:01 AAVSO_ Pgc_ Welch_ AUTO SG 100.000 1.08 -2.0 a0210.fits Y 2.75 9.558 0.044 2431
2021-11-06 10:47:02 AAVSO_ Pgc_ Welch_ AUTO SG 100.000 1.08 -2.0 a0211.fits Y 3.76 10.109 0.072 2034
2021-11-06 10:49:03 AAVSO_ Pgc_ Welch_ AUTO SG 100.000 1.08 -2.0 a0212.fits Y 2.79 11.010 0.159 2277
2021-11-06 10:51:04 AAVSO_ Pgc_ Welch_ AUTO SG 100.000 1.07 -1.9 a0213.fits Y 3.01 9.866 0.060 2328
2021-11-06 10:53:04 AAVSO_ Pgc_ Welch_ AUTO SG 100.000 1.07 -1.9 a0214.fits Y 3.18 9.501 0.040 2167
2021-11-06 10:55:07 AAVSO_ Pgc_ Welch_ AUTO SI 100.000 1.07 -1.9 a0215.fits Y 2.79 9.523 0.040 2215
2021-11-06 10:57:08 AAVSO_ Pgc_ Welch_ AUTO SI 100.000 1.07 -1.8 a0216.fits Y 2.84 9.796 0.051 2234
2021-11-06 10:59:09 AAVSO_ Pgc_ Welch_ AUTO SI 100.000 1.07 -1.8 a0217.fits Y 3.10 9.693 0.045 1896
2021-11-06 11:01:10 AAVSO_ Pgc_ Welch_ AUTO SI 100.000 1.06 -1.8 a0218.fits Y 2.82 9.693 0.046 2148
2021-11-06 11:03:11 AAVSO_ Pgc_ Welch_ AUTO SI 100.000 1.06 -1.7 a0219.fits Y 2.81 9.583 0.043 2225



DateTime project_ filter exp am ha filename wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk tnimage OE
2021-11-06 11:15:46 AAVSO_ Pgc_ Welch_ AUTO SG 60.000 1.28 -3.5 a0231.fits Y 3.92 13.773 1.469 987
2021-11-06 11:17:08 AAVSO_ Pgc_ Welch_ AUTO SG 100.000 1.28 -3.5 a0232.fits Y 3.98 11.060 0.119 1537
2021-11-06 11:19:09 AAVSO_ Pgc_ Welch_ AUTO SG 100.000 1.27 -3.5 a0233.fits Y 3.90 10.929 0.123 1726
2021-11-06 11:21:10 AAVSO_ Pgc_ Welch_ AUTO SG 100.000 1.27 -3.5 a0234.fits Y 3.92 11.058 0.107 866
2021-11-06 11:23:11 AAVSO_ Pgc_ Welch_ AUTO SG 100.000 1.26 -3.4 a0235.fits Y 4.87 11.230 0.163 759
2021-11-06 11:25:14 AAVSO_ Pgc_ Welch_ AUTO SI 100.000 1.25 -3.4 a0236.fits Y 3.91 11.171 0.127 841
2021-11-06 11:27:15 AAVSO_ Pgc_ Welch_ AUTO SI 100.000 1.25 -3.4 a0237.fits Y 2.11 11.679 0.154 1319
2021-11-06 11:29:17 AAVSO_ Pgc_ Welch_ AUTO SI 100.000 1.24 -3.3 a0238.fits Y 3.01 10.769 0.061 1195
2021-11-06 11:31:18 AAVSO_ Pgc_ Welch_ AUTO SI 100.000 1.24 -3.3 a0239.fits Y 3.38 10.762 0.063 990



DateTime project_ filter exp am ha filename wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk tnimage OE
2021-11-06 11:44:13 AAVSO_ Pgc_ Welch_ AUTO SG 60.000 1.38 -3.2 a0251.fits Y 2.42 8.875 0.024 4248
2021-11-06 11:45:34 AAVSO_ Pgc_ Welch_ AUTO SG 100.000 1.38 -3.2 a0252.fits Y 2.82 8.196 0.025 5937
2021-11-06 11:47:35 AAVSO_ Pgc_ Welch_ AUTO SG 100.000 1.37 -3.2 a0253.fits Y 2.45 8.965 0.055 7696
2021-11-06 11:49:36 AAVSO_ Pgc_ Welch_ AUTO SG 100.000 1.36 -3.2 a0254.fits Y 3.02 8.333 0.028 5263
2021-11-06 11:51:37 AAVSO_ Pgc_ Welch_ AUTO SG 100.000 1.35 -3.1 a0255.fits Y 2.83 8.236 0.026 6391
2021-11-06 11:53:40 AAVSO_ Pgc_ Welch_ AUTO SI 100.000 1.34 -3.1 a0256.fits Y 2.73 7.988 0.018 9735
2021-11-06 11:55:52 AAVSO_ Pgc_ Welch_ AUTO SI 100.000 1.34 -3.0 a0257.fits Y 3.17 7.946 0.017 8360
2021-11-06 11:57:53 AAVSO_ Pgc_ Welch_ AUTO SI 100.000 1.33 -3.0 a0258.fits Y 2.45 7.888 0.015 11949
2021-11-06 11:59:53 AAVSO_ Pgc_ Welch_ AUTO SI 100.000 1.32 -3.0 a0259.fits nan 8.031 0.020 8405



DateTime project_ filter exp am ha filename wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk tnimage OE
2021-11-06 12:48:13 AAVSO_ Pgc_ Welch_ AUTO SG 60.000 1.32 -3.6 a0291.fits nan 11.161 0.043 757
2021-11-06 12:50:34 AAVSO_ Pgc_ Welch_ AUTO SG 100.000 1.31 -3.5 a0292.fits Y 3.33 10.547 0.052 647
2021-11-06 12:52:35 AAVSO_ Pgc_ Welch_ AUTO SG 100.000 1.31 -3.5 a0293.fits Y 2.95 10.457 0.043 1108
2021-11-06 12:54:36 AAVSO_ Pgc_ Welch_ AUTO SG 100.000 1.30 -3.5 a0294.fits Y 3.88 10.531 0.051 841
2021-11-06 12:56:38 AAVSO_ Pgc_ Welch_ AUTO SG 100.000 1.29 -3.4 a0295.fits Y 2.83 10.427 0.043 1250
2021-11-06 12:58:40 AAVSO_ Pgc_ Welch_ AUTO SI 100.000 1.29 -3.4 a0296.fits Y 2.85 10.494 0.044 1160
2021-11-06 13:00:41 AAVSO_ Pgc_ Welch_ AUTO SI 100.000 1.28 -3.4 a0297.fits Y 3.23 11.537 0.117 1000
2021-11-06 13:02:43 AAVSO_ Pgc_ Welch_ AUTO SI 100.000 1.27 -3.3 a0298.fits Y 3.62 10.538 0.049 1068
2021-11-06 13:04:44 AAVSO_ Pgc_ Welch_ AUTO SI 100.000 1.27 -3.3 a0299.fits Y 2.77 11.321 0.099 1335



DateTime project_ filter exp am ha filename wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk tnimage OE
2021-11-06 12:16:22 AAVSO_ Pgc_ Welch_ AUTO SG 60.000 1.69 -6.5 a0271.fits nan 8.691 0.059 8019
2021-11-06 12:18:42 AAVSO_ Pgc_ Welch_ AUTO SG 100.000 1.68 -6.5 a0272.fits nan 8.167 0.057 14032
2021-11-06 12:21:43 AAVSO_ Pgc_ Welch_ AUTO SG 100.000 1.66 -6.4 a0273.fits nan 8.112 0.048 14068
2021-11-06 12:23:41 AAVSO_ Pgc_ Welch_ AUTO SG 100.000 1.66 -6.4 a0274.fits nan 8.053 0.045 15819
2021-11-06 12:25:40 AAVSO_ Pgc_ Welch_ AUTO SG 100.000 1.65 -6.3 a0275.fits nan 8.093 0.056 13795
2021-11-06 12:27:40 AAVSO_ Pgc_ Welch_ AUTO SI 100.000 1.64 -6.3 a0276.fits nan 7.366 0.049 34692
2021-11-06 12:30:41 AAVSO_ Pgc_ Welch_ AUTO SI 100.000 1.63 -6.3 a0277.fits nan 7.439 0.051 35635
2021-11-06 12:32:39 AAVSO_ Pgc_ Welch_ AUTO SI 100.000 1.63 -6.2 a0278.fits nan 7.526 0.059 38325
2021-11-06 12:34:38 AAVSO_ Pgc_ Welch_ AUTO SI 100.000 1.62 -6.2 a0279.fits nan 7.430 0.050 39386



DateTime project_ filter exp am ha filename wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk tnimage OE
2021-11-06 10:18:22 AAVSO_ Pgc_ Welch_ AUTO SG 60.000 1.05 -0.2 a0189.fits Y 3.29 11.830 0.049 548
2021-11-06 10:19:43 AAVSO_ Pgc_ Welch_ AUTO SG 70.830 1.05 -0.1 a0190.fits Y 2.88 17.525 9.999 133
2021-11-06 10:21:15 AAVSO_ Pgc_ Welch_ AUTO SG 70.830 1.05 -0.1 a0191.fits Y 3.13 11.010 0.025 735
2021-11-06 10:22:47 AAVSO_ Pgc_ Welch_ AUTO SG 70.830 1.05 -0.1 a0192.fits Y 4.10 11.027 0.026 499
2021-11-06 10:24:20 AAVSO_ Pgc_ Welch_ AUTO SG 70.830 1.05 -0.1 a0193.fits Y 3.10 99.999 9.999 803
2021-11-06 10:25:55 AAVSO_ Pgc_ Welch_ AUTO SI 100.000 1.05 -0.0 a0194.fits Y 2.73 13.316 0.289 628
2021-11-06 10:27:56 AAVSO_ Pgc_ Welch_ AUTO SI 100.000 1.05 0.0 a0195.fits Y 2.64 17.005 7.765 357
2021-11-06 10:29:57 AAVSO_ Pgc_ Welch_ AUTO SI 100.000 1.05 0.0 a0196.fits Y 3.04 17.058 6.337 431
2021-11-06 10:31:59 AAVSO_ Pgc_ Welch_ AUTO SI 100.000 1.05 0.1 a0197.fits Y 3.16 14.811 0.835 1188



DateTime project_ filter exp am ha filename wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk tnimage OE
2021-11-06 09:48:57 AAVSO_ Pgc_ Welch_ AUTO SG 60.000 1.13 -0.8 a0169.fits nan 12.775 0.107 190
2021-11-06 09:51:17 AAVSO_ Pgc_ Welch_ AUTO SG 100.000 1.12 -0.8 a0170.fits nan 12.840 0.141 283
2021-11-06 09:54:18 AAVSO_ Pgc_ Welch_ AUTO SG 100.000 1.12 -0.7 a0171.fits nan 14.844 1.032 200
2021-11-06 09:56:16 AAVSO_ Pgc_ Welch_ AUTO SG 100.000 1.12 -0.7 a0172.fits nan 13.511 0.308 182
2021-11-06 09:58:15 AAVSO_ Pgc_ Welch_ AUTO SG 100.000 1.12 -0.7 a0173.fits nan 13.250 0.258 174
2021-11-06 10:00:15 AAVSO_ Pgc_ Welch_ AUTO SI 100.000 1.12 -0.6 a0174.fits nan 7.949 0.067 24226
2021-11-06 10:03:15 AAVSO_ Pgc_ Welch_ AUTO SI 100.000 1.12 -0.6 a0175.fits nan 7.982 0.068 26434
2021-11-06 10:05:13 AAVSO_ Pgc_ Welch_ AUTO SI 100.000 1.12 -0.5 a0176.fits nan 7.700 0.064 16671
2021-11-06 10:07:11 AAVSO_ Pgc_ Welch_ AUTO SI 100.000 1.12 -0.5 a0177.fits nan 8.022 0.067 36342



DateTime project_ filter exp am ha filename wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk tnimage OE
2021-11-06 09:16:00 AAVSO_ Pgc_ Welch_ AUTO SG 60.000 1.15 0.5 a0147.fits Y 3.52 12.669 0.092 176
2021-11-06 09:17:22 AAVSO_ Pgc_ Welch_ AUTO SG 100.000 1.15 0.6 a0148.fits Y 2.73 11.879 0.050 354
2021-11-06 09:19:23 AAVSO_ Pgc_ Welch_ AUTO SG 100.000 1.15 0.6 a0149.fits Y 2.63 15.272 1.201 578
2021-11-06 09:21:25 AAVSO_ Pgc_ Welch_ AUTO SG 100.000 1.15 0.6 a0150.fits Y 2.61 11.830 0.052 432
2021-11-06 09:23:25 AAVSO_ Pgc_ Welch_ AUTO SG 100.000 1.15 0.7 a0151.fits Y 2.66 11.928 0.055 330
2021-11-06 09:25:26 AAVSO_ Pgc_ Welch_ AUTO SG 100.000 1.15 0.7 a0152.fits Y 2.84 11.923 0.053 340
2021-11-06 09:27:29 AAVSO_ Pgc_ Welch_ AUTO SI 100.000 1.16 0.7 a0153.fits Y 3.19 11.906 0.049 324
2021-11-06 09:29:31 AAVSO_ Pgc_ Welch_ AUTO SI 100.000 1.16 0.8 a0154.fits Y 2.82 11.932 0.053 338
2021-11-06 09:31:32 AAVSO_ Pgc_ Welch_ AUTO SI 100.000 1.16 0.8 a0155.fits Y 2.78 11.999 0.053 356
2021-11-06 09:33:33 AAVSO_ Pgc_ Welch_ AUTO SI 100.000 1.16 0.8 a0156.fits Y 2.90 12.021 0.054 324
2021-11-06 09:35:35 AAVSO_ Pgc_ Welch_ AUTO SI 100.000 1.16 0.9 a0157.fits Y 2.99 15.858 1.851 149


AUID 000-BCW-572

DateTime project_ filter exp am ha filename wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk tnimage OE
2021-11-06 13:19:15 AAVSO_ Peclectic_ Staels_ AUTO B 60.000 1.42 -1.8 a0311.fits nan nan
2021-11-06 13:20:37 AAVSO_ Peclectic_ Staels_ AUTO V 30.000 1.42 -1.8 a0312.fits nan 12.070 0.063 6425
2021-11-06 13:21:29 AAVSO_ Peclectic_ Staels_ AUTO SR 20.000 1.42 -1.8 a0313.fits nan 12.521 0.094 1245
2021-11-06 13:22:09 AAVSO_ Peclectic_ Staels_ AUTO SI 20.000 1.42 -1.8 a0314.fits nan 13.275 0.174 384
2021-11-06 13:22:59 AAVSO_ Peclectic_ Staels_ AUTO B 60.000 1.41 -1.8 a0315.fits nan 12.298 0.081 2828
2021-11-06 13:24:20 AAVSO_ Peclectic_ Staels_ AUTO V 30.000 1.41 -1.8 a0316.fits nan 11.902 0.056 6750
2021-11-06 13:25:12 AAVSO_ Peclectic_ Staels_ AUTO SR 20.000 1.41 -1.7 a0317.fits nan 12.652 0.117 732
2021-11-06 13:25:52 AAVSO_ Peclectic_ Staels_ AUTO SI 20.000 1.41 -1.7 a0318.fits nan 7.296 0.002 24938
2021-11-06 13:26:40 AAVSO_ Peclectic_ Staels_ AUTO B 60.000 1.40 -1.7 a0319.fits nan 99.999 9.999 222
2021-11-06 13:28:02 AAVSO_ Peclectic_ Staels_ AUTO V 30.000 1.40 -1.7 a0320.fits nan 12.339 0.079 1200
2021-11-06 13:28:55 AAVSO_ Peclectic_ Staels_ AUTO SR 20.000 1.40 -1.7 a0321.fits nan 12.772 0.113 708
2021-11-06 13:29:35 AAVSO_ Peclectic_ Staels_ AUTO SI 20.000 1.40 -1.7 a0322.fits nan 13.522 0.202 626


AUID 000-BLV-756

DateTime project_ filter exp am ha filename wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk tnimage OE
2021-11-06 08:59:30 AAVSO_ Monitoring B 10.000 1.38 -4.8 a0127.fits Y 1.78 8.793 0.004 6969
2021-11-06 09:00:21 AAVSO_ Monitoring B 10.000 1.38 -4.7 a0128.fits Y 3.21 8.809 0.004 6666
2021-11-06 09:01:00 AAVSO_ Monitoring B 10.000 1.38 -4.7 a0129.fits nan 8.837 0.004 5881
2021-11-06 09:01:38 AAVSO_ Monitoring V 10.000 1.38 -4.7 a0130.fits Y 2.07 7.196 0.002 33030
2021-11-06 09:02:17 AAVSO_ Monitoring V 10.000 1.38 -4.7 a0131.fits Y 2.06 7.202 0.002 30229
2021-11-06 09:02:57 AAVSO_ Monitoring V 10.000 1.38 -4.7 a0132.fits Y 2.36 7.240 0.002 23674
2021-11-06 09:03:39 AAVSO_ Monitoring SI 10.000 1.38 -4.7 a0133.fits nan 5.476 0.001 64143 !OE!
2021-11-06 09:04:50 AAVSO_ Monitoring SI 10.000 1.38 -4.7 a0134.fits nan 5.394 0.001 64143 !OE!
2021-11-06 09:05:26 AAVSO_ Monitoring SI 10.000 1.38 -4.7 a0135.fits nan 5.399 0.001 64143 !OE!


AUID 000-BCB-590

DateTime project_ filter exp am ha filename wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk tnimage OE
2021-11-06 08:33:37 AAVSO_ P147_ RRIA_ AUTO B 120.000 1.69 4.8 a0112.fits nan 9.89 0.012 2296


AUID 000-BCT-804

DateTime project_ filter exp am ha filename wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk tnimage OE
2021-11-06 08:51:36 AAVSO_ Monitoring B 60.000 1.75 6.1 a0124.fits Y 2.75 7.892 0.002 11656
2021-11-06 08:53:07 AAVSO_ Monitoring V 40.000 1.76 6.2 a0125.fits Y 2.43 7.436 0.002 23495
2021-11-06 08:54:18 AAVSO_ Monitoring SR 40.000 1.77 6.2 a0126.fits Y 2.60 13.826 0.281 716


AUID 000-BBM-355

DateTime project_ filter exp am ha filename wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk tnimage OE
2021-11-06 13:42:02 AAVSO_ Monitoring B 180.000 1.76 -2.9 a0334.fits Y 3.99 11.236 0.029 436
2021-11-06 13:45:34 AAVSO_ Monitoring B 180.000 1.73 -2.9 a0335.fits Y 4.62 11.894 0.055 420
2021-11-06 13:49:17 AAVSO_ Monitoring B 180.000 1.71 -2.8 a0336.fits Y 4.66 nan
2021-11-06 13:52:47 AAVSO_ Monitoring B 180.000 1.69 -2.8 a0337.fits Y 3.93 11.205 0.029 469
2021-11-06 13:56:17 AAVSO_ Monitoring B 180.000 1.67 -2.7 a0338.fits Y 4.10 11.218 0.028 429
2021-11-06 13:59:47 AAVSO_ Monitoring B 180.000 1.65 -2.6 a0339.fits Y 3.57 11.122 0.027 519
2021-11-06 14:03:17 AAVSO_ Monitoring V 120.000 1.64 -2.6 a0340.fits Y 3.08 14.364 0.597 1249
2021-11-06 14:05:45 AAVSO_ Monitoring V 120.000 1.62 -2.5 a0341.fits Y 4.49 13.078 0.153 1342
2021-11-06 14:08:14 AAVSO_ Monitoring V 120.000 1.61 -2.5 a0342.fits Y 3.76 8.516 0.004 5040
2021-11-06 14:10:43 AAVSO_ Monitoring V 120.000 1.60 -2.5 a0343.fits Y 3.34 8.452 0.003 6237
2021-11-06 14:13:13 AAVSO_ Monitoring V 120.000 1.59 -2.4 a0344.fits Y 3.51 8.466 0.004 5675
2021-11-06 14:15:43 AAVSO_ Monitoring V 120.000 1.58 -2.4 a0345.fits nan 10.508 0.018 3189


AUID 000-BDQ-969

DateTime project_ filter exp am ha filename wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk tnimage OE
2021-11-06 08:26:13 AAVSO_ 2021ASTR211_ PKAR_ AUTO B 6.000 1.00 0.2 a0101.fits nan 17.809 7.346 151
2021-11-06 08:26:41 AAVSO_ 2021ASTR211_ PKAR_ AUTO B 6.000 1.00 0.2 a0102.fits nan 14.814 0.455 134
2021-11-06 08:27:07 AAVSO_ 2021ASTR211_ PKAR_ AUTO B 6.000 1.00 0.2 a0103.fits nan 15.163 0.650 126
2021-11-06 08:27:33 AAVSO_ 2021ASTR211_ PKAR_ AUTO B 6.000 1.00 0.2 a0104.fits nan 99.999 9.999 127
2021-11-06 08:27:59 AAVSO_ 2021ASTR211_ PKAR_ AUTO V 2.000 1.00 0.2 a0105.fits nan 99.999 9.999 67
2021-11-06 08:28:22 AAVSO_ 2021ASTR211_ PKAR_ AUTO V 2.000 1.00 0.2 a0106.fits nan 16.765 2.418 68
2021-11-06 08:28:44 AAVSO_ 2021ASTR211_ PKAR_ AUTO V 2.000 1.00 0.2 a0107.fits nan 15.448 0.768 71
2021-11-06 08:29:05 AAVSO_ 2021ASTR211_ PKAR_ AUTO V 2.000 1.00 0.2 a0108.fits nan 16.065 1.280 85
2021-11-06 08:29:27 AAVSO_ 2021ASTR211_ PKAR_ AUTO V 2.000 1.00 0.2 a0109.fits nan 15.993 1.209 64
2021-11-06 08:29:48 AAVSO_ 2021ASTR211_ PKAR_ AUTO V 2.000 1.00 0.2 a0110.fits nan 15.546 0.808 66
2021-11-06 08:30:10 AAVSO_ 2021ASTR211_ PKAR_ AUTO V 2.000 1.00 0.2 a0111.fits nan 14.726 0.390 71
2021-11-06 08:44:10 AAVSO_ 2021ASTR211_ PKAR_ AUTO B 6.000 1.00 0.5 a0113.fits nan 7.862 0.002 17702
2021-11-06 08:44:38 AAVSO_ 2021ASTR211_ PKAR_ AUTO B 6.000 1.00 0.5 a0114.fits nan 7.871 0.002 14663
2021-11-06 08:45:03 AAVSO_ 2021ASTR211_ PKAR_ AUTO B 6.000 1.00 0.5 a0115.fits nan 7.847 0.002 16721
2021-11-06 08:45:28 AAVSO_ 2021ASTR211_ PKAR_ AUTO B 6.000 1.00 0.5 a0116.fits nan 14.534 0.396 1829
2021-11-06 08:45:55 AAVSO_ 2021ASTR211_ PKAR_ AUTO V 2.000 1.00 0.5 a0117.fits nan 8.239 0.003 10412
2021-11-06 08:46:17 AAVSO_ 2021ASTR211_ PKAR_ AUTO V 2.000 1.00 0.5 a0118.fits nan 8.234 0.003 12773
2021-11-06 08:46:39 AAVSO_ 2021ASTR211_ PKAR_ AUTO V 2.000 1.00 0.5 a0119.fits nan 8.244 0.003 9889
2021-11-06 08:47:01 AAVSO_ 2021ASTR211_ PKAR_ AUTO V 2.000 1.00 0.5 a0120.fits nan 14.713 0.420 1193
2021-11-06 08:47:22 AAVSO_ 2021ASTR211_ PKAR_ AUTO V 2.000 1.00 0.5 a0121.fits nan 14.563 0.363 5427
2021-11-06 08:47:43 AAVSO_ 2021ASTR211_ PKAR_ AUTO V 2.000 1.00 0.5 a0122.fits nan 8.231 0.003 13021
2021-11-06 08:48:05 AAVSO_ 2021ASTR211_ PKAR_ AUTO V 2.000 1.00 0.5 a0123.fits nan 15.574 0.949 155
2021-11-06 09:09:13 AAVSO_ 2021ASTR211_ PKAR_ AUTO B 6.000 1.01 0.9 a0136.fits nan 7.928 0.002 13214
2021-11-06 09:09:39 AAVSO_ 2021ASTR211_ PKAR_ AUTO B 6.000 1.01 0.9 a0137.fits nan 7.882 0.002 18219
2021-11-06 09:10:05 AAVSO_ 2021ASTR211_ PKAR_ AUTO B 6.000 1.01 0.9 a0138.fits nan 7.934 0.002 15408
2021-11-06 09:10:31 AAVSO_ 2021ASTR211_ PKAR_ AUTO B 6.000 1.01 0.9 a0139.fits nan 7.951 0.002 13927
2021-11-06 09:10:57 AAVSO_ 2021ASTR211_ PKAR_ AUTO V 2.000 1.01 0.9 a0140.fits nan 8.271 0.003 13904
2021-11-06 09:11:19 AAVSO_ 2021ASTR211_ PKAR_ AUTO V 2.000 1.01 0.9 a0141.fits nan 14.269 0.267 14700
2021-11-06 09:11:41 AAVSO_ 2021ASTR211_ PKAR_ AUTO V 2.000 1.02 0.9 a0142.fits nan 14.758 0.444 1365
2021-11-06 09:12:02 AAVSO_ 2021ASTR211_ PKAR_ AUTO V 2.000 1.02 0.9 a0143.fits nan 13.822 0.179 15093
2021-11-06 09:12:24 AAVSO_ 2021ASTR211_ PKAR_ AUTO V 2.000 1.02 0.9 a0144.fits nan 16.133 1.576 443
2021-11-06 09:12:45 AAVSO_ 2021ASTR211_ PKAR_ AUTO V 2.000 1.02 0.9 a0145.fits nan 15.348 0.740 4504
2021-11-06 09:13:06 AAVSO_ 2021ASTR211_ PKAR_ AUTO V 2.000 1.02 0.9 a0146.fits nan 8.265 0.003 12307
2021-11-06 09:40:11 AAVSO_ 2021ASTR211_ PKAR_ AUTO B 6.000 1.04 1.4 a0158.fits nan 16.963 3.366 52
2021-11-06 09:40:37 AAVSO_ 2021ASTR211_ PKAR_ AUTO B 6.000 1.04 1.4 a0159.fits nan 7.996 0.002 13321
2021-11-06 09:41:02 AAVSO_ 2021ASTR211_ PKAR_ AUTO B 6.000 1.04 1.4 a0160.fits nan 7.980 0.002 15173
2021-11-06 09:41:28 AAVSO_ 2021ASTR211_ PKAR_ AUTO B 6.000 1.04 1.4 a0161.fits nan 7.949 0.002 15380
2021-11-06 09:41:55 AAVSO_ 2021ASTR211_ PKAR_ AUTO V 2.000 1.04 1.4 a0162.fits nan 16.657 2.502 4164
2021-11-06 09:42:17 AAVSO_ 2021ASTR211_ PKAR_ AUTO V 2.000 1.04 1.4 a0163.fits nan 8.338 0.003 12387
2021-11-06 09:42:39 AAVSO_ 2021ASTR211_ PKAR_ AUTO V 2.000 1.04 1.4 a0164.fits nan 8.288 0.003 13948
2021-11-06 09:43:00 AAVSO_ 2021ASTR211_ PKAR_ AUTO V 2.000 1.04 1.4 a0165.fits nan 14.984 0.546 971
2021-11-06 09:43:21 AAVSO_ 2021ASTR211_ PKAR_ AUTO V 2.000 1.04 1.5 a0166.fits nan 8.333 0.003 12012
2021-11-06 09:43:43 AAVSO_ 2021ASTR211_ PKAR_ AUTO V 2.000 1.04 1.5 a0167.fits nan 8.333 0.003 12213
2021-11-06 09:44:05 AAVSO_ 2021ASTR211_ PKAR_ AUTO V 2.000 1.04 1.5 a0168.fits nan 8.293 0.003 13951
2021-11-06 10:11:41 AAVSO_ 2021ASTR211_ PKAR_ AUTO B 6.000 1.07 1.9 a0178.fits nan 12.037 0.039 14687
2021-11-06 10:12:07 AAVSO_ 2021ASTR211_ PKAR_ AUTO B 6.000 1.07 1.9 a0179.fits nan 7.916 0.002 14551
2021-11-06 10:12:33 AAVSO_ 2021ASTR211_ PKAR_ AUTO B 6.000 1.07 1.9 a0180.fits nan 7.913 0.002 12757
2021-11-06 10:12:59 AAVSO_ 2021ASTR211_ PKAR_ AUTO B 6.000 1.07 1.9 a0181.fits nan 7.918 0.002 14123
2021-11-06 10:13:25 AAVSO_ 2021ASTR211_ PKAR_ AUTO V 2.000 1.07 2.0 a0182.fits nan 15.649 1.028 82
2021-11-06 10:13:47 AAVSO_ 2021ASTR211_ PKAR_ AUTO V 2.000 1.07 2.0 a0183.fits nan 8.261 0.003 11575
2021-11-06 10:14:09 AAVSO_ 2021ASTR211_ PKAR_ AUTO V 2.000 1.07 2.0 a0184.fits nan 8.299 0.003 13051
2021-11-06 10:14:30 AAVSO_ 2021ASTR211_ PKAR_ AUTO V 2.000 1.07 2.0 a0185.fits nan 13.073 0.086 12118
2021-11-06 10:14:52 AAVSO_ 2021ASTR211_ PKAR_ AUTO V 2.000 1.07 2.0 a0186.fits nan 12.254 0.043 9313
2021-11-06 10:15:13 AAVSO_ 2021ASTR211_ PKAR_ AUTO V 2.000 1.07 2.0 a0187.fits nan 8.304 0.003 11489
2021-11-06 10:15:34 AAVSO_ 2021ASTR211_ PKAR_ AUTO V 2.000 1.07 2.0 a0188.fits nan 8.270 0.003 11135
2021-11-06 10:36:30 AAVSO_ 2021ASTR211_ PKAR_ AUTO B 6.000 1.10 2.3 a0198.fits nan 14.100 0.255 16151
2021-11-06 10:36:56 AAVSO_ 2021ASTR211_ PKAR_ AUTO B 6.000 1.10 2.3 a0199.fits nan 7.859 0.002 19232
2021-11-06 10:37:21 AAVSO_ 2021ASTR211_ PKAR_ AUTO B 6.000 1.10 2.4 a0200.fits nan 7.889 0.002 16703
2021-11-06 10:37:47 AAVSO_ 2021ASTR211_ PKAR_ AUTO B 6.000 1.11 2.4 a0201.fits nan 7.919 0.002 14804
2021-11-06 10:38:13 AAVSO_ 2021ASTR211_ PKAR_ AUTO V 2.000 1.11 2.4 a0202.fits nan 15.995 1.337 1051
2021-11-06 10:38:35 AAVSO_ 2021ASTR211_ PKAR_ AUTO V 2.000 1.11 2.4 a0203.fits nan 8.216 0.003 15148
2021-11-06 10:38:57 AAVSO_ 2021ASTR211_ PKAR_ AUTO V 2.000 1.11 2.4 a0204.fits nan 8.249 0.003 13662
2021-11-06 10:39:19 AAVSO_ 2021ASTR211_ PKAR_ AUTO V 2.000 1.11 2.4 a0205.fits nan 13.749 0.175 17207
2021-11-06 10:39:40 AAVSO_ 2021ASTR211_ PKAR_ AUTO V 2.000 1.11 2.4 a0206.fits nan 15.856 1.158 139
2021-11-06 10:40:02 AAVSO_ 2021ASTR211_ PKAR_ AUTO V 2.000 1.11 2.4 a0207.fits nan 15.747 1.080 1869
2021-11-06 10:40:23 AAVSO_ 2021ASTR211_ PKAR_ AUTO V 2.000 1.11 2.4 a0208.fits nan 8.260 0.003 11766
2021-11-06 11:08:13 AAVSO_ 2021ASTR211_ PKAR_ AUTO B 6.000 1.16 2.9 a0220.fits nan 7.968 0.002 9891
2021-11-06 11:08:39 AAVSO_ 2021ASTR211_ PKAR_ AUTO B 6.000 1.16 2.9 a0221.fits nan 7.978 0.002 10912
2021-11-06 11:09:04 AAVSO_ 2021ASTR211_ PKAR_ AUTO B 6.000 1.16 2.9 a0222.fits nan 7.982 0.002 10971
2021-11-06 11:09:29 AAVSO_ 2021ASTR211_ PKAR_ AUTO B 6.000 1.16 2.9 a0223.fits nan 7.927 0.002 13217
2021-11-06 11:09:56 AAVSO_ 2021ASTR211_ PKAR_ AUTO V 2.000 1.17 2.9 a0224.fits nan 12.576 0.058 8897
2021-11-06 11:10:18 AAVSO_ 2021ASTR211_ PKAR_ AUTO V 2.000 1.17 2.9 a0225.fits nan 8.269 0.003 10330
2021-11-06 11:10:39 AAVSO_ 2021ASTR211_ PKAR_ AUTO V 2.000 1.17 2.9 a0226.fits nan 12.276 0.044 13424
2021-11-06 11:11:00 AAVSO_ 2021ASTR211_ PKAR_ AUTO V 2.000 1.17 2.9 a0227.fits nan 12.272 0.043 10623
2021-11-06 11:11:21 AAVSO_ 2021ASTR211_ PKAR_ AUTO V 2.000 1.17 2.9 a0228.fits nan 8.294 0.003 11293
2021-11-06 11:11:43 AAVSO_ 2021ASTR211_ PKAR_ AUTO V 2.000 1.17 2.9 a0229.fits nan 12.481 0.054 10840
2021-11-06 11:12:04 AAVSO_ 2021ASTR211_ PKAR_ AUTO V 2.000 1.17 2.9 a0230.fits nan 8.296 0.003 8653
2021-11-06 11:36:42 AAVSO_ 2021ASTR211_ PKAR_ AUTO B 6.000 1.23 3.3 a0240.fits nan 7.990 0.002 11235
2021-11-06 11:37:08 AAVSO_ 2021ASTR211_ PKAR_ AUTO B 6.000 1.23 3.4 a0241.fits nan 11.764 0.030 15327
2021-11-06 11:37:34 AAVSO_ 2021ASTR211_ PKAR_ AUTO B 6.000 1.23 3.4 a0242.fits nan 15.000 0.553 51
2021-11-06 11:37:59 AAVSO_ 2021ASTR211_ PKAR_ AUTO B 6.000 1.23 3.4 a0243.fits nan 15.540 0.970 162
2021-11-06 11:38:26 AAVSO_ 2021ASTR211_ PKAR_ AUTO V 2.000 1.23 3.4 a0244.fits nan 8.298 0.003 8731
2021-11-06 11:38:48 AAVSO_ 2021ASTR211_ PKAR_ AUTO V 2.000 1.23 3.4 a0245.fits nan 12.347 0.045 12801
2021-11-06 11:39:10 AAVSO_ 2021ASTR211_ PKAR_ AUTO V 2.000 1.24 3.4 a0246.fits nan 8.288 0.003 11723
2021-11-06 11:39:31 AAVSO_ 2021ASTR211_ PKAR_ AUTO V 2.000 1.24 3.4 a0247.fits nan 8.320 0.003 9776
2021-11-06 11:39:52 AAVSO_ 2021ASTR211_ PKAR_ AUTO V 2.000 1.24 3.4 a0248.fits nan 15.694 1.123 374
2021-11-06 11:40:14 AAVSO_ 2021ASTR211_ PKAR_ AUTO V 2.000 1.24 3.4 a0249.fits nan 12.243 0.041 10452
2021-11-06 11:40:35 AAVSO_ 2021ASTR211_ PKAR_ AUTO V 2.000 1.24 3.4 a0250.fits nan 8.305 0.003 11940
2021-11-06 12:06:16 AAVSO_ 2021ASTR211_ PKAR_ AUTO B 6.000 1.32 3.8 a0260.fits nan 14.534 0.382 4340
2021-11-06 12:06:43 AAVSO_ 2021ASTR211_ PKAR_ AUTO B 6.000 1.32 3.8 a0261.fits nan 8.054 0.003 9834
2021-11-06 12:07:09 AAVSO_ 2021ASTR211_ PKAR_ AUTO B 6.000 1.32 3.9 a0262.fits nan 11.812 0.033 12772
2021-11-06 12:07:34 AAVSO_ 2021ASTR211_ PKAR_ AUTO B 6.000 1.32 3.9 a0263.fits nan 17.746 6.708 50
2021-11-06 12:08:00 AAVSO_ 2021ASTR211_ PKAR_ AUTO V 2.000 1.32 3.9 a0264.fits nan 14.366 0.319 3975
2021-11-06 12:08:23 AAVSO_ 2021ASTR211_ PKAR_ AUTO V 2.000 1.32 3.9 a0265.fits nan 8.415 0.003 8324
2021-11-06 12:08:44 AAVSO_ 2021ASTR211_ PKAR_ AUTO V 2.000 1.32 3.9 a0266.fits nan 12.689 0.066 9191
2021-11-06 12:09:05 AAVSO_ 2021ASTR211_ PKAR_ AUTO V 2.000 1.33 3.9 a0267.fits nan 8.406 0.003 8734
2021-11-06 12:09:27 AAVSO_ 2021ASTR211_ PKAR_ AUTO V 2.000 1.33 3.9 a0268.fits nan 8.443 0.003 7966
2021-11-06 12:09:49 AAVSO_ 2021ASTR211_ PKAR_ AUTO V 2.000 1.33 3.9 a0269.fits nan 8.391 0.003 11529
2021-11-06 12:10:10 AAVSO_ 2021ASTR211_ PKAR_ AUTO V 2.000 1.33 3.9 a0270.fits nan 8.427 0.003 11272
2021-11-06 12:40:26 AAVSO_ 2021ASTR211_ PKAR_ AUTO B 6.000 1.45 4.4 a0280.fits nan 16.204 1.728 122
2021-11-06 12:40:52 AAVSO_ 2021ASTR211_ PKAR_ AUTO B 6.000 1.45 4.4 a0281.fits nan 14.510 0.399 1633
2021-11-06 12:41:18 AAVSO_ 2021ASTR211_ PKAR_ AUTO B 6.000 1.45 4.4 a0282.fits nan 8.214 0.003 9573
2021-11-06 12:41:43 AAVSO_ 2021ASTR211_ PKAR_ AUTO B 6.000 1.45 4.4 a0283.fits nan 14.152 0.269 4022
2021-11-06 12:42:10 AAVSO_ 2021ASTR211_ PKAR_ AUTO V 2.000 1.45 4.4 a0284.fits nan 8.471 0.003 9459
2021-11-06 12:42:32 AAVSO_ 2021ASTR211_ PKAR_ AUTO V 2.000 1.46 4.4 a0285.fits nan 99.999 9.999 84
2021-11-06 12:42:54 AAVSO_ 2021ASTR211_ PKAR_ AUTO V 2.000 1.46 4.5 a0286.fits nan 8.534 0.003 7394
2021-11-06 12:43:15 AAVSO_ 2021ASTR211_ PKAR_ AUTO V 2.000 1.46 4.5 a0287.fits nan 13.874 0.190 7041
2021-11-06 12:43:36 AAVSO_ 2021ASTR211_ PKAR_ AUTO V 2.000 1.46 4.5 a0288.fits nan 8.504 0.003 7371
2021-11-06 12:43:57 AAVSO_ 2021ASTR211_ PKAR_ AUTO V 2.000 1.46 4.5 a0289.fits nan 8.479 0.003 9526
2021-11-06 12:44:19 AAVSO_ 2021ASTR211_ PKAR_ AUTO V 2.000 1.46 4.5 a0290.fits nan 16.112 1.500 354
2021-11-06 13:10:18 AAVSO_ 2021ASTR211_ PKAR_ AUTO B 6.000 1.59 4.9 a0300.fits nan nan
2021-11-06 13:10:45 AAVSO_ 2021ASTR211_ PKAR_ AUTO B 6.000 1.60 4.9 a0301.fits nan 13.639 0.165 5741
2021-11-06 13:11:11 AAVSO_ 2021ASTR211_ PKAR_ AUTO B 6.000 1.60 4.9 a0302.fits nan 8.630 0.003 6501
2021-11-06 13:11:36 AAVSO_ 2021ASTR211_ PKAR_ AUTO B 6.000 1.60 4.9 a0303.fits nan 12.200 0.044 6044
2021-11-06 13:12:03 AAVSO_ 2021ASTR211_ PKAR_ AUTO V 2.000 1.60 4.9 a0304.fits nan 8.841 0.004 6557
2021-11-06 13:12:25 AAVSO_ 2021ASTR211_ PKAR_ AUTO V 2.000 1.60 4.9 a0305.fits nan 8.958 0.004 4204
2021-11-06 13:12:46 AAVSO_ 2021ASTR211_ PKAR_ AUTO V 2.000 1.61 5.0 a0306.fits nan 8.953 0.004 5726
2021-11-06 13:13:08 AAVSO_ 2021ASTR211_ PKAR_ AUTO V 2.000 1.61 5.0 a0307.fits nan 8.881 0.004 5096
2021-11-06 13:13:30 AAVSO_ 2021ASTR211_ PKAR_ AUTO V 2.000 1.61 5.0 a0308.fits nan 8.904 0.004 5651
2021-11-06 13:13:51 AAVSO_ 2021ASTR211_ PKAR_ AUTO V 2.000 1.61 5.0 a0309.fits nan 8.892 0.004 6357
2021-11-06 13:14:13 AAVSO_ 2021ASTR211_ PKAR_ AUTO V 2.000 1.61 5.0 a0310.fits nan 8.900 0.004 5680
2021-11-06 13:34:10 AAVSO_ 2021ASTR211_ PKAR_ AUTO B 6.000 1.74 5.3 a0323.fits nan 8.495 0.003 6622
2021-11-06 13:34:37 AAVSO_ 2021ASTR211_ PKAR_ AUTO B 6.000 1.74 5.3 a0324.fits nan 8.506 0.003 6905
2021-11-06 13:35:02 AAVSO_ 2021ASTR211_ PKAR_ AUTO B 6.000 1.74 5.3 a0325.fits nan 8.553 0.003 5332
2021-11-06 13:35:28 AAVSO_ 2021ASTR211_ PKAR_ AUTO B 6.000 1.75 5.3 a0326.fits nan 8.515 0.003 6188
2021-11-06 13:35:55 AAVSO_ 2021ASTR211_ PKAR_ AUTO V 2.000 1.75 5.3 a0327.fits nan 15.494 0.892 89
2021-11-06 13:36:17 AAVSO_ 2021ASTR211_ PKAR_ AUTO V 2.000 1.75 5.3 a0328.fits nan 8.779 0.004 6010
2021-11-06 13:36:38 AAVSO_ 2021ASTR211_ PKAR_ AUTO V 2.000 1.75 5.4 a0329.fits nan 13.326 0.112 6258
2021-11-06 13:37:00 AAVSO_ 2021ASTR211_ PKAR_ AUTO V 2.000 1.76 5.4 a0330.fits nan 8.790 0.004 5197
2021-11-06 13:37:21 AAVSO_ 2021ASTR211_ PKAR_ AUTO V 2.000 1.76 5.4 a0331.fits nan 15.047 0.562 3711
2021-11-06 13:37:43 AAVSO_ 2021ASTR211_ PKAR_ AUTO V 2.000 1.76 5.4 a0332.fits nan 8.796 0.004 5789
2021-11-06 13:38:05 AAVSO_ 2021ASTR211_ PKAR_ AUTO V 2.000 1.76 5.4 a0333.fits nan 8.784 0.004 5557

Remark-o-matic Image View

images 101 to 150

DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 08:26:13 a0101.fits W_Gru B 6.000 1.00 0.2 nan 17.809 7.346 151 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 08:26:41 a0102.fits W_Gru B 6.000 1.00 0.2 nan 14.814 0.455 134 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 08:27:07 a0103.fits W_Gru B 6.000 1.00 0.2 nan 15.163 0.65 126 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 08:27:33 a0104.fits W_Gru B 6.000 1.00 0.2 nan 99.999 9.999 127 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 08:27:59 a0105.fits W_Gru V 2.000 1.00 0.2 nan 99.999 9.999 67 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 08:28:22 a0106.fits W_Gru V 2.000 1.00 0.2 nan 16.765 2.418 68 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 08:28:44 a0107.fits W_Gru V 2.000 1.00 0.2 nan 15.448 0.768 71 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 08:29:05 a0108.fits W_Gru V 2.000 1.00 0.2 nan 16.065 1.28 85 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 08:29:27 a0109.fits W_Gru V 2.000 1.00 0.2 nan 15.993 1.209 64 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 08:29:48 a0110.fits W_Gru V 2.000 1.00 0.2 nan 15.546 0.808 66 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 08:30:10 a0111.fits W_Gru V 2.000 1.00 0.2 nan 14.726 0.39 71 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 08:33:37 a0112.fits V0725_Sgr B 120.000 1.69 4.8 nan 9.89 0.012 2296 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 08:44:10 a0113.fits W_Gru B 6.000 1.00 0.5 nan 7.862 0.002 17702 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 08:44:38 a0114.fits W_Gru B 6.000 1.00 0.5 nan 7.871 0.002 14663 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 08:45:03 a0115.fits W_Gru B 6.000 1.00 0.5 nan 7.847 0.002 16721 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 08:45:28 a0116.fits W_Gru B 6.000 1.00 0.5 nan 14.534 0.396 1829 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 08:45:55 a0117.fits W_Gru V 2.000 1.00 0.5 nan 8.239 0.003 10412 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 08:46:17 a0118.fits W_Gru V 2.000 1.00 0.5 nan 8.234 0.003 12773 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 08:46:39 a0119.fits W_Gru V 2.000 1.00 0.5 nan 8.244 0.003 9889 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 08:47:01 a0120.fits W_Gru V 2.000 1.00 0.5 nan 14.713 0.42 1193 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 08:47:22 a0121.fits W_Gru V 2.000 1.00 0.5 nan 14.563 0.363 5427 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 08:47:43 a0122.fits W_Gru V 2.000 1.00 0.5 nan 8.231 0.003 13021 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 08:48:05 a0123.fits W_Gru V 2.000 1.00 0.5 nan 15.574 0.949 155 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 08:51:36 a0124.fits V837_Ara B 60.000 1.75 6.1 Y 2.75 7.892 0.002 11656 0.21
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 08:53:07 a0125.fits V837_Ara V 40.000 1.76 6.2 Y 2.43 7.436 0.002 23495 0.22
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 08:54:18 a0126.fits V837_Ara SR 40.000 1.77 6.2 Y 2.60 13.826 0.281 716 0.23
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 08:59:30 a0127.fits U_Men B 10.000 1.38 -4.8 Y 1.78 8.793 0.004 6969 1.56
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 09:00:21 a0128.fits U_Men B 10.000 1.38 -4.7 Y 3.21 8.809 0.004 6666 0.21
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 09:01:00 a0129.fits U_Men B 10.000 1.38 -4.7 nan 8.837 0.004 5881 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 09:01:38 a0130.fits U_Men V 10.000 1.38 -4.7 Y 2.07 7.196 0.002 33030 0.21
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 09:02:17 a0131.fits U_Men V 10.000 1.38 -4.7 Y 2.06 7.202 0.002 30229 0.21
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 09:02:57 a0132.fits U_Men V 10.000 1.38 -4.7 Y 2.36 7.24 0.002 23674 0.22
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 09:03:39 a0133.fits U_Men SI 10.000 1.38 -4.7 nan 5.476 0.001 64143 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 09:04:50 a0134.fits U_Men SI 10.000 1.38 -4.7 nan 5.394 0.001 64143 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 09:05:26 a0135.fits U_Men SI 10.000 1.38 -4.7 nan 5.399 0.001 64143 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 09:09:13 a0136.fits W_Gru B 6.000 1.01 0.9 nan 7.928 0.002 13214 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 09:09:39 a0137.fits W_Gru B 6.000 1.01 0.9 nan 7.882 0.002 18219 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 09:10:05 a0138.fits W_Gru B 6.000 1.01 0.9 nan 7.934 0.002 15408 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 09:10:31 a0139.fits W_Gru B 6.000 1.01 0.9 nan 7.951 0.002 13927 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 09:10:57 a0140.fits W_Gru V 2.000 1.01 0.9 nan 8.271 0.003 13904 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 09:11:19 a0141.fits W_Gru V 2.000 1.01 0.9 nan 14.269 0.267 14700 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 09:11:41 a0142.fits W_Gru V 2.000 1.02 0.9 nan 14.758 0.444 1365 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 09:12:02 a0143.fits W_Gru V 2.000 1.02 0.9 nan 13.822 0.179 15093 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 09:12:24 a0144.fits W_Gru V 2.000 1.02 0.9 nan 16.133 1.576 443 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 09:12:45 a0145.fits W_Gru V 2.000 1.02 0.9 nan 15.348 0.74 4504 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 09:13:06 a0146.fits W_Gru V 2.000 1.02 0.9 nan 8.265 0.003 12307 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 09:16:00 a0147.fits NGC_7492 SG 60.000 1.15 0.5 Y 3.52 12.669 0.092 176 0.04
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 09:17:22 a0148.fits NGC_7492 SG 100.000 1.15 0.6 Y 2.73 11.879 0.05 354 0.09
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 09:19:23 a0149.fits NGC_7492 SG 100.000 1.15 0.6 Y 2.63 15.272 1.201 578 0.08
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 09:21:25 a0150.fits NGC_7492 SG 100.000 1.15 0.6 Y 2.61 11.83 0.052 432 0.06

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DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 09:23:25 a0151.fits NGC_7492 SG 100.000 1.15 0.7 Y 2.66 11.928 0.055 330 0.06
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 09:25:26 a0152.fits NGC_7492 SG 100.000 1.15 0.7 Y 2.84 11.923 0.053 340 0.08
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 09:27:29 a0153.fits NGC_7492 SI 100.000 1.16 0.7 Y 3.19 11.906 0.049 324 0.09
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 09:29:31 a0154.fits NGC_7492 SI 100.000 1.16 0.8 Y 2.82 11.932 0.053 338 0.08
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 09:31:32 a0155.fits NGC_7492 SI 100.000 1.16 0.8 Y 2.78 11.999 0.053 356 0.08
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 09:33:33 a0156.fits NGC_7492 SI 100.000 1.16 0.8 Y 2.90 12.021 0.054 324 0.09
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 09:35:35 a0157.fits NGC_7492 SI 100.000 1.16 0.9 Y 2.99 15.858 1.851 149 0.09
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 09:40:11 a0158.fits W_Gru B 6.000 1.04 1.4 nan 16.963 3.366 52 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 09:40:37 a0159.fits W_Gru B 6.000 1.04 1.4 nan 7.996 0.002 13321 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 09:41:02 a0160.fits W_Gru B 6.000 1.04 1.4 nan 7.98 0.002 15173 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 09:41:28 a0161.fits W_Gru B 6.000 1.04 1.4 nan 7.949 0.002 15380 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 09:41:55 a0162.fits W_Gru V 2.000 1.04 1.4 nan 16.657 2.502 4164 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 09:42:17 a0163.fits W_Gru V 2.000 1.04 1.4 nan 8.338 0.003 12387 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 09:42:39 a0164.fits W_Gru V 2.000 1.04 1.4 nan 8.288 0.003 13948 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 09:43:00 a0165.fits W_Gru V 2.000 1.04 1.4 nan 14.984 0.546 971 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 09:43:21 a0166.fits W_Gru V 2.000 1.04 1.5 nan 8.333 0.003 12012 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 09:43:43 a0167.fits W_Gru V 2.000 1.04 1.5 nan 8.333 0.003 12213 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 09:44:05 a0168.fits W_Gru V 2.000 1.04 1.5 nan 8.293 0.003 13951 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 09:48:57 a0169.fits NGC_362 SG 60.000 1.13 -0.8 nan 12.775 0.107 190 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 09:51:17 a0170.fits NGC_362 SG 100.000 1.12 -0.8 nan 12.84 0.141 283 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 09:54:18 a0171.fits NGC_362 SG 100.000 1.12 -0.7 nan 14.844 1.032 200 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 09:56:16 a0172.fits NGC_362 SG 100.000 1.12 -0.7 nan 13.511 0.308 182 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 09:58:15 a0173.fits NGC_362 SG 100.000 1.12 -0.7 nan 13.25 0.258 174 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 10:00:15 a0174.fits NGC_362 SI 100.000 1.12 -0.6 nan 7.949 0.067 24226 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 10:03:15 a0175.fits NGC_362 SI 100.000 1.12 -0.6 nan 7.982 0.068 26434 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 10:05:13 a0176.fits NGC_362 SI 100.000 1.12 -0.5 nan 7.7 0.064 16671 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 10:07:11 a0177.fits NGC_362 SI 100.000 1.12 -0.5 nan 8.022 0.067 36342 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 10:11:41 a0178.fits W_Gru B 6.000 1.07 1.9 nan 12.037 0.039 14687 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 10:12:07 a0179.fits W_Gru B 6.000 1.07 1.9 nan 7.916 0.002 14551 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 10:12:33 a0180.fits W_Gru B 6.000 1.07 1.9 nan 7.913 0.002 12757 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 10:12:59 a0181.fits W_Gru B 6.000 1.07 1.9 nan 7.918 0.002 14123 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 10:13:25 a0182.fits W_Gru V 2.000 1.07 2.0 nan 15.649 1.028 82 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 10:13:47 a0183.fits W_Gru V 2.000 1.07 2.0 nan 8.261 0.003 11575 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 10:14:09 a0184.fits W_Gru V 2.000 1.07 2.0 nan 8.299 0.003 13051 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 10:14:30 a0185.fits W_Gru V 2.000 1.07 2.0 nan 13.073 0.086 12118 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 10:14:52 a0186.fits W_Gru V 2.000 1.07 2.0 nan 12.254 0.043 9313 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 10:15:13 a0187.fits W_Gru V 2.000 1.07 2.0 nan 8.304 0.003 11489 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 10:15:34 a0188.fits W_Gru V 2.000 1.07 2.0 nan 8.27 0.003 11135 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 10:18:22 a0189.fits NGC_288 SG 60.000 1.05 -0.2 Y 3.29 11.83 0.049 548 0.10
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 10:19:43 a0190.fits NGC_288 SG 70.830 1.05 -0.1 Y 2.88 17.525 9.999 133 0.13
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 10:21:15 a0191.fits NGC_288 SG 70.830 1.05 -0.1 Y 3.13 11.01 0.025 735 0.10
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 10:22:47 a0192.fits NGC_288 SG 70.830 1.05 -0.1 Y 4.10 11.027 0.026 499 0.13
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 10:24:20 a0193.fits NGC_288 SG 70.830 1.05 -0.1 Y 3.10 99.999 9.999 803 0.16
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 10:25:55 a0194.fits NGC_288 SI 100.000 1.05 -0.0 Y 2.73 13.316 0.289 628 0.18
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 10:27:56 a0195.fits NGC_288 SI 100.000 1.05 0.0 Y 2.64 17.005 7.765 357 0.14
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 10:29:57 a0196.fits NGC_288 SI 100.000 1.05 0.0 Y 3.04 17.058 6.337 431 0.14
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 10:31:59 a0197.fits NGC_288 SI 100.000 1.05 0.1 Y 3.16 14.811 0.835 1188 0.15
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 10:36:30 a0198.fits W_Gru B 6.000 1.10 2.3 nan 14.1 0.255 16151 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 10:36:56 a0199.fits W_Gru B 6.000 1.10 2.3 nan 7.859 0.002 19232 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 10:37:21 a0200.fits W_Gru B 6.000 1.10 2.4 nan 7.889 0.002 16703 nan

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DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 10:37:47 a0201.fits W_Gru B 6.000 1.11 2.4 nan 7.919 0.002 14804 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 10:38:13 a0202.fits W_Gru V 2.000 1.11 2.4 nan 15.995 1.337 1051 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 10:38:35 a0203.fits W_Gru V 2.000 1.11 2.4 nan 8.216 0.003 15148 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 10:38:57 a0204.fits W_Gru V 2.000 1.11 2.4 nan 8.249 0.003 13662 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 10:39:19 a0205.fits W_Gru V 2.000 1.11 2.4 nan 13.749 0.175 17207 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 10:39:40 a0206.fits W_Gru V 2.000 1.11 2.4 nan 15.856 1.158 139 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 10:40:02 a0207.fits W_Gru V 2.000 1.11 2.4 nan 15.747 1.08 1869 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 10:40:23 a0208.fits W_Gru V 2.000 1.11 2.4 nan 8.26 0.003 11766 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 10:43:40 a0209.fits NGC_1261 SG 60.000 1.08 -2.1 Y 3.05 10.242 0.045 1282 0.57
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 10:45:01 a0210.fits NGC_1261 SG 100.000 1.08 -2.0 Y 2.75 9.558 0.044 2431 0.60
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 10:47:02 a0211.fits NGC_1261 SG 100.000 1.08 -2.0 Y 3.76 10.109 0.072 2034 0.62
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 10:49:03 a0212.fits NGC_1261 SG 100.000 1.08 -2.0 Y 2.79 11.01 0.159 2277 0.65
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 10:51:04 a0213.fits NGC_1261 SG 100.000 1.07 -1.9 Y 3.01 9.866 0.06 2328 0.65
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 10:53:04 a0214.fits NGC_1261 SG 100.000 1.07 -1.9 Y 3.18 9.501 0.04 2167 0.67
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 10:55:07 a0215.fits NGC_1261 SI 100.000 1.07 -1.9 Y 2.79 9.523 0.04 2215 0.68
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 10:57:08 a0216.fits NGC_1261 SI 100.000 1.07 -1.8 Y 2.84 9.796 0.051 2234 0.66
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 10:59:09 a0217.fits NGC_1261 SI 100.000 1.07 -1.8 Y 3.10 9.693 0.045 1896 0.66
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 11:01:10 a0218.fits NGC_1261 SI 100.000 1.06 -1.8 Y 2.82 9.693 0.046 2148 0.65
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 11:03:11 a0219.fits NGC_1261 SI 100.000 1.06 -1.7 Y 2.81 9.583 0.043 2225 0.64
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 11:08:13 a0220.fits W_Gru B 6.000 1.16 2.9 nan 7.968 0.002 9891 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 11:08:39 a0221.fits W_Gru B 6.000 1.16 2.9 nan 7.978 0.002 10912 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 11:09:04 a0222.fits W_Gru B 6.000 1.16 2.9 nan 7.982 0.002 10971 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 11:09:29 a0223.fits W_Gru B 6.000 1.16 2.9 nan 7.927 0.002 13217 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 11:09:56 a0224.fits W_Gru V 2.000 1.17 2.9 nan 12.576 0.058 8897 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 11:10:18 a0225.fits W_Gru V 2.000 1.17 2.9 nan 8.269 0.003 10330 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 11:10:39 a0226.fits W_Gru V 2.000 1.17 2.9 nan 12.276 0.044 13424 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 11:11:00 a0227.fits W_Gru V 2.000 1.17 2.9 nan 12.272 0.043 10623 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 11:11:21 a0228.fits W_Gru V 2.000 1.17 2.9 nan 8.294 0.003 11293 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 11:11:43 a0229.fits W_Gru V 2.000 1.17 2.9 nan 12.481 0.054 10840 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 11:12:04 a0230.fits W_Gru V 2.000 1.17 2.9 nan 8.296 0.003 8653 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 11:15:46 a0231.fits NGC_1851 SG 60.000 1.28 -3.5 Y 3.92 13.773 1.469 987 0.79
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 11:17:08 a0232.fits NGC_1851 SG 100.000 1.28 -3.5 Y 3.98 11.06 0.119 1537 0.82
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 11:19:09 a0233.fits NGC_1851 SG 100.000 1.27 -3.5 Y 3.90 10.929 0.123 1726 0.82
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 11:21:10 a0234.fits NGC_1851 SG 100.000 1.27 -3.5 Y 3.92 11.058 0.107 866 0.85
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 11:23:11 a0235.fits NGC_1851 SG 100.000 1.26 -3.4 Y 4.87 11.23 0.163 759 0.87
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 11:25:14 a0236.fits NGC_1851 SI 100.000 1.25 -3.4 Y 3.91 11.171 0.127 841 0.88
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 11:27:15 a0237.fits NGC_1851 SI 100.000 1.25 -3.4 Y 2.11 11.679 0.154 1319 0.89
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 11:29:17 a0238.fits NGC_1851 SI 100.000 1.24 -3.3 Y 3.01 10.769 0.061 1195 0.90
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 11:31:18 a0239.fits NGC_1851 SI 100.000 1.24 -3.3 Y 3.38 10.762 0.063 990 0.91
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 11:36:42 a0240.fits W_Gru B 6.000 1.23 3.3 nan 7.99 0.002 11235 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 11:37:08 a0241.fits W_Gru B 6.000 1.23 3.4 nan 11.764 0.03 15327 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 11:37:34 a0242.fits W_Gru B 6.000 1.23 3.4 nan 15.0 0.553 51 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 11:37:59 a0243.fits W_Gru B 6.000 1.23 3.4 nan 15.54 0.97 162 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 11:38:26 a0244.fits W_Gru V 2.000 1.23 3.4 nan 8.298 0.003 8731 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 11:38:48 a0245.fits W_Gru V 2.000 1.23 3.4 nan 12.347 0.045 12801 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 11:39:10 a0246.fits W_Gru V 2.000 1.24 3.4 nan 8.288 0.003 11723 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 11:39:31 a0247.fits W_Gru V 2.000 1.24 3.4 nan 8.32 0.003 9776 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 11:39:52 a0248.fits W_Gru V 2.000 1.24 3.4 nan 15.694 1.123 374 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 11:40:14 a0249.fits W_Gru V 2.000 1.24 3.4 nan 12.243 0.041 10452 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 11:40:35 a0250.fits W_Gru V 2.000 1.24 3.4 nan 8.305 0.003 11940 nan

images 251 to 300

DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 11:44:13 a0251.fits NGC_1904 SG 60.000 1.38 -3.2 Y 2.42 8.875 0.024 4248 0.90
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 11:45:34 a0252.fits NGC_1904 SG 100.000 1.38 -3.2 Y 2.82 8.196 0.025 5937 0.95
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 11:47:35 a0253.fits NGC_1904 SG 100.000 1.37 -3.2 Y 2.45 8.965 0.055 7696 0.94
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 11:49:36 a0254.fits NGC_1904 SG 100.000 1.36 -3.2 Y 3.02 8.333 0.028 5263 0.96
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 11:51:37 a0255.fits NGC_1904 SG 100.000 1.35 -3.1 Y 2.83 8.236 0.026 6391 0.98
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 11:53:40 a0256.fits NGC_1904 SI 100.000 1.34 -3.1 Y 2.73 7.988 0.018 9735 1.00
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 11:55:52 a0257.fits NGC_1904 SI 100.000 1.34 -3.0 Y 3.17 7.946 0.017 8360 0.10
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 11:57:53 a0258.fits NGC_1904 SI 100.000 1.33 -3.0 Y 2.45 7.888 0.015 11949 0.09
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 11:59:53 a0259.fits NGC_1904 SI 100.000 1.32 -3.0 nan 8.031 0.02 8405 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 12:06:16 a0260.fits W_Gru B 6.000 1.32 3.8 nan 14.534 0.382 4340 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 12:06:43 a0261.fits W_Gru B 6.000 1.32 3.8 nan 8.054 0.003 9834 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 12:07:09 a0262.fits W_Gru B 6.000 1.32 3.9 nan 11.812 0.033 12772 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 12:07:34 a0263.fits W_Gru B 6.000 1.32 3.9 nan 17.746 6.708 50 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 12:08:00 a0264.fits W_Gru V 2.000 1.32 3.9 nan 14.366 0.319 3975 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 12:08:23 a0265.fits W_Gru V 2.000 1.32 3.9 nan 8.415 0.003 8324 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 12:08:44 a0266.fits W_Gru V 2.000 1.32 3.9 nan 12.689 0.066 9191 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 12:09:05 a0267.fits W_Gru V 2.000 1.33 3.9 nan 8.406 0.003 8734 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 12:09:27 a0268.fits W_Gru V 2.000 1.33 3.9 nan 8.443 0.003 7966 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 12:09:49 a0269.fits W_Gru V 2.000 1.33 3.9 nan 8.391 0.003 11529 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 12:10:10 a0270.fits W_Gru V 2.000 1.33 3.9 nan 8.427 0.003 11272 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 12:16:22 a0271.fits NGC_2808 SG 60.000 1.69 -6.5 nan 8.691 0.059 8019 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 12:18:42 a0272.fits NGC_2808 SG 100.000 1.68 -6.5 nan 8.167 0.057 14032 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 12:21:43 a0273.fits NGC_2808 SG 100.000 1.66 -6.4 nan 8.112 0.048 14068 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 12:23:41 a0274.fits NGC_2808 SG 100.000 1.66 -6.4 nan 8.053 0.045 15819 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 12:25:40 a0275.fits NGC_2808 SG 100.000 1.65 -6.3 nan 8.093 0.056 13795 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 12:27:40 a0276.fits NGC_2808 SI 100.000 1.64 -6.3 nan 7.366 0.049 34692 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 12:30:41 a0277.fits NGC_2808 SI 100.000 1.63 -6.3 nan 7.439 0.051 35635 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 12:32:39 a0278.fits NGC_2808 SI 100.000 1.63 -6.2 nan 7.526 0.059 38325 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 12:34:38 a0279.fits NGC_2808 SI 100.000 1.62 -6.2 nan 7.43 0.05 39386 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 12:40:26 a0280.fits W_Gru B 6.000 1.45 4.4 nan 16.204 1.728 122 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 12:40:52 a0281.fits W_Gru B 6.000 1.45 4.4 nan 14.51 0.399 1633 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 12:41:18 a0282.fits W_Gru B 6.000 1.45 4.4 nan 8.214 0.003 9573 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 12:41:43 a0283.fits W_Gru B 6.000 1.45 4.4 nan 14.152 0.269 4022 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 12:42:10 a0284.fits W_Gru V 2.000 1.45 4.4 nan 8.471 0.003 9459 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 12:42:32 a0285.fits W_Gru V 2.000 1.46 4.4 nan 99.999 9.999 84 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 12:42:54 a0286.fits W_Gru V 2.000 1.46 4.5 nan 8.534 0.003 7394 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 12:43:15 a0287.fits W_Gru V 2.000 1.46 4.5 nan 13.874 0.19 7041 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 12:43:36 a0288.fits W_Gru V 2.000 1.46 4.5 nan 8.504 0.003 7371 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 12:43:57 a0289.fits W_Gru V 2.000 1.46 4.5 nan 8.479 0.003 9526 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 12:44:19 a0290.fits W_Gru V 2.000 1.46 4.5 nan 16.112 1.5 354 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 12:48:13 a0291.fits NGC_2298 SG 60.000 1.32 -3.6 nan 11.161 0.043 757 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 12:50:34 a0292.fits NGC_2298 SG 100.000 1.31 -3.5 Y 3.33 10.547 0.052 647 0.85
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 12:52:35 a0293.fits NGC_2298 SG 100.000 1.31 -3.5 Y 2.95 10.457 0.043 1108 0.86
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 12:54:36 a0294.fits NGC_2298 SG 100.000 1.30 -3.5 Y 3.88 10.531 0.051 841 0.89
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 12:56:38 a0295.fits NGC_2298 SG 100.000 1.29 -3.4 Y 2.83 10.427 0.043 1250 0.91
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 12:58:40 a0296.fits NGC_2298 SI 100.000 1.29 -3.4 Y 2.85 10.494 0.044 1160 0.92
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 13:00:41 a0297.fits NGC_2298 SI 100.000 1.28 -3.4 Y 3.23 11.537 0.117 1000 0.92
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 13:02:43 a0298.fits NGC_2298 SI 100.000 1.27 -3.3 Y 3.62 10.538 0.049 1068 0.94
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 13:04:44 a0299.fits NGC_2298 SI 100.000 1.27 -3.3 Y 2.77 11.321 0.099 1335 0.94
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 13:10:18 a0300.fits W_Gru B 6.000 1.59 4.9 nan nan nan

images 301 to 350

DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 13:10:45 a0301.fits W_Gru B 6.000 1.60 4.9 nan 13.639 0.165 5741 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 13:11:11 a0302.fits W_Gru B 6.000 1.60 4.9 nan 8.63 0.003 6501 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 13:11:36 a0303.fits W_Gru B 6.000 1.60 4.9 nan 12.2 0.044 6044 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 13:12:03 a0304.fits W_Gru V 2.000 1.60 4.9 nan 8.841 0.004 6557 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 13:12:25 a0305.fits W_Gru V 2.000 1.60 4.9 nan 8.958 0.004 4204 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 13:12:46 a0306.fits W_Gru V 2.000 1.61 5.0 nan 8.953 0.004 5726 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 13:13:08 a0307.fits W_Gru V 2.000 1.61 5.0 nan 8.881 0.004 5096 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 13:13:30 a0308.fits W_Gru V 2.000 1.61 5.0 nan 8.904 0.004 5651 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 13:13:51 a0309.fits W_Gru V 2.000 1.61 5.0 nan 8.892 0.004 6357 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 13:14:13 a0310.fits W_Gru V 2.000 1.61 5.0 nan 8.9 0.004 5680 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 13:19:15 a0311.fits T_Ori B 60.000 1.42 -1.8 nan nan nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 13:20:37 a0312.fits T_Ori V 30.000 1.42 -1.8 nan 12.07 0.063 6425 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 13:21:29 a0313.fits T_Ori SR 20.000 1.42 -1.8 nan 12.521 0.094 1245 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 13:22:09 a0314.fits T_Ori SI 20.000 1.42 -1.8 nan 13.275 0.174 384 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 13:22:59 a0315.fits T_Ori B 60.000 1.41 -1.8 nan 12.298 0.081 2828 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 13:24:20 a0316.fits T_Ori V 30.000 1.41 -1.8 nan 11.902 0.056 6750 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 13:25:12 a0317.fits T_Ori SR 20.000 1.41 -1.7 nan 12.652 0.117 732 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 13:25:52 a0318.fits T_Ori SI 20.000 1.41 -1.7 nan 7.296 0.002 24938 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 13:26:40 a0319.fits T_Ori B 60.000 1.40 -1.7 nan 99.999 9.999 222 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 13:28:02 a0320.fits T_Ori V 30.000 1.40 -1.7 nan 12.339 0.079 1200 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 13:28:55 a0321.fits T_Ori SR 20.000 1.40 -1.7 nan 12.772 0.113 708 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 13:29:35 a0322.fits T_Ori SI 20.000 1.40 -1.7 nan 13.522 0.202 626 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 13:34:10 a0323.fits W_Gru B 6.000 1.74 5.3 nan 8.495 0.003 6622 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 13:34:37 a0324.fits W_Gru B 6.000 1.74 5.3 nan 8.506 0.003 6905 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 13:35:02 a0325.fits W_Gru B 6.000 1.74 5.3 nan 8.553 0.003 5332 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 13:35:28 a0326.fits W_Gru B 6.000 1.75 5.3 nan 8.515 0.003 6188 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 13:35:55 a0327.fits W_Gru V 2.000 1.75 5.3 nan 15.494 0.892 89 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 13:36:17 a0328.fits W_Gru V 2.000 1.75 5.3 nan 8.779 0.004 6010 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 13:36:38 a0329.fits W_Gru V 2.000 1.75 5.4 nan 13.326 0.112 6258 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 13:37:00 a0330.fits W_Gru V 2.000 1.76 5.4 nan 8.79 0.004 5197 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 13:37:21 a0331.fits W_Gru V 2.000 1.76 5.4 nan 15.047 0.562 3711 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 13:37:43 a0332.fits W_Gru V 2.000 1.76 5.4 nan 8.796 0.004 5789 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 13:38:05 a0333.fits W_Gru V 2.000 1.76 5.4 nan 8.784 0.004 5557 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 13:42:02 a0334.fits V838_Mon B 180.000 1.76 -2.9 Y 3.99 11.236 0.029 436 0.98
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 13:45:34 a0335.fits V838_Mon B 180.000 1.73 -2.9 Y 4.62 11.894 0.055 420 1.02
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 13:49:17 a0336.fits V838_Mon B 180.000 1.71 -2.8 Y 4.66 nan 0.10
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 13:52:47 a0337.fits V838_Mon B 180.000 1.69 -2.8 Y 3.93 11.205 0.029 469 0.10
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 13:56:17 a0338.fits V838_Mon B 180.000 1.67 -2.7 Y 4.10 11.218 0.028 429 0.10
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 13:59:47 a0339.fits V838_Mon B 180.000 1.65 -2.6 Y 3.57 11.122 0.027 519 0.11
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 14:03:17 a0340.fits V838_Mon V 120.000 1.64 -2.6 Y 3.08 14.364 0.597 1249 0.10
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 14:05:45 a0341.fits V838_Mon V 120.000 1.62 -2.5 Y 4.49 13.078 0.153 1342 0.11
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 14:08:14 a0342.fits V838_Mon V 120.000 1.61 -2.5 Y 3.76 8.516 0.004 5040 0.13
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 14:10:43 a0343.fits V838_Mon V 120.000 1.60 -2.5 Y 3.34 8.452 0.003 6237 0.12
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 14:13:13 a0344.fits V838_Mon V 120.000 1.59 -2.4 Y 3.51 8.466 0.004 5675 0.15
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 14:15:43 a0345.fits V838_Mon V 120.000 1.58 -2.4 nan 10.508 0.018 3189 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 15:56:14 a0346.fits ASASSN-20da B 30.000 2.17 -8.5 Y 2.63 10.562 0.013 961 0.37
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 15:57:07 a0347.fits ASASSN-20da V 15.000 2.17 -8.4 Y 2.34 11.288 0.022 500 0.39
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 15:57:46 a0348.fits ASASSN-20da SR 15.000 2.17 -8.4 Y 3.47 11.465 0.025 477 0.37
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 15:58:23 a0349.fits ASASSN-20da SI 15.000 2.16 -8.4 nan 12.286 0.052 206 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 15:59:13 a0350.fits ASASSN-20da B 30.000 2.16 -8.4 Y 2.33 10.594 0.014 1033 0.39

images 351 to 357

DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 16:00:06 a0351.fits ASASSN-20da V 15.000 2.16 -8.4 Y 3.58 11.525 0.027 402 0.39
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 16:00:44 a0352.fits ASASSN-20da SR 15.000 2.15 -8.4 Y 2.81 11.471 0.027 519 0.38
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 16:01:21 a0353.fits ASASSN-20da SI 15.000 2.15 -8.4 nan 12.347 0.053 182 nan
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 16:02:05 a0354.fits ASASSN-20da B 30.000 2.15 -8.4 Y 2.79 10.618 0.014 940 0.42
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 16:02:58 a0355.fits ASASSN-20da V 15.000 2.14 -8.3 Y 2.42 11.275 0.023 509 0.44
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 16:03:37 a0356.fits ASASSN-20da SR 15.000 2.14 -8.3 Y 2.53 11.37 0.025 679 0.41
DateTime filename objid filter exp am ha wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu nstk center2obj
2021-11-06 16:04:14 a0357.fits ASASSN-20da SI 15.000 2.14 -8.3 Y 2.35 12.268 0.05 256 0.44

Image Table

images 101 to 150

DateTime filename tnimage objid filter exptime airmass hr_ang has_wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu auid center2obj JD ccd_temp set_temp img_type read_mode binning fov_radius_amin image_available
2021-11-06 08:26:13 a0101.fits W_Gru B 6.0 1.00 0.2 nan 17.809 7.346 151 000-BDQ-969 9524.85154 -19.9375 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-11-06 08:26:41 a0102.fits W_Gru B 6.0 1.00 0.2 nan 14.814 0.455 134 000-BDQ-969 9524.85186 -19.9375 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-11-06 08:27:07 a0103.fits W_Gru B 6.0 1.00 0.2 nan 15.163 0.650 126 000-BDQ-969 9524.85216 -19.9375 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-11-06 08:27:33 a0104.fits W_Gru B 6.0 1.00 0.2 nan 99.999 9.999 127 000-BDQ-969 9524.85247 -19.9375 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-11-06 08:27:59 a0105.fits W_Gru V 2.0 1.00 0.2 nan 99.999 9.999 67 000-BDQ-969 9524.85277 -19.9375 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
DateTime filename tnimage objid filter exptime airmass hr_ang has_wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu auid center2obj JD ccd_temp set_temp img_type read_mode binning fov_radius_amin image_available
2021-11-06 08:28:22 a0106.fits W_Gru V 2.0 1.00 0.2 nan 16.765 2.418 68 000-BDQ-969 9524.85303 -19.9375 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-11-06 08:28:44 a0107.fits W_Gru V 2.0 1.00 0.2 nan 15.448 0.768 71 000-BDQ-969 9524.85329 -19.9375 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-11-06 08:29:05 a0108.fits W_Gru V 2.0 1.00 0.2 nan 16.065 1.280 85 000-BDQ-969 9524.85353 -19.9375 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-11-06 08:29:27 a0109.fits W_Gru V 2.0 1.00 0.2 nan 15.993 1.209 64 000-BDQ-969 9524.85378 -19.9375 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-11-06 08:29:48 a0110.fits W_Gru V 2.0 1.00 0.2 nan 15.546 0.808 66 000-BDQ-969 9524.85403 -19.9375 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
DateTime filename tnimage objid filter exptime airmass hr_ang has_wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu auid center2obj JD ccd_temp set_temp img_type read_mode binning fov_radius_amin image_available
2021-11-06 08:30:10 a0111.fits W_Gru V 2.0 1.00 0.2 nan 14.726 0.390 71 000-BDQ-969 9524.85428 -19.9375 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-11-06 08:33:37 a0112.fits V0725_Sgr B 120.0 1.69 4.8 nan 9.890 0.012 2296 000-BCB-590 9524.85668 -19.9375 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-11-06 08:44:10 a0113.fits W_Gru B 6.0 1.00 0.5 nan 7.862 0.002 17702 000-BDQ-969 9524.86400 -19.9375 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-11-06 08:44:38 a0114.fits W_Gru B 6.0 1.00 0.5 nan 7.871 0.002 14663 000-BDQ-969 9524.86433 -19.9375 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-11-06 08:45:03 a0115.fits W_Gru B 6.0 1.00 0.5 nan 7.847 0.002 16721 000-BDQ-969 9524.86462 -19.9375 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
DateTime filename tnimage objid filter exptime airmass hr_ang has_wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu auid center2obj JD ccd_temp set_temp img_type read_mode binning fov_radius_amin image_available
2021-11-06 08:45:28 a0116.fits W_Gru B 6.0 1.00 0.5 nan 14.534 0.396 1829 000-BDQ-969 9524.86491 -19.9375 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-11-06 08:45:55 a0117.fits W_Gru V 2.0 1.00 0.5 nan 8.239 0.003 10412 000-BDQ-969 9524.86522 -19.9375 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-11-06 08:46:17 a0118.fits W_Gru V 2.0 1.00 0.5 nan 8.234 0.003 12773 000-BDQ-969 9524.86547 -19.9375 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-11-06 08:46:39 a0119.fits W_Gru V 2.0 1.00 0.5 nan 8.244 0.003 9889 000-BDQ-969 9524.86573 -19.8750 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-11-06 08:47:01 a0120.fits W_Gru V 2.0 1.00 0.5 nan 14.713 0.420 1193 000-BDQ-969 9524.86598 -19.9375 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
DateTime filename tnimage objid filter exptime airmass hr_ang has_wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu auid center2obj JD ccd_temp set_temp img_type read_mode binning fov_radius_amin image_available
2021-11-06 08:47:22 a0121.fits W_Gru V 2.0 1.00 0.5 nan 14.563 0.363 5427 000-BDQ-969 9524.86623 -19.9375 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-11-06 08:47:43 a0122.fits W_Gru V 2.0 1.00 0.5 nan 8.231 0.003 13021 000-BDQ-969 9524.86647 -19.8750 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-11-06 08:48:05 a0123.fits W_Gru V 2.0 1.00 0.5 nan 15.574 0.949 155 000-BDQ-969 9524.86672 -19.8750 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-11-06 08:51:36 a0124.fits V837_Ara B 60.0 1.75 6.1 Y 2.75 7.892 0.002 11656 000-BCT-804 0.212069 9524.86917 -19.8750 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.998997 Y
2021-11-06 08:53:07 a0125.fits V837_Ara V 40.0 1.76 6.2 Y 2.43 7.436 0.002 23495 000-BCT-804 0.221076 9524.87022 -19.8750 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.998620 Y
DateTime filename tnimage objid filter exptime airmass hr_ang has_wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu auid center2obj JD ccd_temp set_temp img_type read_mode binning fov_radius_amin image_available
2021-11-06 08:54:18 a0126.fits V837_Ara SR 40.0 1.77 6.2 Y 2.60 13.826 0.281 716 000-BCT-804 0.232523 9524.87104 -19.875 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.997654 Y
2021-11-06 08:59:30 a0127.fits U_Men B 10.0 1.38 -4.8 Y 1.78 8.793 0.004 6969 000-BLV-756 1.562031 9524.87465 -19.875 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.995892 Y
2021-11-06 09:00:21 a0128.fits U_Men B 10.0 1.38 -4.7 Y 3.21 8.809 0.004 6666 000-BLV-756 0.207174 9524.87524 -19.875 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.995258 Y
2021-11-06 09:01:00 a0129.fits U_Men B 10.0 1.38 -4.7 nan 8.837 0.004 5881 000-BLV-756 9524.87569 -19.875 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-11-06 09:01:38 a0130.fits U_Men V 10.0 1.38 -4.7 Y 2.07 7.196 0.002 33030 000-BLV-756 0.205251 9524.87613 -19.875 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.996217 Y
DateTime filename tnimage objid filter exptime airmass hr_ang has_wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu auid center2obj JD ccd_temp set_temp img_type read_mode binning fov_radius_amin image_available
2021-11-06 09:02:17 a0131.fits U_Men V 10.0 1.38 -4.7 Y 2.06 7.202 0.002 30229 000-BLV-756 0.208334 9524.87659 -19.875 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.995193 Y
2021-11-06 09:02:57 a0132.fits U_Men V 10.0 1.38 -4.7 Y 2.36 7.240 0.002 23674 000-BLV-756 0.219208 9524.87705 -19.875 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.988428 Y
2021-11-06 09:03:39 a0133.fits U_Men SI 10.0 1.38 -4.7 nan 5.476 0.001 64143 000-BLV-756 9524.87753 -19.875 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-11-06 09:04:50 a0134.fits U_Men SI 10.0 1.38 -4.7 nan 5.394 0.001 64143 000-BLV-756 9524.87836 -19.875 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-11-06 09:05:26 a0135.fits U_Men SI 10.0 1.38 -4.7 nan 5.399 0.001 64143 000-BLV-756 9524.87877 -19.875 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
DateTime filename tnimage objid filter exptime airmass hr_ang has_wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu auid center2obj JD ccd_temp set_temp img_type read_mode binning fov_radius_amin image_available
2021-11-06 09:09:13 a0136.fits W_Gru B 6.0 1.01 0.9 nan 7.928 0.002 13214 000-BDQ-969 9524.88140 -19.875 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-11-06 09:09:39 a0137.fits W_Gru B 6.0 1.01 0.9 nan 7.882 0.002 18219 000-BDQ-969 9524.88170 -19.875 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-11-06 09:10:05 a0138.fits W_Gru B 6.0 1.01 0.9 nan 7.934 0.002 15408 000-BDQ-969 9524.88200 -19.875 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-11-06 09:10:31 a0139.fits W_Gru B 6.0 1.01 0.9 nan 7.951 0.002 13927 000-BDQ-969 9524.88230 -19.875 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-11-06 09:10:57 a0140.fits W_Gru V 2.0 1.01 0.9 nan 8.271 0.003 13904 000-BDQ-969 9524.88260 -19.875 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
DateTime filename tnimage objid filter exptime airmass hr_ang has_wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu auid center2obj JD ccd_temp set_temp img_type read_mode binning fov_radius_amin image_available
2021-11-06 09:11:19 a0141.fits W_Gru V 2.0 1.01 0.9 nan 14.269 0.267 14700 000-BDQ-969 9524.88286 -19.875 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-11-06 09:11:41 a0142.fits W_Gru V 2.0 1.02 0.9 nan 14.758 0.444 1365 000-BDQ-969 9524.88311 -19.875 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-11-06 09:12:02 a0143.fits W_Gru V 2.0 1.02 0.9 nan 13.822 0.179 15093 000-BDQ-969 9524.88336 -19.875 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-11-06 09:12:24 a0144.fits W_Gru V 2.0 1.02 0.9 nan 16.133 1.576 443 000-BDQ-969 9524.88361 -19.875 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-11-06 09:12:45 a0145.fits W_Gru V 2.0 1.02 0.9 nan 15.348 0.740 4504 000-BDQ-969 9524.88385 -19.875 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
DateTime filename tnimage objid filter exptime airmass hr_ang has_wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu auid center2obj JD ccd_temp set_temp img_type read_mode binning fov_radius_amin image_available
2021-11-06 09:13:06 a0146.fits W_Gru V 2.0 1.02 0.9 nan 8.265 0.003 12307 000-BDQ-969 9524.88410 -19.875 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-11-06 09:16:00 a0147.fits NGC_7492 SG 60.0 1.15 0.5 Y 3.52 12.669 0.092 176 None 0.036906 9524.88611 -19.875 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.968990 Y
2021-11-06 09:17:22 a0148.fits NGC_7492 SG 100.0 1.15 0.6 Y 2.73 11.879 0.050 354 None 0.086822 9524.88706 -19.875 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.987771 Y
2021-11-06 09:19:23 a0149.fits NGC_7492 SG 100.0 1.15 0.6 Y 2.63 15.272 1.201 578 None 0.075478 9524.88846 -19.875 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 7.001310 Y
2021-11-06 09:21:25 a0150.fits NGC_7492 SG 100.0 1.15 0.6 Y 2.61 11.830 0.052 432 None 0.056565 9524.88987 -19.875 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.997498 Y

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DateTime filename tnimage objid filter exptime airmass hr_ang has_wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu auid center2obj JD ccd_temp set_temp img_type read_mode binning fov_radius_amin image_available
2021-11-06 09:23:25 a0151.fits NGC_7492 SG 100.0 1.15 0.7 Y 2.66 11.928 0.055 330 None 0.060218 9524.89126 -19.875 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 7.005056 Y
2021-11-06 09:25:26 a0152.fits NGC_7492 SG 100.0 1.15 0.7 Y 2.84 11.923 0.053 340 None 0.078270 9524.89266 -19.875 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.997356 Y
2021-11-06 09:27:29 a0153.fits NGC_7492 SI 100.0 1.16 0.7 Y 3.19 11.906 0.049 324 None 0.087196 9524.89409 -19.875 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.982487 Y
2021-11-06 09:29:31 a0154.fits NGC_7492 SI 100.0 1.16 0.8 Y 2.82 11.932 0.053 338 None 0.083958 9524.89550 -19.875 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.993474 Y
2021-11-06 09:31:32 a0155.fits NGC_7492 SI 100.0 1.16 0.8 Y 2.78 11.999 0.053 356 None 0.078250 9524.89690 -19.875 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.984510 Y
DateTime filename tnimage objid filter exptime airmass hr_ang has_wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu auid center2obj JD ccd_temp set_temp img_type read_mode binning fov_radius_amin image_available
2021-11-06 09:33:33 a0156.fits NGC_7492 SI 100.0 1.16 0.8 Y 2.90 12.021 0.054 324 None 0.088064 9524.89830 -19.875 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.983506 Y
2021-11-06 09:35:35 a0157.fits NGC_7492 SI 100.0 1.16 0.9 Y 2.99 15.858 1.851 149 None 0.085219 9524.89971 -19.875 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.979762 Y
2021-11-06 09:40:11 a0158.fits W_Gru B 6.0 1.04 1.4 nan 16.963 3.366 52 000-BDQ-969 9524.90291 -19.875 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-11-06 09:40:37 a0159.fits W_Gru B 6.0 1.04 1.4 nan 7.996 0.002 13321 000-BDQ-969 9524.90321 -19.875 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-11-06 09:41:02 a0160.fits W_Gru B 6.0 1.04 1.4 nan 7.980 0.002 15173 000-BDQ-969 9524.90350 -19.875 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
DateTime filename tnimage objid filter exptime airmass hr_ang has_wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu auid center2obj JD ccd_temp set_temp img_type read_mode binning fov_radius_amin image_available
2021-11-06 09:41:28 a0161.fits W_Gru B 6.0 1.04 1.4 nan 7.949 0.002 15380 000-BDQ-969 9524.90380 -19.875 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-11-06 09:41:55 a0162.fits W_Gru V 2.0 1.04 1.4 nan 16.657 2.502 4164 000-BDQ-969 9524.90411 -19.875 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-11-06 09:42:17 a0163.fits W_Gru V 2.0 1.04 1.4 nan 8.338 0.003 12387 000-BDQ-969 9524.90436 -19.875 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-11-06 09:42:39 a0164.fits W_Gru V 2.0 1.04 1.4 nan 8.288 0.003 13948 000-BDQ-969 9524.90462 -19.875 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-11-06 09:43:00 a0165.fits W_Gru V 2.0 1.04 1.4 nan 14.984 0.546 971 000-BDQ-969 9524.90486 -19.875 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
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2021-11-06 09:43:21 a0166.fits W_Gru V 2.0 1.04 1.5 nan 8.333 0.003 12012 000-BDQ-969 9524.90510 -19.875 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-11-06 09:43:43 a0167.fits W_Gru V 2.0 1.04 1.5 nan 8.333 0.003 12213 000-BDQ-969 9524.90536 -19.875 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-11-06 09:44:05 a0168.fits W_Gru V 2.0 1.04 1.5 nan 8.293 0.003 13951 000-BDQ-969 9524.90561 -19.875 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-11-06 09:48:57 a0169.fits NGC_362 SG 60.0 1.13 -0.8 nan 12.775 0.107 190 None 9524.90899 -19.875 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-11-06 09:51:17 a0170.fits NGC_362 SG 100.0 1.12 -0.8 nan 12.840 0.141 283 None 9524.91061 -19.875 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
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2021-11-06 09:54:18 a0171.fits NGC_362 SG 100.0 1.12 -0.7 nan 14.844 1.032 200 None 9524.91271 -19.875 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-11-06 09:56:16 a0172.fits NGC_362 SG 100.0 1.12 -0.7 nan 13.511 0.308 182 None 9524.91407 -19.875 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-11-06 09:58:15 a0173.fits NGC_362 SG 100.0 1.12 -0.7 nan 13.250 0.258 174 None 9524.91545 -19.875 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-11-06 10:00:15 a0174.fits NGC_362 SI 100.0 1.12 -0.6 nan 7.949 0.067 24226 None 9524.91684 -19.875 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-11-06 10:03:15 a0175.fits NGC_362 SI 100.0 1.12 -0.6 nan 7.982 0.068 26434 None 9524.91892 -19.875 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
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2021-11-06 10:05:13 a0176.fits NGC_362 SI 100.0 1.12 -0.5 nan 7.700 0.064 16671 None 9524.92029 -19.875 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-11-06 10:07:11 a0177.fits NGC_362 SI 100.0 1.12 -0.5 nan 8.022 0.067 36342 None 9524.92166 -19.875 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-11-06 10:11:41 a0178.fits W_Gru B 6.0 1.07 1.9 nan 12.037 0.039 14687 000-BDQ-969 9524.92478 -19.875 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-11-06 10:12:07 a0179.fits W_Gru B 6.0 1.07 1.9 nan 7.916 0.002 14551 000-BDQ-969 9524.92508 -19.875 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-11-06 10:12:33 a0180.fits W_Gru B 6.0 1.07 1.9 nan 7.913 0.002 12757 000-BDQ-969 9524.92538 -19.875 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
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2021-11-06 10:12:59 a0181.fits W_Gru B 6.0 1.07 1.9 nan 7.918 0.002 14123 000-BDQ-969 9524.92568 -19.875 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-11-06 10:13:25 a0182.fits W_Gru V 2.0 1.07 2.0 nan 15.649 1.028 82 000-BDQ-969 9524.92598 -19.875 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-11-06 10:13:47 a0183.fits W_Gru V 2.0 1.07 2.0 nan 8.261 0.003 11575 000-BDQ-969 9524.92624 -19.875 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-11-06 10:14:09 a0184.fits W_Gru V 2.0 1.07 2.0 nan 8.299 0.003 13051 000-BDQ-969 9524.92649 -19.875 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-11-06 10:14:30 a0185.fits W_Gru V 2.0 1.07 2.0 nan 13.073 0.086 12118 000-BDQ-969 9524.92674 -19.875 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
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2021-11-06 10:14:52 a0186.fits W_Gru V 2.00 1.07 2.0 nan 12.254 0.043 9313 000-BDQ-969 9524.92699 -19.875 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-11-06 10:15:13 a0187.fits W_Gru V 2.00 1.07 2.0 nan 8.304 0.003 11489 000-BDQ-969 9524.92723 -19.875 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-11-06 10:15:34 a0188.fits W_Gru V 2.00 1.07 2.0 nan 8.270 0.003 11135 000-BDQ-969 9524.92748 -19.875 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-11-06 10:18:22 a0189.fits NGC_288 SG 60.00 1.05 -0.2 Y 3.29 11.830 0.049 548 None 0.100352 9524.92942 -19.875 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.996992 Y
2021-11-06 10:19:43 a0190.fits NGC_288 SG 70.83 1.05 -0.1 Y 2.88 17.525 9.999 133 None 0.126846 9524.93036 -19.875 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.997118 Y
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2021-11-06 10:21:15 a0191.fits NGC_288 SG 70.83 1.05 -0.1 Y 3.13 11.010 0.025 735 None 0.103537 9524.93142 -19.875 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.995965 Y
2021-11-06 10:22:47 a0192.fits NGC_288 SG 70.83 1.05 -0.1 Y 4.10 11.027 0.026 499 None 0.126513 9524.93249 -19.875 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.997108 Y
2021-11-06 10:24:20 a0193.fits NGC_288 SG 70.83 1.05 -0.1 Y 3.10 99.999 9.999 803 None 0.163546 9524.93356 -19.875 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.991948 Y
2021-11-06 10:25:55 a0194.fits NGC_288 SI 100.00 1.05 -0.0 Y 2.73 13.316 0.289 628 None 0.175382 9524.93466 -19.875 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.995417 Y
2021-11-06 10:27:56 a0195.fits NGC_288 SI 100.00 1.05 0.0 Y 2.64 17.005 7.765 357 None 0.136240 9524.93606 -19.875 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.998494 Y
DateTime filename tnimage objid filter exptime airmass hr_ang has_wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu auid center2obj JD ccd_temp set_temp img_type read_mode binning fov_radius_amin image_available
2021-11-06 10:29:57 a0196.fits NGC_288 SI 100.0 1.05 0.0 Y 3.04 17.058 6.337 431 None 0.136726 9524.93747 -19.875 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.994807 Y
2021-11-06 10:31:59 a0197.fits NGC_288 SI 100.0 1.05 0.1 Y 3.16 14.811 0.835 1188 None 0.145424 9524.93888 -19.875 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 7.000060 Y
2021-11-06 10:36:30 a0198.fits W_Gru B 6.0 1.10 2.3 nan 14.100 0.255 16151 000-BDQ-969 9524.94201 -19.875 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-11-06 10:36:56 a0199.fits W_Gru B 6.0 1.10 2.3 nan 7.859 0.002 19232 000-BDQ-969 9524.94231 -19.875 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-11-06 10:37:21 a0200.fits W_Gru B 6.0 1.10 2.4 nan 7.889 0.002 16703 000-BDQ-969 9524.94260 -19.875 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y

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2021-11-06 10:37:47 a0201.fits W_Gru B 6.0 1.11 2.4 nan 7.919 0.002 14804 000-BDQ-969 9524.94291 -19.875 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-11-06 10:38:13 a0202.fits W_Gru V 2.0 1.11 2.4 nan 15.995 1.337 1051 000-BDQ-969 9524.94321 -19.875 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-11-06 10:38:35 a0203.fits W_Gru V 2.0 1.11 2.4 nan 8.216 0.003 15148 000-BDQ-969 9524.94346 -19.875 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-11-06 10:38:57 a0204.fits W_Gru V 2.0 1.11 2.4 nan 8.249 0.003 13662 000-BDQ-969 9524.94372 -19.875 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-11-06 10:39:19 a0205.fits W_Gru V 2.0 1.11 2.4 nan 13.749 0.175 17207 000-BDQ-969 9524.94397 -19.875 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
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2021-11-06 10:39:40 a0206.fits W_Gru V 2.0 1.11 2.4 nan 15.856 1.158 139 000-BDQ-969 9524.94421 -19.875 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-11-06 10:40:02 a0207.fits W_Gru V 2.0 1.11 2.4 nan 15.747 1.080 1869 000-BDQ-969 9524.94447 -19.875 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-11-06 10:40:23 a0208.fits W_Gru V 2.0 1.11 2.4 nan 8.260 0.003 11766 000-BDQ-969 9524.94471 -19.875 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-11-06 10:43:40 a0209.fits NGC_1261 SG 60.0 1.08 -2.1 Y 3.05 10.242 0.045 1282 None 0.570463 9524.94699 -19.875 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.999248 Y
2021-11-06 10:45:01 a0210.fits NGC_1261 SG 100.0 1.08 -2.0 Y 2.75 9.558 0.044 2431 None 0.602384 9524.94793 -19.875 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.998115 Y
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2021-11-06 10:47:02 a0211.fits NGC_1261 SG 100.0 1.08 -2.0 Y 3.76 10.109 0.072 2034 None 0.622977 9524.94933 -19.875 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.993130 Y
2021-11-06 10:49:03 a0212.fits NGC_1261 SG 100.0 1.08 -2.0 Y 2.79 11.010 0.159 2277 None 0.646360 9524.95073 -19.875 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.996911 Y
2021-11-06 10:51:04 a0213.fits NGC_1261 SG 100.0 1.07 -1.9 Y 3.01 9.866 0.060 2328 None 0.649585 9524.95213 -19.875 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.998937 Y
2021-11-06 10:53:04 a0214.fits NGC_1261 SG 100.0 1.07 -1.9 Y 3.18 9.501 0.040 2167 None 0.672779 9524.95352 -19.875 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.996833 Y
2021-11-06 10:55:07 a0215.fits NGC_1261 SI 100.0 1.07 -1.9 Y 2.79 9.523 0.040 2215 None 0.675738 9524.95494 -19.875 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.995231 Y
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2021-11-06 10:57:08 a0216.fits NGC_1261 SI 100.0 1.07 -1.8 Y 2.84 9.796 0.051 2234 None 0.659431 9524.95634 -19.875 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.992411 Y
2021-11-06 10:59:09 a0217.fits NGC_1261 SI 100.0 1.07 -1.8 Y 3.10 9.693 0.045 1896 None 0.657889 9524.95774 -19.875 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.996142 Y
2021-11-06 11:01:10 a0218.fits NGC_1261 SI 100.0 1.06 -1.8 Y 2.82 9.693 0.046 2148 None 0.645975 9524.95914 -19.875 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.995196 Y
2021-11-06 11:03:11 a0219.fits NGC_1261 SI 100.0 1.06 -1.7 Y 2.81 9.583 0.043 2225 None 0.640576 9524.96054 -19.875 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.999623 Y
2021-11-06 11:08:13 a0220.fits W_Gru B 6.0 1.16 2.9 nan 7.968 0.002 9891 000-BDQ-969 9524.96404 -19.875 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
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2021-11-06 11:08:39 a0221.fits W_Gru B 6.0 1.16 2.9 nan 7.978 0.002 10912 000-BDQ-969 9524.96434 -19.875 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-11-06 11:09:04 a0222.fits W_Gru B 6.0 1.16 2.9 nan 7.982 0.002 10971 000-BDQ-969 9524.96463 -19.875 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-11-06 11:09:29 a0223.fits W_Gru B 6.0 1.16 2.9 nan 7.927 0.002 13217 000-BDQ-969 9524.96492 -19.875 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-11-06 11:09:56 a0224.fits W_Gru V 2.0 1.17 2.9 nan 12.576 0.058 8897 000-BDQ-969 9524.96523 -19.875 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-11-06 11:10:18 a0225.fits W_Gru V 2.0 1.17 2.9 nan 8.269 0.003 10330 000-BDQ-969 9524.96549 -19.875 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
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2021-11-06 11:10:39 a0226.fits W_Gru V 2.0 1.17 2.9 nan 12.276 0.044 13424 000-BDQ-969 9524.96573 -19.875 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-11-06 11:11:00 a0227.fits W_Gru V 2.0 1.17 2.9 nan 12.272 0.043 10623 000-BDQ-969 9524.96597 -19.875 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-11-06 11:11:21 a0228.fits W_Gru V 2.0 1.17 2.9 nan 8.294 0.003 11293 000-BDQ-969 9524.96622 -19.875 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-11-06 11:11:43 a0229.fits W_Gru V 2.0 1.17 2.9 nan 12.481 0.054 10840 000-BDQ-969 9524.96647 -19.875 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-11-06 11:12:04 a0230.fits W_Gru V 2.0 1.17 2.9 nan 8.296 0.003 8653 000-BDQ-969 9524.96671 -19.875 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
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2021-11-06 11:15:46 a0231.fits NGC_1851 SG 60.0 1.28 -3.5 Y 3.92 13.773 1.469 987 None 0.786843 9524.96928 -19.875 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.990345 Y
2021-11-06 11:17:08 a0232.fits NGC_1851 SG 100.0 1.28 -3.5 Y 3.98 11.060 0.119 1537 None 0.815226 9524.97023 -19.875 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.992322 Y
2021-11-06 11:19:09 a0233.fits NGC_1851 SG 100.0 1.27 -3.5 Y 3.90 10.929 0.123 1726 None 0.821472 9524.97163 -19.875 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.990091 Y
2021-11-06 11:21:10 a0234.fits NGC_1851 SG 100.0 1.27 -3.5 Y 3.92 11.058 0.107 866 None 0.851557 9524.97303 -19.875 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.992649 Y
2021-11-06 11:23:11 a0235.fits NGC_1851 SG 100.0 1.26 -3.4 Y 4.87 11.230 0.163 759 None 0.867677 9524.97443 -19.875 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.993721 Y
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2021-11-06 11:25:14 a0236.fits NGC_1851 SI 100.0 1.25 -3.4 Y 3.91 11.171 0.127 841 None 0.881989 9524.97586 -19.875 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.994643 Y
2021-11-06 11:27:15 a0237.fits NGC_1851 SI 100.0 1.25 -3.4 Y 2.11 11.679 0.154 1319 None 0.894444 9524.97726 -19.875 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.990375 Y
2021-11-06 11:29:17 a0238.fits NGC_1851 SI 100.0 1.24 -3.3 Y 3.01 10.769 0.061 1195 None 0.902740 9524.97867 -19.875 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.994167 Y
2021-11-06 11:31:18 a0239.fits NGC_1851 SI 100.0 1.24 -3.3 Y 3.38 10.762 0.063 990 None 0.905902 9524.98007 -19.875 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.993878 Y
2021-11-06 11:36:42 a0240.fits W_Gru B 6.0 1.23 3.3 nan 7.990 0.002 11235 000-BDQ-969 9524.98382 -19.875 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
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2021-11-06 11:37:08 a0241.fits W_Gru B 6.0 1.23 3.4 nan 11.764 0.030 15327 000-BDQ-969 9524.98412 -19.875 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-11-06 11:37:34 a0242.fits W_Gru B 6.0 1.23 3.4 nan 15.000 0.553 51 000-BDQ-969 9524.98442 -19.875 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-11-06 11:37:59 a0243.fits W_Gru B 6.0 1.23 3.4 nan 15.540 0.970 162 000-BDQ-969 9524.98471 -19.875 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-11-06 11:38:26 a0244.fits W_Gru V 2.0 1.23 3.4 nan 8.298 0.003 8731 000-BDQ-969 9524.98502 -19.875 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-11-06 11:38:48 a0245.fits W_Gru V 2.0 1.23 3.4 nan 12.347 0.045 12801 000-BDQ-969 9524.98528 -19.875 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
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2021-11-06 11:39:10 a0246.fits W_Gru V 2.0 1.24 3.4 nan 8.288 0.003 11723 000-BDQ-969 9524.98553 -19.875 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-11-06 11:39:31 a0247.fits W_Gru V 2.0 1.24 3.4 nan 8.320 0.003 9776 000-BDQ-969 9524.98578 -19.875 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-11-06 11:39:52 a0248.fits W_Gru V 2.0 1.24 3.4 nan 15.694 1.123 374 000-BDQ-969 9524.98602 -19.875 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-11-06 11:40:14 a0249.fits W_Gru V 2.0 1.24 3.4 nan 12.243 0.041 10452 000-BDQ-969 9524.98627 -19.875 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-11-06 11:40:35 a0250.fits W_Gru V 2.0 1.24 3.4 nan 8.305 0.003 11940 000-BDQ-969 9524.98652 -19.875 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y

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2021-11-06 11:44:13 a0251.fits NGC_1904 SG 60.0 1.38 -3.2 Y 2.42 8.875 0.024 4248 None 0.904939 9524.98904 -19.875 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.998172 Y
2021-11-06 11:45:34 a0252.fits NGC_1904 SG 100.0 1.38 -3.2 Y 2.82 8.196 0.025 5937 None 0.948139 9524.98998 -19.875 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.996365 Y
2021-11-06 11:47:35 a0253.fits NGC_1904 SG 100.0 1.37 -3.2 Y 2.45 8.965 0.055 7696 None 0.939079 9524.99138 -19.875 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.997153 Y
2021-11-06 11:49:36 a0254.fits NGC_1904 SG 100.0 1.36 -3.2 Y 3.02 8.333 0.028 5263 None 0.960784 9524.99278 -19.875 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.994922 Y
2021-11-06 11:51:37 a0255.fits NGC_1904 SG 100.0 1.35 -3.1 Y 2.83 8.236 0.026 6391 None 0.984547 9524.99418 -19.875 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.998183 Y
DateTime filename tnimage objid filter exptime airmass hr_ang has_wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu auid center2obj JD ccd_temp set_temp img_type read_mode binning fov_radius_amin image_available
2021-11-06 11:53:40 a0256.fits NGC_1904 SI 100.0 1.34 -3.1 Y 2.73 7.988 0.018 9735 None 0.997397 9524.99560 -19.875 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.998098 Y
2021-11-06 11:55:52 a0257.fits NGC_1904 SI 100.0 1.34 -3.0 Y 3.17 7.946 0.017 8360 None 0.096178 9524.99713 -19.875 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.997738 Y
2021-11-06 11:57:53 a0258.fits NGC_1904 SI 100.0 1.33 -3.0 Y 2.45 7.888 0.015 11949 None 0.091355 9524.99853 -19.875 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 6.996388 Y
2021-11-06 11:59:53 a0259.fits NGC_1904 SI 100.0 1.32 -3.0 nan 8.031 0.020 8405 None 9524.99992 -19.875 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-11-06 12:06:16 a0260.fits W_Gru B 6.0 1.32 3.8 nan 14.534 0.382 4340 000-BDQ-969 9525.00435 -19.875 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
DateTime filename tnimage objid filter exptime airmass hr_ang has_wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu auid center2obj JD ccd_temp set_temp img_type read_mode binning fov_radius_amin image_available
2021-11-06 12:06:43 a0261.fits W_Gru B 6.0 1.32 3.8 nan 8.054 0.003 9834 000-BDQ-969 9525.00466 -19.875 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-11-06 12:07:09 a0262.fits W_Gru B 6.0 1.32 3.9 nan 11.812 0.033 12772 000-BDQ-969 9525.00497 -19.875 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-11-06 12:07:34 a0263.fits W_Gru B 6.0 1.32 3.9 nan 17.746 6.708 50 000-BDQ-969 9525.00525 -19.875 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-11-06 12:08:00 a0264.fits W_Gru V 2.0 1.32 3.9 nan 14.366 0.319 3975 000-BDQ-969 9525.00556 -19.875 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-11-06 12:08:23 a0265.fits W_Gru V 2.0 1.32 3.9 nan 8.415 0.003 8324 000-BDQ-969 9525.00582 -19.875 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
DateTime filename tnimage objid filter exptime airmass hr_ang has_wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu auid center2obj JD ccd_temp set_temp img_type read_mode binning fov_radius_amin image_available
2021-11-06 12:08:44 a0266.fits W_Gru V 2.0 1.32 3.9 nan 12.689 0.066 9191 000-BDQ-969 9525.00606 -19.875 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-11-06 12:09:05 a0267.fits W_Gru V 2.0 1.33 3.9 nan 8.406 0.003 8734 000-BDQ-969 9525.00631 -19.875 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-11-06 12:09:27 a0268.fits W_Gru V 2.0 1.33 3.9 nan 8.443 0.003 7966 000-BDQ-969 9525.00656 -19.875 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-11-06 12:09:49 a0269.fits W_Gru V 2.0 1.33 3.9 nan 8.391 0.003 11529 000-BDQ-969 9525.00682 -19.875 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-11-06 12:10:10 a0270.fits W_Gru V 2.0 1.33 3.9 nan 8.427 0.003 11272 000-BDQ-969 9525.00706 -19.875 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
DateTime filename tnimage objid filter exptime airmass hr_ang has_wcs fwhm instmag err maxadu auid center2obj JD ccd_temp set_temp img_type read_mode binning fov_radius_amin image_available
2021-11-06 12:16:22 a0271.fits NGC_2808 SG 60.0 1.69 -6.5 nan 8.691 0.059 8019 None 9525.01137 -19.875 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-11-06 12:18:42 a0272.fits NGC_2808 SG 100.0 1.68 -6.5 nan 8.167 0.057 14032 None 9525.01299 -19.875 -20.0 light 8 MPPS High Speed (RBI Flood) 2x2 Y
2021-11-06 12:21:43 a0273.fits NGC_2808 SG 100.0 1.66 -6.4 nan 8.112 0.048 14068 None 9525.01508 -19.875